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Hospitality Club найбільша у світі спільнота обміну гостинністю. Ми - це тисячи дружніх членів по всьому світу, хто пропонує один одному безноштовний нічліг під час подорожі. Членство вільне, вступ займає хвилину - приєднуйтесь!

 Country Volunteers
There are no Country Volunteers in Chile at the moment.
Стати Місцевим Волонтером для Chile?

Області у Chile
Область/Штат: Область/Штат:
I Tarapacá 159 V Valparaíso 803
II Antofagasta 129 VI O'Higgins 123
III Atacama 52 VII Maule 154
IV Coquimbo 227 VIII Bío-Bío 425
IX Araucanía 244 X Los Lagos 369
Rapa Nui 3 XI Aysen 57
RM Metropolitana 3343 XII Magallanes y la Antartica Chilena 101
Інформація про Chile
Chile Путівник
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I'm a happy person who loves to laugh,have good times, being in peace with myself & the others,to think,to do theories on the life,to learn about the others, to dance...I'm a very friendly person too, who enjoys cultural exchanges & to know agreeable people who want spend it well. I love art in all forms: theater, music, cinematography, dance,sculpture, installations, painting...& of course I love to going out with my friends all weekends & middle weeks I'd like to practice my english & to meet new friends from the whole world, we can spend time with a coffee,drinks, laughs, visits to my city, talking on the life & personal thoughts,I'm a very open minded person, doing new connections

Edited by: lingato on 24.09.2009 numabis on 02.08.2007 pablotanira on 11.05.2007 judithb on 20.04.2007 matlou on 04.04.2007 ruthherrin on 25.01.2007 matlou on 29.12.2006 kvashonka on 18.08.2006 gardke on 17.05.2006 henrika on 25.01.2006 maialily on 13.01.2006 bjay on 17.09.2005 henrika on 06.08.2005 henrika on 27.05.2005 tealow on 07.05.2005 tealow on 02.03.2005 expedia on 07.02.2005 rafastgochile on 10.11.2004
Last postings about Chile from other users
rodmanu wrote:

Not the city, but the whole country, Desert, Far south..Mountain, beaches...

bettybup wrote:

see the art, the culture, the museums, the theatre plays, the see, the mountains, snow and and the desert in a very short distance

pola wrote:

visitar partes realente interesantes de chillan, la cordillera por ejemplo, un lugar realmente hermoso

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