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Hospitality Club dünyanın en büyük karşılıklı konukseverlik organizasyonudur. Bizler bütün dünyada seyehat ederken birbirimize hiçbir karşılık beklemeden kalacak yer veren binlerce dost üyeyiz. Üyelik için hiçbir ödeme yapmanız gerekmiyor ve bize katılmak sadece bir dakika sürüyor - sizi de aramızda görmeyi çok isteriz!

 Country Volunteers
There are no Country Volunteers in Sweden at the moment.
yerel gönüllü olmak için tıklayın: Sweden?

Bölgeler: Sweden
Bölge/Eyalet: # Bölge/Eyalet: #
Blekinge 126 Östergötland 350
Dalarna 241 Skåne 1429
Gävleborg 187 Södermanland 143
Gotland 73 Stockholm 2740
Halland 203 Uppsala 498
Jämtland 112 Värmland 186
Jönköping 216 Västerbotten 298
Kalmar 141 Västernorrland 190
Kronoberg 173 Västmanland 228
Norbotten 173 Västra Götaland 1691
Örebro 197
Hakkında bilgi: Sweden
Sweden Seyahat Rehberi
Facts, Attractions, Transport, Food, Money, Visa, Travelogues, Nightlife, Culture, Links ...
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Sweden is a small nation in a big country - fewer than nine million inhabitants in an area larger than California and nearly as large as France or Spain. It is a modern, sophisticated, internationalized society which is very much part of a globalized world. The simple origins of the Swedes are clearly apparent, however, in our proud but low-key disposition, close contact with our cultural heritage, popular customs and traditions and, not least, intensive love of our magnificent, challenging but lavishly rich Nordic nature.

For the visitor, this means an opportunity to experience an astonishing nature, spiced up with cultural heritage and an open-mindness that ensures you a pleasant stay - no matter whether you visit the plains in the south, the cities, the hidden secrets of the inlands, or the vast mountains in the north!

Top Things to See and Do
So much to say, with so little space... In Sweden there are no limits for what you can do! Play golf, go skiing, enjoy the beaches, visit art museums, go hiking, etc. etc. And do not miss the special Swedish archipelagos in Stockholm and Göteborg - thousand and thousand of islands to cruise around!
People who have more than a day to spend in Stockholm (even in wintertime!) should take a boat out to the islands. Stockholm has an archipelago of 24 000 islands and some wonderful nature, birdlife, etc. You will notice many Swedes own a boat and the archipelago is a busy but beautiful place. You can go for a day trip or an overnight, there are hostels and camping grounds and even some good hotels in some parts of the archipelago. Most of the islands are uninhabited though. You can also go by boat to Finland (0-300 kr) and Estonia.

Tourist centre
Sverigehuset (Sweden House) - Stockholm Tourist Centre, Hamngatan 27, Stockholm
Stockholm tourist info:
Coaches to/from airports around Stockholm:
Youth hostels:

SL Public transport / tickets & prices:
Stockholm Official visitors guide:
Change money:

How much is...

Prices are in SEK (kronor), valid March 2006 for the common shopper in Stockholm and the rest of Sweden. Spans (30-60) depends on quality, sort of product, store and season.

1 kilo of Rice 10-40
1 litre Milk/Yogurt 6-11
1 kilo of Pasta 5-15
1 kilo of Bread 15-25
1 kilo of Meat 20-250
1 kilo of Fish 50-400
1 kilo of Potatoes 3-15
1 Beer at a pub 30-80
0,33 litre of whisky 125-1000
0,75 litre of wine 50-2000
1 Lunch-meal at a restaurant 50-100
1 Big Mac 30
1 Dinner at a restaurant without drinks 80-400
1 Night hotel lodging 300-1500
1 Postal stamp for a 20 grams message to outside Sweden 10
1 hour at an Internetcafé 25-60
1 2-room Apartment in the city 1,8 to 3 millions
1 box of 20 Cigarettes 42
1 litre of Petrol 11
1 small Car for Hire 24 hours 200-500
4 AA-size 1,5 volt Batteries 20-40
3 Donuts 10-20
1 kilo Cheese 65-120
1 kg Bananas 12-20
1 kg Green salads 14-30
1 box 500 pages A4-papers for printing 45-90
1 Kiwi 3-6
1 Tube of Toothpaste 10-40
1 Grilled chicken 40
200 gram instant Necafe 50-80
1 kilo Coffee for brewing 45-65
1 kilo Flour 5-10
4 AA-size 1,5 volt batteries 20-40

Other ideas would be to go up to Dalarna (Lake Siljan and around) - lots of forests and traditional stuff and beautiful nature (forest)up there.
If you have only a week or less to spend in Sweden it is probably wise not to go up to the north since it will take you a day to get there and a day to get back unless you fly. If you're a student or under 26 you can fly domestic quite cheaply though and in that case it could make sense. The northern parts are nothing like the southern parts of Sweden - it's a big country and the nature is amazing up there. Of course, if you're a keen hiker you should skip Stockholm and go straight to the north... A domestic ticket from Stockholm to the far north for a person under 26 should be no more than 400-450 SEK one way.

Neighboring countries: Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany, Poland, Baltic countries.

Stockholm mailing list
En ny mailingslista har skapats för HC medlemmar i Stockholmsområdet, först och främst för att förbättra läget för folk på resande fot som behöver någonstans att övernatta här i Stockholm, och vi skulle vilja ha dig med! Snälla skriv upp dig på mailingslistan här om du bor i Stockholmsområdet. A new mailing list has been created for HC members in the Stockholm area, mostly to improve providing accommodation for travelers, and we would like to have you onboard! Please sign up here.

Hospitality Club Meetings
Wanna organize some meeting?

Who is coming? Add your nickname here! toxygen with . We are still looking for some host as we only have 2 days secured yet. We will be in Stockholm since 4.9 to 12.9. erinmack will be visiting friends in Skåne and Göteborg the second week of June before hitching up north. She's hoping to pass through Östersund, Jokkmokk, and Kiruna before making her way to Narvik and then taking the train back to Stockholm. She'll be hitching during the first leg of her trip and would love to meet some new friends and/or hosts!
nisa2105 will be back to stockholm in summer 2010. would be nice to meet some HC-ers for a drink. See you at Bishops' Arms!

Want more guests!
These members want more guests:
sigurdas (Stockholm)
piaplutt (Stockholm)

Edited by: nisa2105 on 10.05.2009 SkirderF on 06.05.2009 gillfinland on 11.03.2009 toxygen on 17.08.2008 Piaplutt on 12.05.2007 veritas on 06.04.2007 sigurdas on 27.03.2007 sigurdas on 18.03.2007 sigurdas on 13.03.2007 nisa2105 on 16.10.2006 sigurdas on 09.07.2006 sigurdas on 11.05.2006 sigurdas on 30.04.2006 erinmack on 25.04.2006 sigurdas on 03.04.2006 dominiquejournoud on 31.03.2006 gorans on 26.03.2006 Piaplutt on 02.11.2005 comeinparis on 04.10.2005 comeinparis on 26.09.2005 Polytrop on 11.09.2005 comeinparis on 10.09.2005 naiad on 13.05.2005 sigurdas on 08.05.2005 sigurdas on 28.04.2005 seankarolina on 14.03.2005 sigurdas on 25.02.2005 nisa2105 on 19.01.2005 mtutuncu on 24.12.2004 sigurdas on 21.12.2004 sigurdas on 03.12.2004 sigurdas on 02.12.2004 nisa2105 on 03.11.2004 luthien on 21.07.2004 luthien on 22.06.2004 luthien on 05.05.2004 daniel_l on 11.04.2004 pengholm on 19.02.2004 hjalmar on 07.02.2004
Last postings about Sweden from other users
jerry wrote:

The whole town is fantasic.

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