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Volume 573, Issue 1-3 p. 73-77
Short communication
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Correlations between genomic GC levels and optimal growth temperatures in prokaryotes

Héctor Musto

Héctor Musto

Laboratorio de Organización y Evolución del Genoma, Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay

Laboratorio di Evoluzione Molecolare, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy

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Hugo Naya

Hugo Naya

Laboratorio de Organización y Evolución del Genoma, Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay

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Alejandro Zavala

Alejandro Zavala

Laboratorio de Organización y Evolución del Genoma, Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay

Laboratorio di Evoluzione Molecolare, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy

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Héctor Romero

Héctor Romero

Laboratorio de Organización y Evolución del Genoma, Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay

Escuela Universitaria de Tecnologı́a Médica, Facultad de Medicina, Montevideo, Uruguay

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Fernando Alvarez-Valı́n

Fernando Alvarez-Valı́n

Laboratorio di Evoluzione Molecolare, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy

Sección Biomatemáticas, Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay

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Giorgio Bernardi

Corresponding Author

Giorgio Bernardi

Laboratorio di Evoluzione Molecolare, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy

Corresponding author. Fax: +39-81-7641355Search for more papers by this author
First published: 30 July 2004
Citations: 92


In prokaryotes, GC levels range from 25% to 75%, and T opt from ≈0 °C to >100 °C. When all species are considered together, no correlation is found between the two variables. Correlations are found, however, when Families of prokaryotes are analysed. Indeed, when Families comprising at least 10 species were studied (a set of 20 Families), positive correlations are found for 15 of them. Furthermore, a comparative analysis by independent contrasts made within the Families in order to control for phylogenetic non-independence showed qualitatively equivalent results. We conclude that T opt is one of the factors that influences genomic GC in prokaryotes.

1 Introduction

The genomes of prokaryotes cover a broad compositional range, GC levels being approximately comprised between 25% and 75% [1, 2]. It was proposed that such range was due to a mutational bias [3, 4], a point apparently confirmed by the observation that mutator mutants of Escherichia coli could shift their GC levels [5]. Differences in GC levels were also detected between the genomes of cold- and warm-blooded vertebrates [6], previously thought to be very close in base composition. The higher GC levels of the genomes from the latter were explained as due to selection for thermodynamic stability required by DNA, RNA and proteins at their higher body temperatures [7].

At this point, two opposite explanations were competing in order to explain compositional differences in genomes: the neutralist explanation [3, 4] and the selectionist explanation [7].

The neutralist explanation was weakened by three observations: (i) that higher GC levels were found in bacteria exposed to UV light, this increase reducing the presence of TpT dinucleotides that could form dimers causing DNA replication problems [8]; (ii) that in some cases high GC levels of prokaryotes were associated with high growth temperatures [9-11] and with aerobiosis [12]; and (iii) that the compositional shifts associated with mutator mutations [5] were within the error limits of the ultracentrifugation approach used to detect them and only concerned “hot spots” [13]. Finally, when a pair of completely sequenced closely related bacteria (Corynebacterium efficiens and C. glutamicum) were compared, the positive relationship between T opt and GC level was striking [14].

The selectionist hypothesis was (i) apparently weakened by the observation that hyperthermophiles exhibited low GC levels, a point later understood, however, as due to the avoidance of C which can be deaminated at high temperatures [15], and (ii) apparently disposed off by the investigations of Galtier and Lobry [16] and Hurst and Merchant [17] who reported no correlation between T opt and GC (or GC3). This was interpreted not only as a strong evidence against the thermodynamic hypothesis in prokaryotes, but also as a disproval of the same hypothesis in vertebrates [17-19].

It is important to note, however, that the papers that addressed the thermal stability hypothesis in prokaryotes [16, 17] were criticised [20] because many factors, like those quoted above, have often contrasting inputs on genome composition of such a vast array of organisms as prokaryotes, which have been diverging for at least 3.5 billion years [21].

To avoid these drawbacks, we restricted our study of co-variation between T opt and genomic GC to the Family level for the following reasons. First, the phylogenetic relationships among prokaryotic Families are still uncertain in several cases (for a review see [22]). In contrast, the phylogenetic relationships among species within each Family are expected to be more accurate, since the times of divergence are much smaller. Second, any method aiming to estimate the correlation between T opt and GC taking into account the phylogenetic relationships needs to infer the character states (T opt and GC) in the internal (ancestral) nodes. Obviously, this inference would be safer for shorter times of divergence (such as within Families) than those inferences that involve nodes connecting different Families. Indeed, as we show here, the failure to detect correlations when phylogeny was taken into consideration [17] is very likely due to inaccurate inferences in deep internal nodes, which are very probably responsible for hiding the correlation at lower phylogenetic levels.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Organisms and T opt

Genomic GC and T opt values were taken from [16, 23] and from the literature. T opt values were complemented with data collected from the German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures ( The taxonomic classification was taken from Taxonomic Outline of the Prokaryotic Genera Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition, downloaded from

2.2 Ribosomal sequences

Release 8.1 of the Ribosomal Database Project II [24] provides aligned small subunit ribosomal RNA data for prokaryotes. The trees within each Family were constructed using weighbor software [25] and the matrix generated by DNAdist from the PHYLIP 3.5 package [26].

2.3 Independent contrasts

We used the method of independent contrasts [27] as implemented in the COMPARE 4.5 Software Package [28] to account for phylogenetic non-independence. By taking independent contrasts between species/nodes, we can analyse whether the degree of the difference in T opt between two species/nodes is reflected in a difference of analogous relative level in GC. Then, a regression through the origin was performed.

2.4 Data set

Only Families comprising at least 10 species, and ΔT opt>5 °C and ΔGC>5%, were considered. With these restrictions, 20 Families (that include Bacteria and Archaea) were studied (Table 1 ). The data are available at

Table Table 1. Correlations between T opt and genomic GC within 20 prokaryotic Families
Family N1 C.c. 1 Significance N2 C.c. 2 Significance ΔT ΔGC
Acetobacteraceae 14 +0.34 NS 7 +0.32 Ns 8.5 14.1
Acidaminococcaceae 11 +0.77 ** 7 +0.43 Ns 5.5 22.0
Bacillaceae 18 +0.80 **** 13 +0.54 * 50.0 34.5
Chromatiaceae 12 +0.21 NS 7 +0.06 Ns 10.0 23.4
Clostridiaceae 59 +0.20 NS 52 +0.06 Ns 43.5 30.5
Comamonadaceae 22 +0.02 NS 15 +0.24 Ns 16.5 13.5
Corynebacteriaceae 11 −0.67 * 8 −0.37 Ns 13.5 17.3
Enterobacteriaceae 38 +0.54 *** 31 +0.13 Ns 15.0 38.0
Eubacteriaceae 11 −0.21 NS 10 +0.11 Ns 7.0 17.0
Flavobacteriaceae 15 −0.02 NS 10 −0.06 Ns 24.0 12.0
Flexibacteriaceae 10 +0.75 * 8 +0.64 + 13.0 15.5
Halobacteriaceae 14 +0.67 ** 12 +0.90 **** 16.5 9.9
Methanobacteriaceae 12 +0.57 * 6 +0.80 * 28.0 35.2
Microbacteriaceae 15 +0.37 NS 13 +0.23 Ns 6.5 6.8
Micrococcaceae 25 +0.41 * 20 +0.33 Ns 19.5 19.8
Neisseriaceae 23 −0.38 NS 17 +0.05 Ns 12.0 22.5
Pseudomonadaceae 13 +0.63 * 9 +0.62 + 11.0 9.9
Rhodobacteraceae 15 +0.15 NS 14 +0.35 Ns 15.0 14.1
Spirochaetaceae 13 −0.49 NS 11 −0.36 Ns 14.5 37.5
Staphylococcaceae 17 +0.46 + 16 +0.49 * 7.0 5.5

N1, C.c. 1 and N2, C.c. 2 are the numbers of species analysed within each Family and the product–moment (Pearson) correlation coefficients, respectively. In the latter case, the correlations were calculated taking into account the phylogenetic relationships (independent contrasts). Significances are as follows: NS, not significant; *, **, *** and **** are significant at the 5%, 1%, 0.1% and 0.01% levels, respectively. + indicates those coefficients that are at the limit of significance (0.05<P<0.06). ΔT and ΔGC represent the variation in Topt and genomic GC for each Family.

2.5 Assessing the statistical significance when several correlation coefficients are considered simultaneously

We calculated the correlation coefficients between GC level and T opt in prokaryotic Families. Therefore, under the null hypothesis that T opt and GC are not correlated, we would expect several correlation coefficients to be statistically significant, by chance alone. Specifically, in our sample of 20 Families, we can expect to obtain only one correlation coefficient (positive or negative) to be significant at the 5% level (0.05 × 20), of which we can expect 0.8 to be significant only at the 5% level [(0.05–0.01) × 20], 0.18 significant only at the 1% level but not at 0.1% level [(0.01–0.001) × 20] and 0.02 significant at the 0.1% level (0.001 × 20). Therefore, we need to know if, in a set of observed correlations (i.e., in a set of correlation coefficients, each having its own P value), the number of Families that display significant correlations exceeds random expectation by a significant amount. To know this, we followed the approach described in [29], using the multinomial distribution to calculate the probability that by chance alone we could obtain results that are as far, or farther, from random expectation than our results.

3 Results and discussion

When T opt is plotted against genomic GC for the 368 species belonging to the 20 Families, no trend can be detected, although there is, if any, a negative correlation between the two variables (not shown). This result is nearly identical to that reported by Galtier and Lobry [16], although these authors worked at the Genus level.

Table 1 shows the results from the 20 Families studied. Among these taxa, there are 15 which display positive trends (GC increments with T opt), eight of these exhibiting correlation coefficients that are statistically significant. On the other hand, five Families display a negative trend, but only one shows a statistically significant correlation coefficient. The probability of obtaining such distribution of correlation coefficients by chance alone is 4.39 × 10−8. Importantly, when the analysis is extended to include those Families that have at least five members, the results remain qualitatively the same.

Two conclusions can be drawn from Table 1. First, for each Family the range of variation (Δ) for both T opt and GC is very different. For example, ΔGC varies from 38% (Enterobacteriaceae) to 5.5% (Staphylococcaceae). ΔT opt, on the other hand, varies from 43.5 °C (Clostridiaceae) to 5.5 °C (Acidaminococcaceae). Although some errors in the taxonomic position of certain species cannot be excluded, this variability is probably related with the time of divergence and rate of change: species which diverged from their last common ancestor more recently, and/or evolve more ‘slowly’, are expected to share more features, namely the ecological niche, T opt, physiology, etc. This is supported by the correlation found between ΔGC and ΔT opt: R=0.52; P=0.02.

Second, and more important, within most Families there is a link between T opt and GC, and in the majority of cases the correlation coefficient increases (significantly in several cases) with T opt. To sum up, we found that in 15/20 of prokaryotic Families the two variables are positively correlated (eight of them with P⩽0.05). Three examples of these correlations are displayed in Fig. 1A–C .

figure image
Plots of T opt vs. genomic GC for Bacillaceae (A), Halobacteriaceae (B) and Enterobacteriaceae (C).

Although these results are clear and suggest that T opt is a factor influencing genomic GC, we cannot rule out the effect of phylogenetic inertia (the fact that closely related species are likely to have similar GC levels), so we used the method of comparative analysis by independent contrasts [27]. This method allows us to see if the GC level shows a correlated response with the adaptation to a new thermal environment. This analysis was carried out on the species belonging to the Families listed in Table 1 for which the 16S RNA were available [24]. Our analysis found that for 17 out of 20 Families there is a positive relation between the two variables, four of them significant and two at the limit of significance. The plots for the same Families shown in Fig. 1 are presented in Fig. 2 . On the other hand, for three Families the relation was negative, yet for none of them it was significant. Following the procedure described above for the direct analysis, the probability of getting these results by chance alone is <0.01. The R values within each Family of both analyses (controlling and not controlling for phylogenetic inertia) are significantly correlated (R=0.85, P<0.0001). As can be seen in Table 1, besides the four Families for which there is a significant correlation, there are two more at the limit of significance: Flexibacteriaceae and Pseudomonadaceae. Since our hypothesis is that GC level not only changes but can increase with T opt, it seems reasonable to apply a one-tailed test. By doing so, we found six Families displaying positive significant correlations coefficients between contrasts, while no negative correlation coefficient was statistically significant (see Table 1). The overall probability of getting by chance this group of correlations with the corresponding significance levels drops to 3.59 × 10−4.

figure image
Contrasts in genomic GC as a function of contrasts in T opt from analyses of Bacillaceae (A), Halobacteriaceae (B) and Enterobacteriaceae (C).

In addition, when all independent contrasts from different Families (within each taxa) are considered together, they exhibit a positive and significant correlation coefficient (Fig. 3 ; R=0.27, P<0.0001). Moreover, the increment in T opt was accompanied by an increment in GC in 129 independent contrasts, while 79 contrasts exhibited the opposite behaviour and 76 displayed no changes. If the two parameters were not related, the probability of obtaining this excess of double increments by chance alone is very low (P<0.001, sign test).

figure image
Plot of contrasts in genomic GC vs. contrasts in T opt for all Families considered.

In conclusion, we found that T opt and genomic GC are non-independent. In the first place, we have shown that when these two parameters are compared at the Family level they exhibit positive relations in most Families, being statistically significant in several of them. These correlations still hold when the internal phylogenetic relationships are considered. Moreover, when all Families are considered together (but excluding inter-Family comparisons) there is again a significant positive correlation between T opt and GC. We would like to stress that the positive correlation becomes evident only when inter-Families comparisons (that are less accurate from many points of view, see Section 1) are excluded from the analysis. It is also safe to suppose that when the intra-Families comparison is performed, many variables that could affect the GC level are likely to be more similar.

Finally, we should remark that these results show not only the influence of T opt on genomic GC in prokaryotes, but also that it is not the only one influencing genome composition, as expected from other investigations [8, 12, 30, 31]. Only when a factor becomes predominant, its effect on GC can be clearly seen. Needless to say, the results obtained in these investigations strongly support the idea that base composition is under selection in prokaryotes.


This work was partially supported by award 7094 from ‘Fondo Clemente Estable’, Uruguay.