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Research Articles

Imagining possibilities: innovating mathematics (teacher) education for sustainable futures

Pages 128-149 | Received 16 Sep 2021, Accepted 03 May 2022, Published online: 08 Jun 2022


We report on an action research study conducted by two mathematics teacher educators in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. The project consisted of three phases, the first two taking place in our respective teacher education courses and a final phase in which prospective mathematics teachers from both locations engaged in dialogue through a speculative fiction task. Our aim was to explore how our prospective mathematics teachers can be supported in becoming mathematics teachers for sustainable futures by innovating our own mathematics teacher education curricula. This study suggests that generative methods which support teachers in speculating on paths to potential futures as teachers of mathematics, can provide access to how prospective teachers negotiate issues in relation to the climate crisis and ways in which they conceive of related changes in their practices. By identifying the aspects of mathematics teaching that are viewed by the prospective teachers as contingent, and through offering tasks that support an expansion of this view, teacher educators are better placed to support the development of teaching practices needed for sustainable futures.

1. Background and rationale

It is widely acknowledged that certain human behaviours pose unprecedented threats to our environment, that social and financial inequalities are increasing and that a multitude of global challenges that provide context for the 17 sustainable development goals (United Nations, Citation2015) require urgent attention. Indeed, we live in increasingly complex and precarious times; in 2019, the United Nations warned that 11 years are all that remain to avert catastrophic and irreparable damage to our planet and called for urgent actions to be taken to address the current climate emergency. Despite this, educational systems worldwide have perpetuated an unsustainable industrial/modernist model of growth (Orr, Citation2004). Particularly, the discourse on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education has largely focussed on shaping “a future that works for all by putting people first, … [emphasising] that all … new technologies are first and foremost tools made by people for people” (Schwab, Citation2016, p. 114). As Glanfield et al. (Citation2020) observed, the dominant STEM conception fails to consider other cultural forms of knowing, especially those that respect and respond to the current environmental crisis. Recent scholarship has motivated a debate on a new and ecologically based mathematics education oriented to the needs of not only people but also their cultures (Abtahi, Citation2020) and the planet (Abtahi et al., Citation2017; Barwell, Citation2013; Boylan & Coles, Citation2017), which fosters an awareness that our current global reality is characterised by “unsustainability” rather than “sustainability” (Renert, Citation2011; Yaro et al., Citation2020).

It could be argued that mathematics is one of the most important ways to both grasp and address the climate emergency because we understand so much about the world through mathematical models and representations. As Barwell (Citation2013) tells us, “mathematics is involved at every level of understanding climate change, including the description, prediction and communication of climate change” (p. 1). However, mathematics is not a solution in and of itself. The mathematical formatting of climate change creates a particular view of its nature (Skovsmose, Citation2021), potentially concealing many of the social dimensions and associated inequalities that arise as a result of the crisis. Mathematical models not only determine how we view climate change, but also how we might respond to it (Barwell, Citation2013; Skovsmose, Citation1994).

Skovsmose (Citation2011) warns, it is through technological innovation that “mathematics and power become intimately connected” (p. 22). He uses the phrase “mathematics in action” to describe ways in which our social reality is formed by mathematics-based actions which includes the mathematical formatting of climate change. A critical approach to mathematics education calls for mathematics educators, including mathematics teacher educators (MTEs), to consider the potential implications of mathematics in action and to create opportunities for learners to do the same. To explore the social and ecological implications of mathematics in action, particularly in relation to the climate crisis, is to consider mathematics’ generative potential, that is, its potential to shape our futures.

As MTEs from different regions (United Kingdom [UK] and Hong Kong [HK]), we feel compelled to address the challenges facing our local and global communities by developing practices for sustainable futures [by “sustainable futures” we are referring to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development, Citation1987)]. For each of us, the context of the current school mathematics curricula is one whose causal relationship with national assessments is indicative of a nostalgia for days of certainty (as opposed to the uncertainty that now characterises the world) that exacerbates an already prescriptive, linear progression of mathematical concepts and techniques. Thus, in our work as MTEs, we are interested in how we can innovate our own curricula by providing our prospective teachers (PSTs) with opportunities to question the assumptions that are embedded within their own school mathematics curriculum and to support them in developing practices they view as consistent with sustainable futures. In this article, we report on an action research (AR) study, consisting of three phases (see Section 3), that stemmed from our participation in a World University Network (WUN) project focussed on innovating the mathematics curriculum in times of change. As two MTEs from this network representing different regions, we designed an AR study to enhance our own professional practices, and the professional practices of our mathematics PSTs, by introducing them to critical inquiry about mathematics teaching and learning for sustainable futures.

The focus of this article is two-fold. Our primary focus, which spans all three phases of our AR study, is on researching and transforming our practices as MTEs through inquiring into and innovating our teacher education curricula in ways that support our PSTs’ in teaching mathematics for sustainable futures. We view AR as our overarching methodology, which we utilise to address our primary research question (RQ1) that shaped the overall inquiry.

RQ1: How can we support PSTs in teaching mathematics for sustainable futures in our teacher education curricula?

We consider AR an appropriate methodology for such an inquiry where the primary motivation is on developing our practices (which include innovating our curricula) as MTEs; as Wright (Citation2021) argues, AR has the potential to lead to genuine transformation in practices, since AR provokes critical reflection on existing practices in ways that conventional research approaches do not. To investigate RQ1, where the focus of research is on our practices as MTEs, we needed to explore our PSTs’ views in relation to teaching mathematics for sustainable futures. Thus, during the first two phases of our study, we were guided by the first of our secondary research questions, RQ2.

RQ2: How do PSTs negotiate the issues, opportunities, and challenges presented by the possibility of teaching mathematics for sustainable futures?

During these initial phases of AR, we realised that most research within mathematics teacher education reports on what has happened in the past, or what is happening presently, as a way to describe and explain existing phenomena. Though we agree that looking back plays a significant part in informing future planning and decision-making, we were inspired by Skovsmose’s (Citation2011) claims about the generative potential of mathematics, which motivated us to consider the generative potential of research on our future practices. In this generative paradigm, the research focus shifts from questions based on “what was?” and “what is?” to questions of “what if?” and, what could be?”, by adopting generative methodologies that look forwards as well as backwards. Thus, in phase three of our AR, we designed a collaborative activity for a group of prospective teachers in the UK and HK, to engage in a speculative fiction task, a creative writing task designed to support the PSTs in speculating on paths to potential futures as teachers of mathematics. Thus, we utilised speculative fiction as a generative method both as a curriculum innovation and as a way of capturing ways in which the PSTs conceive of change (see Section 5.1 for a discussion regarding speculative fiction as a method) in relation to mathematics teaching for sustainable futures. We were therefore guided in phase three by our additional secondary research question, RQ3.

RQ3: In what ways do PSTs use speculative fiction to imagine their future practices in relation to teaching mathematics for sustainable futures?

By investigating our RQs and considering the resulting implications for our own future practices, including the design of our mathematics teacher education curricula, we are contributing to the field of mathematics teacher education by better understanding ways in which mathematics teachers and MTEs can support and promote mathematics teaching for sustainable futures. With this study, we enhance the existing body of literature on the development of mathematics teachers through reporting on ways in which PSTs conceive of their own change in relation to issues of sustainability, and by introducing novel methods for capturing these conceptions.

In the next section, we introduce the key theoretical concepts that we draw on, both in terms of our approach to curriculum innovation, and in our process of data analysis. In Section 3, we outline AR as our overarching research methodology including the specifics of each of the three phases of AR. In Section 4, we present our analysis of the data collected during the initial two phases of AR, in relation to RQ1 and RQ2. Our analysis from these initial phases informed the final phase of our AR, including our decision to utilise speculative fiction as a curriculum innovation and as a novel research method which we describe in Section 5 before presenting our analysis of the responses to the speculative fiction task, to address RQ1 and RQ3. In the final section, we focus our discussion on the implications for our practices as MTEs, which we suggest can be extended to the wider MTE community.

2. Conceptual framework

In this section, we discuss the key theoretical concepts of teacher change and the role of criticality (Section 2.1), and Skovsmose’s (Citation2011, Citation2015, Citation2016) related concept of pedagogical imagination (Section 2.2). We use these concepts to inform the design of our curriculum innovations as well as the conceptual basis with which we analyse our data (see Section 3.2).

2.1. Teacher change and the role of criticality

One of our guiding principles as MTE-researchers (cited by Mason, Citation2002) is the Zen proverb, “I cannot change others; I can work at changing myself” (p. v). We take from this proverb that we can only work on changing our own practices as MTEs, that we cannot cause the PSTs that we work with to change theirs, neither should we expect them to. Thus, our focus as MTEs in supporting our PSTs, is to provide them with opportunities to realise for themselves, changes in their practices in relation to teaching mathematics for sustainable futures. As MTEs we see our role as supporting PSTs to take a critical stance in relation to their practices, and to promote a greater awareness of sustainability and its links to mathematics education. Like Skovsmose (Citation2011), we are convinced of the relevance of small-scale educational change as opposed to focussing on ways to instigate large, structural, or even global-scale changes which can feel unreachable. We imagine that multiple local-scale changes (local to the teacher educator, the teacher, or the students) can become significant on a more global scale through collaboration and dialogue. As with Stenhouse (Citation1975), who conceptualised and urged teacher-researchers to critically examine their own practices, we view criticality as essential to teacher change. According to Skovsmose (Citation2011), critique can mean an “exploration of possibilities which need not be related to socio-political changes overall”, rather, “one can consider possibilities in everyday situations, possibilities in the personal life of students, possibilities in the classroom” (p. 22). Criticality is therefore as much about “conceptualising alternatives to what is taking place” (Skovsmose, Citation2015, p. 114) as it is about considering the current situation.

2.2. Pedagogical imagination

Teacher change, even on a small-scale, can be challenging. As MTEs we find ourselves looking for mechanisms that support our PSTs in both imagining and realising changes in their practices. In any education system, the level of challenge is confounded by the constraints set by both the socioeconomic situation and the imposed curriculum structures and norms. Educational philosopher Maxine Greene argues that social imagination, that is, “the capacity to invent visions of what should be and what might be … in our schools” (Greene, Citation1995, p. 5), enables a divergence from taken-for-granted ways of being and doing as well as letting go of the familiar to contemplate more just and equitable futures. Similarly, Skovsmose introduced the notion of pedagogical imagination as an important aspect of critical mathematics education (Skovsmose, Citation2011; Citation2015; Citation2016; Skovsmose & Borba, Citation2004), explaining that being critical “means to recognise that what appears as given might be contingent” (Skovsmose, Citation2011, p. 23). Skovsmose suggests that contingencies are revealed not by description but through imagination. Engaging a pedagogical imagination involves a process of questioning what might be assumed as fact (including many classroom and curriculum norms):

Through a pedagogical imagination one tries to conceptualise alternatives to what is taking place – for instance in terms of ways of organising: interactions in the classroom, the content of the curriculum, the tasks set for homework, etc. A pedagogical imagination can help to reveal that certain educational facts are not necessities but contingencies. I refer to this form of revelation as a modulation of facts. A modulation indicates spaces for possible changes, and I find that modulation forms a principal part of a critical activity. (Citation2015, p. 114)

Pedagogical imagination in action (although not described by the author in these terms) can be seen in the work of Liljedahl (e.g. Citation2016, Citation2019), whose project looked for ways of abandoning school and institutional norms (that we may refer to as pedagogical facts) in the quest for change in mathematics classrooms. Liljedahl’s Thinking Classrooms were developed by taking classroom norms (such as room layout, working positions or ways of interacting) and replacing them, at least initially, with their precise opposites (e.g. horizontal working surfaces replaced with vertical ones). Our aim as MTEs is to support our PSTs in critically examining their own practices by considering what might be contingent in their own classrooms through developing their pedagogical imaginations as a way of promoting the realisation of new and different ways of being in their mathematics classrooms. In the next section, we present AR as our methodology for researching our own practices in relation to our PSTs.

3. Methodology: action research

AR, as a form of practitioner research, emphasises problem solving and the resulting changes in practitioner-researchers’ practices. In AR studies, the practitioner-researcher is positioned as the learner, where the learning and teaching processes cannot be separated (Manfra, Citation2019). Educational AR has been heavily influenced by Stenhouse (e.g. Citation1975), who conceived of teaching as research, critiquing an objective-led curriculum and arguing instead for a process model, calling on teachers to critically examine their practices and positioning them as active researchers rather than as receivers or objects of research.

In all practitioner research, the professional context of the practitioner becomes the research site (Cochran-Smith & Lytle, Citation2009). Within the field of mathematics education, published AR studies tend to focus on school mathematics teachers who are engaged in some form of AR (i.e. it is the teachers, as opposed to the authors, who are positioned as practitioner-researchers). For example, Wright (Citation2021) details an AR study involving himself (an MTE-researcher) researching a group of five mathematics teacher-researchers who are themselves engaged in AR, where the focus was teaching mathematics for social justice. Wright analysed group meetings with mathematics teachers as well as interviews with each teacher. Royea and Nicol (Citation2019) report on an AR project where they examine the experiences of a group of elementary PSTs engaged in “Learning Study with Variation Theory” (p. 564). Learning Study is conceptualised as “a model of theory-informed, most typically Variation Theory-informed, educational action research” (p. 565), as inspired by the approach of Japanese Lesson Study. Lesson Study is by far the most prevalent relation of AR within mathematics education literature. Sources of data for Royea and Nicol include interviews with PST participants, as well as the PSTs’ assignments and reflective journals.

In this study, we position ourselves as the practitioner-researchers because it is our own practices and curriculum innovations we have sought to study directly. Thus, this study yields a methodological contribution within mathematics education given the lack of published practitioner-research papers where the focus is on MTEs’ practices. Examining teacher education literature more broadly, where practitioner-research and self-based methodologies are more established, we did find examples in which the authors position themselves as practitioner-researchers. One such example is Kitchen and Stevens (Citation2008), who report on an AR project where the authors (two teacher educators) research their own practices in relation to an AR project that they introduce to PSTs.

3.1. Our model of action research

Many models of educational AR have been established (e.g. Altricher et al., Citation1993; Elliot, Citation1991; Kemmis & McTaggart, Citation1988; Whitehead & McNiff, Citation2006) since Lewin (Citation1946) first proposed a cyclical model consisting of four fundamental stages: planning, acting (implementing), observing, and reflecting. Common to all AR models is the cyclical, recursive nature of the process, whereby each cycle informs the next through an ongoing process of reflection such that the research and the actions of the practitioner-researcher are inextricable. We adopted a version of the AR model proposed by Kemmis and McTaggart (Citation1988, p. 11); the AR spiral as shown in is based on Lewin’s (Citation1946) original four stages.

Figure 1. The AR spiral (Kemmis & McTaggart, Citation1988, p. 11).

Figure 1. The AR spiral (Kemmis & McTaggart, Citation1988, p. 11).

Based on , we developed the model depicted in , which details the multiple phases and stages of our AR study. The phase one activities (acting and observing) were based in HK, phase two in the UK and phase three across both institutions; however, all phases involved collaboration (planning and reflecting) between various members of the wider WUN group and us as researchers. Thus, collaborative planning and reflecting were involved in every phase.

Figure 2. Our own AR process.

Figure 2. Our own AR process.

The organisation of the subsequent sections within this article mirrors the process depicted in , using the headings “planning and acting”, “observing” and “reflecting”. In order to represent more closely the process of AR (and our learning as MTEs) we present phases one and two before presenting phase three, to demonstrate how the design of phase three was shaped by our analysis of data from the earlier two phases. To recap, our primary research question (RQ1) with its focus on our own practices and curriculum innovations as MTEs is our overarching inquiry across all phases of our AR study. We specifically address RQ1 in the “reflecting” stages of each phase in order to learn about ourselves and to inform our future practices. RQ2 emerged whilst planning our initial phases (phase one and phase two) of AR. Specifically, we address RQ2 in the “observing” stage of phases one and two where we focus on the PSTs’ learning experiences in response to our curriculum innovations. RQ3 emerged in response to our observations and reflections during these two phases, and we address this research question in the “observing” stage of phase three.

Our initial local activities took place in our respective MTE courses: Action Research in Mathematics Classrooms in HK with 20 fourth-year undergraduate mathematics PSTs and a one-year postgraduate Certificate in Education (Mathematics) course in the UK with 30 PSTs. As part of our MTE curricula, we facilitated a series of learning activities for the PSTs to design, use and critically reflect on mathematics curricula tasks addressing the urgent climate crisis and sustainable mathematics education (Renert, Citation2011). Inherent in the context of teacher education are the potential power imbalances that can arise when researching PSTs’ responses to tasks that are “set” by teacher educator-researchers as part of the PSTs teacher education programme. We were keen to minimise these issues and built in a number of checks and balances over the course of our study. For example, we emphasised to the PSTs that we were interested in the quality of reflections rather than the content of their responses. The PSTs voluntarily participated in the phase three activities as optional learning enrichment, which took place immediately after the end of the teacher education programme in the UK and the end of the course taken by HK PSTs; therefore, they were informed and provided consent that their participation was not linked to any assessed modules or units in any way. Most significantly, we are not using the findings to make general claims about PSTs. Instead we are looking to critically reflect on and improve our own practices as MTEs in relation to the responses from our PSTs.

3.2. Data collection and analysis

As in AR methodology, our data collection is cyclical and comes from multiple sources. In addition to our field notes from all stages and phases of the study, we collected the PSTs’ written reflections upon engaging in the initial phases, and video recordings of the meeting between UK and HK PSTs, along with their joint speculative fiction writing as a form of artefact as generated in phase three of the study. In terms of data analysis, we began by reviewing all data sources. We followed principles of qualitative analysis to generate plausible responses to the RQs based on evidence indicative of changes in the discourse of the PSTs; what they perceive in relation to their teaching as contingent and fixed; their identified constraints and possible alternatives in teaching for sustainable futures. For example, we noted instances where the PSTs claimed that they were surprised, became aware, acquired new perspectives, or when they expressed strong emotions or sentiments about teaching for sustainable futures, and why. We continued to sort through, identify and refine relationships from the data collected in the observing stages of each phase. Finally, we synthesised these observations in the reflecting stage which helped us learn about our own practices, for instance, what we might then do to encourage further possibilities.

As Wright (Citation2021) states, the trustworthiness of qualitative research such as the current AR can be established through seeking credibility, confirmability, transferability and dependability. First, we undertook prolonged engagement with PST participants and triangulated our data collected over a ten-month period, as well as examined transcripts of the participants’ original written responses to delve into any tacit knowledge, such as one’s culture and values, in the analyses to ensure the credibility of the results. We addressed confirmability by keeping an audit trail for the research process, such as making records and taking field notes for analyses. Finally, in addressing transferability and dependability, we provided thick descriptions of the context and design of the study, and we held discussions during data analysis to ensure the research process was logical, traceable, and clearly documented.

4. Phases one and two

In this section, we detail the stages of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting through phases one and two of our AR, which was contextualised in 2020 when COVID-19 uhit our communities and propelled us into remote teaching and learning. Concurrently, our WUN project collaboration emerged, and we were planning to take actions to address sustainable mathematics futures in our courses. We briefly describe the online activities that took place in HK and then the UK, followed by our analyses of the PSTs’ responses (observing), and our own reflections of what can be learned as mathematics teacher educators.

4.1. Planning and acting

Our study began in HK, where Oi-Lam had designed and implemented a set of blended-learning activities as complementary to her course objectives to familiarise her students with the nature of action research in reflective and critical perspectives, drawing on the work of Mason (Citation2002) as a form of reflective practice in action research. The PSTs first viewed a five-minute video on the documentary The Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (Skoll et al., Citation2017) and then engaged in a related face-to-face discussion. Next, the PSTs perused two web resources—the “Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report” prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Citation2014) and the “Climate Change in Hong Kong” website (Hong Kong Observatory, Citation2019) – to inquire about global and local climate statistics and projections, respectively. The PSTs were prompted to reflect on the video and reading on a personal level and as educators; this included a task in which they were to design a lesson or project that they would like to implement in their future practice while addressing issues of sustainability in a mathematics education context. To facilitate further reflections and peer learning, Oi-Lam prepared a class blog on which the PSTs could post their responses and engage in asynchronous discussion with their peers. The blogging activities generated 20 reflective posts and 60 additional comments, which we used as sources of data.

During the WUN project collaborations, Tracy was inspired by Oi-Lam’s work with her PSTs and consequently designed a virtual session for her PSTs in the UK. Based on enactivist principles (Brown et al., Citation2018; Brown et al., Citation2019) that emphasise one’s experiences as the basis of their learning, Tracy’s goal was to unpack her PSTs’ own experiences (experiences with learning mathematics, observing in mathematics classrooms, and teaching mathematics) to support their learning as practitioners (Brown et al., Citation2021). Her three-part virtual session, Teaching mathematics in a time of crisis: What does mathematics have to offer? began with the PSTs reading and responding to Renert’s (Citation2011) article via an online discussion forum. They then worked on a mathematics task based on an “inquiry-based learning situation on sustainability” [see Savard (Citation2017) for the task and a description of an inquiry-based learning situation]. Finally, the participants designed and tested their own innovations by teaching one another using tasks and resources they had designed and provided one another with feedback. The tasks and resources were designed to address one or more global challenge, including but not limited to the climate crisis.

In the next section, we report of our observations in relation to phases one and two of the AR study, with a focus on RQ2, by drawing on the concepts introduced in Section 2 and described in relation to data analysis in Section 3.2. Note that the names used for the prospective teachers throughout this paper are pseudonyms.

4.2. Observing

To begin, we observed that most HK PSTs realised that the climate crisis is more urgent than they had previously imagined. While they identified themselves as contingent for making local-scale changes to mitigate the problem, they suggested that the overall situation is more or less fixed. Some PSTs expressed a sense of powerlessness and scepticism toward large-scale changes that might take place for a more sustainable (mathematics education) future. While perceiving their actions as insignificant, they did position themselves as agents for change by taking responsibilities to take some kinds of actions personally, as illustrated in Dan’s post.

After watching the video and skimming through the documents, I have mixed feelings towards climate change. On one hand, I understand that every global citizen (including me) is responsible for doing our own little parts –saving energy, reducing emissions, etc. This feeling was strongest when I watched the early parts of the video, during which the sharp contrast in past and present daily temperatures is illustrated. On the other hand, it is hard not to feel powerless upon seeing how seemingly insignificant my effort is towards easing global warming. (Dan, HK, 24 February 2020, 09:51 [1 Like; 6 Comments])

In addition, we observe elements of criticality in the HK PSTs’ reflections through their recognition that their teaching practices were contingent rather than taken-for-granted. In conceptualising alternatives, they imagined three ways to teach for sustainable futures in their mathematics classrooms. Firstly, they identified mathematics as a major tool for communicating the effect and magnitude of climate change. In response, they described changing their practice to employ authentic environmental data and statistics to teach data handling and statistical concepts in the future. Secondly, the PSTs developed real-world relevant mathematical tasks that provided the context for teaching environmental sustainability. Finally, they envisioned mathematics education as a venue to support students in being critical and relational thinkers. In one example, a PST suggested that he could encourage his students to calculate their own carbon footprint and then to make informed decisions about their lifestyle through critically reflecting on the tension between serving their own personal interests and protecting the environment. By encouraging his students to engage in critical thinking, it was evident that this PST was also becoming critical about his own pedagogical practices by reimagining what roles mathematics education could serve to address issues of sustainability.

For the UK PSTs, we observe that they mostly endorsed Renert’s (Citation2011) views regarding sustainable mathematics education. Besides, some PSTs revealed how they imagined the ideas might directly influence their practices, as illustrated by James’ comment:

I liked the passage about the importance of sustainable mathematics education in the curriculum and feel it can really motivate and engage students. There is a clear sense of purpose, which can be nicely incorporated into a lesson objective, such as “engage in ethical action for healing the world”. To review this learning objective in a plenary would give [the students] social confidence and a moral feel-good factor to carry into their next lesson/back home. (James, UK, 24 April 2020, 12:18)

While James’ comment exemplifies how existing structures (i.e. the UK mathematics curriculum in the form of published lesson objectives) could be extended to incorporate ideas of sustainability, there is a sense for James, that certain structural features of mathematics lessons are fixed as opposed to contingent. Some PSTs were less convinced by the ideas alluded to in Renert’s article, finding the potential mathematics classroom described as “unrealistic”, “unrelatable” and “too challenging”, especially given the current national curriculum in England which was viewed as an unchangeable fact. These PSTs wanted to hear more about the ideas in action because they found it difficult to translate concepts into practice. Furthermore, PSTs in the UK commented on the need for various stakeholders to change in order for large-scale transformations to take place, which as Ivan comments, relates to the interdependency of curriculum and existing national assessment systems:

The final section mentions that mathematics teaching should be “re-oriented” around environmentally conscious thinking and practice. For this to happen, perhaps some institutions, including but not exclusively schools, should reconsider the priorities of teaching. I suppose the thing that strikes me most is that this reading advocates a means of framing teaching around sustainability rather than just a list of ideas of how to shoehorn it in. It’s interesting to consider and makes me think of how it would be possible to create this culture in a framework of externally awarded outcomes. (Ivan, UK, 24 April 2020, 13:48)

Though potentially significant in terms of shaping Ivan’s vision of his own mathematics classroom, Ivan framed the ownership of the problem at an institutional level rather than a classroom level: he considered the problem but made no specific references to adapting his own practices. There was no evidence of contingency in Ivan’s response.

In the next section we reflect on our observations from the previous section to focus on our primary research question, RQ1.

4.3. Reflecting

Firstly, we were intrigued by the diverse range of emotions and feelings expressed by our PSTs, which included powerlessness, concern, frustration, scepticism, responsibility, hopefulness, etc., in response to the learning activities. We think that these emotions and feelings suggest the PSTs’ high engagement with the learning resources, which ranged from local/global climate data to more conceptual ones, such as Renert’s article. It seems that our resources succeeded in helping the PSTs in recognising the need for taking alternative actions on a personal level to make local-scale changes for a more sustainable future, although many of them were not clear how to go about it. This demonstrates how mathematics teacher education curricula can support PSTs toward teacher change, namely by providing opportunities for PSTs to feel connected to the cause personally and thus empowered to make a difference. Especially, we suggest that the visual and moving images viewed by the HK PSTs was a powerful media for personal reflection, noting that several PSTs had mentioned how seeing the melting glacier had made a lasting impression for them, and they felt responsible to do something about it. In addition, we realise that some UK PSTs wanted to hear more about how conceptual ideas, such as Renert’s sustainable mathematics education, can be applied in practice. Some PSTs were less convinced about the prospect of and their ability to change their practice in relation to sustainable futures, especially considering the constraints of current mathematics curricula and imagined normative structured within the schools and the education system more broadly. In other words, though they see themselves as contingent to change, they either did not see what changes might look like, or how their local-level changes might lead to large-scale changes in the long term.

From this experience, we have learned that, first, for mathematics teachers to develop new practices, we must go beyond the formulation of ideas. Ideas can be powerful, particularly when formed in dialogue with others, but more so when teachers can realise the ideas in their practice. Second, it was difficult for PSTs, who had various experiences and expectations about mathematics teaching and learning, to visualise something different – both in terms of how they might teach and what their impact on learning might be. For these reasons, we designed a speculative fiction task (see Section 5.1) to be implemented in the next phase of our AR, which we hypothesised might support PSTs in not only perceiving their pedagogy as contingent, but also imagining and realising new possibilities toward teaching for sustainable futures. We were thus interested in using speculative fiction as a curriculum innovation within mathematics teacher education and in better understanding the impact of using such tools in our teaching as MTEs, and we elaborate in the next section.

5. Phase three

In this section, we report on phase three of our AR study where our attention shifted to focus on RQ3 which relates specifically to the use of speculative fiction and its affordances as a curriculum innovation. This section is again organised according to the stages of study; planning, acting, observing, and briefly reflecting on ways in which the speculative fiction task enhances our professional lives and those of our PSTs. Finally, we discuss how our and our PSTs’ actions can expand our conceptions of mathematics teaching in precarious times and foster changes in our own practices, through returning to RQ1.

5.1. Planning and acting: speculative fiction as method

Certain catalysts exist that can prompt changes in teaching practices, such as new assessment systems, curriculum reforms or, as we now know, a monumental event, such as a global pandemic; however, though these situations can prompt change, it is still the teachers who enact those changes (or not). In our conversations as researchers, we each expressed a desire to design a task at this phase of our study that encouraged global dialogue between the PSTs from HK and the UK that also enabled them to develop their pedagogical imaginations (Skovsmose, Citation2011, Citation2015, Citation2016; Skovsmose & Borba, Citation2004). As previously mentioned, to strengthen our AR study, and the design of our teacher education curricula, we are drawn to generative methods that look towards the future, supporting “what if?” questions as opposed to purely “what is?” For these reasons, we looked beyond traditional research methods towards arts-based approaches.

Greene (Citation1995) advocated integrating the arts to invite learners to use their imaginations and to perceive things differently as a way of transforming realities. She promoted many types of dialogue to reshape the imagination in a way that “refuses mere compliance”, such as … 

… dialogue among the young who come from different cultures and different modes of life, dialogue among people who have come together to solve problems that seem worth solving to all of them, [and] dialogue among people undertaking shared tasks … When such dialogue is activated in classrooms, even the young are stirred to reach out on their own initiatives. Apathy and indifference are likely to give way as images of what might be arise. (Greene, Citation1995, p. 5)

There is a growing literature base advocating the use of arts-based approaches to support future thinking, particularly in relation to sustainable futures. For example, Raven and Stripple (Citation2021) explored how the “speculative turn” is increasingly inspiring climate policy work. They insist on the need to “invent methods and practices which provide speculative spaces” (p. 221) that allow future possibilities to be articulated. As Liljedahl (e.g. Citation2016, Citation2019) transformed classroom practices through a process of replacing certain taken-for-granted structures with their precise opposites, speculative fiction as a method looks to change particular accepted assumptions of what is real or possible, and then speculates on the outcome. As a blanket term, speculative fiction consists of stories that take place beyond our known world that deal with latent possibilities that have not yet been enacted, it can be described as a creative writing process that is designed to support those engaged in speculating on paths to potential futures that may otherwise not have uncovered.

Whilst climate modelling has been the prevailing way in which we predict climate futures, Urry (Citation2016) notes that the causes and consequences of climate change must entail “multi-disciplinary research and theory” (p. 156), which “concerns social and not just physical or technological futures” (p. 157). As several studies suggest, formal scientific approaches to altering the attitudes and behaviours of children and young people toward climate change has been largely ineffectual (e.g. Brownlee, Powell, & Jeffery, Citation2013; Dijkstra & Goedhart, Citation2012; Rousell, Cutter-Mackenzie, & Foster, Citation2017). This issue applies not only to young people, but to us all, including teachers committed to changing their teaching practices in relation to issues of climate justice. If the task of reimagining education requires the capacity to speculate on potential futures, our PSTs must be “given space to practice and cultivate their imaginative skills” (Howlett, Citation2018, p. 115). With the effects of climate change being commonly perceived as both distant and abstract as well as “overwhelming and difficult to grasp” (Raven & Stripple, Citation2021, p. 223), it has been argued that combining quantitative modelling with imaginative engagements and qualitative tools of the social sciences and humanities could bring climate change closer whilst making it more concrete by exploring climate-changed futures (Levy & Spicer, Citation2013; Urry, Citation2016). Utopian and dystopian fiction are two well-known genres of speculative fiction, both sharing the method of depicting an alternative society. Dystopia constitutes a warning of what may happen if we go on as we are, whereas utopia projects a desired future. Levitas (Citation2017) writes about “utopia as method”, as one form of speculation that “encourages us to think differently, systemically, and concretely about possible futures […] it allows us, in imagining an entirely different society, to break from the present at least in imagination” (p. 7). It is the “breaking from the present” that we feel is of particular relevance in our work with PSTs. Speculative fiction could therefore encourage PSTs to break, even momentarily, from the perceived constraints associated with daily norms and structures (including habitual ways of thinking) to think more freely about what might be possible in their mathematics classrooms (i.e. engage their pedagogical imaginations). Utopia addresses issues of present concern by projecting a different future in which they are resolved. According to Levitas, the “process of speculation about a potential better future – what we might call the Imaginary Reconstitution of Society – is a method rather than a blueprint” (p. 8, emphasis added).

We found no examples of speculative fiction as a method within mathematics education research, but examples do exist in teacher education more broadly. For instance, Tomin (Citation2021) reports on a project using speculative storytelling to support PSTs in imagining the future of education to “dismantle singular notions of what education might look like and the role that education might play in a changing society” (p. 241). We have been inspired by the ideas of speculative fiction and utopia as method in our work with PSTs, as a way of developing pedagogical imagination required to bring about change, the specific details of our own use is presented in the following section. We see speculative fiction as a curriculum innovation as well as a novel research method, the product of which forms the basis of analysis in phase three of our AR study.

Based on our reflections from phases one and two, we adapted a task from https://workthatreconnects.org (Brandt, Citation2017), where we invited pairs of PSTs (UK–HK) to engage in writing a speculative fictional story or dialogue prompted by the idea of having met a mathematics teacher from the future at a “point outside of time” (Brandt, Citation2017) to communicate their image of the future of mathematics education and their own classrooms. The speculative fiction task was based on two assumptions, which were shared with the PSTs:

The first assumption is that there will be humans living on Earth two hundred years from now. … The second assumption is that future ones have a cultural memory of what is happening in our time of the early 21st century—whether carried by universities or storytellers. … It means humans are not all scattered in caves but living in life-sustaining communities. (Brandt, Citation2017)

The mathematics teacher from the future communicated the following message directly to the PSTs:

Teacher, I greet you. When we in our generation find water we can drink and soil that is safe to grow food, it is thanks to the work you and other teachers have done on our behalf. It must be hard for you, especially at the beginning, standing up for beings you have not met and will never meet. There are stories and songs about what you and other teachers did to leave us a liveable world. What they do not tell us, and what I would really like to know, is what steps you took as a teacher of mathematics to make this happen? What did mathematics classrooms look like? (Adapted from Brandt, Citation2017)

The UK–HK pairings collaborated on the task and then posted their written responses in a private blog. In the next section, we discuss our observations of these posts in light of RQ3. We also reflect on our observations in relation to RQ1 where the focus is on our learning as MTEs in relation to our teacher education curricula.

5.2. Observing and reflecting

As the designed speculative fiction featured a dialogue between present and future teachers, we were particularly interested in two aspects, namely the temporal and dialogic nature of the PSTs written responses. By paying close attention to the PSTs’ word choice and form in these two aspects, we found emerging themes as to how the speculative fiction task might support the PSTs’ pedagogical imaginings and innovations (Sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2). We then focussed on the content of their writing to explore how the possibility of change was conceived by the PSTs (Section 5.2.3).

5.2.1. Time and tense: past, present, future

In reviewing the PSTs’ speculative dialogue, we noticed that one prevalent attribute was the aspect of time. That is, the PSTs’ writings included frequent references to different timeframes, from before the 2020s (past), to the 2020s (present) and the 2030s, 2040s and so on (future). This was related to the task, as the PSTs were prompted to complete a fictional dialogue between the present teacher and a future teacher at a “point outside of time”; thus, we believed the task inspired the PSTs to travel in time to experience moments in the past or speculatively in the future that were significant to them. This included moments in 2018 when Greta Thunberg became “the symbol of change” and in the 2019 when the COVID-19 pandemic caused “a sense of loss across the whole world” as well as moments in the 2030s when global warming will be “on the edge of [being] irreversible” and in the 2040s when humans will “run out of drinkable water” and endure “50 degree Celsius [temperatures] … every summer”.

As these comments illustrate, the PSTs speculated on the destructive environmental changes that would occur, which they would have experienced as a futuristic teacher. They also anticipated the changes to living and coping with the environment under such conditions. Acknowledging that technology will continue to advance, one PST pair illustrated that virtual reality (VR) will replace face-to-face teaching during extreme weather. Another PST pair suggested that “new technologies [will be used] to educate people to protect the environment”; for instance, students would work on a project in which they would enter a simulated environment to learn and work on sustainable solutions. In summary, the writing task prompted the PSTs to foresee the future of living, teaching, and learning by imagining themselves as having experienced events in the (un)sustainable future. This first-person speculative form of writing was what fuelled their sense of urgency to act in the present. As one PST stated, “in 2020, teachers are more certain about their responsibilities to the climate, and we take up the duty to nurture the younger generation in mathematics classrooms”, implying that changes must happen in the present, and they are the generation that must initiate these changes. Reflecting on these observations, we realised that as MTEs, we have often focused on preparing PSTs to be ready to teach in the present, rather than helping them sustain their practice in the long term. Therefore, besides addressing what they can do to improve their teaching now, we may also pose questions in our curricula to invite our PSTs to imagine their future practice and classrooms in terms achieving their own visions of mathematics teaching, including those visions regarding teaching for sustainable future.

5.2.2. Travelling across cultures

Our second observation about the PSTs’ writing relates to its dialogic nature. The PSTs were asked to write a dialogue between present and futuristic teachers, which facilitated not only time travel but also some cultural exchange between them. The dialogues were coherent, suggesting that the PSTs from the UK and HK communicated back and forth several times to generate the writing. We see this as evidence that the PSTs engaged in a genuine exchange of ideas and experiences. For example, we observed that they mentioned their cultures (e.g. an “exam focus” for both cultures but “more project-based learning and discussion” in the UK) and emotions (e.g. frustrations with rigid curricula) in their joint writing. In the following sentences, we capture how Gary and Ivan seemed appreciative of the opportunity to engage in the speculative dialogue:

For us, we just kept … trying our best … just using some time to really talk about the [important issues]. People definitely didn’t spend enough time talking back then, and when they did, they were talking to people who talked like them. Things are different now. (Gary and Ivan, 31 July 2020)

Gary and Ivan were writing retrospectively about what they considered as having changed from “back then” to “now” in speculating a more sustainable future. They suggested that spending time talking about issues that matter could make a difference in this regard. Moreover, they pointed out that people used to talk with “people who talked like them” (possibly hinting at the polarisation of opinions in the digital age). This suggests that they valued the exchange of different voices to drive and sustain a kind of movement, in this case toward sustainable mathematics education. Likewise, we think that the actual dialogues engaged and the gained perspectives of UK-HK PST pairs could be a fruitful beginning for talking about and working with issues that were meaningful to them as future mathematics educators. Therefore, reflecting on our roles as MTEs, we were encouraged by the dialogue facilitated by the designed speculative fiction activity on two levels: on the actual dialogue among the UK-HK PST pairs, and on the fictional dialogue that they generated, which seemed to have a positive effect on comparing and contrasting different views about teaching for sustainable futures.

5.2.3. Pedagogical imagination

Our final observations relate specifically to Skovsmose’s (Citation2011, Citation2015) notion of pedagogical imagination. Because the speculative fiction task was designed to free the PSTs’ imaginations, we were interested in how the possibility of change was conceived in the writing of the PSTs. What the PSTs considered fact and what they considered contingent varied. In most cases, the PST pairs began by referring to the current situation (in mathematics classrooms, schools, and education more broadly) from their own points of view. This present-day opening often led to conceiving of a future that remained grounded in these existing norms and structures. For instance, multiple PST pairs wrote about integrating new practices within the boundaries of existing structures. Gary and Ivan stated:

Indeed, moving away from an exam culture and outcome-driven policy was going to be too big of a cultural shift. … But we agreed that if you just put global issues in the exams, made them a focus of application – put them in the textbooks – then suddenly everyone would be getting involved, whether they actually care about the environment or not. It wouldn’t even be that hard. That was the holistic, global approach we really wanted to see happen. Or at least, that was our first step. … In teaching, teachers use global issues to illustrate math topics. Students are so engaged in the learning process as the example has high relevance to our daily lives. Teachers are flexible, too. … As for assessment, there are fewer standardised and tedious computational questions. Instead, more formative ones evolve. Some of the assignments require students to generate their own ideas on the issue by using data. We are so happy to see many creative thoughts from students. More capable ones can even challenge the validity of arguments by pointing to some misuse of the statistical graphs, for example. We see lots of critical and original minds in classroom! (Gary and Ivan, 31 July 2020)

Similarly, the PSTs wrote about extending existing practices (as opposed to imagining completely new ones), as William and James, who spoke of an “international alliance” that began with their own initial meeting, exemplified:

We met online and discussed activities that would not only develop students’ mathematical knowledge but also give them skills to address global challenges, such as climate change. … The ideas we came up with were swapped and then tried out on our own students in our respective countries. … And that continued throughout our teaching. A large, central resource base was created by teachers all over the world. Working collaboratively on global issues helped us to understand how students in other cultures tackled problems. (William and James, 3 August 2020)

Harriet and Jessica’s writing demonstrated more extensive use of pedagogical imagination in reference to the students of today as imagined in the future:

We invited them to share what they were doing in their industry to change the world together with and for coming generations. Especially, we tried to use those new technologies in our teaching. Those new technologies allowed students to get into a simulated place and to work in that place. For example, they got into simulated conversations, and they would have had to work on solutions to protect that place. It was much more than only learning mathematics. (Harriet and Jessica, 2 August 2020).

The parties being positioned as responsible for making changes varied as well. Several PSTs addressed upcoming changes in technology (placing the responsibility on the developers of new technologies), and some commented on the need for big corporations to change. Others pointed to the curriculum, suggesting a lack of ownership of the curriculum as teachers of mathematics; however, several PSTs referenced their own responsibility:

As teachers, we felt it was our responsibility to educate our students about what is happening in the world and [to] give them the skills and expertise to be able to understand the world around them and make a positive impact. (William and James, 3 August 2020)

We expected large corporations to change. Obviously, they didn’t have any incentive to do so, as it didn’t seem economical to them at the time to be considerate of our planet. We could no longer shift the blame to others. We had to ask ourselves: what did I do to save our planet? (Harriet and Jessica, 2 August 2020)

Those who spoke of themselves as being responsible tended to be the same teachers who focussed on small-scale, local changes as opposed to large-scale systematic, cultural, or structural changes. Some of the writings seemed to indicate that local-level change could lead to change on a more global scale. From our perspective as MTEs, we suggest that the tension between local-level and global-level changes had not been fully resolved by the speculative fiction task; however, the PSTs did communicate the tension more explicitly through the task. We think that this was because the task confronted them to visualise climate-changed futures more concretely, and to “imagin[e] an entirely different society, to break from the present at least in imagination” (Levitas, Citation2017, p. 7), which in turn confronted them with the discrepancies between local- and global-level changes, and the need to resolve them.

6. Conclusions and implications

Our sentiment for mathematics teacher education has evolved over this collaboration. Before beginning this work, our conception has been very much oriented toward looking back and staying in the present; we often ask our PSTs to reflect on their practice to improve and be “ready to teach” immediately upon that. This conception about time scale has changed as we engaged our PSTs in the speculative writing activity. As we engaged in pedagogical innovations ourselves, we began to see new possibilities by asking, not only “what is?” but “what could be?” and “what if?” and the “generativity” (Skovsmose, Citation2011) that resides in looking into the uncertain future. Our PSTs were highly engaged and genuinely interested in knowing more about sustainable futures and how they figure in it. Rather than being distant and abstract, the speculative fiction task encouraged many of our PSTs “to think differently, systemically, and concretely about possible futures” (Levitas, Citation2017, p. 7). By modelling pedagogical imagination in our curricula as MTEs, we also model our PSTs in not taking-for-granted the mathematics curricula but to engage in their own imaginings of how they might address and sustain their teaching in response to the uncertain future.

To recap, we learned various practical strategies in phases one and two to support our PSTs in teaching mathematics for sustainable futures in our teacher education curricula. For example, we can use dynamic images to elicit the PSTs to personally reflect on the current situation and engage them with conceptual ideas along with how these ideas might be translated into practice. While these tasks may help our PSTs to become critical and innovate ways to teach for sustainable futures, we think that our task innovation in phase three could be complementary for its generative nature. This was because when travelling to the future, the PSTs could contextualise their possible actions in a sustainable future; in doing so, they not only focussed on their actions but how these actions might relate to large-scale changes. Moreover, as Teo (Citation2019) suggests, the dialogic activity supported the PSTs’ construction and expansion of capacity to navigate the complexities, diversities and uncertainties presented by an increasingly interdependent world.

Learning from phase three, we propose improvements to the task for future implementations. First, we recognise that the UK–HK pairs required considerable time to get acquainted with each other. It would improve the quality of discussion if we had provided adequate time for them to get to know each other before facilitating a more thorough subsequent dialogue. In addition, basing the initial discussion on more familiar topics may be helpful to contextualise the PSTs’ local curricula and culture more genuinely. Finally, the dialogue could be extended to include a phase of participatory AR carried out by the PSTs using the lesson ideas created during earlier phases (phases one and two). By positioning PSTs as researchers, we expect to generate further reflective dialogue about the actions taken, thereby acknowledging PSTs as agents for change and simultaneously supporting them in realising new ideas by enacting their innovative curricula.

This AR constitutes a project that addresses local-level innovation and change. By participating in the phases of study, we and the PSTs explored what it means for mathematics teaching to be relevant to ecological sustainability and to the needs and concerns of students in our local contexts. As we discussed in a recent international working group session, we encourage future research to consider “[w]hat counts as research on mathematics curriculum innovation [and] who decides?” and “[h]ow do we conduct research that matters locally and together contributes to knowledge from multiple places that does not ‘other’ some ‘locals’?” (Ahn et al., Citation2021, p. 94, emphasis original). In the spirit of AR, we have begun designing new phases of our collaboration, where we will attempt to address some of these questions.

Ethical approval

The study reported in this paper was approved by the Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Bristol Research Ethics Committee, reference number 2020-7355-7302.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The research was funded by the World University Network (WUN).


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