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The vascular endothelium in diabetes and hypertension

Vallance, Patrick; Calver, Alison; Collier, Joe

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Journal of Hypertension 10():p S31, April 1992.



To review recent research into the function of endothelial cells in relation to diabetes and hypertension, and the implications for cardiovascular control.

Endothelial functions 

Endothelial cells extract and inactivate circulating hormones, convert inactive precursors into vasoactive products, and synthesize and secrete vasodilator and vasoconstrictor mediators, which also modify platelet function and cell growth.


Abnormalities in endothelial cell morphology and function are recognized features of diabetes. Diminished endothelium-dependent relaxation and enhanced endothelium-dependent contraction have been described.


Similar defects in endothelial cell function have been demonstrated in animal and human hypertension. These might lead to increased vascular tone, vasospasm, platelet activation and atheroma.


Certain drugs modify or mimic endothelium-derived mediators. Endothelial dysfunction may contribute to cardiovascular pathology, but the precise clinical and therapeutic significance of modifying endothelial function remains to be determined.

© Lippincott-Raven Publishers.

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