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O Hospitality Club é a maior organização mundial de troca de hospitalidade. Somos milhares de membros amigáveis espalhados pelo mundo inteiro que oferecem alojamento grátis uns aos outros quando viajam. Fazer parte do clube é gratuito e o registo só demora um minuto - gostaríamos muito que te juntasses a nós!

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Regiões em Grenada
Região/Estado: # Região/Estado: #
Caribbean 3 St Georges 2
Petite Martinique 2 St. John's 1
Informações sobre Grenada
Grenada Guia de Viagem
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Grenada is a rolling, mountainous island, covered with fragrant spice trees and rare tropical flowers. Bordered by stunning beaches, and dotted with picturesque towns, this verdant island has long been a major source of nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, and cocoa. The seductive drifts through the colourful Saturday markets and Grenada's dense forests. In the interior of this volcanic island are cascading rivers and waterfalls, lush rainforests, and one of the most breathtakingly beautiful mountain lakes imaginable. The capital, St. George's, is widely held to be the loveliest city in the Caribbean. Its horseshoe-shaped harbour is surrounded by a pastel rainbow of dockside warehouses and the red-tiled roofs of traditional shops and homes.

Top Things to See and Do
Beaches, Walking, Hiking, Scuba, Snorkelling, deep sea fishing, sailing, watersports, golf,

Neighboring countries: Trinidad and Tobago

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Want more guests! Add your user name here if you would like to receive more visitors - you should get more requests if listed here, even if you live in a small town off the beaten track. Come on down, I'd (polymorf) love to have some more visitors!

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Edited by: polymorf on 20.04.2004
Last postings about Grenada from other users
beterouge wrote:

We live on a white sand beach on an island of 900 people. The culture is a French-African mix but English is the spoken language. It is a quiet, relaxing place with boats for transportation and boat-building and fishing the main income generators. There is the beautiful Tobago Cays national park a short ride away, great for diving and snorkeling, and the other Grenadine Islands further north and south easy to explore by boat.

whitney18 wrote:

My country is a tourist attraction.There are very beautiful beaches here, lovely sunshine and great food! During the summer there is the popular Spice Mas Festival, a time to look forward to...

sweetfie wrote:

The Caribs Leap and white sandy beaches

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