Volume 292, Issue 11 p. 1827-1845
Visual Biology
Free Access

Optic Foramen Morphology and Activity Pattern in Birds

Margaret I. Hall

Corresponding Author

Margaret I. Hall

Department of Physiology, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University, Glendale, Arizona

Fax: (623) 572-3449

Department of Physiology, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University, 19555 N 59th Avenue, Glendale, AZ 85308Search for more papers by this author
Andrew N. Iwaniuk

Andrew N. Iwaniuk

Department of Neuroscience, Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

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Cristián Gutiérrez-Ibáñez

Cristián Gutiérrez-Ibáñez

Centre for Neuroscience, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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First published: 23 September 2009
Citations: 30


The optic nerve is the sole output of visual information from the ganglion cell layer of the retina to the brain in vertebrates. The size of the optic nerve is predicted to be closely associated with activity pattern, and, in many birds, the size of the optic foramen approximates the size of the optic nerve. Specifically, nocturnal species should have relatively smaller optic foramina than diurnal species because of differences in retinal pooling between activity patterns. If optic foramen morphology varies predictably with activity pattern in birds, this variable may be useful for interpreting activity pattern for birds that do not have soft tissue available for study, specifically for fossils. Across 177 families (from 27 orders), we describe four different optic foramen morphologies, only one of which corresponds well with the size of the optic nerve and is therefore appropriate for activity pattern analyses. Here, we test our hypothesis that nocturnal species will have relatively smaller optic foramina than diurnal species, across all species that we measured that have a discrete optic foramen. Regression analyses using species as independent data points and using comparative methods yielded significant differences in optic foramen size between nocturnal and diurnal species relative to three variables: head length, orbit depth, and sclerotic ring inner diameter. Nocturnal species consistently exhibit significantly smaller relative optic foramen diameters than diurnal species. Our results indicate that optic foramen diameter, in combination with either the sclerotic ring or the orbit diameter, can be used to predict activity pattern. Anat Rec, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Activity pattern, or the time of day when an animal is awake and active, is the main determinant of the amount of light available to form an image on the retina (Lythgoe,1979; Land,1980; Martin,1985,1990; Land and Nilsson,2002; Warrant,2004,2008; Warrant and Locket,2004). In turn, the amount of light available to an animal determines many different aspects of eye architecture, including gross size and shape (Ritland,1982; Martin,1982,1985; Garamszegi et al.,2002; Kirk,2004; Hall and Ross,2007; Ross and Kirk,2007; Ross et al.,2007), and also internal structure (Hubel and Wiesel,1960; Ali and Klyne,1985; Martin,1985; Kay and Kirk,2000; Land and Nilsson,2002; Kirk and Kay,2004; Kirk,2006a,b; Field and Chichilnisky,2007). Although photoreceptor cells collect quanta of light and begin the visual process, they ultimately provide visual information to and converge upon the retinal ganglion cells, which are then responsible for conveying that information to centers within the brain where the visual signal is processed. The optic nerve is primarily composed of axons from the retinal ganglion cells and is the sole sensory output carrying visual information from the retina to the rest of the brain (e.g., Kandel et al.,1991; Butler and Hodos,2005). Although there are some other structures present within the optic nerve, including glial cells, small capillaries for supply of the nerve itself, and some extensions of the pia mater (M.I.H., personal observation; Perkins et al.,2009), the area of the optic nerve is a useful proxy for the number of optic nerve fibers contained within. For example, in humans, the number of optic nerve fibers is directly correlated with the size of the optic disc, with larger nerves containing correspondingly larger numbers of fibers (Jonas et al.,1992). Likewise, the number of optic nerve fibers provides a useful proxy for the number of retinal ganglion cells, which, when considered together with eye size, can provide information about the ratios between photoreceptor cells and retinal ganglion cells, known as retinal summation (described later). Therefore, an examination of the optic nerve can reveal information about retinal structure.

Previous work has shown that optic foramen size is correlated with activity pattern in primates (Kay and Kirk,2000; Kirk and Kay,2004; Kirk,2006a) and is useful for interpreting activity pattern in fossil primates (Kay and Kirk,2000; Kirk and Kay,2004). This difference in optic foramen size between nocturnal and diurnal species is thought to arise from different retinal summation strategies. At night, when light is scarce, the chance of an individual photoreceptor cell in the retina capturing a photon is a statistically rare event and is described by the Poisson distribution (e.g., Lythgoe,1979; Land,1980, Land and Nilsson,2002; Warrant,2004,2008; Warrant and Locket,2004). Photoreceptor cells communicate via bipolar cells with retinal ganglion cells, which form the bulk of the optic nerve. Nocturnal animals therefore maximize the chances of a ganglion cell becoming excited by “summing” the inputs of many photoreceptor cells together (e.g., Lythgoe,1979; Warrant,2004,2008; Warrant and Locket,2004). For example, if only a single photoreceptor cell provides information to a single ganglion cell, and that photoreceptor does not capture light, there is no possibility of exciting the ganglion cell and creating an image. If, however, many photoreceptor cells provide information to that ganglion cell, it is significantly more likely either that: (1) a single photoreceptor cell will collect sufficient light such that the ganglion cell will become excited, or (2) several photoreceptor cells can unite the small amounts of light that they collect, such that combined they can excite their common ganglion cell. The condition found in nocturnal animals, whereby many photoreceptors provide information to a single ganglion cell, is referred to as increased retinal summation and allows the animal to be more visually sensitive to light. Diurnal animals, conversely, usually exhibit decreased retinal summation. During the day, the likelihood that any individual photoreceptor cell will capture light is very high. Indeed, having fewer photoreceptor cells providing information to a single ganglion cell leads to higher visual acuity because each photoreceptor cell is responsible for a certain angle of solid visual space (e.g., Lythgoe,1979; Land,1980; Martin,1985; Land and Nilsson,2002). Therefore, a retina can be wired for high sensitivity or for high visual acuity, but not both. Because the optic nerve is composed almost entirely of axons from the retinal ganglion cells and approximates the size of the optic foramen in primates, the relationship between optic foramen size and activity pattern may reflect differences in retinal summation and the number of retinal ganglion cells.

There are, however, some complications in interpreting the size of the optic foramen in primates. For example, the optic foramen contains both the optic nerve and extensive blood supply for the eye in primates. The central artery of the retina travels through the center of the optic nerve (e.g., Standring et al.,2008) thereby increasing its size, possibly leading to a misinterpretation of optic nerve fiber numbers (Kay and Kirk,2000; Kirk and Kay,2004). In addition, the ophthalmic artery accompanies the optic nerve within the optic foramen (e.g., Standring et al.,2008), thereby increasing the size of the foramen without reflecting the size of the optic nerve (Kay and Kirk,2000; Kirk and Kay,2004). The sizes of these blood vessels are different across primates, and it is therefore difficult to control for their presence in the optic foramen; yet, a robust activity pattern interpretation is possible.

Birds, however, may be a better group in which to explore this correlation between the optic foramen and activity pattern. Birds are highly visually dependent, have absolutely and relatively the largest eyes of all the terrestrial vertebrates (Walls,1942; Duke-Elder,1958; Ritland,1982; Ali and Klyne,1985; Martin,1985, Brooke et al.,1999; Kiltie,2000; Land and Nilsson,2002; Howland et al.,2004; Hall and Ross,2007; Burton,2008), and exhibit significant variation in activity pattern. In fact, there are several examples of the independent evolution of changes in activity patterns across all birds, and these shifts are associated with significant differences in orbit, sclerotic ring, eye size, and morphology (Hall and Ross,2007; Hall,2008b). In addition, birds lack the aforementioned complications of blood supply to the eye via the optic foramen; the avian retina lacks a central artery (M.I.H., personal observation; Stressemann,1934; Perkins et al.,2009) and blood supply primarily enters the orbit ventrally (Stressemann,1934) rather than through the optic foramen. There does, however, appear to be significant variation among avian taxa in the morphology of the optic foramen itself, and whether optic foramen size is correlated with activity pattern in birds has yet to be tested.

In this study, we address both of these uncertainties in birds. First, we surveyed adult skulls from 177 families across 27 different orders of birds to determine and describe the different optic foramen morphologies found across bird groups; only some optic foramen morphologies likely correspond well with the size of the optic nerve and are therefore appropriate for activity pattern analyses. Second, we test the hypothesis that activity pattern can be predicted from the size of the optic foramen, such that diurnal birds will exhibit a consistently larger optic foramen than do nocturnal birds.


Study Animals

The optic foramina were observed for 177 avian families across 27 different orders (see Table 1). Of these, 17 families exhibit Type 1 optic foramina exclusively (see later), including Accipitridae (hawks), Aegothelidae (owlet-nightjars), Apterygidae (kiwis), Balaenicipitidae (shoebills), Cacatuidae (cockatoos), Caprimulgidae (nightjars), Cathartidae (New World vultures), Falconidae (falcons), Nyctibiidae (potoos), Podargidae (frogmouths), Psittacidae (parrots), Rheidae (rheas), Steatornithidae (oil birds), Strigidae (true owls), Struthionidae (ostriches), Tytonidae (barn owls), and Upupidae (hoopoes). Specimens observed and measured for this study were obtained from the Divisions of Birds at the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC) and the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL), and the Department of Ornithology at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY). Only adult specimens were included in our analyses.

Table 1. Summary of optic foramen types
Order Family Type
Anseriformes Anhimidae 3
Apodiformes Apodidae 3
Apodiformes Hemiprocnidae 3
Apodiformes Trochilidae 4
Caprimulgiformes Aegothelidae 1
Caprimulgiformes Caprimulgidae 1
Caprimulgiformes Nyctibiidae 1 and 3
Caprimulgiformes Podargidae 1
Caprimulgiformes Steatornithidae 1 and 3
Charadriiformes Burhinidae 3
Charadriiformes Glareolidae 3
Charadriiformes Rhynchopidae 1 and 3
Charadriiformes Stercorariidae 1 and 3
Charadriiformes Charadriidae 2 and 3
Charadriiformes Chionidae 2 and 3
Charadriiformes Haematopodidae 2 and 3
Charadriiformes Rostratulidae 2 and 3
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae 2 and 3
Charadriiformes Alcidae 2 and 3
Charadriiformes Charadriidae 2
Charadriiformes Ibidorhynchidae 2
Charadriiformes Jacanidae 2
Charadriiformes Recurvirostridae 2
Charadriiformes Rostratulidae 2
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae 2
Charadriiformes Laridae 3
Charadriiformes Sternidae 2
Charadriiformes Thinocoridae 2
Charadriiformes Scolopacidae 2 and 4
Ciconiiformes Balaenicipitidae 1
Ciconiiformes Ciconiidae 3
Ciconiiformes Scopidae 3
Ciconiiformes Ardeidae 2
Coliiformes Coliidae 3
Columbiformes Columbidae 2 and 3
Coraciiformes Upupidae 1
Coraciiformes Bucerotidae 1, 2, and 3
Coraciiformes Coraciidae 3
Coraciiformes Leptosomidae 3
Coraciiformes Momotidae 3
Coraciiformes Phoeniculidae 1 and 3
Coraciiformes Todidae 4
Cuculiformes Cuculidae 2 and 3
Cuculiformes Musophagidae 2 and 3
Cuculiformes Cuculidae 2
Falconiformes Accipitridae 1
Falconiformes Falconidae 1
Falconiformes Cathartidae 1
Galbuliformes Bucconidae 1 and 3
Galbuliformes Galbulidae 3
Galliformes Cracidae 3
Galliformes Megapodidae 3
Galliformes Meleagridae 3
Galliformes Numididae 3
Galliformes Odontophoridae 3
Galliformes Phasianidae 3
Gaviiformes Gaviidae 3
Gruiformes Cariamidae 1 and 3
Gruiformes Otididae 3
Gruiformes Psophiidae 3
Gruiformes Turnicidae 3
Gruiformes Aramidae 2 and 3
Gruiformes Gruidae 2 and 3
Gruiformes Eurypygidae 2
Gruiformes Gruidae 2
Gruiformes Rallidae 2
Opisthocomiformes Opisthocomidae 1 and 3
Passeriformes Cotingidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Dendrocolaptidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Formicariidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Furnariidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Pipridae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Pittidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Thamnophilidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Tyrannidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Rhinocryptidae 2
Passeriformes Tyrannidae 2
Passeriformes Acanthizidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Aegithalidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Alaudidae 2
Passeriformes Artamidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Bombycillidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Callaeidae 2
Passeriformes Campephagidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Cardinalidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Certhiidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Chloropseidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Cinclidae 2
Passeriformes Climacteridae 2
Passeriformes Coerebidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Corcoracidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Cracticidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Dicaeidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Dulidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Estrildidae 2
Passeriformes Fringillidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Grallinidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Hirundinidae 3
Passeriformes Irenidae 2
Passeriformes Laniidae 2
Passeriformes Malaconotidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Maluridae 3
Passeriformes Melanocharitidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Meliphagidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Menuridae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Mimidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Monarchidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Motacillidae 3
Passeriformes Muscicapidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Nectarinidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Oriolidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Pachycephalidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Paradisaeidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Paradoxornithidae 3
Passeriformes Paramythiidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Pardalotidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Paridae 2
Passeriformes Passeridae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Peucedramidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Picathartidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Pityriaseidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Ploceidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Pomatostomidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Prionopidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Promeropidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Ptilonorhynchidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Pycnonotidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Remizidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Rhabdornithidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Sittidae 2
Passeriformes Sturnidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Sylviidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Thraupidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Timaliidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Troglodytidae 2 and 3
Passeriformes Viduidae 3
Passeriformes Zosteropidae 2 and 3
Pelecaniformes Fregatidae 3
Pelecaniformes Pelecanidae 3
Pelecaniformes Sulidae 3
Pelecaniformes Anhingidae 2
Pelecaniformes Phalacrocoracidae 2
Phoenicopteriformes Phoenicopteridae 3
Piciformes Capitonidae 3
Piciformes Indicatoridae 1 and 3
Piciformes Picidae 3
Piciformes Ramphastidae 3
Podicipediformes Podicipedidae 2 and 3
Procellariiformes Diomedeidae 1 and 3
Procellariiformes Hydrobatidae 1 and 3
Procellariiformes Pelecanoididae 2 and 3
Procellariiformes Procellariidae 2 and 3
Psittaciformes Cacatuidae 1
Psittaciformes Psittacidae 1
Pterocliformes Pteroclidae 2 and 3
Sphenisciformes Spheniscidae 3
Strigiformes Strigidae 1
Strigiformes Tytonidae 1
Struthioniformes Apterygidae 1
Struthioniformes Rheidae 1
Struthioniformes Struthionidae 1
Struthioniformes Casuariidae 4
Tinamiformes Tinamidae 3
Trogoniformes Trogonidae 2 and 3
  • Type 1: a discrete optic foramen present in each orbit that probably reflects the size of the optic nerve. Type 2: a single, central optic foramen is present that probably reflects the size of the optic foramen. Type 3: an optic foramen is present that, although discrete, is too large to reflect the optic nerve. Type 4: no discrete optic foramen is present because the posterior aspect of the orbit is not ossified. See Fig. 1.

Of the 17 families exhibiting a Type 1 optic foramen (see definition below), measurements were taken for 15 families. For the two families that were not measured, Balaenicipitidae and Apterygidae, the optic foramina are clearly Type 1, but they are present on the midline of orbits so deep that they are not accessible to calipers. A total of 775 specimens of 313 species of nocturnal and diurnal birds exhibiting a Type 1 optic foramen were measured (see Table 2).

Table 2. Raw data
Taxon Activity pattern N Optic foramen maximum diameter Head length Orbit diameter Inner diameter of sclerotic ring
Accipiter badius Diurnal 3 3.67 32.14 17.77
Accipiter bicolor Diurnal 2 3.60 35.56 19.66 10.21
Accipiter brachyurus Diurnal 1 3.38 31.42 15.20 8.68
Accipiter brevipes Diurnal 1 4.18 34.32 18.60
Accipiter fasciatus Diurnal 2 4.26 40.38 21.32 11.54
Accipiter griseogularis Diurnal 4 3.77 38.91 22.53 12.49
Accipiter haplochrous Diurnal 4 3.57 36.58 20.54 10.68
Accipiter henicogrammicus Diurnal 2 3.78 39.63 22.36 10.94
Accipiter melanochlamys Diurnal 2 3.73 40.28 22.22 10.52
Accipiter minullus Diurnal 1 3.52 28.12 14.20
Accipiter nisus Diurnal 4 3.73 32.40 17.26 8.80
Accipiter novaehollandiae Diurnal 3 3.58 37.68 21.21 10.07
Accipiter soloensis Diurnal 1 4.00 31.44
Accipiter superciliosus Diurnal 1 3.26 29.64 14.61
Accipiter tachiro Diurnal 1 3.80 35.81 19.21 10.36
Accipiter virgatus Diurnal 1 4.02 32.66 17.62
Accipiter cooperi Diurnal 3 4.00 41.08 21.30 11.64
Aegypius monachus Diurnal 3 5.35 72.28 38.86
Aquila audax Diurnal 4 5.04 69.96 35.44 18.46
Aquila gurneyi Diurnal 1 5.14 63.16
Aquila rapax Diurnal 6 4.77 61.25 33.15 15.74
Aquila verreauxi Diurnal 1 6.45 64.64
Aquila chrysaetus Diurnal 3 5.69 68.30 35.56 17.63
Aquila wahlbergi Diurnal 1 4.30 55.28
Aviceda subcristata Diurnal 3 4.28 42.48 23.84 12.55
Busarellus nigricollis Diurnal 3 4.57 48.21 26.96
Butastur indicus Diurnal 2 3.80 42.37 23.55 12.58
Buteo albicaudatus Diurnal 5 4.78 53.65 28.18 14.75
Buteo buteo Diurnal 6 4.64 49.73 27.69 14.28
Buteo galapagoensis Diurnal 3 4.69 53.31
Buteo lagopus Diurnal 5 4.91 52.01 28.48 14.20
Buteo lineatus Diurnal 4 4.53 48.13 27.38 14.30
Buteo magnirostris Diurnal 4 4.00 40.34 22.13 11.22
Buteo nitidus Diurnal 5 4.09 45.56 24.59 11.90
Buteo platypterus Diurnal 4 4.78 43.10 24.28 13.54
Buteo poecilochrous Diurnal 1 5.00 60.60 30.82
Buteo polysoma Diurnal 3 4.47 53.00 27.21 14.61
Buteo regalis Diurnal 6 4.73 55.91 30.15 15.76
Buteo rufinus Diurnal 1 5.30 54.30 27.61
Buteo rufofuscus Diurnal 3 4.73 55.49 29.45
Buteo solitarius Diurnal 1 3.91 47.12
Buteo jamaicensis Diurnal 3 4.63 56.46 30.25 15.79
Buteogallus aequinoctialis Diurnal 4 4.02 43.74 25.09 12.34
Buteogallus anthracinus Diurnal 4 4.31 48.67 27.46 13.57
Buteogallus urubitinga Diurnal 4 5.20 56.22 30.69 14.77
Chondrohierax uncinatus Diurnal 3 4.46 39.03 21.65 11.60
Circaetus cinereus Diurnal 1 5.30 68.70 37.12
Circaetus gallicus Diurnal 1 4.72 65.08 37.67
Circus approximans Diurnal 1 5.12 46.36 25.14
Circus buffoni Diurnal 3 4.74 44.16 23.13 12.02
Circus cinereus Diurnal 1 4.50 36.50 18.74
Circus cyaneus Diurnal 3 4.62 41.66 20.84 11.33
Circus maurus Diurnal 1 4.20 40.30 21.69 11.10
Circus melanoleucus Diurnal 1 4.40 39.34 19.44 10.72
Elanoides forficatus Diurnal 3 4.49 40.67 22.09 10.56
Elanus caeruleus Diurnal 4 2.79 36.77 19.31 9.94
Elanus leucurus Diurnal 2 2.67 39.41 22.61 11.56
Gypaetus barbatus Diurnal 3 5.63 69.13 39.27 17.54
Gypohierax angolensis Diurnal 4 5.12 52.42 27.66
Gyps africanus Diurnal 4 4.04 63.18 28.33
Gyps coprotheres Diurnal 1 5.24 71.33 32.87
Gyps fulvus Diurnal 1 5.60 71.72 32.10
Gyps himalayanus Diurnal 1 5.28 72.22 33.15
Gyps ruppellii Diurnal 1 5.18 66.92 29.12
Haliaeetus albicilla Diurnal 1 5.80 63.54 31.42
Haliaeetus leucogaster Diurnal 4 5.49 59.39 30.16 15.87
Haliaeetus vocifer Diurnal 6 5.10 57.97 31.22 15.33
Haliastur indus Diurnal 4 4.65 41.99 23.02 11.77
Haliastur sphenurus Diurnal 1 4.76 44.82 23.92
Harpagus bidentatus Diurnal 4 4.14 35.70 22.10 11.39
Harpia harpyja Diurnal 4 5.25 73.47 38.31
Heterospizias meridionalis Diurnal 4 4.79 52.20 28.37 14.80
Hieraeetus spilogaster Diurnal 3 4.50 59.52 30.20
Icthyophaga humilis Diurnal 2 4.33 53.53 27.04
Ictinia mississippiensis Diurnal 3 3.39 35.92 20.28 9.58
Ictinia plumbea Diurnal 4 3.76 34.71 20.60 10.55
Leptodon cayanensis Diurnal 1 5.06 45.62 26.22 15.17
Leucopternis albicollis Diurnal 3 4.76 51.43 29.45
Leucopternis melanops Diurnal 3 4.14 42.03 24.36 11.17
Leucopternis princeps Diurnal 1 4.60 54.94 31.04
Leucopternis semiplumbea Diurnal 1 4.12 41.50 22.88 12.34
Lophaetus occipitalis Diurnal 3 4.41 57.64 29.17
Machaerhamphus alcinus Diurnal 1 3.53 50.10 24.11
Melierax canorus Diurnal 2 4.40 46.92 26.06
Melierax metabates Diurnal 2 4.48 48.14 26.19
Milvus migrans Diurnal 4 4.53 44.78 24.24 12.80
Necrosyrtes monachus Diurnal 3 4.68 50.29 26.55
Neophron percnopterus Diurnal 1 5.04 50.58 25.68
Parabuteo unicinctus Diurnal 4 4.82 50.87 26.53 14.19
Pernis apivorus Diurnal 2 4.71 47.86 22.80
Pernis ptilorhynchus Diurnal 2 5.48 50.31 26.62
Polemaeuts bellicosus Diurnal 1 5.76 70.02 38.08
Polyboroides typus Diurnal 4 3.86 45.54 22.62
Pithecophaga jeffreyi Diurnal 1 5.50 71.80 43.64
Rostrhamus sociabilis Diurnal 4 3.87 37.99 20.92 10.91
Spilornis cheela Diurnal 3 4.72 54.34 30.80
Spizaeetus cirrhatus Diurnal 1 4.52 57.49 29.70
Spizaeetus ornatus Diurnal 1 4.22 53.42 28.58 15.60
Spizastur melanoleucus Diurnal 2 4.48 51.91 28.78
Stephanoaetus coronatus Diurnal 4 5.27 63.78 33.84 17.26
Teratophius ecaudatus Diurnal 3 5.25 67.93 37.19
Torgos tracheliotus Diurnal 3 5.02 71.99 41.64
Trigonoceps occipitalis Diurnal 3 5.64 65.31 31.09
Urotriorchis macrourus Diurnal 1 4.50 46.50 25.50
Aegotheles cristatus Nocturnal 3 1.14 26.19 14.92 9.30
Lurocalis semitorquatus Nocturnal 1 2.30 19.78 14.74 9.83
Chordeiles pusillus Nocturnal 2 1.22 17.08 10.57 7.58
Chordeiles acutipennis Nocturnal 3 1.64 19.91 13.40 8.79
Chordeiles minor Nocturnal 4 1.77 21.79 14.28 9.44
Podager nacunda Nocturnal 4 2.29 26.74 19.05 12.93
Nyctiprogne leucopyga Nocturnal 2 1.35 17.91 11.63 8.16
Eurostopodus macrotis Nocturnal 4 2.18 27.48 20.92 14.18
Nyctidromus albicollis Nocturnal 4 1.96 23.35 14.88 10.72
Nyctiphrynus ocellatus Nocturnal 3 1.90 20.43 12.64 9.14
Phalaenoptilus nuttalli Nocturnal 4 2.15 19.87 12.69 9.31
Caprimulgus longirostris Nocturnal 1 2.06 19.26 14.13
Caprimulgus carolinensis Nocturnal 4 2.70 27.45 18.43 12.73
Caprimulgus vociferus Nocturnal 4 2.62 21.53 14.43 10.60
Caprimulgus cayennensis Nocturnal 4 2.34 20.52 14.09 10.49
Caprimulgus parvulus Nocturnal 3 2.10 19.92 12.91 9.63
Caprimulgus europaeus Nocturnal 4 2.68 21.34 14.83 10.39
Caprimulgus macrurus Nocturnal 4 2.49 23.03 15.83 11.30
Macrodipteryx vexillarius Nocturnal 1 1.70 21.86 15.58
Scotornis fossii Nocturnal 3 2.01 21.29 14.37
Hydropsalis brasiliana Nocturnal 2 2.68 22.87 15.19 10.14
Hydropsalis climacocerca Nocturnal 3 2.40 20.35 14.32 10.26
Cathartes aura Diurnal 4 4.50 53.83 24.91 10.91
Cathartes burrovianus Diurnal 4 4.19 49.32 21.62 10.36
Cathartes melambrotus Diurnal 2 5.06 52.89 25.79 10.98
Coragyps atratus Diurnal 4 5.15 51.90 21.23 10.77
Vultur gryphus Diurnal 4 5.76 81.34 29.90 19.04
Gymnogyps californianus Diurnal 2 5.34 79.81 29.31
Sarcoramphus papa Diurnal 4 5.39 65.36 31.01
Falco berigora Diurnal 1 4.32 47.22 24.80
Falco biarmicus Diurnal 2 3.59 43.68 23.22 11.28
Falco cenchroides Diurnal 2 3.59 32.62 13.66 9.21
Falco cherrug Diurnal 2 4.28 50.88 26.98 13.54
Falco cuvieri Diurnal 2 3.50 32.21 17.62
Falco eleonorae Diurnal 4 3.75 35.49 19.08 9.75
Falco femoralis Diurnal 4 3.86 36.89 19.76 10.42
Falco longipennis Diurnal 1 3.28 33.34 17.26
Falco mexicanus Diurnal 6 3.71 45.93 23.81 12.81
Falco moluccensis Diurnal 4 3.25 33.82 17.92 9.20
Falco naumanni Diurnal 4 2.84 30.02 16.69 7.62
Falco rufigularis Diurnal 3 3.06 32.60 17.94 9.96
Falco rupicoloides Diurnal 2 3.36 37.67 20.06 10.55
Falco rusticolus Diurnal 4 3.94 50.86 27.44 13.49
Falco columbarius Diurnal 3 3.45 32.32 16.73 8.87
Falco subbuteo Diurnal 3 3.38 33.66 18.08 9.52
Falco tinnunculus Diurnal 4 3.09 35.11 19.32 9.32
Falco vespertinus Diurnal 2 2.74 30.41 15.63 8.26
Falco sparverius Diurnal 3 3.03 30.92 15.86 7.66
Gampsonyx swainsonii Diurnal 3 2.42 27.20 14.00 6.00
Geranoaetus melanoleucus Diurnal 3 5.00 62.79 32.26
Geranospiza caerulescens Diurnal 2 4.10 40.59 22.60
Herpetotheres cachinnans Diurnal 4 4.34 48.35 28.17 15.06
Micrastur ruficollis Diurnal 2 4.09 36.83 20.76 11.48
Micrastur semitorquatus Diurnal 3 4.27 44.20 25.49 13.65
Micrastur glivicollis Diurnal 1 3.64 36.54 21.32 11.27
Microhierax caerulescens Diurnal 7 2.34 22.72 11.83 6.06
Microhierax erythrogonys Diurnal 3 2.44 25.66 13.43 6.73
Milvago chimango Diurnal 6 3.95 36.83 19.80 9.05
Phalcoboenas australis Diurnal 4 4.99 52.15 25.18 11.61
Phalcoboenas carunculatus Diurnal 1 5.39 49.46 24.20 11.08
Phalcoboenas megalopterus Diurnal 4 5.28 51.17 25.88 10.77
Polihierax semitorquatus Diurnal 1 2.42 24.83 12.77
Spiziapteryx circumcinctus Diurnal 3 3.91 32.42 17.25
Nyctibius griseus Nocturnal 4 4.44 36.95 26.65 17.47
Nyctibius aethereus Nocturnal 1 4.16 37.37 25.49 16.88
Pandion haliaetus Diurnal 4 4.78 45.24 27.42 13.25
Batrachostomus auritus Nocturnal 1 2.70 35.32 23.58 16.51
Podargus strigoides Nocturnal 4 2.63 39.06 25.88 16.42
Agapornis cana Diurnal 3 1.91 19.49 7.64 2.87
Agapornis fischeri Diurnal 1 1.93 23.18 9.71 4.46
Agapornis roseicollis Diurnal 3 2.28 23.44 10.60 4.38
Alisterus scapularis Diurnal 1 2.86 33.90 14.73 7.54
Amazona albifrons Diurnal 1 2.71 35.33 14.72
Amazona amazonica Diurnal 1 3.60 43.30 17.96
Amazona ochrocephala Diurnal 1 3.52 44.01 18.15
Anodorhynchus hyacinthus Diurnal 1 4.35 76.77 23.34
Aprosmictus erythropterus Diurnal 1 2.61 31.28 13.27 6.88
Ara ararauna Diurnal 1 3.89 62.57 20.25
Ara militaris Diurnal 1 4.21 59.43 19.44
Ara severa Diurnal 1 3.39 44.22 17.27
Aratinga acuticaudata Diurnal 1 2.62 35.06 13.35
Aratinga leucophthalmus Diurnal 1 3.01 34.66 13.77
Aratinga pertinax Diurnal 1 2.28 28.73 11.86 6.07
Bolbopsittacus lunulatus Diurnal 1 2.35 27.19 11.50
Bolborhynchus lineola Diurnal 1 1.84 24.47 9.73 4.98
Brotogeris versicolurus Diurnal 1 2.07 25.09 9.78
Cacatua alba Diurnal 1 4.20 49.99 19.13 9.04
Cacatua ducorpsi Diurnal 1 3.00 41.78 15.80 6.89
Cacatua galerita Diurnal 1 3.87 49.07 18.69
Cacatua haematuropygia Diurnal 1 3.70 39.53 16.66 9.04
Cacatua leadbeateri Diurnal 1 3.05 42.52 16.30
Cacatua sanguinea Diurnal 1 2.84 39.25 14.37
Callocephalon fimbriatum Diurnal 1 2.91 38.84 15.14 7.98
Calyptorhynchus magnificus Diurnal 1 3.08 49.78 18.45 8.79
Chalcopsitta atra Diurnal 1 2.97 38.59 13.44
Charmosyna papou Diurnal 1 2.44 31.37 11.76 5.94
Coracopsis vasa Diurnal 1 3.36 45.54 17.83
Cyanoliseus patagonicus Diurnal 1 2.85 38.52 13.60
Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae Diurnal 1 2.55 32.28 13.70
Deroptyus accipitrinus Diurnal 1 3.20 38.95 16.86 8.10
Eclectus roratus Diurnal 1 3.19 42.17 17.65 8.85
Enicognathus ferrugineus Diurnal 1 2.74 33.27 13.21 6.61
Eolophus roseicapilla Diurnal 1 3.38 36.45 14.35 7.03
Eos bornea Diurnal 1 2.77 35.77 12.95
Eos cyanogenia Diurnal 1 2.72 35.43 12.95
Eos squamata Diurnal 1 2.45 32.56 11.68
Eunymphicus cornutus Diurnal 1 2.73 29.50 12.86
Forpus passerinus Diurnal 1 1.48 19.55 7.41
Geoffroyus geoffroyi Diurnal 1 3.05 33.56 15.33
Glossopsitta concinna Diurnal 1 2.26 28.50 10.29 5.00
Graydidasculus brachyurus Diurnal 1 2.78 35.78 14.02
Lathamus discolor Diurnal 1 2.49 24.97 10.12 5.38
Lorius garrulus Diurnal 1 3.08 38.17 13.40 6.85
Lorius lory Diurnal 1 3.11 38.81 14.19 7.26
Melopsittacus undulatus Diurnal 1 1.58 19.77 7.53
Myiopsitta monachus Diurnal 1 2.45 30.31 11.22
Nandayus nenday Diurnal 1 2.40 31.14 11.78
Neophema splendida Diurnal 1 1.93 21.73 9.07 4.61
Neopsephotus bourkii Diurnal 1 1.81 22.06 9.23
Nestor meridionalis Diurnal 3 3.30 51.45 17.62 8.36
Nestor notabilis Diurnal 2 3.67 51.89 18.68 9.07
Nymphicus hollandicus Diurnal 1 2.52 25.09 10.98
Oreopsittacus arfaki Diurnal 1 1.61 21.18 6.98 3.42
Pezoporus wallicus Nocturnal 2 3.01 26.98 13.94 6.94
Pionites melanocephala Diurnal 1 2.66 36.80 14.55 7.73
Pionus chalcopterus Diurnal 1 3.25 36.20 16.25 8.26
Pionus menstruus Diurnal 1 3.28 37.52 16.33 8.66
Platycercus adscitus Diurnal 1 2.53 28.85 11.84 6.12
Platycercus elegans Diurnal 1 2.64 31.71 13.29 6.94
Platycercus eximius Diurnal 1 3.55 28.57 11.85
Poicephalus meyeri Diurnal 1 2.63 31.52 13.31
Poicephalus senegalus Diurnal 1 2.85 33.77 13.59 6.66
Polytelis alexandrae Diurnal 1 2.59 26.69 12.06
Probosciger aterrimus Diurnal 1 3.74 72.60 22.05 11.04
Prosopeiat abuensis Diurnal 1 3.37 40.05 14.91
Psephotus haematonotus Diurnal 1 1.97 24.76 11.20 5.22
Pseudeos fuscata Diurnal 1 2.63 34.68 12.42
Psittacula eupatria Diurnal 1 3.12 40.53 15.93
Psittacula krameri Diurnal 1 2.41 31.89 13.10
Psittacus erithacus Diurnal 1 2.98 44.07 16.49
Psittinus cyanurus Diurnal 1 2.59 27.70 12.11
Psittrichas fulgidus Diurnal 1 3.61 50.82 17.54
Purpuriecephalus spurius Diurnal 1 2.70 28.86 12.56
Pyrrhura leucotis Diurnal 1 1.80 24.24 8.84
Strigops habroptilus Nocturnal 2 2.19 53.79 17.01
Tanygnathus lucionensis Diurnal 1 3.18 39.24 16.36
Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus Diurnal 1 2.32 29.14 10.69
Trichoglossus haematodus Diurnal 1 2.77 33.14 12.11 7.66
Vini australis Diurnal 1 2.09 25.72 9.04
Sagittarius serpentarius Diurnal 4 6.05 66.73 36.03 19.17
Steatornis caripensis Nocturnal 2 2.94 36.30 18.20 10.89
Bubo bubo Nocturnal 5 3.31 60.67 39.48 21.30
Bubo virginianus Nocturnal 3 3.91 55.49 36.95 21.03
Bubo africanus Nocturnal 4 2.82 46.90 30.77
Bubo philippensis Nocturnal 1 2.62 49.64 34.59 21.15
Bubo lucteus Nocturnal 1 2.53 58.83 38.58
Bubo sumatrana Nocturnal 1 2.46 52.86
Ketupa zeylonensis Nocturnal 2 2.74 50.91 34.78 20.90
Ketupa ketupu Nocturnal 2 2.34 48.39 31.97 17.07
Bubo scandiaca Diurnal 6 3.16 57.40 35.87 18.35
Otus nudipes Nocturnal 4 1.58 32.22 20.63 11.45
Otus choliba Nocturnal 4 1.76 32.36 19.58 11.38
Otus watsoni Nocturnal 3 1.87 33.37 20.89 12.20
Otus leucotis granti Nocturnal 1 2.04 36.50 22.66
Otus atricapillus Nocturnal 1 1.90 32.94 20.66 11.90
Otus flammeolus Nocturnal 1 1.58 30.05 19.04 11.14
Otus lawrencii lawrencii Nocturnal 1 1.26 28.92 19.06 11.00
Otus asio Nocturnal 6 1.93 36.55 21.74 13.34
Otus scops Nocturnal 4 1.53 28.34 16.93 10.07
Otus magicus Nocturnal 3 1.60 33.39 21.70 12.50
Otus bakkamoena Nocturnal 3 1.60 34.43 23.03 13.16
Otus elegans calayensis Nocturnal 4 1.55 31.15 19.87 11.45
Otus kennicotti Nocturnal 4 1.81 36.97 23.36 13.63
Otus clarkii Nocturnal 2 1.69 31.69 20.36 12.43
Pulsatrix perspicillata Nocturnal 4 2.03 49.75 32.44 17.76
Surnia ulula Diurnal 4 2.50 40.31 20.66 11.95
Glaucidium perlatum Nocturnal 3 1.63 28.18 14.81
Glaucidium brodei Diurnal 2 1.52 26.67 14.20
Glaucidium gnoma Diurnal 1 1.66 25.98 13.08 7.52
Glaucidium siju Nocturnal 1 1.50 26.25 13.54
Glaucidium brasilianum Diurnal 4 1.60 28.09 14.17 8.43
Glaucidium passerinum Nocturnal 4 1.32 26.18 12.60 7.35
Glaucidium sjostedti Nocturnal 1 2.13 33.16 20.08 11.55
Glaucidium cuculoides Diurnal 4 6.20 35.46 19.43
Micrathene whitneyi Nocturnal 3 1.11 24.25 12.86 7.68
Ninox boobook Nocturnal 4 2.32 39.47 24.09 15.34
Ninox scutulata Nocturnal 4 2.19 32.84 20.22 13.26
Ninox philippensis Nocturnal 2 1.79 32.50 19.77 11.80
Ninox solomonis Nocturnal 3 2.04 33.58 21.13 13.42
Athene noctua Nocturnal 7 1.63 34.10 18.43 10.75
Athene brama Diurnal 3 1.80 31.95 18.76 11.37
Athene cunicularia Nocturnal 6 1.65 33.15 18.91 11.24
Ciccaba virgata Nocturnal 4 2.17 40.60 25.74
Ciccaba nigrolineata Nocturnal 4 2.25 43.59 26.84 16.29
Ciccaba albitarsus Nocturnal 1 2.38 42.70 28.08
Ciccaba woodfordi Nocturnal 2 2.15 39.86 25.57
Strix occidentalis Nocturnal 4 2.76 48.68 27.62 18.36
Strix aluco Nocturnal 6 2.84 44.75 25.88 15.83
Strix varia Nocturnal 7 2.87 48.14 29.87 17.02
Strix uralensis Nocturnal 4 3.09 47.90 26.86 15.72
Strix nebulosa Nocturnal 2 3.86 49.74 27.35 14.84
Asio otus Nocturnal 4 2.22 37.25 18.52 12.09
Asio flammeus Diurnal 6 2.51 38.50 19.40 11.80
Asio capensis Nocturnal 3 2.24 37.48 21.78
Pseudoscops grammicus Nocturnal 2 1.74 41.67 23.83 13.10
Aegolius funereus Nocturnal 6 1.75 32.65 17.50 9.81
Aegolius acadicus Nocturnal 4 1.47 31.01 16.70 10.37
Tyto alba Nocturnal 7 1.98 44.02 18.31 10.81
Tyto glaucops Nocturnal 2 1.67 41.40 20.21
Scotopelia ussheri Nocturnal 1 1.99 46.43 30.74 17.34
Casuarius unappendiculatis Diurnal 1 5.53 38.00
Pterochemia pennata Diurnal 1 5.58 33.85
Dromaius novaehollandiae Diurnal 1 5.24
Struthio camelus Diurnal 1 6.13 46.68

Optic Foramen Coding

Birds were coded into one of four optic foramen types as follows (see Fig. 1): Type 1, a discrete optic foramen is present in each orbit that probably reflects the size of the optic nerve; Type 2, a single, central optic foramen is present that probably reflects the position of the optic chiasm (M.I.H., personal observation); Type 3, an optic foramen is present that, although discrete, is too large to reflect the optic nerve; and Type 4, no discrete optic foramen is present because the posterior aspect of the orbit is not ossified.

Details are in the caption following the image

Optic foramen types. (A) Type 1: optic foramen corresponds with the size of the optic nerve, depicted on the gang-gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum). (B) Type 2: one central optic foramen that probably corresponds to the position of the optic chiasm, depicted on the purple swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio). (C) Type 3: an optic foramen that, although discrete, is too large to represent the size of the optic nerve, depicted on the magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus). (D) Type 4: No optic foramen is present because the posterior aspect of the orbit is unossified, as depicted on the royal tern (Sterna maxima).

Activity Pattern Coding

All birds exhibiting a Type 1 optic foramen were coded into one of two different activity patterns from the literature (del Hoyo et al,1999): (1) diurnal, defined as active during the day in a photopic environment and (2) nocturnal, active at night in a scotopic light environment. No exclusively cathemeral (equally likely to be active at any time of day) or crepuscular (active during dawn and dusk) birds were included in this study; several owls that are active during dawn and dusk are primarily nocturnal and were therefore included in the nocturnal group. We define activity pattern as that time of the day when animals conduct the usual activities of life, and do not include occasional activities that take place at other times of day.


Measurements were performed with digital calipers to the nearest 0.01 mm as follows, although not every measurement was available for every specimen (see Table 2 and Fig. 2). The maximum diameter of the optic foramina was measured. In some taxa, the optic foramen was not fully ossified around the perimeter in that the optic foramen was only partially enclosed. For these cases, the maximum diameter that was ossified on both sides was measured. In addition to optic foramen maximum diameter, three additional measurements were taken of each specimen where possible: (1) head length, (2) orbit diameter, and (3) the inner diameter of the sclerotic ring. Head length was measured to investigate the allometry of the optic foramen across birds, and was measured from the centerpoint of the junction of the keratinous sheath of the beak proper and the bony skull to the posterior-most point on the skull. Previous work has shown that both orbit diameter (Kay and Kirk,2000; Heesy and Ross,2001,2004; Kirk and Kay,2004; Kirk,2006a; Hall,2008b) and the inner diameter of the sclerotic ring (Hall,2008b; Schmitz,2009) differ between nocturnal and diurnal species. Orbit diameter is a bony correlate of the transverse diameter of the eye, a useful indicator of overall eye size, and nocturnal birds exhibit a larger eye (Ritland,1982; Hall and Ross,2007) and orbit diameter than diurnal birds (Hall,2008b). Nocturnal birds also consistently exhibit a larger inner diameter of the sclerotic ring, a close bony correlate of corneal size, probably as an adaptation to allow more light to enter the eye (Hall,2008b). Most birds do not have an ossified inferior orbital margin, in which case orbit diameter was measured from the center of the quadratojugal, closest to the beak margin, to that point on the superior orbital margin directly opposite (after the mammalian Orbitale inferius and Orbitale superius, as defined in Cartmill,1970). In specimens with an ossified inferior orbital margin (e.g., parrots), orbital diameter was measured from that point on the inferior orbital margin closest to the beak margin and the center of the quadratojugal bar to that point on the superior orbital margin directly opposite. The maximum inner diameter of the sclerotic ring was also measured.

Details are in the caption following the image

Measurements. Top: inner diameter of the sclerotic ring and head length depicted on the snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus). Bottom: orbit diameter, optic foramen maximum diameter, and head length depicted on the gang-gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum).

Statistical Analysis

To determine if optic foramen size differs between nocturnal and diurnal birds, we used both comparisons between means and regression analyses. All of the data were log10 transformed and tested for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test with Lilliefors transformation to determine if parametric or nonparametric statistics were appropriate. We generated a box plot to demonstrate the differences of the optic foramen maximum diameter between nocturnal and diurnal birds (see results, Fig. 3). We also generated scatter plots to allow for further visual inspection of the data (see Results, Figs. 4-6). Because measurement error and natural variation affect both dependent and independent variables, reduced major axis (RMA) was the Model II line-fitting technique used in this study. RMA regression analyses do not assume that variance in either variable is more significant than the other, or that one is influencing the other (Ricker,1984; Rayner,1985; Sokal and Rohlf,1995; Warton et al.,2006). We also report ordinary least squares regression results to better allow comparisons of our results with other studies (e.g., Kay and Kirk,2000; Kirk and Kay,2004). RMA regressions were calculated in (S)MATR (Falster et al.,2006); all other analyses were computed in SPSS 15.0.

Details are in the caption following the image

Box plot of log10 optic foramen maximum diameter on nocturnal and diurnal birds. The central solid line represents the grand mean, the box represents the interquartile range, and the extensions represent the measured range.

Details are in the caption following the image

Scatter plot of log10 optic foramen maximum diameter on the y-axis and log10 inner diameter of the sclerotic ring on the x-axis.

Details are in the caption following the image

Scatter plot of log10 optic foramen maximum diameter on the y-axis and log10 orbit diameter on the x-axis.

Details are in the caption following the image

Scatter plot of log10 optic foramen maximum diameter on the y-axis and log10 head length on the x-axis.

Phylogenetic Comparative Methods

Interspecific scaling relationships are significantly affected by phylogenetic history. Failure to account for this phylogenetic effect can lead to an increased risk of Type I errors (Harvey and Pagel,1991). We therefore adopted phylogenetically based comparative methods to incorporate phylogenetic information in our analyses.

Currently, there is no consensus concerning the phylogenetic relationships among avian orders and families. We therefore generated four different phylogenetic trees based on the interordinal relationships provided in Sibley and Ahlquist (1990), Cracraft et al. (2004), Livezey and Zusi (2007), and Hackett et al. (2008). Because these studies focused on interordinal and -familial relationships, resolution at the species level was provided by additional sources (Brown and Toft,1999; Riesing et al.,2003; Griffiths et al.,2004; Wink and Sauer-Gurth,2004; Lerner and Mindell,2005; Barrowclough et al.,2006; Wink et al.,2008; Wright et al.,2008). Genera and species not present in these studies were omitted from our phylogenetic tree because incorrect placement of species can result in an increased risk of error in calculating correlation coefficients (Symonds,2002). It should also be noted that despite the resolution provided by the additional studies cited earlier, several polytomies were present across the tree.

Two types of comparative analysis were performed. First, we used Felsenstein's (1985) independent contrasts approach to derive phylogeny-corrected estimates of the slope of the scaling relationships as well as the amount of variation explained (r2). The reconstructed phylogenies and the data set were entered into Mesquite (v. 2.6), a modular comparative analysis program (Maddison and Maddison,2009). As with the analysis of species as independent data points (see earlier), all of the data were log-transformed before analysis. The independent contrasts were then calculated using the PDAP:PDTREE module of Mesquite (Midford et al.,2005). Because the phylogeny was derived from multiple sources that used different characters to derive their trees (e.g., mitochondrial DNA, morphology, DNA hybridization), branch lengths were given arbitrary values according to several different models. We tested each of these arbitrary branch length models for their ability to adequately standardize the data following Garland et al. (1992). Nee's (Nee, cited in Purvis,1995) arbitrary branch length model adequately standardized all of the data for the Sibley and Ahlquist (1990) and Livezey and Zusi (2007) phylogenies. This model was also appropriate for orbit diameter and sclerotic ring inner diameter in the Hackett et al. (2008) phylogeny and head length in the Cracraft et al. (2004) phylogeny. The only arbitrary model that successfully standardized the remaining comparisons was Grafen's (1989) rho model (with ρ = 0.5). Once the contrasts were standardized, least-squares and RMA regression lines were forced through the origin (Garland et al.,1992) as implemented in the PDAP:PDTREE module, and the slopes and correlation coefficients of these lines calculated.

The second type of comparative analysis adopted was the phylogenetic generalized least-squares (PGLS) approach as implemented in the MATLAB program Regressionv2.m (available from Garland et al.,1992). The data were log-transformed and we also included activity pattern as a categorical variable and analyzed the data as a mixed regression model. We applied two models of evolutionary change as implemented in Regressionv2.m: Brownian motion (PGLS) and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (Lavin et al.,2008; Swanson and Garland, 2009). Partial F tests and Akaike Information Criterion were then used to determine which model best fit a multiple regression consisting of optic foramen diameter as the dependent variable and one of the scaling variables (i.e., head length, orbit diameter, or sclerotic ring inner diameter) and activity pattern (nocturnal or diurnal) as independent variables. The results of these analyses will determine whether there are significant differences in relative optic foramen diameter between nocturnal and diurnal birds.


Comparisons Between Means

Log10 optic foramen maximum diameter was not log-normally distributed (as indicated by a significant Kolmogorov-Smirnoff's test with Lilliefors' transformation, P = 0.000). Therefore, these data do not meet the assumptions of ANOVA, and a Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric alternative to ANOVA was performed to test for differences between the means of the two groups, yielding a significant difference (df = 1, P = 0.000, chi-square = 110.626).

Inner Diameter of the Sclerotic Ring

Optic foramen maximum diameter scaled against the inner diameter of the sclerotic ring with negative allometry (slope < 1) across all species for all OLS regressions, but with isometry (slope approximates 1) for all RMA regressions (Table 3). When the species were separated according to activity pattern, regression analyses revealed significant differences between nocturnal and diurnal species. These activity pattern specific regression models tended to explain more variation (i.e., higher r2s) than examining variation across all species, and Fig. 4 shows that the two groups are clearly shifted along the y-axis. In terms of the specific scaling relationships themselves, diurnal species exhibited a negative allometric relationship when species were used as independent data points. The scaling relationship did, however, vary from negative allometry to isometry in our independent contrasts analyses, depending upon whether OLS (negative allometry) or RMA (isometry) models were used (Table 3). Similarly, the scaling relationship in nocturnal species varied from negative to positive allometry depending upon whether phylogenetic information was incorporated or not and the regression model used (Table 3).

Table 3. The results of maximum optic foramen diameter regressed against head length, orbit diameter, and sclerotic ring inner diameter using several different models
All species Diurnal species Nocturnal species
Head length
 No phylogeny 1, 311 0.890 1.180 0.569 1, 232 0.862 1.018 0.717 1, 76 0.390 0.883 0.195
 Sibley and Ahlquist,1990 1, 253 0.731 1.046 0.489 1, 193 0.678 0.893 0.576 1, 57 0.881 1.384 0.405
 Cracraft et al.,2004 1, 253 0.731 1.037 0.497 1, 193 0.673 0.883 0.581 1, 57 0.925 1.415 0.427
 Livezey and Zusi,2007 1, 253 0.723 1.050 0.474 1, 193 0.673 0.883 0.581 1, 57 0.914 1.448 0.398
 Hackett et al., 2007 1, 253 0.722 1.073 0.452 1, 193 0.676 0.895 0.571 1, 57 0.961 1.556 0.381
Orbit diameter
 No phylogeny 1, 308 0.685 1.060 0.421 1, 230 0.731 0.818 0.800 1, 76 0.510 0.923 0.305
 Sibley and Ahlquist,1990 1, 251 0.692 1.014 0.466 1, 191 0.644 0.864 0.556 1, 57 0.782 1.244 0.395
 Cracraft et al.,2004 1, 251 0.693 1.000 0.480 1, 191 0.641 0.853 0.565 1, 57 0.764 1.227 0.388
 Livezey and Zusi,2007 1, 251 0.678 1.016 0.445 1, 191 0.642 0.853 0.565 1, 57 0.810 1.315 0.379
 Hackett et al., 2007 1, 251 0.716 1.028 0.484 1, 191 0.649 0.868 0.559 1, 57 0.888 1.347 0.435
Sclerotic ring
 No phylogeny 1, 189 0.437 1.140 0.146 1, 125 0.689 0.837 0.678 1, 61 0.786 1.167 0.453
 Sibley and Ahlquist,1990 1, 148 0.693 1.051 0.435 1, 98 0.611 0.827 0.547 1, 47 0.908 1.303 0.486
 Cracraft et al.,2004 1, 148 0.695 1.037 0.450 1, 98 0.608 0.809 0.565 1, 47 0.883 1.296 0.464
 Livezey and Zusi,2007 1, 148 0.640 1.028 0.388 1, 98 0.609 0.811 0.565 1, 47 0.861 1.307 0.433
 Hackett et al., 2007 1, 148 0.731 1.054 0.480 1, 98 0.612 0.821 0.556 1, 47 0.964 1.344 0.514
  • “OLS” refers to the slope derived from ordinary least-squares linear regressions and “RMA” refers to the slope derived from reduced major axis regressions. For each of the three scaling variables, head length, orbit diameter, and sclerotic ring inner diameter, we performed the analyses using species as independent data points (no phylogeny) and independent contrasts analyses with four different phylogenetic trees based on the interfamilial relationships in: Sibley and Ahlquist (1990), Cracraft et al., (2004), Livezey and Zusi (2007), and Hackett et al. (2007). These analyses were performed across all species as well as within diurnal and nocturnal species. All P < 0.001.

Because the slopes of the regression lines for nocturnal and diurnal species are not identical, ANCOVA analyses were not appropriate to determine if the differences in elevation were statistically significant (Sokal and Rohlf,1995). Therefore, in our analysis of species as independent data points, a single RMA line was calculated for all groups (y = 1.14 × −0.701), and residuals for all data points were calculated from this line for the y-variable, log10 optic foramen maximum diameter. These residuals were not log-normally distributed, so a Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric alternative to ANOVA was performed to test for differences between the means of the three groups, yielding a significant result (asymp. sig. = 0.000, df = 2, chi-square = 24.363). When we constructed a mixed linear model using activity pattern and sclerotic ring inner diameter as covariates of optic foramen maximum diameter, we also recovered a significant difference in activity pattern (Table 4). This was further corroborated by the PGLS approach using two models of evolutionary change across all four phylogenetic trees (Table 4). Thus, nocturnal species have significantly smaller optic foramina than diurnal species, relative to the sclerotic ring inner diameter.

Table 4. Results of multiple regression analyses of maximum optic foramen diameter relative to the three scaling variables and activity pattern and using species as independent data points (None) in an ordinary least-squares model (OLS) and across four different phylogenetic trees and two different phylogenetic multiple regression models
Scaling variable Phylogeny Model Activity pattern partial F r2 AIC
Head length None OLS 135.97 0.406 −338.00
Cracraft et al.,2004 PGLS 24.20 0.162 −606.16
RegOU 23.86 0.158 −605.65
Hackett et al.,2008 PGLS 28.32 0.208 −629.11
RegOU 28.17 0.206 −627.63
Livezey and Zusi,2007 PGLS 23.57 0.290 −541.33
RegOU 24.07 0.287 −539.71
Sibley and Ahlquist,1990 PGLS 22.21 0.184 −614.00
RegOU 21.95 0.180 −613.86
Orbit diameter None OLS 191.70 0.483 −376.13
Cracraft et al.,2004 PGLS 16.98 0.093 −584.44
RegOU 20.07 0.10 −590.45
Hackett et al.,2008 PGLS 18.21 0.097 −593.47
RegOU 20.66 0.106 −597.55
Livezey and Zusi,2007 PGLS 39.23 0.168 −498.28
RegOU 47.33 0.194 −511.53
Sibley and Ahlquist,1990 PGLS 16.35 0.088 −583.75
RegOU 19.43 0.099 −589.77
Sclerotic ring None OLS 145.45 0.357 −316.65
Cracraft et al.,2004 PGLS 15.97 0.064 −576.04
RegOU 18.40 0.071 −580.99
Hackett et al.,2008 PGLS 17.06 0.069 −585.21
RegOU 18.95 0.074 −588.31
Livezey and Zusi,2007 PGLS 36.43 0.120 −483.10
RegOU 42.43 0.137 −494.12
Sibley and Ahlquist,1990 PGLS 15.09 0.062 −575.91
RegOU 17.63 0.069 −581.15
  • The two multiple regression models differ in their branch length transformations as implemented in Regressionv2: phylogenetic generalized least-squares (PGLS) uses no transformations and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (RegOU), which does not assume a Brownian motion model of evolutionary change. For each analysis, a partial F for activity pattern (nocturnal vs. diurnal), correlation coefficient of the model (r2), and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) are provided. Lower AIC values indicate a better fit of the model. All of the results were significant and the best fit model for each scaling variable is shown in bold.

Orbit Diameter

Regression analyses of optic foramen maximum diameter against orbit diameter across all species yielded a negative allometric or isometric relationship, depending upon whether an OLS or RMA model was used or whether phylogenetic information was included or not (Table 3). As with the analysis of sclerotic ring inner diameter, optic foramen size relative to orbit diameter differs between diurnal and nocturnal species (Fig. 5). Separate regression analyses of the two activity patterns yielded similar patterns to our analyses of sclerotic ring inner diameter. Specifically, the relationship between optic foramen diameter and orbit diameter in diurnal species scaled with negative allometry across all analyses, whereas the same relationship in nocturnal species varied from negative to positive allometry, depending on the model used (Table 3). As with the inner diameter of the sclerotic ring, the slopes for nocturnal and diurnal birds with orbit diameter on the x-axis were not identical in RMA space and therefore not appropriate for ANCOVA analyses. Therefore, we again calculated residuals from the RMA line, as described earlier. A Kruskal-Wallis test performed on the residuals also showed that nocturnal and diurnal birds occupy statistically different portions of the graph (asymp. sig. = 0.000, df = 1, chi-square = 132.356).

The mixed regression model indicated that relative to orbit diameter, nocturnal species have significantly smaller optic foramen diameters than diurnal species (Table 4). This significant difference was detected in all nine models and corroborates our analyses of sclerotic ring inner diameter, although orbit diameter explained slightly more interspecific variation (r2 = 0.088–0.483 compared to 0.062–0.357).

Head Length

Regression analyses of optic foramen diameter against head length yielded broadly similar results. Just as with the previous analyses, in combined analyses of all species, the allometric relationship between optic foramen diameter and head length varied from negative allometry to approximately isometry, depending on the regression model used (Table 3). A plot of optic foramen diameter against head length (Fig. 6) also indicated some separation of nocturnal and diurnal species. Regression analyses within the two activity patterns yielded the same qualitative results as the previous analyses; optic foramen diameter scales with negative allometry to isometry within diurnal species and with negative to positive allometry within nocturnal species, depending on which regression model is used (Table 3). Again, nocturnal and diurnal birds exhibited heterogeneous slopes in RMA space, so we calculated residuals from a single RMA line to determine whether the activity patterns occupy statistically different portions of the graph. A Kruskal-Wallis analysis of the residuals yielded a positive result, as with the other variables (asymp. sig. = 0.000, df = 1, chi-square = 39.849). However, the separation between activity patterns, although statistically significant, is not as clear as with the other variables (Fig. 6). For example, there is so much overlap between the nocturnal and diurnal ranges that if one were to plot a single point, such as a fossil, it would be very difficult to determine activity pattern with confidence.

The mixed regression models also corroborated our previous findings. Regardless of whether phylogenetic information was incorporated or not, a significant difference in optic foramen size was detected between nocturnal and diurnal species; relative to head length, nocturnal species have a significantly smaller optic foramen than diurnal species (Table 4). Therefore, our conclusion is that relative optic foramen diameter is significantly smaller in nocturnal species than diurnal species, and this effect is robust to different regression and evolutionary change models.


Optic Foramen Types

For birds with an ossified posterior orbital wall, the three different optic foramen types probably all reflect the size of a portion of the visual pathway from the retina to the rest of the brain, either the optic chiasm or the optic nerve itself. For example, a single, central optic foramen (Type 2, Fig. 1B) probably approximates the size and position of the optic chiasm (M.I.H., personal observation). The Type 3 foramen (Fig. 1C) is likely a variant of the Type 2 optic foramen with the addition of a central strut that divides a single, central optic foramen into two, but is still the position of the optic chiasm. Indeed, many bird genera exhibit both Type 2 and Type 3 foramina, and occasionally some individuals of the same species exhibit a Type 2 and others a Type 3, indicating the possibility that the central strut observed in Type 3 foramina may sometimes be lost during museum preparation. There are obvious differences among species, genera, and families in the degree of ossification of the orbit, but why these variations occur in birds is currently unknown.

Type 1 Optic Foramen: Activity Pattern Analyses

Both regression statistics and comparisons between means show that the maximum diameter of the bird Type 1 optic foramen discriminates between nocturnal and diurnal birds. The optic foramen discriminates between nocturnal and diurnal primates (Kay and Kirk,2000; Kirk and Kay,2004; Kirk,2006a), and, as discussed previously, likely arises from differences in retinal summation between nocturnal and diurnal species. Because the optic nerve is the sole output of the retinal ganglion cell layer to the rest of the brain, the optic nerve of a diurnal bird was predicted to be larger because of a greater number of ganglion cells, an important adaptation for visual acuity. The opposite was predicted for nocturnal birds; nocturnal species were predicted to have fewer ganglion cells with a higher amount of retinal summation to improve visual sensitivity. This study supports both of these predictions, with the majority of diurnal birds exhibiting an absolutely larger Type 1 optic foramen. However, even though optic foramen size is statistically different between nocturnal and diurnal birds, it would still be very difficult to interpret a fossil for which optic foramen size was the only feature available, unless it plotted in the extremes (Fig. 3).

Regressions of the optic foramen maximum diameter against the inner diameter of the sclerotic ring, a close anatomical correlate of corneal diameter, also discriminates between diurnal and nocturnal birds (see Fig. 4). Previous work has shown that corneal diameter (Ritland,1982; Hall and Ross,2007), lens diameter (Schmitz,2009), and the inner diameter of the sclerotic ring discriminate between nocturnal and diurnal birds (Hall,2008b; Schmitz,2008,2009) and lizards (Hall,2008a,2009). Nocturnal birds probably possess a larger inner diameter of the sclerotic ring and corneal diameter to allow more light to enter the eye (e.g., Martin,1990). This study demonstrates that at a given corneal diameter, a nocturnal animal consistently demonstrates a smaller optic foramen, indicating greater retinal summation.

Our study also shows that optic foramen maximum diameter relative to orbital diameter, a bony correlate of the transverse diameter of the eye and a useful measurement of overall eye size, discriminates between nocturnal and diurnal birds (Table 3, Fig. 5). This robust difference was consistent across all of our analyses, despite that fact that previous work indicated that orbit diameter, either alone or in combination with the sclerotic ring, is not informative for activity pattern in birds (Hall,2008b). Orbit diameter is a useful variable in activity pattern analyses in primates (Kay and Cartmill,1977; Kay and Kirk,2000; Heesy and Ross,2001,2004; Kirk and Kay,2004) and clearly, when combined with optic foramen data, can be used to discriminate activity pattern in birds. That is, diurnal species have a significantly larger optic foramen relative to orbital diameter than nocturnal species. In other words, because orbit diameter is a proxy of eye size, when birds of a similar eye size are compared, the diurnal bird will consistently display a larger optic foramen. This observation supports the idea that diurnal birds exhibit less retinal summation, assuming that nocturnal and diurnal birds of a similar eye size possess similar total numbers of photoreceptors.

Interestingly, the variance explained by the variables investigated in this study is very different for diurnal and nocturnal birds; all r2 values for allometric relationships specific to nocturnal species vary between 0.195 and 0.514, whereas those for diurnal species are between 0.547 and 0.717 (Table 3). Because the size of the optic nerve is thought to reflect the degree of retinal summation in an animal, the low nocturnal r2 values may reflect different retinal summation strategies among nocturnal birds. For example, previous work has shown that some nocturnal owls exhibit absolutely larger axial lengths of the eye than even many diurnal birds (Ritland,1982; Howland et al.,2004; Hall and Ross,2007), suggesting that they are attempting to maintain the maximum visual acuity possible in the context of increased visual sensitivity. In contrast, many nightjars (Caprimulgidae) have shorter axial eye lengths relative to corneal diameter, which suggests that the nightjar strategy is to increase sensitivity without maintaining much acuity (Ritland,1982; Hall,2005; Hall and Ross,2007). Perhaps high acuity is not necessary for trawling for insects in nightjars (Martin,1990; del Hoyo et al.,1999), whereas owls that hunt on the wing under scotopic conditions (Martin,1990; del Hoyo et al.,1999) require both sensitivity and moderate acuity to locate individual prey items. The wide distribution of optic foramen diameters may reflect these different strategies. Diurnal birds, however, always function under photopic conditions and are not forced to make compromises between sensitivity and acuity. Therefore, diurnal birds are all free to limit retinal summation and increase ganglion cell input to the brain to maximize visual acuity, and hence have a more consistently large optic nerve and a limited distribution of optic foramen sizes.

What About Owls?

The robust separation between nocturnal and diurnal slopes provided by optic foramen diameter does not extend to owls. In this sample, diurnal owls (7 spp.) are all found within the same distribution as nocturnal owls. However, several other groups of nocturnal birds are part of this analysis in addition to the nocturnal owls, including the nightjars, owlet-nightjars, potoos, frogmouths, the oilbird (Steatornis caripensis), and the enigmatic kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), all of which plot as predicted within the nocturnal range. Besides the diurnal owls, there are no diurnal birds that plot within the nocturnal range. So, why do diurnal owls display a different pattern?

Diurnal owls also often follow a nocturnal eye shape pattern, with a larger corneal diameter relative to a shorter axial length of the eye; again, virtually no other diurnal birds follow this pattern (Hall,2005; Hall and Ross,2007). Although the evolutionary history of owls is not well understood, an examination of activity pattern across the owl clade suggests that extant diurnal owls probably descend from a nocturnal ancestor (Wink et al.,2008; Gutiérrez-Ibáñez et al., in preparation). It may be that once owls evolved a nocturnal eye shape with a relatively large corneal diameter, the subsequent evolution of diurnality did not provide selection pressure to change eye shape to a relatively smaller corneal diameter. As Martin (1982,1990) has argued, perhaps it is not correct to discuss “nocturnal” and “diurnal” eye shapes, but rather “arrhythmic” and “diurnal” eye shapes; regardless of eye shape, in photopic conditions an animal potentially can reduce pupil size without affecting overall eye shape to limit the amount of light entering the eye. However, this argument does not extend to optic foramen diameter. The optic nerve cannot be larger than the optic foramen. The small size of the diurnal owl optic foramen, and therefore optic nerve, strongly suggests that these birds retain a nocturnal retinal summation strategy, with retinal wiring for maximized visual sensitivity, not visual acuity. This is surprising in the case of owls such as the snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus), a totally diurnal owl that routinely competes with hawks and falcons for small mammal prey under photopic conditions (Parmalee, 1992; del Hoyo et al.,1999).


There are four major optic foramen types found across birds, only one of which (Type 1) likely reflects the size of the optic nerve. For birds that exhibit a Type 1 optic foramen, this study supports the hypothesis that diurnal birds consistently exhibit a larger optic foramen maximum diameter, probably because of differences in retinal summation utilized by nocturnal and diurnal birds. The optic foramen, inner diameter of the sclerotic ring, and orbital diameter are all diagnostic features indicating activity pattern. The optic foramen in combination with either the sclerotic ring or the orbit diameter can allow activity pattern interpretation for a bird that does not have soft tissue available for study, specifically for a fossil.


The authors thank the Smithsonian Institution (Washington, DC), the Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago, IL), and the American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY) for access to specimens and Ted Garland for providing Regressionv2.m as well as his helpful advice. For helpful comments, the authors thank Dr. Mark Coleman, Dr. Ari Grossman, Dr. Christopher Heesy, Dr. E. Christopher Kirk, Dr. Lawrence Witmer, and two anonymous reviewers. Special thanks go to Judith Hall for the pictures in Figs. 1 and 2 and to Dr. Christopher Heesy for help in figure construction.