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    Kırmızı et, çiğ tavuk, kıyma ve balıktan alınan Aeromonas suşlarına ait yeni 126 izolatın fenotipik verilerini analiz etmek için nümerik taksonomi kullanılmıştır. Her bir suş 86 karakter bakımından test edilmesine rağmen son veri seti 63... more
    Kırmızı et, çiğ tavuk, kıyma ve balıktan alınan Aeromonas suşlarına ait yeni 126 izolatın fenotipik verilerini analiz etmek için nümerik taksonomi kullanılmıştır. Her bir suş 86 karakter bakımından test edilmesine rağmen son veri seti 63 karakter ile SSM benzerlik katsayısı ve UPGMA kümeleme algoritmasıyla analiz edilmiştir. Suşlar % 83’den büyük SSM değerlerinde, 7 büyük (5 ve üzeri suş), 3 küçük (2-4 suş) ve 5 adet tek üyeli kümeden oluşan 10 agregat grup içinde toplanmış ve bu suşlar sırasıyla A. hydrophila, A. caviae ve A. sobria olarak tanımlanmışlardır. Gıdalardan elde edilen izolatların nisbi bir fenotipik aralık gösterdiği ve suş gruplarının mevcut tanımlama şemasındaki tip örnekleriyle mukayese edildiklerinde tipik olmayan profi llere sahip olduğu kanıtlanmıştır. Fenetik yaklaşımın Aeromonas türlerini tanımlamada ve sınırlandırmada gerekli bir araç olduğu açıkça görülmüştür. Farklı kaynaklardan izole edilen Aeromonas suşlarının nümerik taksonomisi, özellikle gıdalarda potan...
    Background: Piperazine and its derivatives have many important pharmacological properties such as antimicrobial, antituberculosis, anticancer, antiviral, and antimalarial activity, as well as HIV protease inhibitors and antidepressant... more
    Background: Piperazine and its derivatives have many important pharmacological properties such as antimicrobial, antituberculosis, anticancer, antiviral, and antimalarial activity, as well as HIV protease inhibitors and antidepressant activity. Therefore, the structural, spectroscopic, electronic, optic, and thermodynamic properties, and biological activity of the 3-methoxy-1- piperazinylbenzene molecule, which is a piperazine derivative, were investigated in this study. Methods: Theoretical calculations for ligands were carried out with the DFT method by using B3LYP /6-311++G(d,p) basis set except for NMR calculations. NMR analyses were calculated with 6-311++G(2d,p) and were recorded experimentally. Results: Experimental and calculated frequencies are compared and they are in agreement with each other. Also, the Uv-Vis absorbance spectrum for the title molecule was recorded and calculated. They were found to be in harmony with each other. According to the results of molecular orbi...
    In this study, biosynthesis and in vitro phytochemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of silver nanoparticles were investigated by using aqueous leaf, flower and root extracts of Primula vulgaris (P. vulgaris subsp.... more
    In this study, biosynthesis and in vitro phytochemical composition, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of silver nanoparticles were investigated by using aqueous leaf, flower and root extracts of Primula vulgaris (P. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris). The synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were confirmed by color conversion and ultraviolet-visible (UV-visible) spectrophotometry. The appearance of a dark brown color and a UV absorption spectrum range at 440 nm confirmed the synthesized silver nanoparticles. The antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles synthesized from the leaf of P. vulgaris; S. aureus 25±1, S. epidermidis 20±1, P. aeruginosa 20±1, A. hydrophila 21±1, C. albicans 25±1, C. tropicalis 25±1, C. parapsilosis 22±1 and C. glabrata 20±1 mm zone diameter was determined. The most antimicrobial effect of P. vulgaris leaf aqueous extract; S. aureus 20±1, S. epidermidis 18±1, A.hydrophila 15±1, P. aeruginosa 12±2, C. albicans 18±1, C. glabrata 18±1, C.tropicalis15±2, a...
    Toplam 120 tatlı su balığı örneklerinin, solungaç, bağırsak, karaciğer ve deri numunelerinden izole edilen Aeromonas cinsine ait A. hydrophila, A. caviae ve A. veronii bv. sobria varlığı değerlendirilmiştir. İzole edilen 78 Aeromonas... more
    Toplam 120 tatlı su balığı örneklerinin, solungaç, bağırsak, karaciğer ve deri numunelerinden izole edilen Aeromonas cinsine ait A. hydrophila, A. caviae ve A. veronii bv. sobria varlığı değerlendirilmiştir. İzole edilen 78 Aeromonas suşunun siderofor, hemolitik, pirazinamidaz, proteaz aktiviteleri ve antibiyotik direnç durumları incelenmiştir. Siderofor üretimi A. hydrophila, A. caviae suşlarının neredeyse tamamında görülürken A. veronii bv. sobria suşlarının yalnızca ikisinde gözlenmiştir. A. hydrophila and A. veronii bv. sobria suşları hemolizin üretirken A. caviae suşları nonhemolitiktir. A. hydrophila suşlarının % 92’si, A. caviae suşlarının % 91’i pirazinamid’i 48 saatten daha az bir zamanda hidroliz etmiş oysa A. veronii bv. sobria suşları yüzde beş oranında aktivite göstermiştir. Proteaz aktivitesi, A. hydrophila, ve A. veronii bv. sobria izolatlarının tamamında (% 100) bulunurken A. caviae izolatlarının % 81,8’de saptanmıştır. Bunlara ilaveten, tüm Aeromonas suşları ampisil...
    WOS: 000437783100057This study aims to generate a microalgae culture collection, and ensure the long-term survival of this collection by prolonging the period when the isolated microalgae and other microorganism cultures can be preserved.... more
    WOS: 000437783100057This study aims to generate a microalgae culture collection, and ensure the long-term survival of this collection by prolonging the period when the isolated microalgae and other microorganism cultures can be preserved. The microalgae cultures included four microalgae species (Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck [Beij erinck], Klebsormidium subtile (Kutzing) Mikhailyuk, Glaser, Holzinger & Karsten, Microcoleus autumnalis (Gomont) Strunecky, Komarek & J.R. Johansen and Synechococcus bigranulatus Skuja), two bacteria species (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) and two fungi species (Aspergillus niger and Penicillium sp.). The study applied a cryopreservation protocol at -80 degrees C directly to each of the species. The cryoprotective agents used in the study were dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), glycerol and skimmed milk at a final concentration of 5% for the microalgae in addition to an application without any cryoprotectant at all. The cryoprotectant agents used for ...
    Many studies have shown that Lactobacillus species are bacteria that are mostly used as probiotics. Here, we evaluated cholesterol assimilation and folic acid production by determining the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus spp from... more
    Many studies have shown that Lactobacillus species are bacteria that are mostly used as probiotics. Here, we evaluated cholesterol assimilation and folic acid production by determining the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus spp from raw goat milk, which has prebiotic properties. Bacteria were isolated from goat milk, and API 50 CHL and 16sRNA identification was performed. Probiotic properties were determined based on bile salt and acidic tolerance, hydrophobicity, haemolytic activity, antibiotic susceptibility, antagonistic effect, and exopolysaccharide production. In addition, cholesterol assimilation and folate production of cultures were determined. The exopolysaccharide production of Lactobacillus plantarum GM-12 was moderate (++), with the highest folate production (179 ng /dl), and high cholesterol assimilation (60 mg / dl). The exopolysaccharide production of L. plantarum GM-15 was high (+++), with high folate production (160 ng / dl) and high cholesterol assimilation (58 ...
    Bu çalışmanın amacı çeşitli klinik örneklerden izole edilen 101 maya suşunun tür tanımlanması ve antifungal duyarlıklarının belirlenmesidir. İzolatların identifikasyonu API 20 C AUX (Biomérieux, France) kiti ile yapılmış olup, API ATB... more
    Bu çalışmanın amacı çeşitli klinik örneklerden izole edilen 101 maya suşunun tür tanımlanması ve antifungal duyarlıklarının belirlenmesidir. İzolatların identifikasyonu API 20 C AUX (Biomérieux, France) kiti ile yapılmış olup, API ATB (Biomérieux, France) fungus kiti ile suşların flusitozin, amfoterisin B, flukonazol, itrakonazol ve vorikonazola karşı antifungal duyarlılıkları belirlenmiştir. Yüz bir klinik suşun 48’i idrar, 46’sı kan, 5’i kateter ve 2’si yaradan izole edildi. Suşların türlere göre dağılımında en sık C. albicans (54.46%), ikinci sıklıkta C. parapsilosis (33.66%), üçüncü sıklıkta C. famata (6.93%), dördüncü sıklıkta C. tropicalis (2.97%) ve beşinci sıklıkta C. pelliculosa (1.98%) izledi. C. albicans suşlarında vorikonazol ve flukonazola karşı direnç oranları sırasıyla %5.45 ve % 3.63 olarak saptandı. Diğer Candida suşlarında ise özellikle itrakonazola karşı farklı oranlarda direnç saptandı. Candida infeksiyonlarının etkin tedavisi için antifungal duyarlılığın ve tür ...
    In this study, the ligand, 2- p -tolyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline (L) was synthesized by the reaction of 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione with 4-methylbenzaldehyde. The complexes of L were prepared with Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II)... more
    In this study, the ligand, 2- p -tolyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline (L) was synthesized by the reaction of 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione with 4-methylbenzaldehyde. The complexes of L were prepared with Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) chlorides. The ligand and its complexes were characterized by IR, UV/VIS, 1 H NMR, TGA, elemental analyses, molar conductivity and magnetic susceptibility. The complexes were proposed to be distorted octahedral geometry. Antibacterial activity of the ligand and its complexes were tested against selected bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for the ligand and its complexes. KEY WORDS : 1,10-Phenanthroline, Imidazole, Cobalt complex, Nickel complex, Copper complex, Antibacterial activity Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2013 , 27(2), 213-220. DOI:
    ABSTRACT. In this study, the ligand, 2-p-tolyl-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline (L) was synthesized by the reaction of 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione with 4-methylbenzaldehyde. The complexes of L were prepared
    This study aims to determine the effects of inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) on the probiotic properties of five Lactobacillus spp. isolated from human milk. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated and identified, and the growth... more
    This study aims to determine the effects of inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) on the probiotic properties of five Lactobacillus spp. isolated from human milk. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated and identified, and the growth characteristics, acid and bile salt tolerance, antagonistic effects, and cholesterol assimilation of Lactobacillus strains were investigated in the presence of inulin and FOS. Lactobacillus casei L1 was able to utilize inulin and FOS as carbon source as well as glucose even other strains were able to use, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. This strain also showed high tolerance to acid and bile salt, even at pH 2.5 and 0.5% bile salt levels, respectively. Inulin and FOS promoted the antimicrobial activity of L. casei L1 against pathogenic bacteria. Cholesterol assimilation was higher than in the other and control probiotic strains in the presence inulin and FOS, which were measured as 14 and 25 mg/dL, respectively. In conclusion, L. casei L1 can use both ...
    In this study, the effect of the incubation time, incubation temperature, pH, metal and sodium ions on the antibacterial activity of chitosan against food borne spoilage bacteria focused. Aeromonas hydrophila and Staphylococcus aureus,... more
    In this study, the effect of the incubation time, incubation temperature, pH, metal and sodium ions on the antibacterial activity of chitosan against food borne spoilage bacteria focused. Aeromonas hydrophila and Staphylococcus aureus, were used as two food borne bacteria. Acetic acid was used dissolving of chitosan. Results showed that chitosan solution at 5 mg/mL significantly inhibited the growth of A. hydrophila and S. aureus in presence of time, pH and metal ions (p <0.01). However, temperature did not significantly affect the antibacterial activity (4°C, 25°C and 37°C) (p >0.01). Chitosan activity increased with increasing incubation time. The influence of below pH 6 on the antibacterial activity of chitosan was significantly influenced (p<0.01). The addition of Ba+2 reduced chitosan activity against A. hydrophila while the addition of Ca+2 have increased chitosan activity against S. aureus. Sodium ions at a concentration of 25 mM reduced chitosan activity against S. ...
    Summary Thirty Lactobacillus were isolated from the stool of 5-15 year-old children using MRS agar and identified by API 50CHL. Also, 50 Candida were isolated from blood cultures using SD agar and identified by Vitek 2 instrument with YST... more
    Summary Thirty Lactobacillus were isolated from the stool of 5-15 year-old children using MRS agar and identified by API 50CHL. Also, 50 Candida were isolated from blood cultures using SD agar and identified by Vitek 2 instrument with YST kit. Antifungal effects of Lactobacillus bacteria on Candida were explored using well diffusion method in SD agar. Lactobacillus had the most prominent antifungal effect against on C. albicans (M29, M36), C. parapsilosis (M25, M26), C. famata (M28) and C. guilliermondii (M38) yeasts. This study shows the presence of antifungal effect of Lactobacillus on Candida isolated from blood cultures.
    Six new CuL1 (L1 = 4-bromo-2-(1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline-2-yl)phenol), CoL1, NiL1, CuL2 (L2 = 2-(1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline-2-yl)-5-methoxyphenol), CoL2and NiL2 complexes were synthesized. L1 and L2 ligands were... more
    Six new CuL1 (L1 = 4-bromo-2-(1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline-2-yl)phenol), CoL1, NiL1, CuL2 (L2 = 2-(1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline-2-yl)-5-methoxyphenol), CoL2and NiL2 complexes were synthesized. L1 and L2 ligands were prepared by the condensation of 1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione with 5-bromosalicylaldehyde and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde, respectively. The structures of the compounds were determined by elemental analyses, IR,UV-visible, 1H-NMR, TGA, magnetic susceptibilities and molar conductance measurements. It is observed that the synthesized complexes have tetragonal and distorted square pyramidal geometrical structures. Antibacterial activity of the ligands and their metal complexes were tested against selected bacteria by disc diffusion method.
    Numerical taxonomy was used to analyze phenotypic data obtained from 126 new isolates of Aeromonas strains taken from red meat, raw chicken, minced meat, and fish samples. Each strain was tested for 86 characters but only the final data... more
    Numerical taxonomy was used to analyze phenotypic data obtained from 126 new isolates of Aeromonas strains taken from red meat, raw chicken, minced meat, and fish samples. Each strain was tested for 86 characters but only the final data including 63 characters were analysed using the SSM coefficients and the UPGMA clustering algorithm. At SSM values of => 83%, the strains clustered into 10 aggregate groups consisting of 7 major (5 and up strains) and 3 minor (2-4 strains), and 5 single member clusters, each of which was identified as A. hydrophila, A. caviae, and A. sobria, respectively. It was proved that the food isolates showed a relative phenotypical distance and the groups of strains that had atypical profiles were compared with the type species by the present identification schemes. It was clearly seen that the phenetic approach was a necessary tool to delimitate and identify the Aeromonas species. Numerical taxonomy of Aeromonas strains isolated from different sources reve...
    In this study, whole cell protein profiles of 20 local strains of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from different foods in Turkey and one reference strain (ATCC 7966) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel... more
    In this study, whole cell protein profiles of 20 local strains of Aeromonas hydrophila isolated from different foods in Turkey and one reference strain (ATCC 7966) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). It was observed that there was variability among the strains. Molecular weight of proteins were found to be between 21-116 kDa. The protein polypeptide bands from 37.8 to 101.4 kDa were common in both local strains and reference strain of A. hydrophila. The results of this study indicated that there is a genetic similarity between strains of A. hydrophila and reference strain (ATCC 7966). These protein patterns are likely to be beneficial to differentiate between the strains in epidemiological studies.
    Purpose: To investigate the chemical composition of the essential oil of Cyperus fuscus burs as well as the antimicrobial activities of the ethanol extracts and essential oil. Methods: Fresh burs roots of C. fuscus were collected at the... more
    Purpose: To investigate the chemical composition of the essential oil of Cyperus fuscus burs as well as the antimicrobial activities of the ethanol extracts and essential oil. Methods: Fresh burs roots of C. fuscus were collected at the flowering stage in an open area in Gudul (Ankara, Turkey). Preparation of the ethanol extract, hydrodistillation of the essential oil, GC-FID-MS analysis, and agar diffusion and MIC agar dilution assays were performed to determine various parameters for the oil and extracts. Results: The major compounds of the essential oil were dehydroaromadendrene (10.7 %), azulenone (8.5 %), α-selinene (7.5 %), α-ylangene (6.0 %) and β-caryophyllene (5.6 %). The essential oil of Cyperus fuscus exhibited activity against Gram-negative bacteria with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranging from 1000 to 31.25 μl/mL. Similarly, the ethanol extract of the burs showed good antimicrobial activity with the MIC of the ethanol extracts on ranging from 1000 μg/m...
    The purpose of this study was to identify and determine antifungal susceptibility patterns of 101 yeast strains isolated from varios clinical specimens. Identification of the isolates were determined by API 20 C AUX kit (Biomerieux,... more
    The purpose of this study was to identify and determine antifungal susceptibility patterns of 101 yeast strains isolated from varios clinical specimens. Identification of the isolates were determined by API 20 C AUX kit (Biomerieux, France) and antifungal susceptibilities of these species to flucytosine, amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole and voriconazole were determined by API ATB Fungus kit (Biomerieux, France). Of the 101 strains, 48 were isolated from urine, 46 from blood, 5 from catheter and 2 from wound. C.albicans (54.46%) was the most frequently isolated species, followed by C.parapsilosis (33.66%), C.famata (6.93%), C.tropicalis (2.97%) and C.pelliculosa (1.98%). High rates of resistance against itraconazole, fluconazole and voricanozole were detected in C.albicans. Different rates of resistance against especially itraconazole were detected in other Candida strains. Species definition and determination of antifungal susceptibility patterns are advised for the proper ...
    Sideroforlar, bakteri, mantar, aktinomicetes ve alg gibi mikroorganizmalar tarafindan uretilmektedirler. Son yillarda sideroforlarinklinik ve tarimsal olmak uzere bircok alanlarda uygulanabilirligi, bu mikrobiyal demir selatinin... more
    Sideroforlar, bakteri, mantar, aktinomicetes ve alg gibi mikroorganizmalar tarafindan uretilmektedirler. Son yillarda sideroforlarinklinik ve tarimsal olmak uzere bircok alanlarda uygulanabilirligi, bu mikrobiyal demir selatinin biyoteknolojideki oneminide artirmistir. Sideroforlar antibiyotik ve biyokontrol ajani olarak da kullanilmaktadirlar. Modern molekuler araclarin ortaya cikmasi ile dogadaki sideroforlarin cok yonlu rolunun anlasilmasinda onemli gelismeler olmustur. Bu derleme, mikrobiyal sideroforlarin rolu ve uygulamalari uzerindeki son arastirmalari ozetlemekte ve biyoteknoloji alanindaki onemini vurgulamaktadir
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the public health significance of representative motile Aeromonas isolates, which were mainly isolated from different foods, and to determine the effects of different temperatures on virulence factors... more
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the public health significance of representative motile Aeromonas isolates, which were mainly isolated from different foods, and to determine the effects of different temperatures on virulence factors such as hemolysin, protease, lipase and nuclease. The influence of different temperatures (+4 °C, +25 °C and +37 °C) on virulence factors of 40 isolates of Aeromonas (A.) spp. (A. hydrophila, A. caviae and A. sobria) was investigated. All isolates could produce hemolysin, protease, lipase, and nuclease at +37 °C, +25 °C and +4 °C; however, these virulence associated factors were produced faster at +37 °C and +25 °C than at +4 °C. All Aeromonas species were also tested for antibiotic resistance patterns and were found to be resistant to ampicillin, yet sensitive to imipenem, ciprofloxacin and amikacin antibiotics.
    Ozet : Bu cal›flmada, tavuklarda Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu antikorlar›n›n deneme hayvanlar› ve afl›l› surulerde HI testi ve ELISA ile saptanmas› ve test sonuclar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas› amacland›. ELISA'da Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu... more
    Ozet : Bu cal›flmada, tavuklarda Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu antikorlar›n›n deneme hayvanlar› ve afl›l› surulerde HI testi ve ELISA ile saptanmas› ve test sonuclar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas› amacland›. ELISA'da Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu LaSota suflundan metanol presipitasyon yontemi ile haz›rlanan antijen, peroksidaz enzimi ile iflaretli anti tavuk IgG konjugat› ve substrat olarak orto- fenilendiamin kullan›ld›. Negatiflik eflii 490 nm dalga boyunda optik dansite (OD) 0.19 olarak belirlendi. Deneme grubundaki 50 hayvan›n yan›s›ra 21 iflletmeye ait broyler, yumurtac› ve dam›zl›k surulerden temin edilen toplam 504 tavuk serumunun tumu HI testi ve ELISA ile deerlendirildi. ‹statistiksel olarak (p<0.001), deneme ve test gruplar›n›n HI testi ve ELISA sonuclar› aras›nda pozitif korelasyon saptand› (s›ras›yla, r=0.97 ve 0.87) ve t-testinde onemli fark bulundu. Pozitifleri saptamada 504 serumdan 1'i (%0.2) haric uygunluk goruldu. Abstract : The aim of this study was to determine ser...
    A total of 120 fresh water fish samples were evaluated for the presence of Aeromonas spp. A. hydrophila, A. caviae ,a ndA. veronii bv. sobria were isolated from the gills, intestines, livers, and skins of fish, and 78 isolated Aeromonas... more
    A total of 120 fresh water fish samples were evaluated for the presence of Aeromonas spp. A. hydrophila, A. caviae ,a ndA. veronii bv. sobria were isolated from the gills, intestines, livers, and skins of fish, and 78 isolated Aeromonas spp. strains were further examined for siderophore, hemolytic, protease, and pyrazinamidase activities and antibiotic resistance. Siderophore production was demonstrated in almost all of the A. hydrophila and A. caviae strains except for 2 strains of A. veronii bv. sobria. The strains identified as A. hydrophila and A. veronii bv. sobria were the stronger producers of hemolysin, whereas the A. caviae strains were nonhemolytic. It was found that 92% of A. hydrophila and 91% of A. caviae strains hydrolyzed pyrazinamide in under 48 h, whereas 5% of A. veronii bv. sobria strains hydrolyzed pyrazinamide. Protease activity was found in 100% of isolates of A. hydrophila and A. veronii bv. sobria, but in 81% of A. caviae isolates. In addition, all Aeromonas ...
    In this study, sixteen Aeromonas (A.) hydrophila and A. caviae isolates obtained from fish in Ankara, Turkey were described and compared with two American type strains (A. hydrophila ATCC 7966 and A. caviae ATCC 15468) and characterised... more
    In this study, sixteen Aeromonas (A.) hydrophila and A. caviae isolates obtained from fish in Ankara, Turkey were described and compared with two American type strains (A. hydrophila ATCC 7966 and A. caviae ATCC 15468) and characterised by various methods including biochemical, physiological tests and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Whole cell protein (WCP) profiles of these isolates were analyzed using SDS-PAGE. We concluded that the study showed that there was a similar clonal group origin of the A. hydrophila isolates and the reference strain (ATCC 7966). Likewise, there was also a similarity between the A. caviae isolates and the reference strain (ATCC 15468). The results show that SDS-PAGE may be an efficient method to differentiate Aeromonas isolates.
    This study aims to determine the effects of inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) on the probiotic properties of five Lactobacillus spp. isolated from human milk. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated and identified, and the growth... more
    This study aims to determine the effects of inulin and fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) on the probiotic properties of five Lactobacillus spp. isolated from human milk. Lactobacillus spp. were isolated and identified, and the growth characteristics, acid and bile salt tolerance, antagonistic effects, and cholesterol assimilation of Lactobacillus strains were investigated in the presence of inulin and FOS. Lactobacillus casei L1 was able to utilize inulin and FOS as carbon source as well as glucose even other strains were able to use, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. This strain also showed high tolerance to acid and bile salt, even at pH 2.5 and 0.5% bile salt levels, respectively. Inulin and FOS promoted the antimicrobial activity of L. casei L1 against pathogenic bacteria. Cholesterol assimilation was higher than in the other and control probiotic strains in the presence inulin and FOS, which were measured as 14 and 25 mg/dL, respectively. In conclusion, L. casei L1 can use both ...
    Özet : Bu çal›flmada, tavuklarda Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu antikorlar›n›n deneme hayvanlar› ve afl›l› sürülerde HI testi ve ELISA ile saptanmas› ve test sonuçlar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas› amaçland›. ELISA'da Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu... more
    Özet : Bu çal›flmada, tavuklarda Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu antikorlar›n›n deneme hayvanlar› ve afl›l› sürülerde HI testi ve ELISA ile saptanmas› ve test sonuçlar›n›n karfl›laflt›r›lmas› amaçland›. ELISA'da Newcastle hastal›¤› virusu LaSota suflundan metanol presipitasyon yöntemi ile haz›rlanan antijen, peroksidaz enzimi ile iflaretli anti tavuk IgG konjugat› ve substrat olarak orto- fenilendiamin kullan›ld›. Negatiflik eflii 490 nm dalga boyunda optik dansite (OD) 0.19 olarak belirlendi. Deneme grubundaki 50 hayvan›n yan›s›ra 21 iflletmeye ait broyler, yumurtac› ve dam›zl›k sürülerden temin edilen toplam 504 tavuk serumunun tümü HI testi ve ELISA ile deerlendirildi. ‹statistiksel olarak (p
    Research Interests:
    In this study, the probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus which were taken from the stool samples of 30 children, aged between 5 and 15 years, were studied. The stomach medium (low pH) and bile salt tolerance, bile salt hydrolysis... more
    In this study, the probiotic characteristics of Lactobacillus which were taken from the stool samples of 30 children, aged between 5 and 15 years, were studied. The stomach medium (low pH) and bile salt tolerance, bile salt hydrolysis activity, antagonistic activity and cholesterol assimilation quantity of Lactobacillus strains were determined. It was defined that on the whole Lactobacillus strains were resistant to high acidity (pH 2.0–2.5) and sensitive to high levels of bile salt (% 1.00 Oxgall), there was no bile salt hydrolysis activity, they were resistant to vancomycin, teicoplanin and bacitracin and had antagonistic effects on pathogenic bacteria. It was noted that only L. curvatus L26 strain, which produced bacteriocin, had a general antagonistic effect; was indulgent to gastric acid and bile salt; and in different bile salt medium assimilated cholesterol at a high degree (15.22–25.42 µg/ml). At the same time, the fact that L. curvatus L26 had ß-glucuronidase digesting preb...

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