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Регионы в Turkmenistan
Регион/Штат: # Регион/Штат: #
Ahal 4 Dashoguz 1
Ashgabat 27 Mary 3
Balkan 8
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Turkmenistan is one of post-soviet countries, located south to Kazakhstan. It is being ruled by Turkmenbashi - a life-long "president", who is a former communist leader of Party in Turkmenistan.
Capital - Ashgabat - is experiencing a serious construction work now as goverment is investing a lot of money to make their capital look like Dubhai (still far from that though). The rest of the country is very poor. Thus, very cheap to travel. Just for example, 60 litres of petrol will cost you just 1 USD. Traveling by plane from Ashgabat to Turkmenbashi (not the president, but a port on the west of the country) will be just $2.
To travel in TUM you need an invitation and visa.

Top Things to See and Do
In Ashgabat: marble houses, giant mosques and Turkmenbashi portraits around the city
Rest of TUM: desert, mountains and old soviet oilfiels (very sad industrial landscape)

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Edited by: akostine on 26.10.2004
Last postings about Turkmenistan from other users
phoneix wrote:

Mary, Turkmenbasy

chary wrote:


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