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Regions in Georgia
Region/State: # Region/State: #
Abkhazia 16 Mtskheta-Mtianeti 3
Adjara 48 Racha-Lechkhumi da Kvemo Svaneti 3
Guria 5 Samegrelo - Zemo Svaneti 6
Imereti 27 Samtskhe-Javakheti 2
Kakheti 10 Shida Kartli 4
Kvemo Kartli 16 Tbilisi 454
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Described variously as a part of Europe, Central Asia or the Middle East, Georgia has long been a flash point for cultural and geographical collision. Its weather and landscape are a meeting of east and west. Its history is a lengthy list of empires rising and falling, of invasions, skirmishes, massacres and wars. But it is also a nation of survival, and of great natural, cultural and gastronomic beauty. Georgia is holding its arms open to the world. And as civil unrest calms, the world is beginning to notice. Georgia is a newly independent nation, and while living conditions are improving, they're not yet at the western standards desired by the government. Tourist facilities outside of the capital, Tbilisi, are not highly developed and many of the goods and services taken for granted in other countries are not yet available. Despite this, and despite an area in the north of the country being basically off-limits due to separatist control, terrorist activity and an abundance of land mines, Georgia presents a proud face to the world. Its culture is ancient and built around a vast variety of influences; its people are a mix of traditional and very modern; and the food! Oh, my, the food! Because of the presence of land mines and high incidence of kidnapping, visitors are advised to avoid travelling near the Russian border region, especially Chechnya, Dagestan, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Kabarda-Balkar and Karachay-Cherkessia. The breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia should also be avoided.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR SOMETHING DIFFERENT, HERE IT IS::::::: I just spent two weeks in the city of Ozurgeti, in Guria, a region in the West part of Republic of Georgia. It is easily accessible form the port city of Batumi, or from the capital, Tbilisi. Cruise ships are now stopping at Batumi making Guria a good destination for a one day tour from the ship. If you have the time, you could spend a few days or a week exploring Guria. It offers beautiful scenery and lots of history and culture. There are many old Monasteries and churches to visit high in the mountains with beautiful vistas of the valleys far below where the rivers flow out to the Black Sea. There is a rich heritage of music and dance to enjoy and authentic West Georgia cuisine and hospitality to bring you back again. Guria will appeal to experienced travellers looking for something different where few tourists have gone before. This area known for its tea, nuts, and fruit was hit hard economically when Georgia broke away from the Soviet Union and their main markets disappeared. They are only now starting to recover and rebuild their infrastructure. As a result, tourism is just starting to emerge and amenities are very basic and relatively inexpensive. Finding a Home Stay with a Gurian family is the best bet as you travel in from the coast since hotels are scarce. I know of only one company specializing in Guria and offering tours. West Georgia Group is located in Ozurgeti and operated by three local women who know the area and its amenities very well. Their website is and has some great pictures and interesting details of the region. The company has just started up so you could be one of the first to be dined and entertained as a tourist in Guria. I’ve been in Ozurgeti, Guria three times now in the past two years and look forward to a time when I can return. The region of Guria is worth seeing more than once, but it’s the genuine hospitality of the people that will really bring you back. For more info look up Georgia and Guria in or or write me at:::: :::::: Trevor Davies(mamonaman), Canada

Edited by: mchutch on 22.01.2008 mamonaman on 23.11.2007 mchutch on 05.07.2007 vera1984 on 22.04.2004

Last postings about Georgia from other users
jorjick wrote:

Me... jast a joke, I don't know, my city is very old, 1500 years old and very nice, and Georgia is full of Mountains, we have also the see, Black See, BUT BETTER TO go to my website ( and click on wato(floor)

vera1984 wrote:

There are lots of interesting places in Tbilisi!! :) For useful information visit -->

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