Volume 30, Issue 3 p. 356-368
Standard Paper
Free Access

The relationship between microhabitat use, allometry and functional variation in the eyes of Hawaiian Megalagrion damselflies

Jeffrey A. Scales

Corresponding Author

Jeffrey A. Scales

Department of Integrative Biology, Univeristy of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 33620 USA

Department of Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 96822 USA

Correspondence author. E-mail: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author
Marguerite A. Butler

Marguerite A. Butler

Department of Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, 96822 USA

Search for more papers by this author
First published: 22 May 2015
Citations: 13


  1. The evolution of visual systems is guided by visual requirements imposed by the environment, the size of the animal's eyes, and physical limitations imposed by the resolution-sensitivity trade-off. Given a particular eye surface area, resolution and sensitivity cannot be simultaneously maximized: gains in resolution, the ability of the eye to detect detail, will come at the cost of sensitivity, the ability to capture photons, and vice versa, without an increase to eye size. How this constraint interacts with ecology and whether it allows the fine-tuning of the visual system to smaller scale habitat heterogeneity remains an understudied question in visual ecology.
  2. Here, we use closely-related species of damselflies in the Hawaiian genus Megalagrion which differ in ecology to test whether variation in the resolution-sensitivity trade-off is the evolutionary result of scaling or differences in microhabitat use. We use regression analyses and phylogenetic comparative methods to examine the effects of size and microhabitat use on traits related to light sensitivity and visual resolution.
  3. We find that eye size is tightly associated with body size in these damselflies, but other visual morphology traits related to light sensitivity and resolution are associated with microhabitat type. Furthermore, size and morphology relationships vary across microhabitats, and performance related to resolution tends to be more conserved than to variation in light sensitivity.
  4. Additionally, smaller species in visually challenging microhabitats have more regionalized eyes than species with larger eyes in open, well-lit areas. Thus, regionalization of the eye allows a decoupling of size and morphology/performance so that even small insect species can exploit visually challenging habitats.
  5. These results suggest that variation in visual performance results from changes in eye geometry as well as size. These morphological changes are likely adaptive to differences in microhabitat, indicating that variation in microhabitat use, even at small scales, can play an important role in the evolution of visual systems.


The eyes, ‘windows to the world’, have long-inspired evolutionary functional study (Walls 1942), uniting a wonderfully complex functional system with strong selective pressures imposed by environmental variation. Spatial resolution is the ability to distinguish objects, whereas light sensitivity is the ability to capture light. Resolution and sensitivity cannot be simultaneously maximized due to their opposing dependence on surface area and, as such, represent key constraints that guide the evolution of visual systems (Stavenga 1979; Land 1989; Land & Nilsson 2002). Furthermore, smaller animals are expected to be closer to the functional limit for both parameters. Apposite to this trade-off is the notion that eye size is constrained by physiological costs (Laughlin et al. 1998). Indeed, eye size follows strong allometric scaling in many taxa (Brooke, Hanley & Laughlin 1999; Kiltie 2000; Hall 2007; Hall & Ross 2007). Therefore, variation in the resolution-sensitivity trade-off and its relationship to size are expected to evolve in response to differences in lifestyle or habitat. These design principles have received some comparative study, (but often not in a phylogenetic context, Jander & Jander 2002; Kapustjanskij et al. 2007; Rutowski, Gislen & Warrant 2009), or only with respect to the most extreme light habitat transitions (e.g. diurnal vs. nocturnal or crepuscular shifts; Thomas et al. 2006; Hall 2007; Hall & Ross 2007; Schmitz & Wainwright 2011). Therefore, it is not known whether allometric constraints or adaptation dominates in the evolutionary diversification of visual systems in complex habitats.

Visual demands can vary widely across environments (Endler , 1990, 1993; Thery 2001; Warrant 2004). Accordingly, visual system adaptations are well known from animals which inhabit extreme visual environments such as the dim, blue-shifted light of the deep sea (reviewed in: Warrant & Locket 2004) or animals active during the low-light periods at dusk or night (Endler 1991; McIntyre & Caveney 1998; Warrant 2004; Rosenthal 2007). Landscape-level differences in terrestrial habitats such as forests vs. grasslands that differ in light regimes can likewise produce visual adaptations (Bauer et al. 1998; Veilleux & Lewis 2011). However, the smaller scale differences offered by heterogeneities within a single habitat or ‘microhabitats’ have received far less study (Marchetti 1993; Endler & Thery 1996; Marshall 2000; Endler & Mielke 2005). Signaling animals are known to choose optimal locations within a habitat to improve the transmission of their visual signals (Mallet & Gilbert 1995; Thery & Vehrencamp 1995; Long & Rosenqvist 1998; Gomez & Thery 2004), but few examples are known of signal receivers doing the same, or of visual systems tuned to these smaller differences in light quality (Endler 1992; McDonald 1995; Leal & Fleishman 2002). Yet, specialization to microhabitats may provide ample ecological opportunity for the adaptive evolution of animal eyes.

Here, we examine how overall body size and variation in microhabitat influence eye morphology and visual performance in the endemic Hawaiian damselfly genus Megalagrion. Megalagrion damselflies are ideal for studying visual system design, as it contains 16 abundant and extant species, which have entered new breeding habitats (and associated light environments) at least five times. In addition, they show nearly twofold variation in body size and have evolved bright body coloration numerous times (Polhemus & Asquith 1996; Polhemus 1997). Damselflies are aerial predators and have large eyes which appear to have reached a point of physical limitation, occupying the majority of the head's surface (Sherk 1978). Odonates (damselflies and dragonflies) have the highest visual resolution of any insect group, but also show unusually high variation in facet diameter (D) and interommatidial angle (Δϕ), two parameters which contribute substantially to visual performance (Sherk 1978). The genus Megalagrion is also exceptional in habitat breadth, covering the full range of possible damselfly breeding habitats from streams to waterfall seeps to phytotelmata (pockets of water held by plants) to terrestrial leaf litter (Polhemus & Asquith 1996). Importantly, these vary in light levels (from full sun to very dark) and structural complexity (highly cluttered to open). All Megalagrion have territorial mating systems and apparently lack female mate choice (Polhemus & Asquith 1996), presenting a more direct evolutionary connection between sensory system characteristics, male trait properties and signalling behaviour.

How resolution and sensitivity are potentially tuned to ecological variation is particularly convenient to study in the compound eyes of insects, which have external retinas allowing easy characterization of visual geometry. Apposition compound eyes have a modular design comprised of ommatidia or individual sensory units that contribute single ‘pixels’ to the viewed image (Fig. 1). Increasing light sensitivity therefore requires an increase in the surface area of the lens of each ommatidium, or facet diameter (D). If eye size does not correspondingly change, the increases in (D) result in fewer ommatidia per eye surface area and therefore reduced resolution capabilities (which is measured by interommatidial angle Δϕ, the spatial sampling of the eye). Many insects alleviate this trade-off by possessing a specialized region called an acute zone (analogous in function to the fovea of vertebrates), where interommatidial angle is decreased, while the lens facet diameter is simultaneously increased, resulting in better visual performance at the expense of performance elsewhere in the eye (Stavenga 1979; Land 1989). Specifically, we test whether variation in eye size, D and Δϕ is explained by allometry, by microhabitat effects, or their interaction (for alternative hypotheses see Fig. 2). Here, we define allometry as a scaling relationship with body size, with isometry as a special case. Isometry is observed when there is a one-to-one increase in length between the different body parts being compared.

Details are in the caption following the image
Variation in the design of compound eyes. (a) Light enters the ommatidia; individual sensory units that make up a compound eye, through a facet lens and is focused on a light receptor rhabdom. (b) Large facet diameters increase light sensitivity by creating a larger aperture for incoming light, but this will reduce resolution by increasing interommatidial angle (Δϕ). (c) A fine-grained image requires numerous ommatidia to sample the viewed scene. Small Δϕ indicate that the ommatidia are arranged nearly in parallel. (d) Regional variation of the eye can produce an area of high light sensitivity and resolution. Large ommatidia and small Δϕ in the high-resolution zone are achieved by a localized flattening of the eye, but requires greater curvature (and lower resolution) elsewhere. (e) Eye photograph of Megalagrion nigrohamatum nigrolineatum, showing the hexagonal array of lenses and large variation in D.
Details are in the caption following the image
Hypotheses for scaling relationships between eye morphology and size. We use eye size as an example, but similar allometric relationships could apply to D or Δϕ. (a) Morphological variables may follow one of several simple scaling relationships with body size. (b) Alternatively, morphology may be a function of scaling and microhabitat effects so that eye morphology scales with size across species, but species cluster by microhabitat. (c) Visual demands of different microhabitats take precedence over size effects such that species occupying similar microhabitats have similar morphology, with distinct differences between microhabitats. (d) No relationship between visual morphology and size or microhabitat use.

Materials and methods

Study Species

Adult male individuals of 13 species of Megalagrion damselflies were collected from the wild using hand nets from the islands of Molokai, Maui, Oahu and Kauai (Table 1) from 2010 to October of 2012. All individuals within a species were collected from the same island. We focused on adult males in this study for two reasons. First, females are difficult to collect (often located only when in tandem with a male). Secondly, male odonates use visual signalling in establishing territories and finding mates (Corodoba-Aguilar 2008) which may result in a tighter link between visual characteristics and microhabitat. Only for M. koelense were adult females included in eye morphology data (the two males and two females did not show any differences). All morphological measurements were conducted within 3 days of capture.

Table 1. Megalagrion species means, standard errors and sample sizes (N) for body size (thorax length), eye size (eye height) and eye morphology variables: maximum facet diameter (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0001), minimum interommatidial angle (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0002) and regionalization in facet diameter (regD), and interommatidial angle (regΔϕ). Regionalization variables are reported as fraction of the eye based on a species mean. Island and breeding microhabitats also given
Species Body size (mm) N Eye size (mm) N urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0003m) N urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0004 N regD regΔϕ Island Microhabitat
blackburni 6·25 ± 0·05 25 2·43 ± 0·03 20 32·7  ± 0·98 5 0·627 ± 0·044 5 0·32 0·36 Molokai Stream
heterogamias 6·05 ± 0·05 26 2·31 ± 0·02 26 31·4  ± 0·85 5 0·734 ± 0·016 5 0·27 0·41 Kauai Stream
oceanicum 5·54 ± 0·11 3 2·06 ± 0·06 3 31·5  ± 0·31 3 0·704 ± 0·048 3 0·26 0·34 Oahu Stream
hawaiiense 4·82 ± 0·04 33 1·81 ± 0·01 29 28·8  ± 0·83 5 0·783 ± 0·043 6 0·25 0·28 Molokai Seep
koelense 4·56 ± 0·09 7 1·77 ± 0·02 6 28·6  ± 0·50 4 0·782 ± 0·48 4 0·22 0·35 Molokai Plant
vagabundum 4·49 ± 0·04 53 1·78 ± 0·01 48 33·8  ± 0·32 6 0·762 ± 0·055 6 0·28 0·27 Kauai Seep
oahuense 4·46 ± 0·10 6 1·89 ± 0·04 6 36·7  ± 0·35 4 0·932 ± 0·030 4 0·26 0·37 Oahu Terrestrial
n. nigrohamatum 4·39 ± 0·02 21 1·80 ± 0·01 20 35·1  ± 0·31 6 0·574 ± 0·022 6 0·14 0·26 Maui Pool
calliphya 4·01 ± 0·03 69 1·54 ± 0·01 54 32·9  ± 0·90 6 0·765 ± 0·045 6 0·18 0·29 Molokai Pool
n. nigrolineatum 3·92 ± 0·06 25 1·67 ± 0·01 25 34·2  ± 0·87 6 0·658 ± 0·030 6 0·16 0·27 Oahu Pool
xanthomelas 3·89 ± 0·03 32 1·5 ± 0·016 32 34·2  ± 0·42 5 0·823 ± 0·036 5 0·17 0·28 Oahu Pool
leptodemas 3·76 ± 0·06 6 1·48 ± 0·03 6 32·3  ± 0·35 6 0·798 ± 0·039 6 0·18 0·27 Oahu Pool
oresitrophum 3·43 ± 0·06 34 1·50 ± 0·01 31 32·4  ± 0·49 6 0·830 ± 0·022 6 0·17 0·27 Kauai Pool

Microhabitat Types

The five microhabitat types used in this study (stream, pool, seep, plant and terrestrial) are those recognized by field workers and taxonomists (Polhemus & Asquith 1996, Table 1). Males of this genus are generally territorial, guarding preferred oviposition sites at specific structural microhabitats where visual performance may be important. We use ‘microhabitat’ here to indicate small locations within a larger habitat that are preferred by a particular species. Microhabitats may define the ‘niche’ of species within a community, not only in terms of where it is found, but also correlating with strategies for feeding, locomotion or other aspects of functional biology (Elton 1927; Gause 1934; Hutchinson 1957; MacArthur 1958; Williams 1983).

‘Stream’ species are those that commonly use open areas in large, swift streams. ‘Pool’ species frequently occur along stream margins, pools and ponds. Pool species use water that is slower moving and often associated with vegetation. ‘Seep’ species are associated with the wet vertical surfaces of stream valleys and bedrock walls in deep forests, as well as bogs. The naiads of seep species are not found in streams, but under wet moss covering the walls with permanent water seepage. ‘Plant’ species breed in water pockets in the leaf axils of plants with a bromeliad growth form and are found in forests or bogs, typically away from streams. Finally, the single ‘terrestrial’ species breeds in the leaf litter of the native Uluhe fern and can be found in the forest, along trails and ridge tops (Williams 1939). Megalagrion oahuense is one of the very few damselfly species in the world known to be fully terrestrial. These five microhabitats are present on all islands and appear to be similar across islands however, terrestrial species are found only on Oahu.

Morphological Measurements

Gross morphology measurements were comprised of two measurements: Thorax length (THORAXL), the proxy for body size, was the distance from the junction of the second leg and the thorax to the base of the hindwing. Eye height (EYEHT), the proxy for eye size, was the diameter of the eye along its vertical axis and measured at the tallest part of the eye. All measurements were performed with ImageJ (Rasband 2012) on lateral photographs of individual damselflies including a size standard (taken with a Canon EOS 5D digital camera, Canon, Melville, NY, USA). Each morphological variable was checked for deviations from normality using qq-plots in the R computing environment (R Core Team 2013). We log-transformed body size and eye size to facilitate interpretation of scaling relationships. As the data were statistically well-behaved (met the assumptions for parametric statistical tests), the remaining variables were analysed on their natural scales (i.e. untransformed) for ease of interpretation.

Interommatidial Angle and Facet Diameter Measurements

We mapped variation in facet diameter and interommatidial angle across the eye as correlates of visual performance. Whereas spatial resolution is determined by interommatidial angle, several parameters contribute to light sensitivity (Land & Nilsson 2002) which can vary between species. Along with facet diameter, differences in focal length, rhabdom diameter and the ratio between the two may all play a significant role in determining light sensitivity. However, because the species included in our study are very closely related (separated by between 0·5–10 Myr Jordan, Simon & Polhemus 2003), it is reasonable to assume that a primary contributor to variation in light sensitivity will be differences in facet diameter (with the caveat that other traits contribute to light sensitivity and to the extent that they vary may also influence visual abilities), an assumption made by previous comparative studies of compound eyes (Jander & Jander 2002; Rutowski, Gislen & Warrant 2009).

We measured facet diameters (D) and interommatidial angles (Δϕ) using the pseudopupil technique (Horridge 1978; Stavenga 1979; Land 1997; Rutowski & Warrant 2002). Heads were detached from the body and placed on a goniometer stage under a dissecting microscope (Zeiss Stemi DV4 Spot, Zeiss, Jena, Germany). The eye was viewed from the same angle as the incident light using orthodromic illumination (i.e. with the light source emanating through the lens). The black area apparent from this view defines the ‘pseudo pupil’ (e.g. Fig. 1e). The ommatidia in line with the view absorb all incident light giving these ommatidia a black appearance. Heads were positioned face upward on the goniometer stage at the centre of rotation of one eye so that the pseudopupil moved vertically or medially across the eye. Anatomical references were set for the 0urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0005 longitude by centring both pupils of the eyes so that they were equidistant from the centre of the clypeus. The 0urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0006 latitude reference was set to the point where the centre of the pseudopupil was in line with the top of the clypeus with the face perpendicular to the scope (Fig. 1). The eye was dusted with chalk powder to allow identification of individual facets across photographs. We obtained a 180urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0007 dorsal–ventral transect by photographing the head at 10urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0008 steps from positive 90urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0009 (top eye) to negative 90urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0010 (bottom eye) using a Canon Powershot A650 IS digital camera mounted to the ocular of the microscope. Visual inspection of the eye revealed a single (Movie S1, Supporting information), frontally located acute zone. Thus, we focused on the front dorsoventral transect because this transect encompassed the greatest variation in the traits of interest (Fig. S1). Additionally, behavioural observations indicated that male Megalagrion damselflies orient themselves to maximize visual cues in the forward direction when perching or flying to explore objects (R. Schroeder & M. A. Butler, unpublished data), suggesting that the forward visual field is especially important in these damselflies.

Pseudopupil measurements began with importing the photographs into Image J and drawing a circle around the perimeter of the pseudopupil to identify its vertical centre in each photograph. As the eye is rotated, the pseudopupil moves across the eye. The average Δϕ was measured as 10urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0011 (the angular rotation between pictures) divided by the number of facets crossed by the centre of the pseudopupil along the diagonal frontoventral facet rows.

Facet diameter measurements were based on the average width of three adjacent facets in a row within each pseudopupil. The hexagonal geometry of the lens facets results in three possible axes for ommatidial rows (roughly at 60urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0012 angles to one another). As each of these directions results in a similar, but slightly different facet diameter, we took the mean D for each of the three axes through a central ommatidia and averaged these together. Facet diameters were measured every 5urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0013 between −40urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0014 and 40urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0015 and every 10urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0016 thereafter to  ± 90urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0017 along the same transect as Δϕ were measured.

The raw data were smoothed using a cubic spline in the r computing environment (R Core Team 2013). The minimum interommatidial angle (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0018) and maximum facet diameter (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0019) were obtained from the smoothed data. We chose to analyse minimum Δϕ and maximum D because they should represent maximum visual abilities. If the visual demands of microhabitats are limiting to species distributions, we expect peak abilities at the most sensitive part of the eye to be more closely related to habitat use than average abilities.

Eye Regionalization

As there is no established standard measure of eye regionalization, we used the following index for the degree to which D and Δϕ vary regionally across the eye. We first calculated mean eye transects for each species. We defined the mid-point D size as halfway between the maximum and minimum D obtained for each species mean transect (Fig. 5a). Regionalization in D was therefore the proportion of the transect with facet diameters (regD) above the mid-point D size for the species. Essentially, regD is the width of the transect at half-max, so that highly regionalized eyes will be low in regD.

Using the transects of D as in Fig. 5a, regD, is calculated as follows. Let R be a subrange within the degree range (0, 180). Then, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0020 is the degree range of the eye with facet diameters that are greater than half-max and is defined as follows:
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0021(eqn 1)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0022(eqn 2)
A similar procedure was used to obtain the index of regionalization in interommatidial angle, regΔϕ:
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0023(eqn 3)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0024(eqn 4)

Therefore, regD and regΔϕ can range in value from nearly 0 to nearly 1, with small values indicating greater regionalization.

Statistical Analyses

Linear regressions of log-eye size with log-body size were used to test hypotheses of allometry. Isometry implies that each linear measurement of morphology will scale one to one with body length. Therefore, if morphological variation scales isometrically with size, we expect that a log–log regression will result in a slope of 1·0 (Fig. 2a). A slope greater than one indicates hyperallometry, and slope < 1·0 indicates hypoallometry.

We also examined whether eye morphology was explained by scaling or by association with ecological variation using anova. For eye size, we tested models including body size, microhabitat type and their interaction. For each functional variable (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0025, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0026, regD and regΔϕ), we tested models with eye size, microhabitat type and their interaction as dependent variables, dropping non-significant interactions. All statistical analyses were performed in the r statistical computing environment (R Core Team 2013).

Phylogenetic Analyses

Because species share evolutionary history, they are not independent data points for standard statistical analyses (Felsenstein 1985). To account for phylogeny in our analyses, we used a model-based approach to analyse the evolution of quantitative traits, comparing the fit of Brownian motion and Hansen models. Brownian motion models describe the evolution of traits as a purely stochastic process (Eq. eqn 6; Martins & Hansen 1997; Butler & King 2004). Written as a stochastic differential equation, the Brownian motion model describes evolutionary change in a phenotypic trait (X) through time (t) with dB(t) an increment of a standard Brownian motion (BM) process. One parameter is fit in this model, (σ) which is proportional to the strength of stochastic changes or macroevolutionary ‘drift’:
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0027(eqn 5)
Hansen models are Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes developed for phylogenetic comparative analysis (Eq. eqn 6; Martins & Hansen 1997; Butler & King 2004), which describe the evolution of quantitative traits under a model of stabilizing selection. It is important to note that these are used here to represent macroevolutionary models that describe evolution over very long time-scales (millions of years) and cannot be extrapolated down to natural selection within populations, which occur on very short time-scales. Written as a stochastic differential equation, the Hansen model describes evolutionary change in a phenotypic trait (X) through time (t) with dB(t) an increment of a standard Brownian motion (BM) process, with additional terms for stabilizing selection (α), drift (σ) and an optimal trait value (θ):
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0028(eqn 6)

Importantly, Hansen models allow for the specification of different optima on different branches of a phylogeny to indicate transitions to different selective regimes, as when species rapidly evolve in morphology in response to a new microhabitat type.

We used the Megalagrion phylogeny (topology and branch lengths) published by Jordan, Simon & Polhemus (2003, Fig. 3). We pruned the Jordan, Simon & Polhemus (2003) tree to include only the species for which we have phenotypic data using the ‘ape’ package in r (Paradis, Claude & Strimmer 2004), and scaled the time depth of the tree to 1. All evolutionary analyses were conducted on log-transformed variables.

Details are in the caption following the image
The Megalagrion phylogeny used in this study, with branch lengths drawn proportionally to time (Jordan, Simon & Polhemus 2003). There were thirteen taxa included in this study, indicated by solid lines. Dashed lines indicate extant species not included in this study as some of these are very rare, endangered or may be extinct (e.g. M. nesiotes). Breeding microhabitats (Polhemus & Asquith 1996) are mapped onto the phylogeny represented by different line colours: red – stream, black – plant, green – seep, light blue – terrestrial, dark blue – pool. These colour codes are used throughout the manuscript.

Selective regimes

We constructed three hypotheses for the evolution of body size and eye morphology (Dmax, Δφmin, and regionalization of each). The first was an adaptive model describing adaption to microhabitat type. The microhabitat model contains 5 optima based on the microhabitat use of each species, and hypothesizes that at least some of the 5 microhabitat types: stream, seep, plant, terrestrial, or pool, place different selective pressures on the species that are associated with them (Fig. 3). The second model described stabilizing selection towards a single global optimum, hypothesizing that all Megalagrion damselflies experience the same adaptive regime. The final model was Brownian motion, which explains phenotypic evolution by random drift, making no specific assumptions about selection or adaptation.

Each evolutionary model was fit to the data and phylogeny using the OUCH software package (Butler & King 2004; King & Butler 2009) in the r statistical computing environment (R Core Team 2013). We performed analyses of power and bias for three commonly used information criteria and the Bayesian information criteria (BIC) performed the best (Appendix S1). Thus, fits of each model were compared using the BIC, which was used to measure the strength of evidence in support of each competing model (Burnham & Anderson 2002). The best-fitting model for each data set was used to create 2000 simulated data sets used for parametric bootstrap assessment of confidence in model selection and parameter estimation (Burnham & Anderson 2002; Scales, King & Butler 2009). Each simulated data set was fit to each model to assess confidence in model selection. Models were selected as the best if they performed 2 or more BIC units better than all other models for each bootstrap replicate. Confidence intervals for parameter estimates for the best-fitting model were also based on 2000 parametric bootstrap replicates.


Size and Scaling

Means with standard errors and sample sizes for all measurements are given in Table 1. We found that body size in Megalagrion varies over twofold in length and is strongly associated with microhabitat type (Fig. 4a, Table S1). Stream species are significantly larger than seep (P = 0·01, Tukey HSD test), plant (P = 0·03), terrestrial (P = 0·02) and pool species (P < 0·001). We found support for hypoallometry (i.e. a trend of reduced eye size with increasing body size), along with an allometric microhabitat effect (Figs 2b and 4b, Table S1).

Details are in the caption following the image
The relationships between microhabitat, body size and eye size in Megalagrion damselflies.(a) Body size was strongly associated with habitat (see Table S1 for anova results). Box plots represent medians with upper and lower quartiles for each ecotype (there are no boxes for terrestrial and plant ecotypes as only one species is represented). (b) Eye size scaled hypoallometrically with body size as a log–log regression of EYEHT on THORAXL revealed a slope of less than one: slope  = 0·83 ± 0·063 SE, P < 0.001. Colours and shapes represent microhabitat use in all figures: red circle – stream, black triangle – plant, green square – seep, inverted light blue triangle – terrestrial, dark blue diamond – pool.

Functional Morphology of the Eyes

We found extensive variation in facet diameter, interommatidial angle and their regionalization, and strong associations with microhabitat type (Fig. 5, Table 2). Despite being the smallest in size, pool species have some of the largest maximum facet diameters (light sensitivity, Fig. 5a,c) and smallest interommatidal angle (resolution capabilities, Fig. 5b,d) among Megalagrion damselflies. urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0029 and urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0030 are able to be simultaneously maximized via a high degree of regionalization across the eye so that the largest D and smallest Δϕ occur jointly in a small acute zone (Fig. 5a,b). This arrangement has allowed small species to have larger urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0031 than species which are much larger in size (sharp high peak in D for pool, compared to lower peak for stream Fig. 5a; also compare urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0032 in Fig. 5c). In contrast, the large stream species have less regionalized eyes. While not best in either sensitivity or resolution compared to other Megalagrion, they had relatively high resolution (small Δϕ) and sensitivity (large urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0033) capabilities over more of their eye when compared to species in other microhabitats (note broader trough in Δϕ Fig. 5b and in Figs S2–S5).

Details are in the caption following the image
Functional morphology of the eye varies more strongly with microhabitat type than with size in Hawaiian damselflies. The top row displays variation in light sensitivity (D), the bottom row, resolution (Δϕ). Panels (a) D and (b) Δϕ show examples of variation along a vertical transect down the front of the eye for representative species associated with each microhabitat type (representative species: plant = M.  koelense, stream = M. heterogamias, seep = M. vagabundum, pool = M. n.  nigrolineatum, terrestrial = M. oahuense; see Figs S2–S5 for plots of each species with error bars). From these transects, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0034 and urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0035 were obtained for statistical analysis. Panels (c–f) show species means with solid lines indicating the fitted regression slope for the pool species (regression analyses were conducted as contrasts against pool species; i.e. the eye size slope in Table 3). Dotted lines indicate significant interaction effects with eye size (slopes that are significantly different than the main effect slope). Habitat effects (Table 3) can be seen as differences in intercept among the ecomorph categories. (c) Peak light sensitivity (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0036) varies strongly with habitat, eye size and their interaction, but (d) peak resolution (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0037) has weaker effects that lack an interaction. (e) Regional variation in sensitivity (regD) depends on microhabitat and an eye size–habitat interaction, but (f) regional variation in resolution (regΔϕ) is related to microhabitat and not size (see Table 2 for anova results). *P < 0·05, **P < 0·01, ***P < 0·001.
Table 2. ANOVA tables for maximum facet diameter (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0038), minimum interommatidial angle (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0039), regionalization in facet diameter (regD) and regionalization in interommatidal angle (regΔϕ). Each variable was tested in separate anovas as dependent variables explained by variation in eye size, microhabitat type and their interaction as independent variables. Non-significant interactions were dropped from the models. P values in bold indicate significant effects in the model. All models without interactions report type II and models with interaction report type III sums of squares
Dependent Independent Sum Sq d.f. F P ( > F)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0040 Eye size 5·40 1 15·09 0·0116
Habitat 48·86 4 34·17 0·0008
Eyeht : habitat 14·76 2 20·65 0·0038
Residuals 1·79 5
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0041 Eye size 0·034 1 9·31 0·0185
Habitat 0·065 4 4·47 0·0415
Residuals 0·025 7
regD Eye size 0·0008 1 5·36 0·068
Habitat 0·0074 4 12·11 0·009
Eye size : habitat 0·0024 2 7·83 0·029
Residuals 0·0008 5
regΔϕ Eye size 0·0000 1 0·01 0·908
Habitat 0·0091 4 5·03 0·031
Residuals 0·0032 7

Not all microhabitat types maximized both capabilities, as the terrestrial species had the best light sensitivity overall (highest urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0042, Fig. 5c) but the worst resolution capabilities (largest urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0043, Fig. 5d). In general, resolution capabilities were more conserved, with greater variation in light sensitivity among microhabitat types. For example, the plant and seep species had average resolution (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0044) among Megalagrion damselflies, but the plant species had very poor sensitivity (comparatively small urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0045, Table 1, Fig. 5a,b).

Ecology or Allometry

For three of the four parameters (urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0046, regD and regΔϕ), ecology explained more variation than allometry among species (compare P-values for the anova effects in Table 2). Only for urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0047 was eye size a stronger organizing principle than microhabitat type (eye size effect: P < 0·02, habitat effect: P < 0·04; Table 2).

Light sensitivity

For urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0048, in general, larger eyes had larger urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0049 (positive regression slope for eye size Table 3), but there is also evidence for strong ecological effects with highly significant effects for microhabitat type and its interaction with size (see anova effects in Table 2). In particular, seep species have a different slope between urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0050 and eye size from all other microhabitat types, as well as plant species with much smaller urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0051 than pool species after controlling for the other effects (Table 3, Fig. 5).

Table 3. Parameter estimates for the regression slopes and intercepts (effect sizes) of urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0052, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0053, regD and regΔϕ
Eye size Plant Seep Stream Terrestrial Eye size : seep Eye size : stream
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0054 8·67  ± 2·23* −6·50  ± 0·76*** 334·4  ± 54·2** 5·70  ± 6·23 0·53  ± 0· 93 −188·6  ± 30·2** −5·84  ± 3·17
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0055 −0·488  ± 0·16* 0·127  ± 0·07 0·130  ± 0·06 0·276  ± 0·12* 0·337  ± 0·08**
regD −0·107  ± 0·046 0·075  ± 0·016** 1·70  ± 1·12 −0·348  ± 0·129* 0·122  ± 0·019*** −0·883  ± 0·623 0·236  ± 0·065*
regIO 0·007  ± 0·056* 0·076  ± 0·025 0·003  ± 0·021 0·089  ± 0·041 0·097  ± 0·028*
  • Regressions for D and regD contained the full model with eye size and microhabitat type as main effects and their interaction. The models for urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0056 and regΔϕ contained main effects only with no interaction. The microhabitat term was parameterized as contrasts against the pool microhabitat types, so that the intercept for all other microhabitat types refers to values above that of the pool type. Standard errors are given and significance levels are indicated by asterisks: * ≤ 0·05, ** ≤ 0·01, *** ≤ 0·001.

Regionalization in facet diameter exhibited a dichotomous pattern relative to ecology. Variation among the large stream species showed that the fraction of the eye covered by relatively large D increases with larger eye size. The opposite was true for the pool species, where the fraction of the eye with relatively large D actually decreased with larger eye size (compare slopes for regΔϕ regressions with eye size and eye size:stream interaction in Table 3, Fig. 5).


Overall, the interspecific trend in urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0057 indicates better resolution with increasing eye size (slope = −0·05, Fig. 5, Table 3), but with different intercepts for the different microhabitat types. Therefore, pool, seep and plant species can be distinguished as having better resolution at smaller eye size in comparison with stream and terrestrial species (Table 2, Fig. 5).

Pool and seep species have the most regionalized eyes in terms of resolution, whereas plant and terrestrial species are significantly less regionalized, and stream species are marginally less regionalized (compare intercepts for microhabitat effects in regΔϕ regressions Table 3). For example, about 27% of the eye has above-average resolution (Δϕ smaller than the mid-point between the maximum and minimum (Δϕ) in pool and seep species and about 37% of the eye for plant, terrestrial and stream species (Fig. 5). There is no size effect for the degree of regionalization in resolution.

Selection and Microhabitat Type

Evolutionary analyses confirmed that many features of the Hawaiian damselflies studied here were best explained by a model of divergent selection between microhabitats (body size, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0058, regD and regΔϕ). For each of these features, an adaptive model with microhabitat as the selective factor was the best-fitting, strongly supported model (Table 4), over the alternative model of neutral evolution by drift or evolution towards a single global optimum. Parameters for the selection strength were much stronger than drift, and estimated optima that are consistent with the observed data (Table 5). In contrast, we found no evidence of adaptive evolution in maximal resolution, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0059, with no models outperforming any of the others (Table 4).

Table 4. Model fit statistics for eye size, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0060, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0061, regD and regΔϕ. The model with the best fit (Bayesian Information criterion) is listed as 0, with ΔBIC values listed for all other models. Bootstrap model selection frequencies based on 2000 bootstrap replicates are included in parentheses. The microhabitat model best explained variation in all traits except for urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0062
Microhabitat (%) BM (%) Global optimum (%)
Size 0 (99) 7·2 10·6
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0063 0 (93·2) 4·5 4·1
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0064 4·0 (13) 0 (41) 1·0 (6)
regD 0 (98) 6·6 11·0
regΔϕ 0 (100) 13·0 14·9
Table 5. Parameters estimated for the microhabitat model for body size and eye morphology. Strength of selection, α, and noise, σ, are shown for all morphological variables for which the microhabitat model performed best. Estimated optimal values (θ) for each microhabitat are shown for body size (mm), urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0065 (μm), urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0066 (degrees), regD and regΔϕ. Only σ is displayed for urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0067; it was not best explained by a selection-based model. Bootstrap 95% confidence intervals for parameter estimates are in parentheses
Size urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0068 urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0069 regD regΔϕ
α 100 (95·3, 152) 7·7 (2·3, 103) 305 (302, 386) 13 (2·7, 101)
σ 12 (2·95, 16·7) 2e-5 (4e-6, 3e-4) 0·02 (0.01, 0·03) 0·15 (0·03, 0·22) 0·01 (0·00, 0·05)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0070 6·0 (5·7, 6·2) 31·8 (30·3, 33·3) 28·1 (26·5, 29·9) 36·7 (35·0, 38·7)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0071 4·6 (4·3, 5·0) 31·3 (29·4, 33·0) 26·4 (24·2, 28·6) 27·7 (23·5, 29·9)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0072 4·6 (4·1, 5·0) 28·3 (24·9, 31·0) 22·2 (19·2, 25·2) 35·0 (31·5, 38·1)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0073 4·5 (4·0, 5·0) 37·2 (34·2, 42·2) 25·6 (22·7, 28·6) 37·4 (34·2, 42·6)
urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0074 3·9 (3·7, 4·1) 33·6 (32·6, 34·6) 16·6 (15·4, 17·7) 27·3 (26·1, 28·5)

When we fit evolutionary models to our data, the following combinations of parameters (particularly the positions of optima for the various microhabitat types) predict how phenotypic variation may have arisen to produce the variation in species we observe today. In terms of body size, our best OUCH model was a microhabitat model with a large optima for stream species, intermediate optima for seep, plant and terrestrial species, and a small body size optimum for pool species (Table 5). This evolutionary finding is consistent with a scenario where microhabitat use provides strong selection on body size, with correlated variation in eye size (compare Fig. 4b and Fig. 2b).

For light capture ability, the microhabitat model provides a different ordering of ecomorph types for optima in urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0075, where terrestrial species have the best light capture ability with the largest urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0076 by several μm (Table 5). Surprisingly, the smaller pool species have the second largest urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0077, overlapping only slightly with the terrestrial species (Table 5). Stream and seep species are evolving towards similar, intermediate urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0078 optima, while the plant species have very small urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0079. These evolutionary results are again consistent with a non-allometric microhabitat effect for urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0080, where the optima represent offsets from a common regression line (i.e. different intercepts, Fig. 2c).

The evolutionary optima recovered for regionalization in light capture abilities showed the large-bodied stream species with the lowest regD, with seep and terrestrial species overlapping considerably with the stream optima (Table 5). Pool species are the most regionalized by far, showing no overlap in regD with any of the other microhabitats (Table 5).

For regionalization of resolution capabilities, the terrestrial, stream and plant species evolving towards low regΔϕ with substantial overlap in their optimal values (Table 5). On the other hand, the seep and pool species are distinctly more regionalized than the other three microhabitats (Table 5). Thus, microhabitat has a strong evolutionary influence on eye regionalization, with the pool species having the most regionalized eyes overall in both light sensitivity and resolution capabilities.

Finally, in contrast to the other three functional parameters, microhabitat-based selection did not seem to influence urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0081. Instead, maximal resolution was equally well explained by a model of neutral evolution (Table 4).


The relationship between size, visual performance and ecology is complex in the eyes of Hawaiian Megalagrion damselflies. We found strong scaling in only one trait: that of eye size. The strong hypoallometric scaling relationship we found (with an urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0082 of 0·95) is not unusual within the animal kingdom (Brooke, Hanley & Laughlin 1999; Kiltie 2000; Jander & Jander 2002; Werner & Seifan 2006; Hall & Ross 2007; Hall 2007; Rutowski, Gislen & Warrant 2009). However, for most of the other functional parameters, we found that ecology, and not scaling, is a much stronger predictor. Even more intriguing is the fact that we did not find a general trade-off between sensitivity and resolution. Instead, many species excel at both resolution and sensitivity. Smaller-eyed species can circumvent this physical limitation by evolving highly regionalized eyes. Finally, we found strong conservatism in interommatidal angle, the trait most related to resolution ability. Below, we discuss the functional consequences of these complex patterns and their potential evolutionary explanations.

Functional Morphology of the Eyes

The dominance of ecology in shaping eye geometry results in the general conclusion that bigger is not always better. Indeed, the pool species which are the smallest in size have the best visual performance in both sensitivity and resolution, whereas the largest species have merely moderate performance. Among insects, this is a rather unusual pattern. In general, larger-eyed species have improved performance (Jander & Jander 2002; Rutowski, Gislen & Warrant 2009). Furthermore, all of these species studied here are closely related, diurnal, with modest differences in ecology. None have evolved extreme adaptations for nocturnal or crepuscular lifestyles, for example. Rather, they are members of an adaptive radiation that share the same forest, and therefore, these morphological variations may provide sufficient performance advantages that allow for niche partitioning (Arnold 1983).

This unusual pattern in performance is achieved by expanding the dimensionality of visual performance. Rather than scaling all ommatidia equally with body size, the smallest species take advantage of high regionalization, concentrating performance at an acute zone. The largest species do not have the best maximal performance, but have larger D and small Δϕ more evenly distributed over the eye compared to the other Megalagrion species (Figs S2–S5). This more even distribution should confer improved sensitivity and resolution over a larger portion of the eye and visual field.

Regionalization is well known to be associated with prey capture or mate acquisition in insects (reviewed in Land & Nilsson 2002). However, Hawaiian damselflies all share similar predatory and mating behaviours (Polhemus & Asquith 1996). Instead, regionalization here is strongly associated with microhabitat specialization. Thus, as evidenced by the smallest species having the best light-capture abilities, regionalization may provide a mechanism for alleviating the resolution-sensitivity trade-off, allowing greater flexibility in evolutionary adaptation to light levels.

In contrast to the adaptive patterns above, we found that maximum resolution is more conserved across species, with no evidence for the influence of ecology on visual resolution. We therefore conclude that evolution in this parameter is purely stochastic or highly constrained. We found that across all species urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0083 varied by only 0·36urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0084 with the majority of species ranging between 0·70urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0085 and 0·83urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0086. This suggests that maximum resolution is highly conserved, which would be expected if the tasks of object discrimination are similar across all species (and operating at roughly the same distance). Damselflies and all odonates are aerial predators that use visual cues to locate and capture prey items (Labhart & Nilsson 1995; Olberg, Worthington & Venator 2000; Olberg et al. 2005). Thus, the need for excellent resolution regardless of size or habitat provides a reasonable explanation for the low variation in urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0087 observed in Hawaiian damselflies as well as the relatively small urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0088 found in odonates in general (Land 1997).

Potential Selective Pressures on Visual Morphology

In this study, we have taken the first step in trying to understand variation in the visual morphology in a radiation of closely related species. Our evolutionary analyses show that facet diameter, regionalization and body size are evolving adaptively in response to microhabitat type. What selective pressures may be operative to explain these patterns? The different microhabitats occupied by these damselflies may place different demands on the visual system for a variety of reasons. The amount of clutter varies greatly across the microhabitats examined here. For example, the ‘pool’ microhabitat is often heavily vegetated, making it difficult to distinguish prey or mates from the background. Whereas this should primarily be a problem of resolution; light sensitivity, colour, motion and the neural processing required to distinguish ‘object of interest’ from background will all come into play. Conversely, the ‘stream’ and some ‘plant’ microhabitats are open so that prey and mate detection should be relatively easy against a brighter and potentially more visually uniform background.

The open vs. cluttered axis of habitat variation should also have a strong influence on body size and flight requirements. The wide-open ‘stream’ habitats, in particular, expose flying insects to strong wind currents, requiring much stronger flying abilities. Indeed, the large-bodied ‘stream’ species are much faster fliers, and are almost never found among clutter, as compared to the smaller, slower-flying species (pers. obs; Polhemus & Asquith 1996). It is interesting to note that the evolutionary optima suggested for our body size model indicate three distinct groups of body size: large for the stream species; medium for the seep, plant and terrestrial species; and small for the pool species. As the three medium-sized microhabitats are much more variable in the degree of clutter they contain, this ranking is in general concordance with the degree of clutter that these species experience. We note also that flight speed is known to influence eye geometry in insects, as flight speed should be matched to eye morphology so as to prevent blurring by the flow field that the animal experiences (Howard & Snyder 1983; Land 1997). We have no quantitative data on flight speeds in these damselflies to evaluate this hypothesis; thus, it remains a potential contributing factor to the pressures which may limit stream species in particular from evolving large ommatidia, especially away from the acute zone.

Another possibility is that variation in light levels may be the selective pressure driving visual system evolution. Several studies have suggested that light levels can be limiting in insects (Land 1997; Kapustjanskij et al. 2007; Doring & Spaethe 2009), and we found that the strongest evolutionary responses to microhabitat type are changes in light sensitivity and regionalization of the eye. In these Hawaiian damselflies, urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0089 varies widely with microhabitat, generally in a manner consistent with the apparent light levels of the habitat. For example, pool-dwelling species often occur in heavily shaded microhabitats that may place a premium on light sensitivity. Our evolutionary analyses show that urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0090 evolves under an adaptive model with strong selection, and pool damselflies have large D for their eye size. When light is not limiting, for example, over open, well-lighted streams, no additional functional advantage is gained by increasing urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0091 any further. Rather, greater functional benefit may be gained by increasing spatial or temporal resolution for tracking aerial prey or mates. Interestingly, ‘stream’ species have among the smallest optima for urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0092, despite being the largest bodied damselflies (Table 5). To fully explore how variation in light levels drives the evolution of eye morphology, it will be interesting to explore whether other traits that contribute to light sensitivity, such as rhabdom diameter or focal length, show similar evolutionary trends.

Whether regionalization is a direct target of selection or a by-product of selection for light sensitivity at small sizes is an interesting question to consider. If, for example, body size is set by the locomotor requirements of the habitat, then eye size, being highly constrained to covary with body size, will be fixed at a relatively small size for the pool species. Streams in Hawai'i are formed by erosion of volcanic mountains, and thus, smaller streams are frequently high-walled and rather dark, or receive few hours of direct insolation. Pool species are frequently found in these dark cluttered habitats where other ecomorph types, particular the stream species, are rare. Thus, regionalization may be the key innovation that allows pool species to have sufficient light sensitivity by concentrating it in an acute zone so that they can exploit this habitat that is not accessible to the larger species or those with smaller urn:x-wiley:02698463:media:fec12479:fec12479-math-0093.


Here, we found that microhabitat use strongly influences eye morphology in Hawaiian damselflies. Although we cannot determine the precise adaptive basis for the eye geometry–microhabitat associations, this study has provided many hypotheses for future study. It suggests that habitat structure can have a strong influence on overall size, and covariation in resource axes in the habitat itself may impose complex selective pressures on vision. To elucidate the adaptive significance behind the ecology–morphology link we have found, future studies should explore variation in microhabitat-scale differences in light levels, degree of clutter, visual performance and locomotor requirements. As adaptation to microhabitat is a common organizing factor in other functional systems such as locomotion and thermoregulation (e.g. Pounds 1988; Adolph 1990; Irschick & Garland 2001; Calvao et al. 2013), this raises the intriguing possibility that microhabitat variation in light levels may be an important factor influencing the design of visual systems (Endler & Thery 1996; Endler & Mielke 2005).


The authors thank D. Preston and the staff of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum for providing locations for study sites and help with species identification and data and animal collection. R. Schroeder and J. Walguarnery provided valuable help in the development of the methods. We also thank K. Arakaki, S. Evers, R.E.U.K. Higa, C. Kokami, M.A. Pena and J. Rivera for assistance with fieldwork and data collection. We thank C. King and Hawaii DLNR for invertebrate collecting permits, R. Kallstrom and the Nature Conservancy for collection and land use permission, and the Hawaii Divisions of State Parks, and Forestry and Wildlife for land use permits. We thank C. Cressler for help with mathematical formulations. Helpful comments from K. Asao, Y. Chang, E. Henry and J. Rivera improved this manuscript.

    Data accessibility

    All raw data are available from the Dryad Digital Repository: http://dx.doi.org/10.5061/dryad.t3b51.1.