Volume 32, Issue 2 p. 369-378
Free Access

Leukocyte profiles are associated with longevity and survival, but not migratory effort: A comparative analysis of shorebirds

Piotr Minias

Corresponding Author

Piotr Minias

Department of Biodiversity Studies and Bioeducation, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland


Piotr Minias

Email: [email protected]

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Radosław Włodarczyk

Radosław Włodarczyk

Department of Biodiversity Studies and Bioeducation, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź, Łódź, Poland

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Włodzimierz Meissner

Włodzimierz Meissner

Avian Ecophysiology Unit, Department of Vertebrate Ecology and Zoology, University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland

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First published: 21 September 2017
Citations: 18


  1. Assessment of leukocyte profiles has become an increasingly popular tool in the fields of ecology and ecophysiology. The ratio of heterophils to lymphocytes (H/L ratio) is of special utility, as it reflects physiological adaptation of an organism to cope either with an infection through injury (via heterophils) or a communicable disease (via lymphocytes). Thus, elevated H/L ratios may constitute an adaptation to risky environments (i.e. associated with high risk of injury). While intra-population variation in avian H/L ratio has been extensively studied, we are aware of no studies that linked this trait to life-history components at the interspecific level.
  2. We measured H/L ratio in over 400 shorebirds from 19 species during their autumn migration through Central Europe. Phylogenetically informed comparative methods were used to test whether H/L ratio was related to: (1) annual survival and life span; (2) migratory effort, as measured with total migration distance and migratory energy reserves and (3) confounding variables such as body size or breeding latitude.
  3. A relatively strong phylogenetic signal and spatial phylogenetic autocorrelation indicated that most diversification in shorebird H/L ratios occurred relatively early in radiation of this group.
  4. Comparative analysis gave strong support for the negative associations of H/L ratio with residual life span and annual survival. In contrast, we found no support for the effect of migratory behaviour on H/L ratios, suggesting that leukocyte profiles in shorebirds may not constitute an important physiological adaptation for long-distance migration.
  5. Our study provided the first comparative evidence for a link between H/L ratios and important life-history traits in birds. Strong negative associations with annual survival and residual life span indicate that leukocyte profiles may form an adaptive basis for life-history strategies in birds.

A plain language summary is available for this article.


Over the past decades, assessment of leukocyte profiles has become an increasingly popular and widely applied tool in the fields of ecology, ecophysiology and conservation physiology (Davis, Maney, & Maerz, 2008). Leukocyte profile is the relative proportion of five white blood cell (WBC) types: lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils (called heterophils in birds and reptiles). Lymphocytes and neutrophils/heterophils are the two most abundant WBC types, normally comprising up to 80%–90% of all leukocytes (Davis et al., 2008). Lymphocytes are involved in a variety of immunological functions and include: (1) natural killer cells, which take part in cell-mediated innate immune defence against tumour and virally infected cells; (2) T cells, which play a major role in cell-mediated adaptive immunity and (3) B cells, which are responsible for the production of immunoglobulins that specifically recognize pathogen antigens (humoral adaptive immunity). Neutrophils/heterophils form the first line of innate cellular defence against pathogens and they actively participate in inflammatory lesions, where they detect and destroy pathogenic microbes using a repertoire of killing mechanisms such as phagocytosis, cellular degranulation or oxidative burst (Genovese, He, Swaggerty, & Kogut, 2013).

Utility of leukocyte profiles in ecological research primarily depends on different responses of lymphocytes and neutrophils/heterophils to external stressors. In stressful environment the number of lymphocytes in peripheral circulating blood decreases, while the number of neutrophils/heterophils increases (Davis et al., 2008). In consequence, the ratio of neutrophils/heterophils to lymphocytes (henceforth referred to as N/L and H/L ratio respectively) has been proposed as a composite measure of stress, with high ratios indicating stronger stress response. The mechanism responsible for these changes is probably associated with alterations in animal's physiology from a state of readiness to cope with a communicable disease to a state of preparation for infection through injury (Johnstone, Reina, & Lill, 2012). In the latter situation, glucocorticoids stimulate lymphocytes to undergo transmigration from circulating blood to compartments such as skin, spleen and lymph nodes, where they will be more useful in the event of injury (Dhabhar & McEwen, 1997; Dhabhar, Miller, McEwen, & Spencer, 1996). At the same time, an influx of neutrophils/heterophils into the blood from bone marrow is induced. As a consequence, an organism acclimatizes for an environment that has a higher risk of injury, for example, via greater predator activity, or for a situation in which the animal is less capable of avoiding injury, for example, due to poor condition (Johnstone et al., 2012).

In birds, intra-population variation in H/L ratio has been reported to reflect a wide spectrum of stressors. There is ample evidence for H/L ratio increasing due to parasitic infestation and certain infections (Davis, Cook, & Altizer, 2004; Lobato, Moreno, Merino, Sanz, & Arriero, 2005). Elevated H/L ratios have been reported as a result of pollution (Eeva et al., 2005), inclement climatic or weather events (Krams, Cīrule, Krama, & Vrublevska, 2011), habitat fragmentation (Hinam & St. Clair, 2008), urbanization (Fokidis, Greiner, & Deviche, 2008), increased breeding effort (Ilmonen, Hassequist, Langefors, & Wiehn, 2003) and social stressors (Minias, Włodarczyk, & Janiszewski, 2015). H/L ratio negatively correlated with adult condition (Hanssen, Folstad, & Erikstad, 2003), as well as with nestling growth rate (Moreno, Merino, Martínez, Sanz, & Arriero, 2002), nutritional state (Suorsa et al., 2004) and within-brood dominance status (Laaksonen et al., 2004). In passerines, H/L ratio correlated with the quality of vocalization (Laiolo et al., 2007), while in non-passerines a negative relationship between H/L ratio and the quality carotenoid-based ornaments has been reported (Pérez-Rodriguez & Viñuela, 2008). Finally, H/L ratios were linked to basic fitness components, as high H/L ratios predicted lower recruitment and survival in some passerine populations (Kilgas, Tilgar, & Mänd, 2006; Lobato et al., 2005).

Taking into account extensive research on intra-population variation in avian H/L ratios, it seems surprising that no comparative analyses of this trait have been conducted in birds. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative analysis of H/L ratio in shorebirds, a group of birds that show relatively high variability in migratory behaviour and certain life-history components. We tested two specific hypotheses on the inter-specific variation in shorebird H/L ratios:

  1. H/L ratios should positively correlate with migratory effort.

Long migratory flights are energetically expensive and nutritionally stressful, but migration is also associated with increased predatory pressure and elevated risk of injury. We predicted that the combination of nutritional stress and environment challenges during migration may require specific physiological adaptations, such as elevated H/L ratios.

  1. H/L ratios should negatively correlate with annual survival rate and life span.

During a severe stress individuals may enter “emergency life-history stage,” when endocrine adjustments initiate a range of physiological and behavioural responses that aim to temporarily enhance survival at the expense of activities leading directly to the production of offspring (Wingfield et al., 1998). However, from evolutionary perspective, permanent exposure to an increased risk of injury or death may exert selection on certain physiological traits (Ricklefs & Wikelski, 2002). Here, we predicted that species showing reduced survival or life span (possibly as a result of more risky environments) are more likely to show elevated H/L ratios than long-lived species with high annual survival.

To test the above hypotheses, we analysed leukocyte profiles in over 400 migrating shorebirds from 19 species and used phylogenetically informed comparative methods to examine whether H/L ratio is related to migratory effort, annual survival and maximum life span.


2.1 General field procedures

We captured shorebirds during autumn migration (August–September) at two stopover sites in central and northern Poland: (1) Jeziorsko dam reservoir (51°47′N, 18°40′E), which is one of the major inland stopover sites for shorebirds and other waterfowl in Poland; (2) the mouth of the Vistula River on the Baltic coast (54°21′N, 18°57′E), where large numbers of shorebirds concentrate on sandflats during autumn. The two study sites are located nearly 300 km apart, but there were anecdotal observations of several shorebird individuals using both locations during their autumn migration (unpubl. data), indicating that the sites lie within the same flyway corridor. No large geographical or ecological barriers for migrating shorebirds are located in the vicinity of the study sites. Birds were sampled during autumn migratory period for three main reasons: (1) it allowed us to test for a link between H/L ratio and migratory effort; (2) we were able to sample several species of shorebirds at one geographical location, where all individuals were subject to relatively uniform environmental and ecological conditions at the moment of sampling; (3) baseline stress levels during migration are typically characteristic for most stages of annual cycle, except for breeding, when concentrations of stress hormones tend to increase (Romero, 2002).

Fieldwork took place between 2013 and 2016 (2013, 2015 and 2016 at the Jeziorsko reservoir; 2015 at the mouth of the Vistula River). All birds were captured in the selective catching devices for shorebirds, the walk-in (funnel) traps. Foraging (probing) shorebirds are directed along the special fences and through a set of funnel-shaped entrances to the central capture chamber, from which they are usually unable to escape (Figure S1). Traps are made of wire frames and a cover of thick fishing or wire net. Birds inside the trap often seem not to be aware of being caught, they can move freely (within the borders of the capture chamber) and may continue feeding or sleep until people approach (Busse & Meissner, 2015; P. Minias, pers. observ.). Thus, it seems safe to assume that, in contrast to mist netting, using walk-in traps is unlikely to trigger stress response in shorebirds at the moment of capture. Walk-in traps were controlled every 2 hr and birds were transported in special storing containers to the ringing station, where they were ringed and aged by plumage (Prater, Marchant, & Vourinen, 1977). Sex was only determined for the ruff Philomachus pugnax, which shows marked sexual size dimorphism and, thus, males and females can be identified based on non-overlapping ranges of wing length (Karlionova, Pinchuk, Meissner, & Verkuil, 2007). Since we captured mostly young individuals (in the first year of life), only first-year birds were included in the analyses of leukocyte profiles and all the descriptive statistics are for first-year individuals only. In the study we considered only those species for which at least five first-year individuals were captured and sampled for blood (Table 1).

Table 1. Leukocyte profiles in 19 species of shorebirds
Species Eosinophils Basophils Monocytes Heterophils (H) Lymphocytes (L) Median H/L Q1–Q3 H/L n
Actitis hypoleucos 5 5 1 42 40 1.02 0.54–2.25 21
Arenaria interpres 1.5 4.5 1 30 60 0.50 0.34–0.93 32
Calidris alpina 1 6.5 0 37.5 56 0.68 0.43–1.01 60
Calidris canutus 1.5 2 1 34.5 58 0.57 n.a. 10
Calidris ferruginea 1 4 0 34 61 0.56 0.40–0.88 15
Calidris minuta 2 5 0 30 63 0.47 0.26–0.71 23
Calidris temminckii 0 4 1 37 54 0.69 n.a. 5
Charadrius dubius 13 2 1 24 59.5 0.41 0.18–0.51 28
Charadrius hiaticula 17 2 0.5 14 58 0.23 0.12–0.55 34
Limicola falcinellus 2 1 1 41 53 0.82 0.26–1.47 11
Limosa lapponica 5 1 1 33 56 0.59 n.a. 9
Philomachus pugnax 1 3 0 52 43 1.20 0.90–2.10 33
Pluvialis squatarola 14 3 0 26 60 0.43 n.a. 5
Tringa erythropus 5 5 0 40.5 46.5 0.87 0.59–1.50 20
Tringa glareola 8 4 0 43 40 1.11 0.58–1.87 36
Tringa nebularia 3 3 0 49 35 1.09 n.a. 7
Tringa ochropus 2 2 0 46.5 43.5 0.99 n.a. 6
Tringa totanus 4 3 1 32 52.5 0.65 0.31–1.03 42
Vanellus vanellus 6 3 0 31 62.5 0.51 n.a. 6
  • Median percentage for five types of blood cells, median H/L ratio and sample size are shown for each species. Lower and upper quartiles (Q1–Q3) of H/L ratio are shown for species with more than 10 individuals sampled, for species with lower sample size Q1-Q3 values were considered not applicable (n.a.).

2.2 Leukocyte profiles

In total, blood samples were collected for 413 individuals from 19 shorebird species (Table 1). Two hundred fifty-four individuals from 17 species were sampled at the Jeziorsko reservoir, while 161 individuals from 12 species were sampled at the mouth of Vistula River (Table S1). This roughly represented 5%–15% of all shorebirds captured each year at each site. Average time between capture and blood sampling at the two sites (Jeziorsko and Vistula River) was similar due to the application of uniform field methods. Transport (from walk-in traps) and handling time of sampled birds was always kept below 1 hr. Although leukocyte profiles has been reported to change between 30 and 60 min since capture in the great tit Parus major (Cīrule, Krama, Vrublevska, Rantala, & Krams, 2012), no changes in heterophils and lymphocyte counts have been recorded within the first hour since capture in other passerines (Davis, 2005) and in shorebirds (Buehler et al., 2008; D'Amico et al., 2017). Thus, shorebird leukocyte profiles were unlikely to be affected by handling stress under our sampling protocol. The ulnar vein of each bird was punctured with a disposable needle and a drop of blood was transferred to a slide, where a blood smear of one cell layer was made. Blood smears were air-dried and stored in darkness until analysis. All smears were stained using the May-Grünewald–Giemsa method and scanned at 1,000× magnification under a light microscope. A random sample of 100 leukocytes from each blood smear was counted and classified into five cell types: heterophils, lymphocytes, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes. The H/L ratio was calculated by dividing the number of heterophils by the number of lymphocytes. To reduce variability, all blood smears were assessed by one of the authors (R.W.). Twenty-five randomly chosen smears were assessed twice to estimate repeatability of H/L ratio measurements. As indicated by the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), measurement repeatability was high (ICC = .86, < .001). An outlier analysis using the criteria of >3 SDs identified 10 outliers in the dataset. All outliers (H/L > 4.10) were removed from the data, as they were likely to represent individuals under strong acute stress. After removing outliers, H/L ratio distribution was still right skewed (skewness = 1.66) and, thus, was squared rooted prior to the analyses at individual level. Median values were used as the species-specific measures of H/L ratio.

To test whether leukocyte profiles were species specific, we assessed intraspecific repeatabilities in heterophil and lymphocyte counts, as well as in H/L ratios using two methods. First, we used the MCMCglmm package (Hadfield, 2010) developed for r statistical environment (R Development Core Team 2013) to calculate ICCs by dividing within-species variance by total variance. However, since estimates of repeatability can be unreliable for unbalanced sample sizes across species (Pap et al., 2015), we also estimated ICCs for five randomly chosen individuals per species, which was consistent with our minimal sample size. For this purpose, we conducted 1,000 tests per trait and averaged all ICC values and corresponding confidence intervals to obtain the final estimates of repeatability using the Irr (Gamer, Lemon, Fellows, & Singh, 2012) r package.

2.3 Migratory traits

Migratory effort was assessed with fat load accumulated by each species during migration and with total migration distance. Species with high fat loads tend to migrate using long-distance non-stop jumps, often covering thousands of kilometres between successive stopover sites, whereas low fat loads are characteristic for species that migrate using short-distance hops (Warnock, 2010). Thus, accumulation of large fat reserves is often associated with greater energetic challenge during migration, and possibly with larger migratory stress. Irrespective of the migration strategy adopted by each species (jumps vs. hops), longer total migration distance requires not only higher energy input, but is also associated with more profound physiological and morphological adjustments (Piersma, 1998). Both fat load and total migration distance have been demonstrated to correlate with several morphological and physiological adaptations to migration in shorebirds, such as haemoglobin concentration (Minias, Kaczmarek, Włodarczyk, & Janiszewski, 2013) and wing shape (Minias, Meissner, et al., 2015).

In order to estimate fat load, the size of subcutaneous fat depots was assessed in the furculum and in the axilla according to an eight-point scale developed for shorebirds, which has been demonstrated to linearly reflect an increment in fat mass (Meissner, 2009). Body mass of each captured individual was also recorded with a digital balance to the nearest 1 g. Fat scores were transformed into the units of mass using regression equations of body mass against fat scores and expressed as percent of lean body mass (LBM) in order to account for interspecific differences in size (see details in Appendix S1). LBMs were estimated with the intercepts from the same regression equations (Table S2).

Total migration distance was assessed for each species at the two levels: (1) the focal population and (2) the entire distribution range (see details in Appendix S1). Since both measures were strongly correlated (= .81, = 19, < .001), only the population-level estimates were used in the comparative analyses to avoid multicollinearity of independent variables (henceforth referred to as the total migration distance). As migration distance clearly depends on the breeding latitude, any relationship between total migration distance and H/L ratio could be mediated by harsher climatic conditions experienced at higher latitudes. To control for this possible bias, mean breeding latitude for each population was calculated as an average from the northernmost and the southernmost distribution limit of breeding range and included in the comparative models.

2.4 Life span and survival

Maximum life span was used as a basic measure of longevity, since it is widely acknowledged to best reflect the ageing rate in vertebrates (de Magalhães, Costa, & Church, 2007). Data on maximum life span were collected using the AnAge database (de Magalhães & Costa, 2009) integrated within the web portal of the Human Ageing Genomic Resources (Tacutu et al., 2013). The database features the highest reported values of maximum life span for a wide spectrum of animal species, including nearly 1,200 birds, and has been commonly used for comparative analysis of vertebrate longevity (e.g. González-Lagos, Sol, & Reader, 2010; Williams & Shattuck, 2015).

Longevity records, as compiled in the AnAge database, may provide reliable information on life span only if adjusted for sampling effort, as probability of recording an extremely old individual increases with sample size (Møller, 2007). Sample sizes used to estimate maximum life span were similar (medium) for all shorebirds included in this study, except for the dunlin Calidris alpina and the red knot Calidris canutus, which had smaller sample sizes. However, since these two species showed two highest values among all longevity records extracted for this study (Table S3), we assumed that they were unlikely to be markedly underestimated due to low sample size. Also, all longevity records came from wild shorebird populations and the data quality was classified as acceptable. Taking all these into account, we concluded that the complied values of maximum life span are likely to reliably reflect interspecific variation in shorebird longevity.

Data on annual survival rate were collected from literature for 15 out of 19 shorebird species (Table S3). Survival and mortality are considered context dependent and may vary considerably between populations from the same species (Sol, Székely, Liker, & Lefebvre, 2007). While multiple survival estimates for one of our focal species, the common ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula, showed great variability (Table S3), repeatability of survival rate for all other species with multiple data (= 7) was moderately high (ICC = .52). Thus, multiple measures of survival rate were averaged for each species prior to analysis.

Comparative analyses of life span and survival may be biased due to interspecific variation in body size, as large species generally have greater longevity and survive better than smaller species (Møller, 2007). To control for allometry, we extracted residuals of a log–log regression of maximum life span against LBM (R2 = 0.23, F1,17 = 5.00, = .039). These residuals were used as an independent variable in the comparative analyses and are henceforth referred to as “residual life span.” Log–log regression of survival rate against LBM was non-significant (F1,13 = 1.92, = .18) and, thus, we decided to use raw survival data in the comparative analyses. There was a significant positive correlation between survival and maximum life span (= .59, = 15, = .020), while correlation between survival and residual life span approached significance (= .46, = 15, = .081).

2.5 Comparative analysis

Because of shared evolutionary history, species do not provide independent points for analysis. Hence, when conducting analyses of trait correlations across species, phylogeny must be taken into account (Felsenstein, 1985; Grafen, 1989). We ran phylogenetically informed analyses at two different levels: species specific and individual. Species-specific analyses (median H/L ratios as the dependent variable) were conducted using phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) regression models, which were fitted using the ape (Paradis, Claude, & Strimmer, 2004) and nlme (Pinheiro, Bates, DebRoy, & Sarkar, 2014) r packages. To incorporate within-species variation in leukocyte profiles and cross-species differences in sampling effort, we also used Bayesian phylogenetic mixed models (BPMM; Hadfield & Nakagawa, 2010), as implemented in MCMCGlmm (Hadfield, 2010) and mulTree (Guillerme & Healy, 2014) packages in r. In all BPMM we used uninformative priors (variance set to 1 and belief parameter set to 0.002) for both fixed and random effects. In each analysis, we ran two chains with 200,000 iterations, thinning value of 50 and a burn-in period of 150,000, resulting in 1,000 samples per model. Gelman–Ruben statistic (Gelman & Rubin, 1992) was used to check for the consistency of estimates, indicating that the two independent chains converged in each analysis (potential scale reduction values <1.1).

In all comparative analyses, a specific model of evolution has to be assumed. Basic model of evolution is consistent with the Brownian motion process (BM), which describes evolutionary dynamics of a trait evolving in a purely neutral way. Thus, BM takes no account in natural selection and may not adequately describe change in adaptive characters (Butler & King, 2004). Specifically, BM may not be an appropriate model when selection persists through time (evolutionary changes on successive branches are correlated) and when different lineages are subject to the same selective regime (Felsenstein, 1985). Also, features of BM are at odds with the notion of stabilizing selection, which assumes that variance in mean phenotypic traits remains bounded, while in BM-based models variance grows with time in an unbounded fashion (Butler & King, 2004). To weaken the assumption of the BM model, the phylogenetic scaling parameter λ can be incorporated as a branch-length transformation in the regression analysis (Pagel, 1999). In general, λ varies between zero and one, where zero indicates phylogenetic independence (all branches collapse to zero), and a value of one indicates that trait evolution corresponds to the BM model (the internal branch length of the phylogeny remains untransformed; Freckleton, Harvey, & Pagel, 2002). Alternatively, the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) process with multiple evolutionary optima can be used, as it has been suggested to address adaptive hypotheses more appropriately (Hansen, 1997). While the OU model is considered the simplest mathematical approach to model evolutionary process with selection, it also includes BM as a special case, which means that it may provide a variety of distributions that are consistent with phenotypic evolution under both selection and drift (Butler & King, 2004). In our PGLS models, the OU model performed similar to the BM model adjusted for λ, as indicated by the relative fit of the two models (the Akaike’s Information Criterion: ΔAIC < 2) and, thus, we used both evolutionary approaches (henceforth referred to as PGLSOU and PGLSBM) in the analyses. BPMM analyses were run, by default, using the BM model of evolution. In all BM-based models, the phylogenetic scaling parameter λ was set to its maximum likelihood estimate. λ for H/L ratio and absolute counts of heterophils and lymphocytes were estimated using phytools (Revell, 2012) r package.

Due to differences in sample size (number of species), PGLS and BPMM were constructed separately for residual life span and annual survival, which were entered as covariates. Migratory fat load, total migration distance, breeding latitude and LBM were included as the remaining covariates in each model. Median and individual H/L ratios were entered as the dependent variables in PGLS and BPMM respectively. All analyses were also repeated for the absolute counts of heterophils and lymphocytes. To obtain more parsimonious reduced models, we removed non-significant (> .10) predictors from the initial full models. Phylogeny was reconstructed based on the most recent complete avian time-calibrated phylogeny (Jetz, Thomas, Joy, Hartmann, & Mooers, 2012) with a backbone tree developed by Ericson et al. (2006). To account for phylogenetic uncertainty, all models PGLS and BPMM were run for 1,000 and 100 alternative trees respectively. All phylogenies were downloaded from the BirdTree database (http://www.birdtree.org, Jetz et al., 2012). p Values were inferred based on z-score tests.

We also assessed the role of evolutionary history in explaining the current-day variation in H/L ratio of shorebirds. For this purpose, we used two methods that followed Sol et al. (2007): (1) nested ANOVA model was used to identify the taxonomic level associated with major diversification in H/L ratio; (2) spatial autocorrelation statistic Moran's I (Gittleman & Kot, 1990) was used to assess phylogenetic autocorrelation in H/L ratio. Phylogenetic correlograms of normalized Moran's I (I/Imax) were used to assess the strength of autocorrelation H/L ratio at different taxonomic levels (genus, family and order). The analysis of Moran's I was conducted using the ape package in r.


Median H/L ratios of shorebirds ranged from 0.23 to 1.20 (Table 1). An analysis of the entire (unbalanced) dataset showed that intraspecific repeatabilities in heterophils counts, lymphocyte counts and H/L ratios were relatively low, but significant (H/L ratio: ICC = .199, 95% CI [0.095, 0.368], p = .003; heterophils counts: ICC = .229, 95% CI [0.112, 0.402], p = .001; lymphocyte counts: ICC = .171, 95% CI [0.074, 0.327], p = .005), indicating that leukocyte profiles were species specific within the sampled group of shorebirds. An analysis of balanced sample sizes (five individuals per species) provided similar estimates of intraspecific repeatability (H/L ratio: ICC = .176, 95% CI [0.016, 0.423], p = .045; heterophils counts: ICC = .201, 95% CI [0.034, 0.452], p = .029), although ICC estimate for lymphocyte count was marginally non-significant (ICC = .149, 95% CI [−0.004, 0.393]; p = .071).

We found that H/L ratios were significantly related to residual life span and survival using either neutral (BM) or adaptive (OU) evolution model in PGLS analyses (Tables 2 and 3). Both relationships were negative (Figure 1), indicating that species with higher H/L ratio had shorter life span (PGLSBM: β = −0.30 ± 0.13; PGLSOU: β = −0.34 ± 0.14; Tables 2 and 3) and lower annual survival (PGLSBM: β = −2.70 ± 0.75; PGLSOU: β = −2.39 ± 1.01; Tables 2 and 3). An analysis at individual level (BPMM) also provided support for significant negative relationships of shorebird H/L ratios with residual life span and annual survival (Table S4). Our analyses were inconclusive on whether these relationships were primarily attributable to interspecific variation in the number of heterophils or lymphocytes. Heterophil counts showed significant negative relationships with both residual life span (PGLSBM and PGLSOU models; Tables S5 and S6) and annual survival (PGLSBM model; Table S5). Analogically, lymphocytes counts were positively related to residual life span (BPMM; Table S4) and annual survival (PGLSBM, PGLSOU and BPMM; Tables S4S6). The effect of LBM on H/L ratios was significant or approached significance in several full models, suggesting that larger species may have a tendency to show a higher H/L ratio (Tables 2 and 3). However, LBM remained significant in none of the reduced models (Tables 2 and 3). We found no support for the effects of breeding latitude, total migration distance and migratory fat load on shorebird H/L ratios (Tables 2 and 3).

Table 2. Phylogenetic generalized least squares models assessing relationships between residual life span (a) and survival (b) with H/L ratios of shorebirds under the assumption of Brownian motion evolution
Predictors Estimate Lower CI Upper CI p
(a) Full model (residual life span)
Intercept 1.19 0.03 2.35 .045
Residual life span −0.248 −0.483 −0.014 .038
Breeding latitude −0.016 −0.040 0.009 .21
Total migration distance 0.002 −0.063 0.106 .96
Migratory fat load 0.007 −0.005 0.018 .25
Lean body mass 0.002 −0.001 0.005 .14
Reduced model (residual life span)
Intercept 0.66 0.50 0.82 <.001
Residual life span −0.299 −0.550 −0.047 .020
(b) Full model (survival rate)
Intercept 2.58 1.29 3.89 <.001
Survival rate −2.87 −5.21 −0.54 .016
Breeding latitude −0.006 −0.041 0.029 .75
Total migration distance 0.043 −0.051 0.137 .38
Migratory fat load 0.008 −0.006 0.022 .25
Lean body mass 0.003 0.000 0.006 .032
Reduced model (survival rate)
Intercept 2.52 1.44 3.60 <.001
Survival rate −2.70 −4.14 −1.26 <.001
Lean body mass 0.002 0.000 0.004 .082
  • Estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (lower and upper CI) were averaged across 1,000 different phylogenies. Significant predictors are marked in bold.
Table 3. Phylogenetic generalized least squares models assessing relationships between residual life span (a) and annual survival (b) with H/L ratio of shorebirds under the assumption of Ornstein–Uhlenbeck evolution
Predictors Estimate Lower CI Upper CI p
(a) Full model (residual life span)
Intercept 0.68 −0.54 1.90 .28
Residual life span −0.311 −0.596 −0.025 .033
Breeding latitude −0.004 −0.030 0.022 .77
Total migration distance −0.004 −0.101 0.093 .94
Migratory fat load 0.010 −0.004 0.023 .16
Lean body mass 0.002 −0.001 0.005 .25
Reduced model (residual life span)
Intercept 0.687 0.514 0.860 <.001
Residual life span −0.339 −0.610 −0.069 .014
(b) Full model (survival rate)
Intercept 2.35 0.87 3.83 .002
Survival rate −3.35 −6.17 −0.53 .020
Breeding latitude 0.005 −0.031 0.041 .79
Total migration distance 0.025 −0.080 0.130 .65
Migratory fat load 0.012 −0.004 0.028 .16
Lean body mass 0.003 0.000 0.006 .043
Reduced model (survival rate)
Intercept 2.41 0.99 3.84 <.001
Survival rate −2.39 −4.32 −0.45 .015
Lean body mass 0.001 −0.001 0.003 .42
  • Estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (lower and upper CI) were averaged across 1,000 different phylogenies. Significant predictors are marked in bold.
Details are in the caption following the image
Relationships of H/L ratio with residual life span (a) and annual survival (b) in shorebirds. Line indicates fitted regression

There was a relatively strong phylogenetic signal in shorebird H/L ratios, as indicated by the estimated maximum likelihood value of λ = 0.58. Absolute counts of heterophils and lymphocytes showed even stronger phylogenetic signal (λ = 0.66 and 0.67 respectively). We found that higher taxonomic levels (genus and family) accounted for a large proportion of variance in H/L ratio of shorebirds (87.2%), and most variation was explained by the effect of genus (52.8%). Consistently, strongest positive phylogenetic correlation in H/L ratio was found at the level of genus (Figure 2).

Details are in the caption following the image
Phylogenetic correlogram for H/L ratio of shorebirds showing Moran's I for three taxonomic levels (genus, family, order)


Our comparative analysis of leukocyte profiles in shorebirds provided strong support for a link between H/L ratios and important life-history traits, such as survival and life span. By contrast we found no support for the effect of migratory behaviour on H/L ratios, suggesting that leukocyte profiles in shorebirds may not constitute an important physiological adaptation for long-distance migration. Relatively strong phylogenetic signal in median H/L ratios suggested that phylogenetically (and ecologically) different shorebird groups evolved specific leukocyte profiles, possibly as a response to different selection pressures experienced by different genera.

Negative associations of shorebird H/L ratios with annual survival and life span most likely reflect interspecific variation in general exposure to environmental challenges. Elevated H/L ratios are thought to reflect physiological adaptation of an organism to cope with infection through injury (via heterophils) rather than with a communicable disease (via lymphocytes). Consequently, species that face high risk of injury (e.g. because of greater predator pressure) are expected to show elevated H/L ratios (Johnstone et al., 2012), but at the same time risky environments can be associated with reduced survival and residual life span (e.g. because of direct mortality through predation). At this point, it seems impossible to decide whether H/L ratios constitute an evolutionary adaptation to risky environments or whether they reflect physiological plasticity at individual level. The first mechanism would assume that various species may have evolved different baseline H/L ratios, as measured under normal physiological function. This scenario is supported by the fact that H/L ratios, as well as absolute counts of heterophils and lymphocytes, show relatively high heritability, as reported for the domestic chicken (Campo & Davila, 2002) and wild-living passerines (Wilcoxen, Boughton, Morgan, & Schoech, 2013). Also, in our study, annual survival and longevity were correlated with H/L ratios of young (first-year) birds that were not yet subjected to strong selection. This seems to support the hypothesis that leukocyte profiles may constitute a pre-adaptation to selective environments. An alternative hypothesis of physiological plasticity assumes that individuals that face high risk of death or injury are expected to show increased activity of hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, which orchestrates stress response of vertebrates (Tsigos & Chrousos, 2002). Activation of HPA axis stimulates glucocorticoid release from adrenal cortex, which triggers a large spectrum of stress–response processes, including leukocyte trafficking that produce an increased ratio of H/L in the peripheral circulating blood. In consequence, species that experience a long-term background stress associated with risky environments are likely to show increased baseline glucocorticoid levels and elevated H/L ratios. Finally, it is also possible that differences in H/L ratios do not reflect variation in actual stress response, but they are a manifestation of past stressful events. Species which are continuously subject to environmental or social challenges (which can reduce survival) would have recurring bouts of stress that induce elevated H/L ratios. We cannot exclude that after a series of such stress events, the numbers of heterophils and lymphocytes in circulating blood become fixed at a stress-induced level, even if animal is not experiencing immediate stress. While our results provide strong support for interspecific association between leukocyte profiles and survival, the correlative nature of our comparative analysis does not allow to infer the exact mechanism responsible for this relationship.

Despite the clear association of shorebird H/L ratios with annual survival and life span, we failed to find any significant relationship between leukocyte profiles and migratory effort, as expressed with total migration distance and migratory fat load. So far, evidence for the relationship between H/L ratio and migration is almost lacking. We are aware of only one such study, which investigated intra-population variation in H/L ratio between migratory and non-migratory periods of Swainson's thrush Catharus ustulatus and veery Catharus fuscescens (Owen & Moore, 2006). In both species, H/L ratio increased during migration when compared with breeding period, suggesting that migration can induce physiological stress response (Owen & Moore, 2006). In contrast, several endocrinological studies of migratory avian species, including shorebirds, indicated that glucocorticoid concentrations may reside far below their maximal levels during migration (Mizrahi, Holberton, & Gathreaux, 2001; Schwabl, Bairlein, & Gwinner, 1991). Thus, despite high energetic demands and exertion required to complete long-distance flights, migration is thought not to constitute a serious stress, but rather is a predictable and normal stage within life cycle of migratory species (Landys-Ciannelli, Ramenofsky, Piersma, Jukema, & Wingfield, 2002). Lack of association between H/L ratios and migratory effort in our comparative analysis may also reflect the fact that long-distance migrants are exposed to at least two different pathogen faunas during their annual cycle and, thus, should invest more in the immune function against communicable diseases (Møller & Erritzøe, 1998). Such an investment may include elevated lymphocyte numbers, which would keep H/L ratio at low or moderate levels despite environmental challenges associated with migration. However, it must be acknowledged that our measures of migratory effort were very general and may not reliably reflect the exact physiological costs associated with migration in each of the species. Thus, our results should be taken with some caution and a link between migration and stress merits further investigation in shorebirds and other avian groups.

A relatively strong phylogenetic signal and spatial phylogenetic autocorrelation (estimated with Moran's I) indicated that most diversification in shorebird H/L ratios occurred relatively early in radiation of this group. Within our dataset, some genera (e.g. Charadrius and Calidris) showed consistently lower median H/L ratios when compared with other phylogenetic groups, such as Philomachus and Tringa sandpipers. This phylogenetic pattern suggests that some shorebird groups may occupy more challenging environments than the others. We did not find any association between H/L ratios and breeding latitude, suggesting that variation in shorebird H/L ratios does not show a clear biogeographic pattern or dependence on climatic conditions. It is, though, possible, that variation in leukocyte profiles may be related to morphology. We found some support for the effect of LBM on H/L ratios, indicating that larger shorebird species tend to invest more in immune function against infection through injury. While this possible association is open to testing in future comparative studies, phylogenetic patterns in shorebird H/L ratios suggests that this trait probably evolved in response to similar selection pressures faced by closely related species within each genus.

In conclusion, the results of our comparative analyses provided the first evidence for a link between H/L ratios and important life-history traits in birds. Strong negative associations of shorebird H/L ratios with annual survival and residual life span support the hypothesis that leukocyte profiles form an adaptive basis for life-history strategies in birds. This conclusion still needs to be corroborated for other avian groups and across different stages of annual cycle. Accumulating number of published data on leukocyte profiles of birds and other vertebrate taxa provides an opportunity to test for the robustness of our findings in a broader phylogenetic perspective.


We thank all participants of fieldworks at the Jeziorsko reservoir and the mouth of the Vistula River, especially Tomasz Iciek, Anna Kośmica, Agnieszka Ożarowska, Anna Piasecka and Grzegorz Zaniewicz. We are grateful to Orsolya Vincze for providing R code to analyse species distribution maps. We thank Andrew K. Davis and an anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments on the earlier draft of the manuscript. The fieldwork was performed by permission of the Regional Environmental Protection Directorates in Łódź and Gdańsk. Blood sampling was performed by permission of the Local Bioethical Commissions in Łódź and Gdańsk. No funding was obtained to undertake this study. The authors declare that they have no competing interest.


    P.M. designed the study; P.M., R.W. and W.M. collected data; R.W. assessed leukocyte profile; P.M. carried out statistical analyses; P.M., R.W. and W.M. wrote/revised article for intellectual content. All read and approved the final manuscript.


    Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.7v37m (Minias, Włodarczyk, & Meissner, 2017).