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The Hospitality Club is the world's largest hospitality exchange organization. We are thousands of friendly members world wide who offer each other free accommodation when traveling. Membership is free and joining just takes a minute - we would love to have you onboard!

 Country Volunteers
There are no Country Volunteers in Ireland at the moment.
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Regions in Ireland
Region/State: # Region/State: #
County Carlow 15 County Longford 8
County Cavan 12 County Louth 38
County Clare 41 County Mayo 35
County Cork 336 County Meath 36
County Donegal 38 County Monaghan 7
County Down 13 County Offaly 11
County Dublin 1460 County Roscommon 7
County Galway 181 County Sligo 27
County Kerry 48 County Tipperary 37
County Kildare 71 County Waterford 51
County Kilkenny 24 County Westmeath 30
County Laois 23 County Wexford 44
County Leitrim 9 County Wicklow 68
County Limerick 95
Info about Ireland
Ireland Travel Guide
Facts, Attractions, Transport, Food, Money, Visa, Travelogues, Nightlife, Culture, Links ...
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Write an intro paragraph about this country. Why should members come? What can they expect, travel wise and Hospitality Club wise?

Top Things to See and Do
Please just make a simple list separated by commas here - more info in the Travel Guide.
Perhaps the most interesting, widespread and unique attraction in the whole island of Ireland is its huge megalithic heritage, especially of sculptural dolmens and standing-stones, which you can discover here
A useful site with 360 video views of ireland

Neighboring countries: United Kingdom

WHO is coming? Please welcome and invite to your place the following HC members in their travelling adventure

Traveling down to the Mayo, Dublin, Ireland? We at welcome and invite to all HC members visiting Mayo, Dublin, Ireland, and other European destinations have a look at our web link for all your coach hire and airport transfer needs either in Ireland, Scotland and UK, entire UK, and entire European Destinations. We have both free and inexpensive cheap coach hire packages to meet HC Members needs.

sddwesthi! I am coming to explore Ireland a bit from April 28th through May 3. If you can host me, show me around, go get a drink or just give me some advice and pointers, that would be great! Thanks again

trilobite23 - Hello everybody! Me and my girlfriend are visiting Ireland from 2.August.2007 till 14.August.2007 and we would like to meet somebody and, if its possible, to find some accomodation. Most of the time we would like to be somewhere away from the civilization, on the countryside, nice nature places and so on... If you have some ideas or you have the possibility to accomodate us for a night or two please PM me. Thanks!!!

annek Hey there, I am bringing my boyfriend out of the country for his first time, and would love to meet other HCers in Ireland! We will be there from May 12-29, 2007, minus a couple days in Spain. Let's meet up for a drink!!!

- timouusi I am coming to party on New Year. If you are around Dublin, msg me.

Want more guests! (indicate your will to receive more visitors)


Hospitality Club Meetings

travel07 I would like to meet other HC members in Dublin and organise some mini-meeting on St.patrick’s Day, 17th March 2010. City centre location will be nice place to meet for a pint after parade. Any ideas and suggestions are welcome!

Edited by: almara on 29.07.2010 travel07 on 06.01.2010 luqman on 05.04.2009 weirwolf on 12.01.2009 sddwest on 27.04.2008 trilobite23 on 28.05.2007 annek on 08.04.2007 timouusi on 28.12.2006 karienka on 20.10.2006 JensHH on 29.07.2006 liinaelsa on 23.07.2006 crystalship on 17.07.2006 crystalship on 24.06.2006 crystalship on 16.06.2006 maplefanta on 25.05.2006 gardke on 17.05.2006 syrun on 12.04.2006 hjalmar on 02.03.2006 hjalmar on 26.02.2006 syrun on 25.02.2006 syrun on 19.01.2006 travellinjess on 14.01.2006 syrun on 10.01.2006 travellinjess on 09.01.2006 winniethepooh on 30.10.2005 syrun on 17.08.2005 maichaefer on 29.04.2005 ggodoi on 24.07.2004 swerfiel on 21.07.2004

Last postings about Ireland from other users
fredoofr wrote:

probably PUBS

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