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The Hospitality Club is the world's largest hospitality exchange organization. We are thousands of friendly members world wide who offer each other free accommodation when traveling. Membership is free and joining just takes a minute - we would love to have you onboard!

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we ´ve just rebuilt the guest room that we have at home....
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Regions in Bolivia
Region/State: # Region/State: #
Beni 2 Pando 1
Chuquisaca 24 Potosi 5
Cochabamba 124 Santa Cruz 166
La Paz 207 Tarija 19
Oruro 10
Info about Bolivia
Bolivia Travel Guide
Facts, Attractions, Transport, Food, Money, Visa, Travelogues, Nightlife, Culture, Links ...
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Top Things to See and Do
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Neighboring countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru

Who is coming?
Hi! We are 3 guys from france and spain. We planned a trip from Colombia to Argentina between October and Decembre 2007...we should be in Bolivia at the mid of november... If Someone want to join us, he is welcome!

pablotanira: Hola! soy argentino y voy a estar viajando con autostop (e imaginación) desde Bs As a Ecuador a fines de Mayo 2007, cualquier colaboración (consejos, alojamiento, lo que sea!) o compañeros/as de viaje serán bienvenidos!

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Edited by: numabis on 02.08.2007 pablotanira on 11.05.2007 pablotanira on 08.05.2007 kvashonka on 18.08.2006 gardke on 17.05.2006 calamardo on 16.11.2005 nuppunuti on 30.10.2005 tealow on 01.08.2005 tealow on 03.03.2005
Last postings about Bolivia from other users
lindamse wrote:

La vida nocturna es bastante divertida, siempre hay donde ir de martes a sabado para bailar, en las tardes ir a tomar un cafecito con las masitas tipicas de aca, es buenisimo !!!. Pero para visitar hay mas en las afueras de la ciudad como ser las misiones jesuiticas, ir de excursion al parque Amboro, tambien esta el Pantanal, hay una diversidad de parques naturales que se pueden conocer.

luis wrote:

places where che guevara went to, the bolivian rain forest, nice historical places etc.

guechyta wrote:

There are many places to visit and activities to enjoy, you can find cultural and artistic places, historic and architectonical places, musemus, and there are many beautiful little towns to visit around the city. yo will love La Paz!! About the night life... diverse and very very fun!

videografo wrote:


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