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O Hospitality Club é a maior organização mundial de troca de hospitalidade. Somos milhares de membros amigáveis espalhados pelo mundo inteiro que oferecem alojamento grátis uns aos outros quando viajam. Fazer parte do clube é gratuito e o registo só demora um minuto - gostaríamos muito que te juntasses a nós!

 Country Volunteers
***Spring 2011 UPDATE: Moving to Belarus! Goodbye Lviv, h...
Tornar-se Voluntário Local para Belarus?

Regiões em Belarus
Região/Estado: # Região/Estado: #
Brestskaja oblast' - Брестская область 388 Minskaja oblast' - Минская область 340
Gomel'skaja oblast' - Гомельская область 352 Mogilëvskaja oblast' - Могилёвская область 217
Grodnenskaja oblast' - Гродненская область 306 Vitebsk 1
Minsk - Минск 3347 Vitebskaja oblast' - Витебская область 267
Informações sobre Belarus
Belarus Guia de Viagem
Facts, Attractions, Transport, Food, Money, Visa, Travelogues, Nightlife, Culture, Links ...
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Belarus is an Eastern European country and its capital is Minsk. Population:about 10 mln. Two state languages:Belarusian and Russian. You will hear almost no Belarusian spoken in the streets,though. A backpacker as well as a usual traveller can expect great hospitality and attention here. There are not so many tourists coming to Belarus, basically because of bad reputation and lack of unbiased information. If to disregard political issues the people in Belarus are very much like other europeans. The country is interesting to visit for those who like nature, Slavonic culture and remnants of the Soviet union. Please mind that it's just a personal opinion.kost

Top Things to See and Do
To see:Minsk,Mir and Nesviz castles,Belovezha forest,Brest fortress. To do:National parks,ecotourism.
Neighboring countries:

Who is coming? medievaljon, is my username, I am coming to Belarus April1-sept to study MSLU actually I am looking to rent a room or flat, but also to visit towns outside of minsk too of course! feel free to contact me.Just add your user name and basic info (date and places you will visit) about your trip here, maybe other members will invite you or meet up with you on the road. Use your profile to tell more about your plans.

Want more guests! Add your user name here if you would like to receive more visitors - you should get more requests if listed here, even if you live in a small town off the beaten track.

Hospitality Club Meetings

HC community is to be improved in Belarus.It will be nice of you to make small HC meetings here to get members involved.

If you have added some info here you can simply remove the instruction text. Thanks for helping to build this great resource!!

Edited by: originalka1000 on 09.06.2014 Jessex on 12.06.2009 wwwmikolatv on 24.05.2009 medievaljon on 24.01.2008 kost on 22.09.2006
Last postings about Belarus from other users
nafanya05 wrote:

Буйничское поле, зоосад, прыжки с парашутов. Показать Могилев, сходить в начной клуб (по возможности) Возможно показать наши озера, половить рыбу, пожарить шашлык. Впрочем неплохо отдохнуть.

natallia wrote:

depends on persoanl interests... there is practically everything

andrei wrote:

a lot to see....I promise

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