Volume 30, Issue 2 p. 244-254
Standard Paper
Free Access

The evolution of tail length in snakes associated with different gravitational environments

Coleman M. Sheehy III

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Coleman M. Sheehy III

Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611 USA

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James S. Albert

James S. Albert

Department of Biology, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Louisiana, 70504 USA

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Harvey B. Lillywhite

Harvey B. Lillywhite

Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 32611 USA

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First published: 12 May 2015
Citations: 29


  1. Gravity imposes potentially important constraints on blood circulation in tall or elongate animals during upright posture or climbing. Upright postures create vertical gradients of gravitational (=hydrostatic) pressures within circulatory vessels. In terrestrial animals, this pressure potentially induces blood pooling and oedema in dependent (inferior) tissues and, secondarily, decreases blood volume reaching the head and vital organs. Arboreal snakes exhibit a suite of adaptations for countering the effects of gravity on blood circulation, including relatively non-compliant tissue compartments in the tail. However, patterns of tail length related to arboreal habitats and gravity have not been previously studied. Here, we test the hypothesis that arboreal snakes have relatively longer tails than non-climbing species, and we interpret the results within the context of adaptation to gravity stress.
  2. Length data were obtained for 226 snake species, 139 genera and 15 snake families assigned to three broad gravitational habitat categories (G-habitats: stenotopically arboreal, eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial and non-scansorial). We constructed a composite phylogenetic tree and quantified the relationships between snake morphology and G-habitat using conventional regression analysis of species data and regressions of phylogenetically independent contrasts.
  3. Mean relative tail length (RTL) increased and mean relative snout-vent length decreased with increasing arboreality among the three G-habitats. However, mean total body length (TL) was not different between the two arboreal G-habitats.
  4. Snakes with longer RTLs have a higher percentage of elongate blood vessels contained within the relatively non-compliant integument of the tail, which mitigates postural blood pooling experienced during climbing. TL in adult female arboreal snakes is hypothesized to be an evolutionary trade-off between demands for a longer tail to enhance cardiovascular performance and the length of body cavity to provide space for young.
  5. Our results complement previous studies correlating RTL with arboreal habitat use, in addition to physiological experiments quantifying the effects of gravity on blood flow in snakes. These results provide evidence that long RTLs of arboreal snakes function, at least in part, as an adaptive response to cardiovascular stresses on blood circulation imposed by gravity. Selection on tail length related to other factors seems less likely, but is in need of further investigation.


An important consequence of utilizing complex, three-dimensional terrestrial habitats is the pervasive effect of gravity on blood circulation, which can be particularly pronounced in tall or long organisms such as giraffes and snakes (Lillywhite 1993a, 1996; Seymour & Arndt 2004; Hargens, Pettersson & Millard 2007; Lillywhite et al. 2012). Upright postures create vertical gradients of gravitational (=hydrostatic) pressures within circulatory vessels. In air, this increases transmural pressures (net pressure difference acting across the wall of a blood vessel) related to the absolute length of the fluid column, leading to a tendency for pooling of blood and for fluid to filter from capillaries into surrounding tissue compartments, resulting in oedema in dependent (inferior) tissues (Lillywhite 1985, 1993b; Hargens et al. 1987). As blood pooling and oedema increase, the volume of blood reaching the heart decreases, thereby reducing the central blood pressure and consequently the amount of blood flow to the head and vital organs (Lillywhite 1993b, 1996, 2005; Lillywhite & Henderson 2001).

Snakes have elongate and limbless bodies that experience perturbations of blood circulation caused by the effects of gravity while assuming upright or vertical postures (Seymour & Lillywhite 1976; Lillywhite 1985, 1993a, 2005; Seymour & Arndt 2004). More than 3400 species of snakes are currently recognized, ranging in total length from tiny 10 cm threadsnakes to huge pythons that may exceed 10 m (Greene 1997; Hedges 2008). Since their mid-Cretaceous origins about 100 million years ago (Caldwell 2007), snakes have radiated into a wide variety of aquatic, fossorial, terrestrial and arboreal habitats where they experience various levels of gravitational stress on blood circulation. At the extremes, these stresses range from low to none in fully aquatic species living in essentially ‘weightless’ environments, to relatively high in climbing (scansorial) species, especially arboreal forms specialized for climbing in trees. This diverse radiation of snakes has been studied in various contexts as a natural experiment involving long-term responses to differing levels of gravitational stress (e.g. Seymour & Lillywhite 1976; Conklin et al. 1996; Seymour & Arndt 2004; Lillywhite 2005; Sajdak 2010; Lillywhite et al. 2012).

Arboreality has evolved numerous times independently among snakes, and arboreal species exhibit a suite of behavioural, morphological and physiological adaptations for countering the effects of gravity on blood circulation including undulating body movements, small mass/length ratios, relatively anterior hearts, tightly applied integument and relatively non-compliant tissue compartments in the tails (e.g. Henderson & Binder 1980; Lillywhite 1993a; Lillywhite & Henderson 2001; Martins et al. 2001; Pizzatto, Almeida-Santos & Shine 2007; Gartner et al. 2010; Lillywhite et al. 2012). Laboratory studies involving arboreal, terrestrial and aquatic species demonstrate that blood pooling in caudal tissues of arboreal snakes during vertical posture is significantly less than in terrestrial and aquatic species, and these differences can approach tenfold (Lillywhite 1985, 1993a). The ability of arboreal snakes to defend against oedema and blood pooling is almost certainly attributed to the aforementioned characters, one of which being relatively non-compliant tissue compartments in the tail (Lillywhite & Henderson 2001; Lillywhite 2005). Various arboreal species have comparatively longer tails than do their non-climbing terrestrial or aquatic counterparts (e.g. Marx & Rabb 1972; Martins et al. 2001). Thus, the question arises, how has arboreality and the associated gravitational stress on blood circulation influenced the evolution of tail length in snakes?

Relative tail length (RTL) is a convenient derived measurement that normalizes comparisons of tail length among species that differ with respect to total body length (TL, Klauber 1943). RTL in adult snakes exhibits low intraspecific variation that is further reduced when investigating the sexes separately (Klauber 1943; Martins et al. 2001). RTL has been demonstrated to increase with arboreal habits in a clade of South American viperids (Martins et al. 2001) and in several species of boas and pythons (Pizzatto, Almeida-Santos & Shine 2007). Others have noted correlations between RTL and macrohabitat, but these have not been directly tested (e.g. Klauber 1943; Clark 1967; Marx & Rabb 1972; King 1989; Lillywhite & Henderson 2001).

Herein, we investigate the relationship between tail length and macrohabitat use in snake lineages representing all of the major (diverse) families that contain arboreal and non-arboreal species. Importantly, we include data for Colubridae and Lamprophiidae, which include the vast majority of arboreal snake species. The purposes of the present investigation are threefold. First, we test the hypothesis that arboreal snakes in general have relatively longer tails than non-climbing species. Secondly, we discuss (i) the relationship between tail length and arboreality within the context of cardiovascular adaptation to gravitational stress, and (ii) how adaptation to mitigate gravitational stress has potentially influenced the ecology and evolution of arboreal snakes. Thirdly, we consider and discuss alternative factors that might also influence tail length of snakes.

Materials and methods

Tail Length Data

Data for tail length were collected from the literature, museum specimens and live snakes representing 226 species within 139 genera and 15 families (Uetz & Hosek 2013; see Table S1, Supporting Information). H. B. Lillywhite and R. S. Seymour obtained additional unpublished data for snake length opportunistically during previous investigations into the anatomy and physiology of snakes. In combination, these data represent almost all snake families (Uetz & Hosek 2013). Museum specimens were acquired from the Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH) and the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian (USNM). Only adult females were used for this study to avoid the potentially confounding effects of sexual dimorphism in RTL and ontogenetic shifts in allometry and habitat use (Klauber 1943; King 1989; Shine 2001). A snake was determined to be an adult if its TL was within, or very near, the published size range for adults of that species. For museum specimens, sex was determined by subcaudal incision. Live snakes were measured at Glades Herp, Inc., Florida, and were probed to determine sex. Taxa in which females are known to possess well-developed hemipenis-like structures (e.g. Pseudoficimia and Gyalopium; Hardy 1972; Smith & Brodie 1982) were not included in this study. Some Bothrops insularis females have hemipenis-like structures (Hoge et al. 1961), and this species was included in the study under the assumption that length data reported by Klauber (1943) were from functional females.

Snout-vent length (SVL) was measured from the tip of the snout to the posterior edge of the anal scale. Tail length was measured from the posterior edge of the anal scale to the tip of the tail, and only snakes with complete tails were used in this study. SVL and tail length were measured using either a meter stick (±1·0 mm) or a calliper (±0·1 mm). A string was used to follow the body contours of live snakes and rigid specimens and was subsequently measured with a meter stick. Length measurements were repeated on individuals up to 10 times when possible and then averaged. We primarily used mean SVL and tail lengths from the literature or from multiple specimens, but in some cases, we used data representing single specimens. To test intraspecific variation in RTL, we collated data from the literature on the total variation in adult female RTL for 26 ecologically diverse snake species in five families and 26 genera [mean sample size per species = 58·58 ± 11·94 (SE), range = 5–249] (Klauber 1943; Broadley 1959). Mean intraspecific variation in RTL (±SE) was extremely small (1·0% ± 0·003), allowing us to justify the use of RTL data for individual specimens when necessary.

Constructing a Snake Phylogeny

A consensus phylogeny of extant snake species does not currently exist. Therefore, we constructed a composite tree in order to examine our data within a phylogenetic context. Phylogenies constructed by Wiens et al. (2008) and Pyron et al. (2011) were combined manually in MacClade version 4.08 (Maddison & Maddison 2005) and used as a base phylogeny, to which additional species or clades were added or expanded following the methodology outlined by Lillywhite et al. (2012). Phylogenetic relationships for five genera were unresolved (i.e. Atractus, Dipsas, Langaha, Philothamnus and Prosymna). With a single exception (Philothamnus hoplogastor), these polytomies contain congeners that are categorized within the same gravitational habitat, and results of phylogenetic analyses were not affected when polytomies were resolved using all possible alternative topologies (results not shown). The composite tree is overall consistent with other recent molecular analyses of snake relationships (e.g. Noonan & Chippindale 2006; Vidal et al. 2010; Pyron et al. 2011, 2013; Pyron & Burbrink 2012; Wiens et al. 2012; Pyron, Burbrink & Wiens 2013) regarding the relative placement of higher level taxonomic groups (i.e. Scolecophidia, Alethinophidia and Colubroidea).

The following phylogenetic studies were used to add taxa to the base phylogeny to construct the composite tree (Fig. 1). The scolecophidian clade was replaced using the phylogeny of Adalsteinsson et al. (2009). The phylogeny of Grazziotin et al. (2012) was used for placement of taxa within the subfamilies Dipsadinae and Xenodontinae. Relationships among the sea snake genera Aipysurus, Emydocephalus and Hydrophis were inferred using the phylogeny of Sanders et al. (2013).

Details are in the caption following the image
Phylogeny of 226 snake taxa that contributed morphological data to this study. The composite tree topology is from multiple sources as described in the text. The continuous variable relative tail length, expressed as decimal fraction of total body length, is mapped onto the tree using least squares parsimony.

Categorizing Gravitational Habitats

Because snakes occupy a wide variety of habitat types, it is often useful to divide habitat usage into generalized categories when discussing snake community assemblages. Perhaps the most widely utilized categories for snake habitat use include fossorial, terrestrial, aquatic, semiaquatic, arboreal and semiarboreal, or some subset of these (e.g. Johnson 1955; Shine 1983; Guyer & Donnelly 1990; Dalrymple et al. 1991; Lindell 1994; Vidal et al. 2000).

However, as noted by Johnson (1955), habitat categories per se can be inadequate when comparing ecomorphological or behavioural data between species. For example, watersnakes in the genus Nerodia typically live and obtain food near water (Conant & Collins 1998). Consequently, they are usually categorized as aquatic or semiaquatic (e.g. Vidal et al. 2000). However, during parts of the year, some Nerodia species can spend as much or more time above the ground in shrubs and trees than Coluber constrictor, a snake typically categorized as semiarboreal (Mushinsky, Hebrard & Walley 1980; Plummer & Congdon 1994). Separating Nerodia and Coluber into distinct ecological categories (aquatic or semiaquatic versus semiarboreal) obscures these similarities in habitat usage. By the same token, categorizing the partially aquatic and partially terrestrial Nerodia and entirely pelagic Hydrophis platurus as ‘aquatic’ is misleading because it does not account for the variation in habitats encountered by the former. To avoid these problems, we employed both habitat use and behavioural information when assigning snake species into gravitational habitat categories (Lillywhite et al. 2012). These gravitational habitat (G-habitat) categories reflect the inferred (maximum) gravitational stress that snakes are likely to experience while utilizing various habitats, which is correlated with the frequency with which snakes assume upright or vertical postures, and especially fully vertical positions (Lillywhite et al. 2012).

In order to categorize the amount of inferred gravitational stress snakes experience, we created three broad categories of gravitational habitat: (i) stenotopically (narrowly adapted) arboreal, (ii) eurytopically (broadly adapted) arboreal/terrestrial and (iii) non-scansorial (Lillywhite et al. 2012). Stenotopically arboreal species primarily live in arboreal habitats. These species occupy trees or vegetation >50% of the time, and they are presumed to experience the greatest degree of gravitational stress. Eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species are often found on the ground, but they regularly climb for reasons including foraging, escaping predators and thermoregulation (e.g. Masticophis and Coluber). The non-scansorial category comprises both ground-dwelling terrestrial and aquatic snake species that rarely if ever climb, and these species are presumed to experience the least degree of gravitational stress of all three G-habitat categories. The RTL data for terrestrial and aquatic species were pooled for analyses because they were not statistically different (ancova: P = 0·969). However, we discuss aquatic and terrestrial species separately within the context of cardiovascular adaptation to gravitational stress. Some characteristically terrestrial species, or populations of species, do climb occasionally (e.g. Bitis arietans, Bitis armata, Bothrops asper, Crotalus horridus and Thamnophis sirtalis) (Sajdak 2010). However, we consider this behaviour atypical and do not consider them eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial. Aquatic species are those primarily found in aquatic habitats and which commonly exhibit one or more morphological specializations functionally associated with aquatic habitats such as a laterally compressed or oar-like tail, more dorsally positioned eyes and nostrils, salt excreting glands and valvular nostrils (Heatwole 1999). Examples include laticaudines (genus Laticauda) and the homalopsine Enhydris enhydris, which are clearly adapted to an aquatic lifestyle and are usually found in water, even though they may occasionally sojourn onto land. Aquatic species are presumed to experience the least gravitational stress because the surrounding water column acts as an ‘antigravity suit’ (Lillywhite 1993a: 561). Importantly, all categorical placements were based entirely on the ecology and behaviour of each species and not on morphology. These gravitational habitat categories have been proposed to represent a variable that is a continuous trait in nature (Lillywhite & Henderson 2001).

Categories of gravitational habitat were based on adult uses of habitat compiled from the literature and from the numerous observations in nature made by others and ourselves. A large amount of this information were obtained from the following sources: Africa (Broadley & Cock 1975; Broadley 1983; Branch 1998; Schmidt & Noble 1998; Spawls et al. 2002); Australia (Shine 1995); Central America (Campbell 1998; Savage 2002); India (Whitaker & Captain 2004); Madagascar (Glaw & Vences 1994; Henkel & Schmidt 2000); North America (Smith & Brodie 1982; Conant & Collins 1998); South America (Murphy 1997; Boos 2001; Duellman 2005); and the West Indies (Schwartz & Henderson 1991).

Statistical Analyses

We used conventional regression analyses, analysis of covariance (ancova), analysis of variance (anova) and phylogenetically independent contrast (PIC) analyses to quantify relationships between snake morphology and gravitational habitat. We tested for interspecific differences in RTL and relative snout-vent length (RSVL) using ancova with tail length or SVL as the dependent variable, G-habitat as the factor and TL as a covariate. The results of the ancova were not affected when tail length was used as the dependent variable, G-habitat as the factor and SVL was instead used as a covariate. Thus, we only report ancova results using TL as a covariate since it is more biologically relevant to our central hypothesis. We report ancova results as adjusted means, which are the predicted values of the dependent variable (tail length or SVL) for each G-habitat where the covariate variable TL is evaluated at the average of its data values. Residuals from linear regressions are often used for the purpose of controlling for unwanted effects in multivariable data sets. However, several studies have identified ancova as a more appropriate statistical method to control for covariates (García-Berthou 2001; Freckleton 2002). Coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated to compare variation in TLs among different G-habitats. Data were log10-transformed prior to statistical analyses. Conventional statistical analyses were performed using the statistical program package sigmaplot version 13 (Systat Software, Inc., San Jose, CA, USA). Data are reported as mean ± SE unless stated otherwise.

Interspecific comparative analyses can be confounded by pseudoreplication caused by phylogenetic relatedness among species samples (Price 1997). However, these effects can be partially resolved using PICs (Felsenstein 1985), which is a widely used method for phylogenetic correction (e.g. Pizzatto, Almeida-Santos & Shine 2007; White, Blackburn & Seymour 2009; Lillywhite et al. 2012; Adams 2014).

Analyses of PIC between tail length (expressed as a decimal fraction of the TL) and G-habitat were performed on log10-transformed data using the pdap: pdtree v. 1.74 module of mesquite version 2.75 (Maddison & Maddison 2011). Branch lengths could not be estimated because the final phylogenetic tree was a composite from a variety of sources. Independent contrasts were therefore generated with branch lengths assigned as either equal or arbitrary in Mesquite using ‘Branches Proportional to Lengths’, with each branch having a length of 1·0, under the assumption that clade age is proportional to number of species (Grafen's branch lengths; Grafen 1989; Maddison & Maddison 2005). Plots of standardized contrasts against the variance of untransformed contrasts showed strongly significant correlations for Grafen's, but not equal or arbitrary, branch lengths. As significant correlations between branch lengths and trait values violate a key assumption of independent contrasts analysis (Diaz-Uriarte & Garland 1996), we elected to use equal branch lengths. Contrasts were calculated between all sister lineages on the tree for G-habitat and RTL, and relationships were examined between the variables by calculating regressions on these standardized contrasts using least squares (Garland, Harvey & Ives 1992; Grafen 1992). Absolute values of contrasts were not correlated with their standard deviation, alleviating the need for branch length transformations (Diaz-Uriarte & Garland 1998).

The three gravitational habitats (i.e. non-scansorial, eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial and stenotopically arboreal) were analysed in the phylogenetic independent contrast analysis under the reasonable assumption that the degree of gravitational stress experienced forms a continuum with stenotopically non-scansorial < eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial < stenotopically arboreal. Operationally, any discrete trait value can be treated as continuous in mesquite 2.75, and this arrangement represents a more realistic assumption than gravitational habitats assigned as discrete states (Pizzatto, Almeida-Santos & Shine 2007; Lillywhite et al. 2012). To more directly compare the results of non-phylogenetic and phylogenetic analyses, we also performed a non-phylogenetic linear regression of RTL (as a decimal fraction of TL) against G-habitat treated as a continuous variable.


Untransformed RTLs for the 226 species included in this study ranged from 1·1% (Rhinotyphlops episcopus) to 48·1% (Uromacer frenatus) of TL (see Table S1, Fig. 1). Log10 tail length was positively correlated with log10 total length in these species (r = 0·807, P < 0·001).

There were differences in mean log10 RTLs between the three gravitational habitat categories (one-way ancova: F2,222 = 45·807, P < 0·001; Table 1, Fig. 2a). Post hoc pairwise comparisons using the Holm–Sidak method revealed that mean RTL was (i) longer in stenotopically arboreal species than in non-scansorial species (t = 8·965, P < 0·001), (ii) longer in eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species than in non-scansorial species (t = 6·798, P < 0·001) and (iii) longer in stenotopically arboreal species than in eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species (t = 2·580, P = 0·011) (Fig. 3). There were no significant interactions between the factor and the covariates, and slopes of the factors (G-habitats) were not significantly different (r = 0·868, P = 0·258). After log10-transformed results were untransformed (10log RTL) to show linear relationships, stenotopically arboreal snakes had mean RTLs that averaged 3·89 times longer than those of non-scansorial species and 1·23 times longer than those of eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species. Eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species had mean RTLs that averaged 3·17 times longer than those of non-scansorial species.

Table 1. Length measurements [adjusted mean ± SE (ancova), mean ± SE (anova), n = species] for snakes in three categories of gravitational habitat as described in the text. Results indicate that only total body length (TL) between the eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial and stenotopically arboreal G-habitats was not significantly different (anova, Holm–Sidak method, P = 0·745). All other comparisons among and between G-habitat categories, using log TL as a covariate, are statistically different (ancova, Holm–Sidak method, P = 0·011 for relative tail length between eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial and stenotopically arboreal G-habitats; P < 0·001 for all other comparisons). All statistical analyses were performed on log10-transformed data
G-habitat n Tail length Snout-vent length TL
Non-scansorial 120 1·963 ± 0·020 2·826 ± 0·004 2·774 ± 0·022
Arboreal/terrestrial, eurytopic 61 2·206 ± 0·027 2·782 ± 0·006 3·028 ± 0·028
Arboreal, stenotopic 45 2·309 ± 0·031 2·744 ± 0·006 3·014 ± 0·028
Details are in the caption following the image
Results of ancova comparing (A) log10 relative tail length, (B) log10 relative snout-vent length, and (C) results of ANOVA comparing log10 total body length among three gravitational habitat categories. Data reported as adjusted mean ± 95% CI for ancova results and as mean ± 95% CI for ancova results.
Details are in the caption following the image
Relationship between tail length and total body length among the three gravitational habitats. ancova regression equations are log10 tail length = -0.978 + 1.018 log10 total body length for non-scansorial species (filled circles, solid line); log10 tail length = -0.736 + 1.018 log10 total body length for eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species (open triangles, dashed line); and log10 tail length = -0.632 + 1.018 log10 total body length for stenotopically arboreal species (open squares, dotted line).

There were differences in mean log10 RSVLs between the three gravitational habitat categories (one-way ancova: F2,222 = 57·079, P < 0·001; Table 1, Fig. 2b). Post hoc pairwise comparisons using the Holm–Sidak method revealed that mean log10 RSVL was (i) shorter in stenotopically arboreal species than in non-scansorial species (t = 10·503, P < 0·001), (ii) shorter in eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species than in non-scansorial species (t = 6·172, P < 0·001) and (iii) shorter in stenotopically arboreal species than in eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species (t = 4·614, P < 0·001) (Fig. 4). There were no significant interactions between the factor and the covariates, and slopes of the factors (G-habitats) were not significantly different (r = 0·986, P = 0·114).

Details are in the caption following the image
Relationship between snout-vent length and total body length among the three gravitational habitats. ancova regression equations are log10 tail length = -0.054 + 0.996 log10 total body length for non-scansorial species (filled circles, solid line); log10 tail length = -0.098 + 0.996 log10 total body length for eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species (open triangles, dashed line); and log10 tail length = -0.136 + 0.996 log10 total body length for stenotopically arboreal species (open squares, dotted line).

There were differences in mean log10 TL between the three categories of gravitational habitat (one-way anova: F2,223 = 34·782, P < 0·001; Table 1, Fig. 2c). Post hoc pairwise comparisons using the Holm–Sidak method revealed that mean log10 TL was shorter in non-scansorial species than in both stenotopically arboreal (t = 6·145, P < 0·001) and eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species (t = 7·237, P < 0·001). However, mean log10 TL was not statistically different between stenotopically arboreal and eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species (t = 0·325, P = 0·943).

In the context of phylogeny, log10 tail length expressed as a decimal fraction of the total body length (RTL) was positively correlated with the three gravitational habitats in plots of independent contrasts (log10 RTL contrasts = −1·158 + 0·220 G-habitat; r2 = 0·326, n = 213, P < 0·001; Fig. 5). Log tail length expressed as a decimal fraction of the total body length (RTL) was also positively correlated with the three gravitational habitats in the non-phylogenetic linear regression (log10 RTL = −1·101 + 0·185 G-habitat; r2 = 0·336, P < 0·001). Fig. 1 illustrates the composite phylogenetic tree with taxonomic distributions of RTL. Continuous data for RTL were optimized using squared-change parsimony (Maddison 1991).

Details are in the caption following the image
Relationship of phylogenetically independent contrast scores of log10 relative tail length and gravitational habitat treated as a continuous variable as described in the text. The positive relationship is significant (log10 RTL contrasts = −1.158 + 0.220 G-habitat; r2 = 0.326, P < 0.001)

Coefficients of variation among total length of the three gravitational habitats were highest in non-scansorial species (log10 CV = 0·087), intermediate in eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species (log10 CV = 0·071), and lowest in stenotopically arboreal species (log10 CV = 0·060).


In this study, we report a new analysis of the RTL in snakes inhabiting different gravitational habitats. We demonstrate that, across a broad range of taxa, RTL increases with increasing use of arboreal habitats. Compared to non-scansorial species, mean differences in tail length are about fourfold greater in stenotopically (narrowly adapted) arboreal species and more than threefold greater in eurytopically (broadly adapted) arboreal/terrestrial species (Fig. 2a). The results of our phylogenetically informed analyses demonstrate that RTL and gravitational habitat are highly correlated with longer RTLs being associated with a greater use of arboreal habitats and, thus, with increasing inferred gravitational stresses (Fig. 5).

Body Morphology, Habitat and Gravity Stress

These results can be explained within the context of adaptive response to cardiovascular stresses induced by gravity while climbing. Lengthening of the tail relative to body size increases the relative segment of elongate blood vessels that is surrounded by tight (low compliance) tissues. The subcutaneous compliance of caudal tissue in arboreal snake species is comparatively low and increases up to sixfold in non-scansorial species (Lillywhite 1993a). Moreover, postural shifts of fluid in arboreal snake species are 1/3 or less than those in aquatic snake species that are unaffected by gravity in their neutrally buoyant habitat (Lillywhite 1985). The low caudal compliance of arboreal snake species helps mitigate posterior blood pooling, thereby facilitating the return of blood flow to the heart. This in turn increases cardiac outflow to the brain and vital organs during upright positions that are experienced during climbing (Lillywhite & Gallagher 1985; Lillywhite & Donald 1994; Lillywhite 2005).

Although we found that arboreal snakes in general have longer RTLs (and therefore shorter RSVLs) than non-scansorial species, the results of the ancova suggest that selection on RTLs may be more finely graded than previously thought, given that the most highly arboreal (stenotopically arboreal) species have longer RTLs than eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species. Previous studies have grouped stenotopically arboreal and eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species into a single (scansorial) gravitational habitat (e.g. Lillywhite et al. 2012). The results reported herein suggest that future studies investigating adaptive responses to gravitational stress in snakes, and possibly in other vertebrates, can consider finer degrees of cardiovascular stress when evaluating the effects of gravitational habitat.

Regressions of log tail length and log SVL, with log TL as a covariate, for the three G-habitats had different y-intercepts but slopes that were not significantly different (Figs 3 and 4, respectively). These findings suggest that stenotopically arboreal species have longer tails and shorter bodies (SVL) than eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species at all TLs. Furthermore, eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species have longer tails and shorter bodies than non-scansorial species at all TLs.

These results are readily explained in the context of physiological trade-offs in response to gravity stress. Upright postures create vertical gradients of gravitational pressures within circulatory vessels, and the magnitude of the pressure change is proportional to the total length of the blood column. In air, this potentially induces blood pooling and oedema in dependent tissues and possibly decreases the volume of blood reaching the head and vital organs of animals that are tall or elongate. Thus, snakes with longer TLs experience larger gradients of gravitational pressure than do shorter snakes. The negative effects of body length on blood circulation are partly offset in arboreal/scansorial species by having longer tails relative to SVL, resulting in a greater proportion of TL that is characterized by lower compliance tissues (Lillywhite 1985, 1993a). Thus, stenotopically arboreal species with long TLs have even longer RTLs than eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species. These results support the hypothesis that phylogenetic patterns of tail length represent adaptive responses for maintaining systemic blood pressure (and cephalic blood flow) while climbing.

Our results also reaffirm previous conclusions regarding the use of TL, not SVL, as the most appropriate variable to use when investigating cardiovascular adaptations in snakes, because TL more accurately measures the column-length of the circulatory system (Lillywhite & Seymour 2011; Lillywhite et al. 2012). SVL is often useful for investigating various ecological and evolutionary questions in snakes, largely because it appears to better predict body mass than does TL (Feldman & Meiri 2013). However, with regard to investigating evolutionary adaptations of the cardiovascular system to gravitational stress, the entire fluid column (i.e. TL) is under selection, not just the vessels in the pre-vent portion of the body (SVL). Thus, omitting tail length from such studies omits varying percentages of the total fluid column upon which natural selection is acting.

Tail Length and Functional Ecology: Other Considerations

Although RTL data for aquatic and terrestrial species are pooled into a ‘non-scansorial’ G-habitat category for statistical analyses, the effects of gravity on blood circulation in these species are different. The range of tail lengths as a percentage of TL for the aquatic species (9·3–19·2%) falls entirely within the range for the terrestrial species (1·1–31·1%). The vascular blood columns of aquatic snakes experience little or no gravitational stresses associated with an essentially weightless environment (Seymour & Lillywhite 1976; Lillywhite & Pough 1983; Lillywhite 1996). Therefore, in aquatic environments, tails do not function in countering the effects of gravity on blood circulation, and tail morphology is more constrained by forces of propulsion and locomotion. Consequently, aquatic species are expected to have tail lengths long enough to effectively propel the snake through water, yet short enough to minimize drag (Aubret & Shine 2008). Although the role of tail length in snake locomotion remains incompletely documented (e.g. Jayne & Bennett 1989), similarities in tail lengths between aquatic and terrestrial species are here hypothesized to result from different selective pressures.

Mean snout-vent length relative to total body length (RSVL) shows a relationship opposite to that of RTL, decreasing with increasing use of arboreal habitat among the three G-habitat categories of the present study (Fig. 2b). However, mean TL was not significantly different between stenotopically arboreal and eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species, although both categories had longer mean TLs than non-scansorial species (Fig. 2c). Thus, TL appears to be constrained in (adult female) stenotopically arboreal snakes. Macrohabitat use imposes locomotory constraints upon snakes (Jayne & Herrmann 2011), and there is considerable evidence that arboreal snakes are limited in their use of habitat as a consequence of interactions between their morphology and the physical size of branches (Lillywhite & Henderson 2001; Astley & Jayne 2007; Jayne & Herrmann 2011). Arboreal locomotion appears to primarily involve various combinations of undulatory and concertina movements along a complex and often unstable three-dimensional substrate (Gans 1974; Edwards 1985; Lillywhite & Henderson 2001; Astley & Jayne 2009). In addition to the cardiovascular constraints associated with long TL, large-bodied or heavy-bodied snakes may not be adequately supported by smaller branches, and they may have more difficulty spanning gaps (Henderson & Nickerson 1976; Jayne & Herrmann 2011; Ray 2012). Indeed, the relationship between gap-spanning ability and body length shows a negative allometry in one stenotopically arboreal species (Boiga irregularis), indicating that smaller individuals are able to span gaps that are a larger percentage of their length than are larger individuals (Lillywhite et al. 2000; Jayne & Riley 2007). Thus, due to physiological limitations and the requirement of foraging snakes to span gaps between stems and branches, it is reasonable to expect strong selection on the upper limits of TL in arboreal snake species. Furthermore, among the three G-habitats of this study, stenotopically arboreal species had the lowest CV for log TL, non-scansorial species had the highest variation, and values for eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species were intermediate. These patterns of diversity are exactly what would be predicted if the use of arboreal habitat constrains the maximum TL.

Some snake species demonstrate ontogenetic shifts in macrohabitat use, with juveniles being found more frequently utilizing arboreal macrohabitats than adults (Martins & Oliveira 1999). This behavioural shift has been well documented in several large boid species such as Python sebae (Spawls et al. 2002) and Boa constrictor (Campbell 1998), some long colubrids such as Pantherophis alleghaniensis (H. Lillywhite pers. obs.) and Pseustes poecilonotus (Boos 2001), and some very long elapids such as King Cobras, Ophiophagus hannah (R. Whitaker pers. comm.). Although there are many potential reasons for ontogenetic shifts in macrohabitat use to occur in snake species that attain long total lengths as adults, this pattern supports the hypothesis that there are constraints on the total length of arboreal snakes.

The 25 viperid snake species included in this study exhibited relatively short tail lengths, and the arboreal viperids exhibited relatively short total lengths (see Table S1). The Viperidae is an interesting group because a significant number of arboreal specialists have evolved within the clade, but these are relatively short in body length. The shorter length minimizes the gravity issue, so other adaptations typically seen with respect to cardiovascular specializations in arboreal species are not required in the shorter snakes (Lillywhite et al. 2012).

Many arboreal snake species have prehensile tails, and some species use the tail to anchor to branches in order to generate forces necessary to bridge gaps (Jayne & Riley 2007). However, many arboreal snakes are also able to grip branches using the body (Jayne & Herrmann 2011). Tail prehensility does not appear to be correlated with the longest tail lengths (Lillywhite & Henderson 2001). This is perhaps because, with sufficient force, the tails of a number of terrestrial and some eurytopically arboreal/terrestrial species with long tails may break as a defensive mechanism (Greene 1988; Guyer & Donnelly 1990). However, studies investigating the correlation between tail length and tail prehensility in snakes have looked at snakes in general. RTL may be correlated with tail prehensility in some clades more than others, but this hypothesis remains to be tested. Nonetheless, the extent to which arboreal snakes use their tails for locomotion remains poorly studied (Jayne & Herrmann 2011). In terrestrial environments, there seems to be no compelling reason why increasing the length of tail should confer advantages to locomotion in arboreal vs. strictly ground-dwelling environments. Evidence suggests that relatively long tails are not functionally advantageous for rapid terrestrial locomotion in snakes (Jayne 1988; Jayne & Bennett 1989).

Tail Length and Fecundity

The inverse relationship between RSVL and inferred gravitational stress is surprising given the generally intense selection for fecundity and a longer SVL in female snakes (Madsen & Shine 1992; Shine 2001). Body size (SVL) and litter or clutch size are often positively correlated in snakes (Vitt & Vangilder 1983; Madsen & Shine 1992; Seigel & Ford 2001), including some stenotopically arboreal species (Scartozzoni, Salomão & de Almeida-Santos 2009). However, the pattern of decreasing RSVL with increasing gravitational stress suggests there is an evolutionary trade-off between relatively long tails and fecundity in arboreal species. The trade-off appears to favour longer tail lengths (or shorter RSVL) over fecundity as arboreal habitat-use increases. In species of arboreal snakes for which data are available, most have relatively small clutches or litters (e.g. Martins & Oliveira 1999; Pizzatto, Almeida-Santos & Shine 2007; Hedges 2008), and this has been attributed in large part to their relatively thin bodies (Lillywhite & Henderson 2001; Sajdak 2010). Shorter SVLs would further constrain fecundity in female arboreal snakes by greatly reducing the body cavity space available for eggs or young. Some arboreal snake species may have evolved morphological and life-history traits to ameliorate fecundity constraints such as paired ovaries having minimal or no spatial overlap along the length of the body cavity (Pizzatto, Almeida-Santos & Shine 2007), and possibly the production of multiple clutches or litters per year (Sajdak 2010) along with differences in egg size and shape (Hedges 2008). Nonetheless, arboreal species appear to persist in relatively high densities in some snake communities (e.g. Guyer & Donnelly 1990; Duellman 2005), suggesting that selection for fecundity and associated life-history traits in arboreal species provide a potentially fruitful area of investigation.


The repeated evolution of relatively long tails and shorter SVLs, as snake species adapted to arboreal habitats, appears to be a response to cardiovascular stresses associated with climbing and vertical postures in terrestrial three-dimensional habitats. Our results complement previous studies investigating relationships between RTL and arboreality in snakes. These results also reaffirm the utility of snakes in providing an excellent and long-term natural experiment in which to investigate the various ways gravitational stress has affected the evolution of morphology and physiology in this diverse group of vertebrates.


We thank Michael Harvey and Roger Seymour for providing unpublished snake length data, Florida Museum of Natural History (FLMNH) curators Wayne King and Max Nickerson for access to the Herpetology collection, Roy McDiarmid and George Zug at the United States National Museum (USNM) for permission to use the Herpetology collection, and Steve Gotte at the USNM and Kenneth Krysko at the FLMNH for supplying data from the Herpetology collection data bases. We are grateful to Michael Harvey, Laurie Vitt, Marcio Martins, James McCranie, Romulus Whitaker, Robert Henderson, Robert Powell, Blair Hedges, Ming-Chung Tu, Max Nickerson, Richard Sajdak, Bill Love and John Rossi for providing snake natural history information. We thank Glades Herp Inc. for permission to measure live snakes and, perhaps more importantly, we are grateful to Russel Anderson, Sam Floyd and Ryan McCleary for assistance in handling and measuring live snakes, many of which were large, highly venomous and uncooperative. Preparation of this manuscript was supported by NSF grant IOS-0926802 to HBL and by the Stolarz Postdoctoral Fellowship to CMS. This study complied fully with approved University of Florida Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocols 4083, A067 and Z936. Two anonymous reviewers provided many useful suggestions that improved this manuscript.

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    All data are included in the manuscript and supporting information.