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# I'm in Abbeville, not in Le Havre# Hi guys, I was volu...
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Regions in France
Region/State: # Region/State: #
Alsace 2315 Île-de-France 17601
Aquitaine 3695 Languedoc-Roussillon 3371
Auvergne 976 Limousin 388
Basse-Normandie 1084 Lorraine 1551
Bourgogne 1102 Midi-Pyrénées 4365
Bretagne 4383 Nord-Pas-de-Calais 2852
Centre 1804 Pays de la Loire 4079
Champagne-Ardenne 706 Picardie 869
Corse 146 Poitou-Charentes 1376
Franche-Comté 994 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 5502
Haute-Normandie 1193 Rhône-Alpes 9361
Info about France
France Travel Guide
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FRANCE is the most touristic country in the World !
You must visit France !!!

France is a great travel destination. They are many things to see, to do and to eat : a lot of monuments and museums, a rich history, plenty of natural places, and plenty of good restaurants. Its an easy country to travel by train, plane, hitchiking or ridesharing

Top Thing to See and Do
They are so many : In Paris you must see « Versailles palace» and « Le Louvre » museum, they are the great old king palaces.
You can also visit the oldest places Les Arènes de Lutèce (roman period) and the Cluny thermal baths (middle age museum). Then continue with Le Marais (17th-18th century) and finish with the modern Paris (Opera Bastille, Bibliothèque François Miterrand and La Défense business district).

But Paris is not the only place. France is divide in 22 regions with a lot of diversity:
1- Alsace, East region of France whom have seen its authority change many times in history once german, once french... See Strasbourg, French European City.
2- Aquitaine, South-West region, the first top region for wine and Gastronomy. The main city is Bordeaux.
3- Auvergne, Middle France region which landscape was shape by old volcanic activities, creating a broken ground. The main city is Clermont-Ferrand
4- Bourgogne, East and second biggest vineyard region. Dijon is the main city.
5- Bretagne, Western peninsula of France with Celtic roots and beautiful country and wonderful seaside landscape. Rennes is the main city.
6- Centre, The very geographic center of France with lots of forests include the old city of Bourges.
7- Champagne-Ardennes, Eastern region where the famous Champagne is made.
8- Corse (Corsica), Corse (Corsica) Island of beauty located in Mediterranean Sea with great atmosphere.
9- Franche-Comté, Eastern region bordering Switzerland in hilly area. The main city is Besançon
10- Ile de France, Region surrounding Paris.
11- Languedoc-Roussillon, South, sunny and very warm region with the magnificient walled city of Carcassonne
12- Limousin, A very traditional rural region, located in the center of the country. Limoges is the main city.
13- Lorraine, Eastern region, country of the « Quiche » and « Mirabelles »
14- Midi-Pyrénées, South-West region located on the foot of the Pyrennees. With the great and young 'pink' city of Toulouse
15- Nord-Pas de Calais, Northern region near Belgium and England (EuroTunnel). The main city is « Lilles »
16- Normandie (Basse), Northern coast of the English Channel, The Place of D-Day with cities of Cherbourg, Bayeux and Caen.
17- Normandie (Haute) , Another rural northern coastal region of magnificient white chalk cliff with cities like Rouen and Dieppe.
18- Pays de la Loire , Western rural region with pleasant sand beach.
19- Picardie, Another north region with the city of Amiens.
20- Poitou-Charentes, Western coast with the beautiful city of La Rochelle.
21- Provence Alpes - Côte-d'Azur, South famous touristical region with the cities of Avignon, Arles, Marseille and Nice.
22- Rhone-Alpes, Heart region of the Alps, a place for skiing and hiking. Lyon is the bigger city.
rail transport
SNCF you may purchase tickets in advance on their website
There are good deals between the major cities. Tickets can be mailed by letter, retrieved at a machine at the station or at the ticket office. WARNING: Avoid retrieving the ticket from the ticket machine, allow time for the ticket office instead. The machine requires a credit card as identification but DOES NOT ACCEPT foreign credit cards and will not print the ticket if you use one.(to identify

Neighboring countries:
Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra La Vella, Spain, England (Over the Channel/La Manche).

Some tips:
Subway -- Buy a set of 10 tickets which you could buy it from the counter at the entrance. I think you should as it’s much cheaper and you can sell it to some people there who want to just a couple of tickets from a machine. --
Food -- To be stingy on food, you should buy something from Ed or Francprix (Ed is the cheapest). Carrefour also offer reasonable price for all kinds of stuff but it’s too far away. --
Want more? Just go to the article posted at

Basic lunch in restaurant start at 10 Euros (more expensive in Paris). Food is cheaper in big Supermarket.
A night in a basic hotel start above 40 Euros (Price for one or two people, add just little bit more in case of little children). You can find cheaper hotel around 25 euros, .
Car Rental is quite expensive (First Price about 400 Euro/Week for a little car). You will find all major companies. Be aware that gas is quite expensive (more than 1 euro per liter).
Travelling by train

boxson, a french website where you can download free music. You can also upload your sound on the website if you are musician.

WHO is coming?
Please welcome and invite to your place the following HC members in their travelling adventure

Salut à tous! Nous sommes deux australiens qui arriverons à Paris le 19 Decembre. Envoyez-moi un courriel si vous avez envie de nous rencontrer ou bien nous accueillir chez vous pendant soit un ou deux nuits soit la semaine entière :-) Nous sommes actuellement en Polonge et nous irons en Tzech en quelques jours. Je suis etudiante de française et je viens en France pour essayer d'ameliorer mon française un petit peu :-) On verra! Mon ami ne parle que d'anglais donc si vous avez envie de pratiquer votre anglais cela serait parfaite! J'espère que quelq'un peut nous adopter pour quelques jours :-) Nous serions très contents de trouver un ami pour que nous puissions fêter noël ensemble!Merci d'avance!
Cheers, Hannah
portable: +41795540074
Hi Everyone! Send me an e-mail or a message if you would like to host two friendly Aussies for a day or even a week in Paris from 19-26th December! Cheers! Hannah (HC hannahissobelle) and Louis (HC matlou)

Fabzgy is going to make a bike tour on the beginning of August. I m starting in Freiburg (Ger) and passing by Belfort, Besancon and heading westwards till La Rochelle - anyone on the way who could give me a little place for sleeing?
Zoella will be in paris from June 11-16 with a friend, and is desperately seeking a place to stay, as other plans fell through. If anyone wants to host two sweet, hopeful girls from America, drop me a line!
ingky is going to be in Paris for 4 nights in August 2007, any kind French souls would like to show me around their wonderful city and also maybe a spare bed to sleep in? Any help would be appreciated as I'm on a tight budget. Thank you in advance.

Want more guests! (indicate your will to receive more visitors)
SYRUN said : HEY, I want more Guests !! See you all !! I live in south of France ! .. Be good, learn some french, and write me !!

Hospitality Club Meetings
### HC MEETING ### LILLE ### 15 OCTOBER 2006 ###

Need help planning my trip to Avignon/Collioure and maybe short trip to Spain
Hi guys, I've lived most of my 24 years of life in Vietnam and planning a trip to Avignon, France this summer. I have never been to Europe before so quite nervous to throw myself out there. Here's what i have: a return flight ticket to Avignon from June 5 to 12 (arrive at around 1pm June 5 and depart at around 12pm June 12) + an invitation to a friend's wedding in a vineyard in Colioure at 12pm June 7 + a travelling companion which is my boyfriend + a humble budget + maybe some exotic stories from my developing country. Would you have some time to give me some advice on where to go, what to do, basically, how to plan my trip, please drop a line to my email address at - That would be super great. So sorry that je ne sais palez en Francaise (my pronunciation of you guys language is disturbing to your ears, I'm afraid) and look forward to hearing from you. Merci beaucoup!!

Edited by: zoella on 28.05.2009 christian1980 on 08.10.2008 maztawife on 23.03.2008 matlou on 10.12.2007 ingky on 15.10.2006 pioiop on 05.09.2006 Fabzgy on 06.07.2006 Fabzgy on 03.07.2006 maplefanta on 25.05.2006 guillaume33 on 21.04.2006 maplefanta on 23.03.2006 pietshah on 07.01.2006 jyetcathy on 06.01.2006 syrun on 05.12.2005 laurentstriby on 01.10.2005 wannabetrekker on 05.09.2005 syrun on 26.08.2005 wannabetrekker on 20.08.2005 jo on 12.08.2005 kossa509 on 02.08.2005 kossa509 on 27.07.2005 aldert on 23.06.2005 aldert on 22.06.2005 lifeasacrow on 10.06.2005 Dissimilis on 29.04.2005 carolnando on 07.04.2005 tealow on 28.02.2005 syrun on 21.02.2005 jyetcathy on 01.11.2004 adeternal on 21.10.2004 syrun on 28.05.2004 nostradanish on 28.04.2004 jyetcathy on 29.10.2003 jyetcathy on 28.10.2003 jyetcathy on 27.10.2003
Last postings about France from other users
karokaro wrote:

Cathedral-EurpeanParliament-The Wine Road-Montains-The Little France downtown-restaurants-Germany is 15min far.............;

wout wrote:

Mountains, canyons, lake & Mediterranean

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