Beef Cattle Production

A group of cattle

Nebraska team identifies new genetic defect impacting cattle morbidity and meat quality

Cattle have long been a cornerstone of agriculture, providing us with milk, meat, and various other products that nourish and sustain our communities. Ensuring the cattle’s health and optimal muscle development is vital when producing high-quality beef. However, various genetic conditions can disrupt muscle metabolism, affecting animals’ well-being and the quality of the meat they produce.

Predicted hot, dry summer could impact forage production

In parts of the High Plains region, recent developing dry conditions are starting to raise concerns that we may see reduced forage production from pasture and rangelands as we move on into the rest of the spring and summer. The map shows many parts of the Sandhills and Panhandle regions receiving below average precipitation for the last 30 days.  This time frame is critical for precipitation that drives cool-season forage production on rangeland and pasture.

Nebraska Extension’s ‘Herd That!’ conference in North Platte to focus on beef cattle reproduction

The Nebraska Women in Agriculture program, along with the Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance Program, will host the fourth annual Herd That! Conference on June 10-11, in North Platte. The event will be held at the West Central Research, Extension and Education Center, 402 W. State Farm Road.  

Time to start planning for heat in the feedlot

As we approach the end of May, it may be time to start thinking of the summer heat, particularly that first heat event that cattle and folks who manage may not be prepared for. The following is a list of some strategies cattle feedlot managers and their crews could begin thinking about as nice weather today turns into heat-stressing weather later.

How to know when a pasture is ready to be grazed in the spring

The time for turn out to our primary summer pastures is very near.  A couple of important questions are what date to turn out, and which pastures should be first?

Horn flies and Control Options

Nebraska’s spring weather conditions have made it more difficult to predict the emergence of horn flies. If the current weather pattern continues, we should start to see horn fly emergence in the southeast part of the state in early May, reaching northern Nebraska by late May. If we experience an abrupt and sustained warm-up, horn fly numbers could reach or exceed the Economic Injury Level (EIL) statewide by the end of May. The EIL represents a fly population of 200 flies per animal that negatively impacts cattle production enough to warrant paying for a fly control measure.

The Nebraska Range Short Course and Grazing School team up in 2024

Click here to register by June 1! 

The 2024 Nebraska Range Short Course is teaming up with the Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition (NGLC) Grazing School on June 25 – 27, 2024 at the Spring Lake Ranch south of Gordon, Nebraska to host an event that will give individuals an opportunity to increase their skills with grazing, rangeland management, and livestock production.