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Bölgeler: Samoa
Bölge/Eyalet: # Bölge/Eyalet: #
Savaii 2 Upolu Samoa 3
Hakkında bilgi: Samoa
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Samoans are a rather friendly and hospitable people, and what is more they are not cannibals.

Things not to do: Do not eat standing up. Do not point your feet at Samoans when sitting. If you are staying with a Samoan family in a village, do not move to the house of another family in the same village as that is considered an insult to the first family.

Nice gifts for Samoans = food, fishing gear, clothing, material

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Edited by: Tiptoeturtle on 28.12.2006
Last postings about Samoa from other users
kappenberger wrote:

Enjoythe beauty of the most unspoiled Polynesianislands and their friendly population.

touchtiger wrote:

Safune is a village with about 200 villagers who survive by fishing and farming plantations. There is a freshwater lake fed by underground water in springs due to naturally formed pipes in the lava from the volcano behind Safune (collecting rainwater, which comes out cool clear and fresh). The lake then drains through a channel into the seawater lagoon.

veroshin wrote:

Currently travelling between United States and South Pacific rgion - no place to host anyone, sorry

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