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Ryhdy Paikalliseksi Vapaaehtoiseksi alueelle Sierra Leone?

Alueet, Sierra Leone
Alue/Osavaltio: # Alue/Osavaltio: #
free town 4 west africa 26
Southern Province 3 Western Area 29
Infoa Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone Matkaopas
Facts, Attractions, Transport, Food, Money, Visa, Travelogues, Nightlife, Culture, Links ...
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Sierra Leone is a beautiful, small country on the westcoast of Africa. Nature is varied, has the most beautiful beaches, which one can introduce oneself. The people are thoroughly cordially, hospitable and helpfully.
But over ten years the stopped civil war did not pull without trace this people.The wounds are deep and painful and for us (European) inconceivably. A small country also over seven different languages and ethnical groups strives to survive.

Top Things to See and Do
Beaches, colonial old Krio houses, various birds, varied nature ...
Bunce Island was established as a major slave trading fortress and castle in 1670, is locate approximately twenty miles upriver in the Freetown Harbor on the Sierra Leone River. Bunce Island is a small piece of land measuring just 1700 feet long and 300 feet wide. Built in the 17th century, Bunce Island’s old structures capture the past in the present. Walk along the old fort wall or through the slave quarters. Canons from a variety of ages still grace the walls.
The wildlife in Sierra Leone is diverse with 21 protected areas. Visit the wildlife conservation centres. Located about 200kms from Freetown, Outamba Kilimi is the place to look for animals. Mamunta Mayoso Bird Sanctuary hosts a wide range of species.
Climb Bintimani mountain or take a dip in Lake Sonfon. Tingi Hills is popular for mountain climbing. The Bintimani Mountain and Lake Sonfon in Koinadugu District, about 1,945 metres above sea level, and the Tingi Hills in the Kono District, offer visitors mountain sports and other adventures.
Guma Valley Dam is renowned as a picnic spot...

Neighboring countries: Liberia, Guinea

Who is coming? I (dudee) lived there almost ten years (1991 to 2000)

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Edited by: gardke on 17.05.2006 dudee on 13.02.2006
Last postings about Sierra Leone from other users
mabincis wrote:

Tourist venues, horses beaches etc

sekpen wrote:


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