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The Hospitality Club is the world's largest hospitality exchange organization. We are thousands of friendly members world wide who offer each other free accommodation when traveling. Membership is free and joining just takes a minute - we would love to have you onboard!

 Country Volunteers
I moved back to my hometown Põlva recently and would be ...
[I'm travelling myself at the moment, so can't really h...
Easygoing and friendly people are welcome to stay at my q...
At moment in Riga If you have problems, questions......
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Regions in Estonia
Region/State: # Region/State: #
Harjumaa 1544 Põlvamaa 56
Hiiumaa 26 Raplamaa 98
Ida-Virumaa 175 Saaremaa 92
Järvamaa 69 Tallinn 2072
Jõgevamaa 69 Tartumaa 1745
Lääne-Virumaa 117 Valgamaa 65
Läänemaa 61 Viljandimaa 156
Pärnumaa 258 Võrumaa 75
Info about Estonia
Estonia Travel Guide
Facts, Attractions, Transport, Food, Money, Visa, Travelogues, Nightlife, Culture, Links ...
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Estonia is a wonderful little country that is rapidly emerging as one of the greatest success stories in the Former Soviet Union. Whether you want to see the wonderfully preserved medieval Old Town of Tallinn, the vibrant university town of Tartu, or the wilderness of the islands (Saaremaa and Hiiumaa), Estonia has it all. Err...except mountains of course.

Top Things to See and Do
Bicycle tours in Estonia, because Estonia has amazing nature (beautiful islands and wild nature) - and if you need any help in organizing bicycle tour, click and they can suggest good tracks and they will also rent good bikes.

Both Wikitravel and the official tourism site have a good list of sights and things to do.

Neighboring countries: Finland in north, Sweden in west, Latvia in south and Russia in the east.

Maps: Interactive map of Estonia with address search capabilities. Since external links are not allowed in hc any more :(, then good old copy-paste has to do... There's a interactive map with town and address search feature at If you are just not sure in which region the place you want to visit is, maybe this helps

Who is coming? Just add your user name and basic info (date and places you will visit) about your trip here, maybe other members will invite you or meet up with you on the road. Use your profile to tell more about your plans. If you are considering a visit to Estonia, please list it here. You may also find help in Groups.

Want more guests! Add your user name here if you would like to receive more visitors - you should get more requests if listed here, even if you live in a small town off the beaten track.

Hospitality Club Meetings
To keep HC Estonia more active we have chosen time and place for our regular meetings. Starting (again) from October 2008 the meetings will be in Turkish Kebab (NB! Not Švejki Juures any more) and on the Second Friday each month, starting at 20:00

If you have added some info here you can simply remove the instruction text. Thanks fr helping to build this great resource!!

Edited by: atjackiejohns on 10.11.2009 DreadDog on 09.03.2009 dreaddog on 14.10.2008 dreaddog on 01.10.2008 greg83 on 11.04.2007 greg83 on 27.03.2007 uaflyer on 29.01.2007 uaflyer on 20.01.2007 uaflyer on 14.01.2007 schnatterblum on 27.11.2006 uaflyer on 16.08.2006 uaflyer on 15.08.2006 schnatterblum on 26.07.2006 iru on 21.01.2006 justbe on 17.05.2005 estoniangirl on 22.03.2005 noncognosco on 05.12.2004 veit on 08.11.2004 iru on 25.09.2004 iru on 16.09.2004 iru on 05.09.2004 iru on 01.06.2004 zlarty on 20.05.2004
Last postings about Estonia from other users
meelis wrote:

not exactly google ads --> but table tennis in old pot factory, picnic by riverside, botanical gardens or kissing hill, abandonded meat factory, graffti wall, former soviet military airfield, piusa caves, taevaskoja riverbank, island islandland as a special treat for a special guest, local trash fields, electrostation ogrodnik, 24H snowboarding waterjump, haunted hause in mother river grand swamp's niemandsland, lake peipus and border island ( & so on + i'm ever lookin for da special freaque who'd climb the old TV tower with me..

see wrote:

jebus people, it's Tartu!

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