Volume 15, Issue 2 p. 186-202
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Origins of interspecific variation in lizard sprint capacity

R. Van Damme

R. Van Damme

Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

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B. Vanhooydonck

B. Vanhooydonck

Department of Biology, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, B-2610 Wilrijk, Belgium

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First published: 08 September 2008
Citations: 77


1. Data were compiled on maximal sprint speed, body mass and temperature in squamate lizards from the literature and from our own data on lacertid lizards.

2. Both traditional (i.e. non-phylogenetic) and phylogenetic statistical analyses showed that sprint speed is positively correlated with body mass (‘bigger is better’) and temperature (‘hotter is better’).

3. Additionally, we tested whether sprint speed correlates with behavioural and ecological characteristics, i.e. foraging mode (sit-and-wait or active), activity (diurnal or nocturnal), microhabitat use (saxicolous, arboreal or terrestrial) and climate (Mediterranean, xeric, cool or temperate). Lizards from Mediterranean and xeric climates, diurnal lizards, sit- and wait predators and terrestrial species are expected to run the fastest. Traditional tests suggest that lizards from Mediterranean and desert areas are faster than lizards from cool and tropical regions; that diurnal species are faster than nocturnal species; and that saxicolous animals have higher sprint capacities than do arboreal and terrestrial species. No difference was found between sit-and-wait predators and actively foraging animals.

4. However, the effects of climate, activity period and microhabitat use were no longer significant when the data were analysed in a proper phylogenetic context. This seems to suggest that differences in sprint speed reflect phylogeny, rather than ecology. The discrepancy between the results of phylogenetic and traditional analyses forms a strong case for the use of phylogenetic information in comparative studies.


Lizard species differ substantially in locomotor capacities, and several studies have addressed the mechanistic or evolutionary bases of this variation (Huey & Bennett 1987; Losos 1990; Garland 1994; Miles 1994; Bauwens et al. 1995; Zani 1996; Van Damme, Aerts & Vanhooydonck 1998; Bonine & Garland 1999). In an extensive comparative study of treadmill endurance, Garland (1994) identified body mass and temperature as important proximate causes of the variation among 57 species and subspecies of lizards. Garland (1994) suggested habitat heterogeneity, availability of cover and prey or predator abundance as potential evolutionary determinants of stamina, but was unable to find strong statistical evidence for this assertion. Possibly, this was due to the lack of detailed quantitative ecological and behavioural data on the species under study.

While several studies have compared sprint speeds of species within restricted clades of lizards (e.g. Lacertidae: Bauwens et al. 1995; Phrynosomatidae: Miles 1994; Bonine & Garland 1999), no study has yet considered the interspecific variation in sprinting capacity on a taxonomical level comparable to that of Garland’s study of endurance capacity. Sprint speed is considered ecologically relevant in lizards, because it may affect fitness via its effects on predator escape success (Christian & Tracy 1981; Jayne & Bennett 1990), foraging success (Greenwald 1974; Webb 1984) and social dominance (Garland et al. 1990). In this paper, we combine data on sprint speed of lizards available in the literature with our own data for lacertid lizards. We investigate the importance of body mass and temperature as proximate causes of interspecific variation in sprint speed. We also test whether sprint speed correlates with ecological or behavioural characteristics, namely climate, activity (diurnal/nocturnal), microhabitat use and foraging mode.

While most intraspecific studies on lizards find some positive relationship between body size and speed (e.g. Garland 1985, 1994), the scaling of sprint speed remains equivocal in interspecific comparisons (Garland 1994). For instance, snout–vent length and sprint speed have evolved together in Caribbean Anolis (Losos 1990b), but not in Costa Rican Anolis (van Berkum 1986). Evolutionary changes in body length were not correlated with changes in sprint speed among 13 lacertid lizards (Bauwens et al. 1995) or among 27 species of phrynosomatid lizards (Bonine & Garland 1999). However, Zani (1996) reported a strong correlation between sprint speed and snout–vent length in a data set consisting of 39 lizard species from 11 families.

The ‘hotter is better’ hypothesis (Huey & Kingsolver 1989) predicts a positive relationship between maximal performance of organisms and optimal temperatures. The hypothesis is based on the thermodynamic principle that biochemical and physiological systems operating at high temperatures have potentially high catalytic capacity. Bauwens et al. (1995) corroborated this idea: the optimal temperature of 13 species of lacertid lizards was positively correlated with maximum running speed.

Climate could affect sprinting capacity in many ways. Lizards living in different climates are subject to different environmental temperatures and have different opportunities for thermoregulating. They are faced with different numbers of prey and predators, and probably have different opportunities to hide from them. We will use a very coarse classification of climates here (cool, Mediterranean, tropical and xeric). Considerations about thermal conditions and habitat structure incline us to predict that lizards from xeric and Mediterranean climates will run faster than lizards from cool or tropical climates.

Nocturnal lizards are confronted with different kinds and, possibly, numbers of prey and predators than diurnal lizards. This may affect the intensity of selection on sprint capacities. Although never tested explicitly, it has been suggested that relatively low predation pressure and high overall capture rate of nocturnal prey has resulted in low speeds of night-active lizards (Huey & Pianka 1983; Huey & Bennett 1987). Thermal considerations also predict lower sprint capacities in nocturnal lizards. At night, the absence of short-wave solar radiation hinders behavioural thermoregulation, and therefore nocturnal lizards are often forced to be active at relatively low and variable body temperatures (Huey et al. 1989; Autumn, Weinstein & Full 1994). In response, their thermal physiology may evolve in two (not mutually exclusive) ways. The first option is a reduction of the optimal temperature (but see Autumn et al. 1999). According to the ‘hotter is better’ hypothesis, such a shift should come with a reduction in maximal performance (see above). The second option is a broadening of the thermal performance breadth, so that near-maximal sprinting is allowed at a wider range of temperatures. In this case, the putative trade-off between maximal performance and thermal breadth of performance (the ‘jack-of-all-temperatures’ hypothesis, Huey & Hertz 1984) will reduce locomotor performance. In view of these considerations, we expect nocturnal lizards to have lower sprint capacities than diurnal lizards (but see Autumn et al. 1994, 1997).

Many lizard species tend to specialize in using particular (micro) habitats. It is often assumed that specialism in one microhabitat will go at the expense of reduced fitness in other microhabitats (Losos 1990; Garland 1994). This will eventually lead to ‘ecomorphs’: species that are morphologically adapted to, and therefore perform best in, the specific microhabitat they occupy (e.g. Losos & Sinervo 1989; Sinervo & Losos 1991). Owing to the way it is usually measured (on level racing tracks or moving belts), maximal sprint speed primarily constitutes a predictor of speed capacity on smooth, level terrain without obstacles. This may not be relevant for species that are primarily arboreal or saxicolous, or live in densely vegetated areas. Moreover, it has been argued that trade-offs between locomotor abilities (e.g. climbing capacity, manoeuvrability, sure-footedness) and horizontal running speed may reduce maximal running capacity of non-cursorial lizards (Hildebrand 1982; Cartmill 1985; Losos & Sinervo 1989; Sinervo & Losos 1991; Losos, Walton & Bennett 1993; but see Van Damme et al. 1998). We therefore predict that microhabitat use will influence maximal running speed.

Foraging strategy is also thought to influence sprint capacities in lizards. Lizard species are traditionally classified either as ‘sit-and-wait’ or as ‘active foragers’ (Pianka 1966; Schoener 1971; Regal 1983). The former group is expected to have greater sprinting capacities, while the latter should have greater endurance (Garland 1994). Here also, the notion of trade-off (between speed and endurance) is implicit. One study (Huey et al. 1984) corroborates this hypothesis.


Sprint speed measurements

Several methods have been used to measure maximal sprint speed in lizards. Most studies use a racetrack equipped with photocells positioned at set intervals (see Huey et al. 1981; Miles & Smith 1987 for descriptions). Racetracks differ among studies in length, substrate, inclination and distance between the photocells. The length of the tracks varies between 1 and 6 m, but most studies use tracks between 2 and 3 m long. It is unclear exactly how long a track should be to obtain reliable maximal speeds. Sprinting in lizards is usually explosive, and animals will reach their top velocity within milliseconds of their departure (Huey & Hertz 1982; Irschick & Jayne 1998). The substrate used also varies, but most studies employ materials that are thought to provide good traction (e.g. rubber, cork, foam board, sandpaper, window screening, linen cloth, rough-cut hardwood). Other studies, especially of desert lizards, prefer sand because it would better resemble the natural substrate of the animals. The effects of substrate on running speed have seldom been tested explicitly. Running speeds of Uma scoparia on sandy and rubberized substrates proved highly similar (Carothers 1986). Some lizards, for unknown reasons, seem to run more readily on substrates that are (slightly) inclined. Therefore, a number of authors tilt their racetrack to some degree (van Berkum 1986; Losos et al. 1989, 1991; Losos 1990; Irschick & Losos 1998). The distance between the photocells is usually 0·25 or 0·5 m.

A second category of studies uses tracks similar to the racetracks mentioned above, but uses different ways to measure the speed of the lizards. Some have used stopwatches (e.g. Snell et al. 1988; Losos et al. 1993; Zani 1996; Klukowski, Jenkinson & Nelson 1998), others have filmed or videotaped the lizards (e.g. Daniels 1983; Avery et al. 1987; Farley 1997; Márquez & Cejudo 1999). In the latter case, it is often unclear over what distance the speed was calculated.

Finally, several studies use high-speed treadmills (John-Alder, Garland & Bennett 1986; Beck et al. 1995; Dohm et al. 1998; Bonine & Garland 1999; Irschick & Jayne 1999). The speed of the belt is varied until it matches the apparent maximal running speed of the lizard. Alas, studies with high-speed treadmills often yield higher estimates of maximal sprint speed than do studies with photocell-timed racetracks (see Table 6 in Bonine & Garland 1999). Therefore, we choose not to use treadmill estimates of speed in our analysis.

Body temperature has a profound effect on sprint speed (e.g. Bennett 1980; Crowley 1985; Marsh & Bennett 1986; van Berkum 1986, 1988; Van Damme et al. 1989, 1990; Bauwens et al. 1995), and maximal running speed will be attained only at near-optimal body temperatures. Most authors acknowledge this fact and state that lizards were tested at optimal temperatures, or at temperatures close to that of animals in the field. In the latter case, it is assumed that animals in the field are active at near-optimal body temperatures. This may not always be true, but (at least in diurnal lizards, see Huey et al. 1989), field body temperatures are probably a good proxy for optimal body temperatures. We disregard data from one older study (Urban 1965) because the author admits that the temperatures of the animals in his photographic cage were not controlled.

Sprint speed may also vary with age (e.g. Garland 1985; van Berkum et al. 1989; Carrier 1996; Elphick & Shine 1998), sex (e.g. Huey et al. 1990; Dohm et al. 1998), reproductive condition (e.g. Van Damme et al. 1989; Cooper et al. 1990), hormone levels (Klukowski et al. 1998), feeding status (Huey et al. 1984) and tail loss (e.g. Ballinger, Nietfeldt & Krupa 1979; Pond 1981; Punzo 1982; Arnold 1984; Formanowicz, Brodie & Bradley 1990; but see Daniels 1983, 1985; Huey et al. 1990). Many studies do not provide information on some of these factors. We will assume that their effects are small in comparison to the interspecific variation studied here. When sprint speeds of males and females of a species are given separately, we calculate the weighted average. Data from juveniles, gravid females, males with experimentally elevated testosterone concentrations and lizards without tails are not used in the analysis.

Body mass estimates

Some studies report the snout–vent length (SVL), rather than the mass of the animals used. In these cases, the mass is calculated from the following equation:

inline image

This empirical allometric equation is based on 123 species or populations in our database, for which we had both SVL and mass. The coefficient of determination of this regression is 0·92.

Temperature data

The mean body temperature of animals active in the field was used to characterize the thermal biology of the species. In a few cases (see Table 1), where these data were not available, selected body temperatures were used.

Table 1. Data on maximal sprinting speeds (v, in m s−1) and body mass (m, in g) of lizards, compiled from the literature. Where new names have been assigned to genera, the old names (as mentioned in the paper from which the speed data were taken) are given between parentheses. The body mass given is the mean for the animals tested. Body masses marked by an asterisk (*) were calculated from SVL (see text). Also indicated are the distance over which speed was calculated (Δs, in m), the substrate of the racetrack (sub, a, astroturf; c, cork; f, foam board; h, hardwood; r, rubber; s, sand; sp., sandpaper; w, window screening), whether the track was inclined (i: +), and the temperature at which the animals were tested (t, in °C). The temperature data used in the analyses are also listed (fbt, in °C). These are mainly mean field body temperatures (FBT) of active animals in the field, except for the cases marked by an asterisk (*), which refer to body temperatures selected in the laboratory. Finally, the climate (t, tropical; x, xeric; m, Mediterranean; c, cool), activity patterns (d, diurnal; n, nocturnal), microhabitat use (arb, arboreal; sax, saxicolous; ter, terrestrial) and foraging mode (A, actively foraging; H, herbivorous; SW, sit-and-wait predator) of the species is indicated (see References in text)
Species v m t Δs sub i Reference FBT Reference for Climate Activity Habitat
Leiolepis belliani 2·200 40·0 35·0 0·25 + Losos et al. 1989 SW t d ter
Laudakia (Stellio) stellio (Giv’at Em, Israel) 2·700 40·1 38·8 0·5 r Hertz et al. 1983 36·0 Hertz et al. 1983 SW m d sax
Laudakia (Stellio) stellio (Avedat, Israel) 2·400 55·1 40·6 0·5 r Hertz et al. 1983 34·4 Hertz et al. 1983 SW m d sax
Laudakia (Stellio) stellio (Berekhat Ram, Israel) 2·500 41·1 39·9 0·5 r Hertz et al. 1983 34·1 Hertz et al. 1983 SW m d sax
Laudakia (Stellio) stellio (Mt Hermon, Israel) 2·300 41·9 37·0 0·5 r Hertz et al. 1983 32·9 Hertz et al. 1983 SW m d sax
Trapelus (Agama) savignyi 2·700 22·0 38·4 0·5 r Hertz et al. 1983 37·9 Hertz et al. 1983 SW x d sax
Ctenophorus (Amphibolurus) nuchalis 2·563 13·8 40·0 0·5 r Garland 1985 36·1 Pianka 1986 SW x d ter
Chamaeleo dilepsis 0·210 20·1 30·0 0·5 a Losos et al. 1993 31·2 Stebbins 1961; Pianka 1986 SW x d arb
Chamaeleo jacksonii 0·160 22·4 30·0 0·5 a Losos et al. 1993 30·0 Losos et al. 1993 SW t d arb
Uma scoparia 2·381 18·5 0·5 s Carothers 1986 37·3 Pianka 1986 SW x d ter
Uta stansburiana 1·850 3·0* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 35·3 Pianka 1986 SW x d ter
Petrosaurus mearnsi 2·350 11·3* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 36·0 Brattstrom 1965 SW x d sax
Urosaurus graciosus 1·770 3·6* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 36·2 Pianka 1986 SW x d arb
Urosaurus ornatus 2·110 3·5* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 35·6 Pianka 1986 SW x d arb
Urosaurus microscutatus 1·790 2·3* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 32·9 Pianka 1986 SW x d ter
Sceloporus clarkii 1·890 12·0* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 SW x d arb
Sceloporus undulatus (Colorado pop) 1·620 5·9* 41·0 0·25 r Crowley 1985 35·1 Crowley 1985; Gillis 1991 SW m d arb
Sceloporus undulatus (New Mexico pop) 1·730 5·6* 41·0 0·25 r Crowley 1985 35·1 Crowley 1985; Gillis 1991 SW m d arb
Sceloporus undulatus hyacinthus 2·140 10·0 35·0 0·25 Klukowski et al. 1998 35·1 Crowley 1985; Gillis 1991 SW m d arb
Sceloporus woodi 2·480 2·8* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 36·2 Bogert 1949 SW m d ter
Sceloporus occidentalis 1·930 7·4 34·0 0·5 Garland et al. 1990 35·0 Brattstrom 1965 SW m d arb
Sceloporus jarrovi 1·730 15·3* 37·0 0·25 s Miles 1994 35·0 Brattstrom 1965 SW x d sax
Sceloporus merriami (from Boquillas) 1·947 4·2 33·0 r Huey et al. 1990 32·8 Grant, pers. comm. in Huey et al. 1990 SW x d sax
Sceloporus merriami (from Grapevine Hills) 2·123 4·8 33·0 r Huey et al. 1990 32·3 Huey et al. 1990 SW x d sax
Anolis frenatus 2·718 42·7* 30·0 0·25 + Losos et al. 1991 27·6 Campbell 1971 SW t d arb
Anolis pulchellus 1·701 1·5 30·0 0·25 Losos 1990 27·5 Heatwole et al. 1969 SW t d arb
Anolis krugi 1·786 2·4 0·25 r + Losos 1990 16·8 Heatwole et al. 1969 SW t d arb
Anolis poncensis 1·761 1·6 30·0 0·25 + Losos 1990 33·0 Rand 1964 SW t d arb
Anolis gundlachi 2·155 7·1 0·25 r + Losos 1990 22·8 Hertz 1992 SW t d arb
Anolis cristatellus 2·155 8·1 0·25 + Losos 1990 26·3 Hertz 1992 SW t d arb
Anolis stratulus 1·488 1·9 0·25 + Losos 1990 30·0 Heatwole et al. 1969 SW t d arb
Anolis evermanni 1·825 5·6 0·25 + Losos 1990 20·2 Heatwole et al. 1969 SW t d arb
Anolis carolinensis 1·200 6·0 29·0 0·25 w + Irschick & Losos 1998 26·6 Brattstrom 1965 SW t d arb
Anolis humilis 1·160 1·0 + van Berkum 1986 26·4 van Berkum 1986 SW t d arb
Anolis lemurinus 1·480 3·6 + van Berkum 1986 25·6 Henderson & Fitch 1975 SW m d arb
Anolis limifrons 1·320 0·9 + van Berkum 1986 26·9 van Berkum 1986 SW t d arb
Anolis sagrei 1·812 2·9 0·25 + Losos 1990 33·1 Ruibal 1961 SW t d arb
Anolis lineatopus 2·033 4·6 0·25 r + Losos 1990 27·6 Rand 1964 SW t d arb
Amblyrhynchus cristatus 2·800 71·8 34·0 0·25 Miles et al. 1995 36·0 Bartholomew 1966 H x d sax
Eublepharis macularius 0·661 49·5 35·0 0·25 c Zaaf et al. unpublished data 26·5* Dial & Grismer 1992 A x n ter
Coleonyx variegatus 1·530 4·4 34·0 0·25 Huey et al. 1989 28·4 Pianka 1986 SW x n ter
Coleonyx brevis 1·490 1·8 37·5 0·25 Huey et al. 1989 28·6 Dial 1978 SW x n ter
Hemidactylus frenatus 2·210 3·3 34·0 0·1 Huey et al. 1989 27·4 Huey et al. 1989 SW t n arb
Hemidactylus turcicus 1·640 2·8 37·5 0·25 Huey et al. 1989 31·3 Huey et al. 1989 SW x n arb
Lepidodactylus lugubris 1·540 1·1 37·5 0·1 Huey et al. 1989 29·2* Huey et al. 1989 SW t n arb
Gekko gecko 1·512 38·1 35·0 0·25 c Zaaf et al. unpublished data 27·5* Sievert & Hutchison 1988 SW m n arb
Christinus (Phyllodactylus) marmoratus 0·970 3·7 30·0 0·1–0·3 f Daniels 1983 21·9 Heatwole & Taylor 1987 SW x n arb
Gonatodes concinnatus 1·040 2·3 0·5 h Zani 1996 29·0 Fitch 1968 SW t d arb
Mabuya variegata 1·360 1·3 36·0 0·5 s Huey 1982 33·6 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Mabuya striata 2·100 15·8 36·0 0·5 s Huey 1982 34·1 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Mabuya occidentalis 1·730 13·7 36·0 0·5 s Huey 1982 36·0 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Mabuya spilogaster 2·370 9·5 36·0 0·5 s Huey 1982 34·5 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii, form A 1·180 4·7 34·9 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 33·2 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A t d ter
Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii, form B 0·890 3·3 34·9 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 33·2 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A t d ter
Ctenotus uber 1·650 5·4 39·3 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 35·3 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A x d ter
Ctenotus taeniolatus 1·180 4·5 39·3 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 35·3 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A m d sax
Ctenotus regius 0·990 5·5 34·9 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 36·4 in Heatwole & Taylor 1987 A x d ter
Eulamprus (Sphenomorphus) kosciuskoi 1·040 8·3 34·9 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 30·3 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A m d ter
Eulamprus (Sphenomorphus) tympanum 1·490 14·4 34·9 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 29·8 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A m d ter
Eulamprus (Sphenomorphus) quoyi 1·520 21·1 30·0 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 29·8 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A m d ter
Eremiascincus fasciolatus 0·830 12·5 34·9 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 22·8 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A x n ter
Hemiergis peronii 0·490 1·5 30·0 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 21·9 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A m n ter
Hemiergis decresiensis 0·640 0·8 34·9 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 21·2 Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A m n ter
Egernia whitii 1·090 25·1 37·3 0·5 r Huey & Bennett 1987 34·1 Johnson 1977; Bennett & John-Alder 1986 A m d ter
Egernia cunninghami 2·692 268 35·0 John-Alder et al. 1986 34·0 in Heatwole & Taylor 1987 A m d ter
Tiliqua scincoides 1·069 438 35·0 0·5 John-Alder et al. 1986 33·5 in Heatwole & Taylor 1987 A m d ter
Scincella lateralis 0·380 0·8 0·5 h Zani 1996 28·8 Avery 1982 A m d ter
Eumeces skiltonianus 0·760 5·2 25·0 0·1 sp. Farley 1997 25·2 Cunningham 1966 A m d ter
Cnemidophorus tigris marmoratus 2·400 17·9 0·5 Cullum 1998 39·5 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Cnemidophorus tigris punctilinealis 2·646 11·2 0·5 Cullum 1998 39·5 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Cnemidophorus inornatus arizonae 2·265 4·2 0·5 Cullum 1998 40·1 Schall 1977 A x d ter
Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus 1·876 4·0 0·5 Cullum 1998 40·1 Schall 1977 A x d ter
Gallotia stehlini 3·150 208 36·0 0·5 c Márquez & Cejudo 1999 33·62727* Cejudo et al. 1999 A m d ter
Gallotia simonyi 2·300 230 36·0 0·5 c Márquez & Cejudo 1999 35·4* Cejudo et al. 1999 A m d ter
Gallotia atlantica 1·820 5·4 40·0 0·25 c Márquez & Cejudo 1999 33·60313* Cejudo et al. 1999 A m d ter
Gallotia caesaris 2·150 9·8 36·0 0·25 c Márquez & Cejudo 1999 35·45556* Cejudo et al. 1999 A m d ter
Psammodromus algirus 2·525 11·0 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 30·1 Pollo-Mateos & Pérez-Mellado 1989; Diaz 1992 A m d ter
Psammodromus hispanicus 1·499 1·4 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 30·2 Pollo-Mateos & Pérez-Mellado 1989 A m d ter
Lacerta bedriagae 1·787 9·6 35·0 0·25 c own data 32·0 Bauwens et al. 1990 A m d sax
Lacerta monticola 1·566 7·7 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 33·5 Martinez-Rica 1977; Pérez-Mellado 1982 A m d sax
Lacerta vivipara 0·900 2·8 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 29·9 Van Damme et al. 1986, 1987 A c d ter
Podarcis sicula 1·669 7·1 35·0 0·25 c own data 33·9 Van Damme et al. 1990 A m d ter
Podarcis (hispanica) hispanica 2·027 2·5* 35·0 0·5 c Van Damme et al. 1997 35·8 Arnold 1987 A m d sax
Podarcis hispanica atrata 1·527 7·6 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 33·9 Castilla & Bauwens 1991 A m d ter
Podarcis bocagei 1·421 3·3 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 32·3 Pérez-Mellado 1983; Pérez-Mellado & Salvador 1981 A m d ter
Podarcis muralis 2·136 3·1 35·0 0·25 c own data 33·8 Braña 1991; Tosini & Avery 1993 A m d sax
Podarcis pityusensis 2·540 9·8 Avery et al. 1987 33·3 Pérez-Mellado & Salvador 1981 A m d sax
Podarcis lilfordi 2·337 7·8 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 33·5 Bauwens et al. 1995 A m d ter
Podarcis tiliguerta 2·411 4·8 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 31·1 Van Damme et al. 1989 A m d sax
Lacerta viridis 2·679 28·4 35·0 0·25 c own data 33·9 Arnold 1987 A m d ter
Lacerta schreiberi 1·785 21·2 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 31·1 Salvador & Argüello 1987 A m d ter
Lacerta agilis 1·679 9·1 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 31·5 Sveegaard & Hansen 1976 A c d ter
Takydromus septentrionalis 0·810 5·5 32·0 0·25 Xiang et al. 1996 30·9 Xiang et al. 1996 A t d ter
Acanthodactylus pardalis 2·617 6·7 35·0 0·25 c own data 37·8 Duvdevani & Borut 1974 A m d ter
Acanthodactylus scutellatus 2·795 8·1 35·0 0·25 c own data 39·3 Duvdevani & Borut 1974 A m d ter
Acanthodactylus erythrurus 3·130 8·9 35·0 0·5 c Bauwens et al. 1995 33·2 Pollo Mateos & Pérez-Mellado 1989 A m d ter
Eremias lineoocellata 2·630 4·2 36·0 0·5 s Huey et al. 1984 36·9 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Eremias lugubris 1·580 4·0 36·0 0·5 s Huey et al. 1984 37·7 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Eremias namaquensis 2·680 2·5 36·0 0·5 s Huey et al. 1984 37·8 Pianka 1986 A x d ter
Nucras tessellata 2·050 4·7 36·0 0·5 s Huey et al. 1984 39·3 Huey et al. 1977 A x d ter

Ecological data

The ecological data (climate, activity, microhabitat use, foraging mode) were obtained from various sources. Apart from the papers on sprint speed themselves, these include Arnold, Burton & Ovenden (1978); Cogger (1992); Cooper (1994); Vitt et al. (1995, 1998); Vitt, Zani & Caldwell (1996); Leal et al. (1998); Vitt & Zani (1998). One species in the data set, Amblyrhynchus cristatus, is a herbivorous lizard. Therefore, it was not included when testing for differences in sprint speed according to foraging mode.

Phylogenetic analyses

In recent years it has repeatedly been stressed that comparative data need to be analysed in an explicit phylogenetic context (Felsenstein 1985, 1988; Harvey & Pagel 1991; Garland et al. 1993). Because species share parts of their evolutionary history, they cannot be considered independent data points in statistical analyses and thus traditional (i.e. non-phylogenetic) tests are invalid. In this study, two different approaches were used to circumvent the problem of non-independence.

To evaluate the importance of body mass and temperature in explaining interspecific variation in sprint speed, the phylogenetic independent contrasts of these three variables were calculated (pdtree computer program, Garland et al. 1999). A multiple regression was then performed with sprint speed contrasts entered as the dependent variable and body mass and temperature contrasts as independent variables (SPSSwin 10·0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The regression was forced through the origin (see Garland, Harvey & Ives 1992).

Phylogenetic simulations (Garland et al. 1993) were used to test whether sprint speed differs among sets of species with different climate (tropical, Mediterranean, xeric or cool), microhabitat use (terrestrial, arboreal or saxicolous), activity patterns (diurnal or nocturnal) and foraging mode (sit-and-wait or active foraging). In phylogenetic simulations, F statistics are compared with empirical F distributions, rather than to standard tabular values. The empirical null distributions are obtained by performing analyses of variance on the results of computer simulation models of continuous traits evolving along a known phylogenetic tree. The pdsimul computer programs by Garland et al. (1999) were used to simulate evolution of speed, mass and temperature, assuming Brownian motion as the model of evolutionary change. The means and variances were set to the means and variances of the original data. The procedure was repeated 1000 times. No limits to the simulated values of the variables were imposed. The pdanova program was used to perform traditional one way analyses of variance (anova) on the simulated data sets. The F-statistics of these 1000 anovas were used to set up the null distribution. The differences among sets of species were considered significant if the F-value exceeded the upper 95th percentile of the simulated F-distribution. The F-value at the lower end of this 95th percentile will be called ‘the critical F-value’ in the results. This procedure was repeated for each ecological variable (i.e. climate, activity, microhabitat use, and foraging mode). The pdsimul program was also used to check the results obtained with regression of independent contrasts, following procedures outlined by Garland et al. (1999).

Both methods require input on the topology and branch lengths of the phylogenetic tree. A ‘currently best’ tree was compiled from literature (Fig. 1; Arnold 1983, 1989; Garland, Huey & Bennett 1991; Joger 1991; Dial & Grismer 1992; Garland 1994; Kluge & Nussbaum 1995; Reeder & Wiens 1996; Zani 1996; Irschick et al. 1997; Wiens & Reeder 1997; Cullum 1998; Harris et al. 1998; Bonine & Garland 1999). Some unresolved polytomies remain, however. This was taken into account by subtracting one degree of freedom for each unresolved node (Purvis & Garland 1993; Garland 1994). As data on the divergence times are scattered, all the branch lengths were set to unity. It has been shown that the actual length of the branches does not usually affect the outcome of the statistical analyses to a great extent (Martins & Garland 1991; Walton 1993; Irschick et al. 1996; Díaz-Uriarte & Garland 1998). Moreover, checks of branch lengths with the pdtree program did not show any significant correlation between the absolute values of the standardized contrasts and their standard deviations (Garland et al. 1992). Because it is most likely that divergence times among the families in our data set differ strongly from those between genera and species, we also performed the phylogenetic analyses on trees of which branch lengths were proportional to the taxonomic level of the groups they connect. Divergence times were set to 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 units for families, and to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for genera (divergence times between species were always kept to 1 unit). These branch length manipulations did not alter the outcome of the tests qualitatively, and therefore only results for the tree with all branch lengths set to unity are reported.

Details are in the caption following the image

Hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships for 94 species and subspecies of lizards for which sprint speed, body mass, body temperatures and phylogeny are available. Because divergence times are often unknown, all branch lengths were set to unity. Climate (t, tropical; x, xeric; m, Mediterranean; c, cool); activity patterns (d, diurnal; n, nocturnal), microhabitat use (arb, arboreal; sax, saxicolous; ter, terrestrial) and foraging mode (a, actively foraging; h, herbivorous; sw, sit-and-wait predator) of the species is indicated in parentheses. See text for references.


Over 50 papers reporting sprint speeds of lizards were found. Data obtained with treadmills, and from racetracks if the distance over which speed was calculated over more than 50 cm were disregarded. In addition, some material could not be used because data on mass and SVL or body temperature were missing, or because the phylogenetic position of the species concerned was unclear. Species used in this study are given in Table 1.


Effects of body mass and body temperature

Non-phylogenetic analyses

Log10 maximal sprint speed correlates with log10 body mass (Fig. 2, r = 0·45). The slope of the ordinary least-squares regression line has a value of 0·177 (±0·031 SE). Reduced major axis regression yields a slope of 0·39 (95% confidence interval: 0·33–0·46). Inspection of the residuals of the regression reveals two outliers: the two chameleon species are obviously slow for their body size. Removing these data points improves the fit of the regression line considerably (now r = 0·58). Ordinary least-squares regression now produces a slope of 0·202 (±0·025), reduced major axis regression a slope of 0·35 (95% confidence intervals: 0·30–0·40).

Details are in the caption following the image

Effect of body mass on maximal sprint speed in lizards. (a) Traditional analysis; the line shown is the ordinary least-squares regression line for all data, except the two chameleon species. The equation is log10(speed) = 0·044 + 0·20 log10(body mass), with speed expressed in m s−1 and body mass in g. (b) Phylogenetic analysis, using independent contrasts of body mass and sprint speed.

Log10 maximal sprint speed also correlates with body temperature (Fig. 3, r = 0·52). The estimated slopes are 0·020 (ordinary least-squares regression) or 0·037 (reduced major axis, 95% confidence interval: 0·038–0·054). Again, the chameleons stand out for having strikingly low sprint speeds for their activity temperatures. Removing them from the analysis improves the correlation (r = 0·52) and returns slope values of 0·019 (ordinary least-squares regression) and 0·037 (reduced major axis).

Details are in the caption following the image

Effect of body temperature on maximal sprint speed in lizards. (a) Traditional analysis; the line shown is the ordinary least-squares regression line for all data, except the two chameleon species. (b) Phylogenetic analysis, using independent contrasts of body temperature and sprint speed.

Multiple regression on all species with known speed, body mass and temperature yielded a model with a significant contribution of body temperature (partial correlation = 0·41, P < 0·00001), but not of body mass (partial correlation = 0·15, P = 0·14). However, when the two chameleon species are omitted from the analysis, both log10 body mass (partial correlation = 0·28, P = 0·001) and body temperature (partial correlation = 0·45, P < 0·00001) contribute significantly to the variation in log10 sprint speed (see Fig. 4a). Together, they explain 34% of the interspecific variation in sprint speed. The partial regression coefficient for log10 body mass estimates the allometric scaling exponent: 0·092 (± 0·027 SE).

Details are in the caption following the image

Maximal sprint speed as a function of body mass and body temperature in lizards. Regression planes are calculated for all data except the chameleons: (a) traditional analysis; (b) phylogenetic analysis.

Phylogenetic analyses

A phylogenetic analysis on all available data indicates that standardized independent contrasts in sprint speed are positively correlated with contrasts in body mass (r = 0·44). Reduced major axis regression through the origin produces a slope estimate of 0·35, which is significantly different from zero (t = 5·33, df = 99 (124 spp., 21 soft polytomies), P < 0·001). In this data set, the contrast between the two chameleons and their sister taxon (the agamid lizards) is an obvious outlier. Removing this contrast results in a slightly higher correlation (r = 0·46). The reduced major axis slope is now 0·39, which is also statistically different from 0 (t = 5·83, df = 97 (122 spp., 21 soft polytomies), P < 0·001).

Standardized independent contrasts in sprint speed are also positively correlated with contrasts in body temperature (r = 0·35). The reduced major axis slope is 0·06, and differs significantly from zero (t = 3·78, df = 80 (101 spp., 19 soft polytomies), P = 0·0003). Here too, the contrast between the chameleons and the agamid lizards stands out. Removing it from the analysis results in a slightly higher correlation (r = 0·36) and a reduced major axis score of 0·02 that differs from zero (t = 3·75, df = 78 (99 spp., 19 soft polytomies), P < 0·001).

Multiple regression through the origin shows that both contrasts in mass (partial correlation = 0·30, P = 0·002) and contrasts in temperature (partical correlation = 0·32, P = 0·002) are significant predictors of contrasts in speed. Together, they explain 18% of the variation in the sprint speed contrasts. When the chameleons are kept out of the analysis, the contrasts in body mass (partial correlation = 0·36, P < 0·001) and the contrasts in temperature (partial correlation = 0·31, P = 0·002) together explain 21% of the variation in the sprint speed contrasts (see Fig. 4b).

Effects of climate, activity period, foraging mode and microhabitat use

Non-phylogenetic analyses

Traditional one-way anovas indicate significant effects of climate, activity period and microhabitat use on maximal sprint speed. These differences can be accounted for by differences in body mass and temperature (ancova, see Table 2 for statistics). Sit-and-wait predators and actively foraging species do not differ in sprint capacity (Table 2).

Table 2. Mean (±SE) maximal sprint speeds, body masses and activity body temperatures of lizards from different climatic regions and with different activity periods, foraging modes and microhabitat uses. Also shown are the results from non-phylogenetic tests for differences among lizard groups (anovas, t-tests), and the result of ancovas assessing the significance of the difference in speed when controlling for the differences in body mass and temperature
Sprint speed (m s−1) Body mass (g) Body temperature (°C)
x SE n x SE n x SE n
Cool 1·09 0·30 3 4·07 2·60 3 30·70 0·80 2
Mediterranean 1·95 0·11 46 38·47 12·52 45 32·51 0·56 44
Xeric 1·94 0·11 36 11·65 2·30 36 34·82 0·74 33
Tropical 1·38 0·09 44 6·61 1·70 44 27·82 0·97 23
anova F 3,125 = 5·77, P = 0·001 F 3,124 = 10·54, P < 0·0001 F 3,98 = 13·35, P < 0·0001
ancova F 3,95 = 0·43, P = 0·73
Diurnal 1·86 0·07 119 21·51 5·23 108 32·62 0·47 92
Nocturnal 1·23 0·16 11 10·87 5·07 11 27·99 1·89 10
t-test t 118 = 2·51, P = 0·01 t 117 = 1·27, P = 0·21 t 100 = 3·00, P = 0·003
ancova F 1,97 = 3·20, P = 0·08
Foraging mode
Sit-and-wait 1·66 0·09 44 7·90 1·54 44 30·14 0·91 34
Active 1·75 0·10 67 26·08 8·73 66 33·20 0·58 54
t-test t 109 = 0·42, P = 0·67 t 108 = 1·93, P = 0·055 t 86 = 2·97, P = 0·004
Ground-dwelling 1·65 0·10 68 25·48 8·25 68 33·42 0·60 53
Saxicolous 2·24 0·11 18 20·17 4·88 18 34·25 0·43 17
Arboreal 1·63 0·09 41 8·41 1·81 40 28·98 0·91 32
anova F 2,124 = 4·63, P = 0·01 F 2,123 = 3·31, P = 0·04 F 2,99 = 12·89, P = 0·00001
ancova F 2,96 = 1·79, P = 0·17

Phylogenetic analyses

The effect of climate using phylogenetic simulations was reassessed. At a 0·05 significance level, the critical F-value obtained by repeated simulation of the evolution of maximal speed was 10·81. This value is substantially above the standard tabular value for the same α and degrees of freedom (F = 2·70), indicating that related species tend to live in similar climates. The F-value obtained from a traditional anova testing for the effect of climate on speed (F = 5·34) is well below the critical value obtained from the simulations, so the variation in sprint speed among lizards living in different climates reflects phylogeny, rather than ecology. That is, the effect of climate on sprint speed reported above can be explained by the fact that related species tend to have similar speeds and live in the same climatic region. A similar argument can be made about the effect of climate on body mass (critical F = 10·89, traditional F = 9·48) and on body temperature (critical F = 11·27, traditional F = 10·35).

Phylogenetic analyses also fail to find a significant difference between nocturnal and diurnal lizards in maximal sprint speed (critical F = 22·25, traditional F = 6·26), body mass (critical F = 20·78, traditional F = 1·88) or body temperature (critical F = 16·26, traditional F = 10·99).

A similar result was obtained for the effect of foraging mode on maximal sprint speed (critical F = 84·92, traditional F = 0·081), body mass (critical F = 78·49, traditional F = 0·80) and body temperature (critical F = 94·62, traditional F = 0·06).

Finally, the differences among microhabitats in maximal speed (critical F = 27·48, traditional F = 4·54), body mass (critical F = 25·84, traditional F = 2·75) and body temperature (critical F = 22·31, traditional F = 10·06) also proved not significant.


Bigger is better

Our results seem to refute Hill’s (1950) prediction that speed would be independent of body size. The maximal sprinting speed (v) of lizards increases with body size, at least up to a certain point. There are several other predictions on the allometry of speed (elastic similarity model: v ∝ Mass0·25; static stress similarity: v ∝ Mass0·40 (McMahon 1974, 1975; Huey & Hertz 1982); dynamic similarity: v ∝ Mass0·17 (Gunther 1975; Garland et al. 1987)). However, because of the large amount of scatter present in the data, it cannot be decided which of these other scaling models is more fitting. The exponent obtained by ordinary least-squares regression (0·18, or 0·20 if the chameleons are omitted) is temptingly close to the value predicted by dynamic similarity theory (0·17). Garland (1983), also using ordinary least regression, obtained a highly similar value (0·165) for 106 mammal species with body masses ranging from 0·016 to 6000 kg. However, several authors have argued that in allometric studies, reduced major axis regression may be a more suitable technique than ordinary least-squares regression (e.g. Rayner 1985; McArdle 1988; Christian & Garland 1996). The exponent obtained through reduced major axis regression on the data presented here (0·39, or 0·35 without the chameleons) is closer to that predicted by the static stress similarity model (0·40).

In mammals, none of the theoretical scaling models describe the actual relationship between speed and body mass very well (Garland 1983). Log(speed) does not increase monotonically with log(body mass), as suggested by the biomechanical models, but takes a curvilinear path, reaching an ‘optimum’ at a body mass of about 119 kg (Fig. 5). Following this line, a polynomial regression equation was fitted through the lizard data. It took the following form (with speed in m s−1 and body mass in g; see also Fig. 5, chameleons omitted):

Details are in the caption following the image

Comparing maximal sprint speeds of mammals (circles, data from Garland 1985) and lizards (triangles). (a) Using linear ordinary least-squares regression. The regression line for the lizards is calculated for all species except the chameleons. Regression lines for the mammals are calculated for all data points, and for all animals weighing less than 300 kg (the latter has a closer fit, see Calder 1984). (b) Using polynomial regression.

inline image

The fit was slightly higher for this curve (r2 = 0·28) than for the linear regression (r2 = 0·20). The equation suggests an ‘optimal’ body size for lizards (with regards to running ability) of 48 g. Observe, however, that our data set contains very few speeds of large species. Only seven species have body masses above the ‘optimum’ of 48 g. In addition, observations of lizards running in the field suggest that race track measurements may underestimate maximal performance, especially in larger lizards (Jayne & Ellis 1998). Therefore the curvilinear nature of the log(speed)–log(body mass) relationship remains uncertain; data on the maximal velocities of truly large lizards (e.g. large varanids) are badly needed to solve the case.

Measurement error is undoubtedly one of the reasons for the large amount of scatter around the body mass–speed relationship. In spite of our attempt to restrict our data set to studies using similar techniques for measuring sprint speed, it is clear that variation among experimental set-ups and protocols (e.g. the fanaticism with which lizards are chased through the tracks) is bound to introduce some error. Interspecific variation in ‘design’ (morphology, physiology, biochemistry) most probably also contributes to the scatter. For instance, biomechanical models predict a positive relationship between (relative) limb length and sprint speed (see Garland & Losos 1994 and references therein), and several empirical studies have corroborated this prediction (Snell et al. 1988; Losos 1990; Sinervo, Hedges & Adolph 1991; Sinervo & Losos 1991; Bauwens et al. 1995). However, limb lengths and other design characteristics are not routinely reported in the literature, so this line of investigation could not be pursued here.

How do sprint speeds of lizards compare with those of mammals? Of course, the difficulties encountered when comparing lizard data from different studies multiply when comparing lizards with mammals. Probably even more than our lizard data set, the mammal data in Fig. 5 (taken from Garland 1983) are a varied assortment, collected using widely different techniques and degrees of accuracy. In addition, the body size ranges for which speed data are available differ between the two animal groups (Fig. 5), further jeopardizing a statistical comparison. Therefore, the conclusions below must remain speculative. Moreover, the outcome of the comparison depends largely on the regression techniques used to summarize the data. When ordinary least-squares regression is used, the effect of body mass on maximal sprinting speed seems similar in lizards and mammals (Fig. 5a). As noted above, the exponents of the relationships are highly similar for the two groups. However, Fig. 5(a) also suggests that for a given body mass, lizards tend to be slower than mammals. This would corroborate the idea that, in terms of maximal attainable speed, the locomotor apparatus of lizards (sprawling gait, anaerobic fuelling, etc.) is inferior to that of mammals (erect gait, aerobic fuelling, etc.). When polynomial regression is used, a different pattern emerges (Fig. 5b). Now, sprint speeds of lizards tend to be similar to the speeds predicted for mammals of a similar body mass. This suggests that, for small body sizes, a lizard-like type of locomotion may allow speeds comparable to those of mammals (see also Biewener 1989, 1990; Blob 2000). Speed data for small mammals and for large lizards are needed to test this unexpected finding.


Our results confirm the hypothesis that ‘hotter is better’ (Huey & Kingsolver 1989), at least within the temperature range considered here. Species that are active at high body temperatures run faster than species with low mean field body temperatures. Most species in this study are said to be tested near optimal body temperatures, so it seems unlikely that the correlation between speed and field body temperature is an artefact of slow lizards being tested at suboptimal temperatures. Rather, we think that our results corroborate the idea that adaptation of the thermal physiology to lower body temperatures is at the expense of performance at the optimal body temperature. The thermodynamical properties of the constituents of the cell (particularly those of water, Calloway 1976) are usually invoked to explain this phenomenon. However, this hypothesis should be tested more carefully, comparing field body temperatures, selected body temperatures and optimal temperatures with maximal performances.


Traditional statistical analyses suggest that three of the four ecological variables considered (climate, time of activity, microhabitat use) explain a significant part of the variation in sprint speed among lizard species. Some of the expectations formulated in the introduction are met. Lizards from Mediterranean and xeric climatic regions sprint faster than lizards from cool or tropical climates; diurnal lizards are faster than nocturnal lizards. Non-phylogenetic analyses also indicate differences in speed among lizards from different microhabitats, but here the prediction that climbing species should have lower (horizontal) running capacities than cursorial species proved incorrect. Instead, rock-climbing lizards sprint faster than both arboreal and ground-dwelling species. Foraging strategy (sit-and-wait vs actively foraging) did not influence maximal sprint speed. Traditional analyses of covariance also suggest that the differences in sprint speed between climates, activity periods and microhabitats could be explained through differences in body mass and body temperatures.

While it is tempting to explain the variation in maximal sprint speed in terms of differences in morphology, thermal physiology and general ecology, the results of the phylogenetic analyses strongly warn against such adaptive story-telling. When the genealogical relationships among the species considered are introduced into the analyses, the effects of the ecological factors are no longer statistically significant. This result once more stresses the importance of phylogenetic information in comparative analyses. Inspection of Fig. 1 shows that ecology and phylogeny are highly confounded within lizards, that is, phylogenetic related species tend to live in similar ecological conditions. This strongly suggests that the ecological characteristics considered are evolutionary stable. The ‘clustering’ of species with the same ecology reduces the statistical power of the tests to a great extent and differences among the ecological groups need to be very large to be significant (Garland et al. 1993; Vanhooydonck & Van Damme 1999). We conclude that the current data set and level of investigation does not allow formulating ultimate explanations of the variation in sprint speed in lizards. This will require finding a set of species for which ecology and phylogeny are not confounded. This may not be possible for the broad ecological classes used in this paper. Analyses at a more fine-grained level could be more fruitful. For instance, rather than dividing animals into such broad categories as ‘sit-and-wait’ and ‘actively foraging’, the foraging behaviour of particular species could be expressed in percentage of time spent moving, or home range size. This would allow testing the effect of the ecological parameter within a closely related group of lizards, and would circumvent the confounding effect of phylogeny.


This work was supported by a FWO-Vl grant (G. 0221·96) and a GOA-BOF project (University of Antwerp 1999–2003) (to R.V.D.) and an IWT grant (no. 951359) (to B.V.). R.V.D. is a senior research assistant at the Science Fund-Flanders (FWO-Vl).

Received 15 May 2000; revised 23 August 2000; accepted 1 September 2000