Volume 35, Issue 1 p. 139-152
Free Access

Multidimensional trait morphology predicts ecology across ant lineages

Christine E. Sosiak

Corresponding Author

Christine E. Sosiak

Federated Department of Biological Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA


Christine E. Sosiak

Email: [email protected]

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Phillip Barden

Phillip Barden

Federated Department of Biological Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA

Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY, USA

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First published: 11 October 2020
Citations: 37


  1. Understanding the link between ecology and morphology is a fundamental goal in biology. Ants are diverse terrestrial organisms, known to exhibit ecologically driven morphological variation. While relationships between individual traits and ecologies have been identified, multidimensional interactions among traits and their cumulative predictive power remain unknown. As selective pressures may generate convergent syndromes spanning multiple traits, we applied multivariate analyses across a wide sampling of taxa to assess ecomorphological variation in an integrative context.
  2. How well does morphology predict ecology? Moreover, are there quantitatively supported ant ecomorphs? We investigated the links between trait morphology and ecology by assembling a morphometric dataset spanning over 160 species within 110 genera. As ants occupy a wide range of ecologies, we compiled natural history data on nesting microhabitat, foraging stratum and functional role into 35 defined niche combinations. This tripartite ecological classification and our morphological dataset were optimized under dimension reduction techniques including principal component analysis, principal coordinate analysis, linear discriminant analysis and random forest supervised machine learning.
  3. Our results describe ant ecomorphospace as comprising regions of shared, generalized morphology as well as unique phenotypic space associated with specialized ecologies. Dimension reduction and model-based approaches predict ecology with 77%–85% accuracy and Random Forest analysis consistently outperforms LDA. While accounting for shared ancestry, we found eye, antennal scape and leg morphology to be most informative in differentiating among ecologies. We also note some heterogeneity between trait significance in each ecological aspect (nesting niche, foraging niche, functional role). To increase the utility of ecomorphological classification we simplified our 35 observed niche combinations into 10 ecomorph syndromes, which were also predicted by morphology. The predictive power of these machine learning methods underscores the strong role that ecology has in convergently shaping overall body plan morphology across ant lineages. We include a pipeline for predictive ecomorphological modelling using morphometric data, which may be expanded with additional specimen-based and natural history data.

A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article.


The relationship between form and function is a striking feature of organismal biology; across taxa, morphology may clearly reflect habitat or functional role within an ecosystem. The repeated evolution of trait morphology due to niche occupation is well-established in disparate groups of fish, lizards, mammals and arthropods: more elongated caudal fins in fishes correlate with more pelagic lifestyles (Mihalitsis & Bellwood, 2019); geckos that inhabit flatter terrains show reduced adhesive toe pads (Collins et al., 2015); ambush canid predators have more flexible forelimbs than pursuit canid predators (Janis & Figueirido, 2014); and cave-dwelling amphipods are larger with longer legs than smaller, stubbier stream-dwelling amphipods (Trontelj et al., 2012). Morphological specialization may arise independently even within closely related taxa, indicating the powerful force of environmental selective pressures on species morphology (Losos et al., 1998).

Morphological adaptation to an ecological niche may represent an ecomorph: an overall form that is specialized for its ecology. Ecomorphs were formalized by Williams (1972) who found that Anolis lizard communities reflected assemblages of phenotypes that shared the same niche with similar morphology and behaviour. Since then, Anolis has typified the concept of the ecomorph, and the genus has become a model system for understanding convergence and repeatability in evolutionary patterns (Dickson et al., 2017; Langerhans et al., 2006; Losos, 1992; Losos et al., 1998). This concept is widely applied to mammals (Figueirido et al., 2019; Ghazali et al., 2017; Leonard et al., 2007; Saunders & Barclay, 1992); arthropods (Barton et al., 2011; Malcicka et al., 2017; Mugleston et al., 2018; Parker & Owens, 2018); gastropods (Marquez et al., 2015); fish (Gerry et al., 2011); and other reptiles (Sanders et al., 2013). Ecomorphs are a valuable lens for understanding fundamental ecological and macroevolutionary concepts in biology. For example, comparisons at the ecomorph level have revealed insight into community assembly on islands (Gillespie, 2004; Losos, 1992), temporal stasis in vertebrates (Dickson et al., 2017) and iterative patterns of faunal associations (Figueirido et al., 2019).

With over 14,000 species (Bolton, 2020), ants are highly diverse, globally ubiquitous and fill most post-producer ecological niches, representing a significant opportunity for understanding ecomorphology. Their ecological breadth adds an important dimension for increased trophic and microhabitat granularity. Ants run the gamut from obligate leaf harvesting fungus growers and subterranean eyeless predators to nomadic army ants and arboreal omnivorous twig nesters (Figure 1; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990).

Details are in the caption following the image
Ecological diversity among ant lineages. Ants inhabit a wide variety of ecological niches: column-raiding predators such as Eciton burchellii (Dorylinae) (a); granivorous epigaeic foragers such as Pogonomyrmex badius (Myrmicinae) (b); omnivorous arboreal twig-nesters such as Tetraponera clypeata (Pseudomyrmecinae) (c); and subterranean predators such as Stigmatomma sp. (Amblyoponinae) (d). Image ©Alex Wild, used by permission

Some individual ant traits are known to correlate with ecological niche within a given habitat or region. Ant leg length, in particular femur length, tends to be greater in species that live in open habitats compared to denser, more complex habitats (Kaspari & Weiser, 1999; Weiser & Kaspari, 2006; Yates & Andrew, 2011). Leg elongation may be reflective of the need to move faster and more efficiently for resource acquisition or predator evasion, though the pattern is not universal. Femur length has also been shown to be invariant or even positively correlated with habitat complexity (Guilherme et al., 2019; Parr et al., 2003). Eye size is also correlated both with habitat and with trophic level; ants living in subterranean or leaf litter habitats exhibit smaller eyes than surface-foraging ants, and predators typically possess smaller eyes than omnivores (Gibb et al., 2015; Guilherme et al., 2019; Weiser & Kaspari, 2006). Overall body size reflects life-history habits: ants in more complex habitats tend to be smaller than ants in open spaces (Weiser & Kaspari, 2006; Yates et al., 2014). The relationship between functional role and body size is less clear; some findings suggest predators are on average larger than omnivores (Gibb et al., 2015), while others suggest they are typically smaller than omnivores (Weiser & Kaspari, 2006), possibly as a function of taxon sampling. While some traits are known to correlate with certain ecologies, in this study, we expand upon these findings by explicitly assessing multiple traits and aspects of ecology simultaneously using a global morphometric dataset of ants. Our goal is to elucidate how combinations of traits, or, syndromes, relate to ecology across ecosystems and lineages.

Here, we selected 17 morphological traits—15 previously hypothesized or known to relate to microhabitat and trophic level—to evaluate links between form and function across ant lineages. We measured species from six continents and all major biomes, from virtually all subfamilies of ants to build a broad global multivariate dataset to address the following questions: Does morphology predict nesting, foraging and functional role niche occupation across ants? What traits are most implicated in ecological niche occupations? Are there quantitatively supported ant ecomorphs?


2.1 Taxa, ecological niche binnings and ecomorph syndromes

Our sampling includes at least one species from each accessible ant subfamily; we sampled all subfamilies except Apomyrminae and Martialinae, which are extremely rare in museum collections. In total, we sampled 15 subfamilies, 113 genera and 167 species, measuring 320 specimens in total (see Data Availability Statement section, Dryad Digital Repository). When possible, we sampled three specimens per species. When insufficient specimens were available, we measured as many conspecific specimens as were present in collections. Many species are polymorphic or have specialized castes for specific ecological functions: in these situations, we either sampled the media caste for polymorphic species or sampled the nonspecialized workers for species with specialized castes. We included specimens from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) and the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ).

All specimens were assigned a binning from each of three ecological niche aspect categories: functional role (six binnings), nesting niche (five binnings) and foraging niche (four binnings) (Figure 2; Table 1). We selected these niche aspects as they are broadly applicable: while other key abiotic or biotic factors such as climate or community composition may also influence morphology, our selected aspects are generalizable across widely disparate communities of species, allowing for global ecomorph definitions. Moreover, to achieve wide taxon sampling, our morphometric dataset was confined to historical museum collections, which frequently do not retain specimen-level information relating to community structures or precise localities. Binning determinations were based on surveys of the literature (Appendix S1, AntWiki). A list of natural history binning data sources used in the study are provided in the Supporting Information section. If an aspect of a species' niche was unclear, the species was assigned an ‘unknown’ binning and excluded from all further analyses for that niche aspect. We attempted to sample representatives from every known ecological niche that ants inhabit; however, due to the extremely diverse nature of ants, the sampling is broadly comprehensive but likely not universal. In particular, given our reliance on museum specimens, we may be missing diversity from geographic areas that have been historically neglected as well as ecologies that are difficult to sample (e.g. subterranean taxa).

Details are in the caption following the image
Morphological traits and ecological niche aspects. Diagram of morphometric measurements (a) and schematic illustrating ecological niche aspects and ecomorph syndromes (b) used in this study. All measurement abbreviations are listed in Table S2
TABLE 1. Ecological niche aspect binning abbreviations, definitions and exemplar taxa (abbreviations used in dataset available on Dryad, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.kh1893243)
Binning designator Definition Exemplar taxa
Functional role
GP Generalist predator—broad taxonomic diet Odontomachus; Diacamma; Harpegnathous
SP Specialist predator—obligate feeding on specific taxon (e.g. termites) Acanthostichus; Megaponera; Simopelta
Om Omnivorous—prey items, plant matter, etc Paraponera; Camponotus; Iridomyrmex
Py Phytophagous—extrafloral nectaries, herbivory, etc Pseudomyrmex; Tetraponera; Myrmelachista
Fg Fungus-growing Cyphomyrmex; Trachymyrmex; Atta
Tr Trophobiotic—symbiotic relationship with other insects (homopteran secretions, etc.) Acropyga; Melissotarsus; Rhopalomastix
Gn Granivorous—seed-harvesting Acanthomyrmex; Pogonomyrmex; Veromessor
Mh Mushroom-foraging Euprenolepis
Nesting niche
Cn Carton-nesting—structured nests from plant material in trees and shrubs Oecophylla; Azteca; Liometopum
Gr Ground-nesting—nests in dirt mounds, under stones, rock cracks, etc Platythyrea; Formica; Pheidole
Lg Lignicolous—nests in twig and tree cavities Pseudomyrmex; Simopone; Cylindromyrmex
Ll Leaf litter-nesting—nests in leaf litter interstitial space, rotten wood, etc. Strumigenys; Discothyrea; Typhlomyrmex
Sb Subterranean-nesting Leptanilloides; Leptanilla
Foraging niche
Ab Arboreal—in and on trees and shrubs Daceton; Tetraponera; Crematogaster
CR Column-raiding—cooperative, nomadic or raiding predation Simopelta; Dorylus; Eciton
Eg Epigaeic—active foraging on the ground surface Leptomyrmex; Rhytidoponera; Myrmecocystus
Ll Leaf litter—within interstitial spaces in leaf litter Discothyrea; Amblyopone; Heteroponera
Sb Subterranean—underground Acropyga

Additionally, we collapsed the 35 observed combinations of niche binnings across all niche aspects into 11 ecomorph syndromes (Figure 2; Table S1). These simplified syndromes were defined after preliminary agnostic analyses suggested extensive morphological overlap between some niche combinations. While we defined 11 ecomorph syndromes, one syndrome (subterranean omnivore) was represented by only one species and three specimens. This species, Acropyga oreithauma, represents a clearly defined ecomorph syndrome, but we did not have enough specimens for adequate statistical comparisons and so removed it from subsequent analyses.

Our analyses are constrained by the accuracy of natural history information; in some cases, species may be plastic in their behaviour, or their ecological niche may not be fully known. While our models do not explicitly incorporate this uncertainty, this may be explored in the future through sensitivity analyses with alternate niche assignments for ambiguous taxa. We do, however, incorporate some behavioural plasticity in our collapsed ecomorph syndromes; such as ‘ground or leaf litter-nesting epigaeic omnivores’, or the synonymization of specialist and generalist predators into a general predator class (Table S1).

2.2 Measurements

Morphometric sampling included linear measurements of 12 cephalic traits and five post-cephalic traits (Table S2). Fifteen selected traits have been previously correlated with ecology. These traits include metafemur length (Yates et al., 2014), eye size (Gibb et al., 2015; Weiser & Kaspari, 2006), body size (Gibb et al., 2015; Salas-López, 2017) and mandible length (Weiser & Kaspari, 2006). Our initial sampling included five additional metrics (tarsal claw length, tarsal claw width, mandible articulation angle, ventral head length and ventral pronotal length); however, these were excluded from data collection after preliminary analyses indicated overlap with other metrics, variation due to measurement artefacts or lack of significance across all niche aspects.

All measurements were conducted on point-mounted specimens under stereo microscopy. Including raw measurements in dimension reduction techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) can result in body size driving the overwhelming majority of variation in a dataset, masking other potentially important contributors. To explore the impact of body size, we created two datasets for analyses: a dataset comprising raw measurements and a size-corrected dataset using only ratios (Table S3).

2.3 Data analysis

Our analyses spanned three broad categories: assessments of relationships between individual traits and ecologies; multivariate analyses of traits in the context of ecology; and multivariate predictive modelling of ecology from trait data. To agnostically determine whether or not individual traits were correlated with ecology, we performed analyses of variance (ANOVAs) on trait data and functional role, nesting niche and foraging niche binnings. We accounted for the potential effect of phylogenetic relatedness on ANOVAs by performing phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) on our trait data using a published phylogeny of ant genera (Blanchard & Moreau, 2017). To evaluate which traits drove maximum variation and to visualize ecomorphospaces (representations of taxa and their ecologies based on morphometric data) among groups, we ran principal component (PCAs) and principal coordinate analyses (PCoAs). While both PCAs and PCoAs are dimension reduction techniques, PCoA is unique in that it is derived from distance matrices and so can include inapplicable or missing data. To determine which traits drive maximum separation between groups, and whether traits can delineate distinct ecomorphospaces, we conducted linear discriminant analysis (LDAs), which reduces dimensions in the context of predefined binnings. We further tested the accuracy of LDA group separation by comparing posterior probabilities of classification. Finally, we evaluated the predictability of ecological niche from morphometric trait data using a supervised machine learning algorithm, Random Forest (RF) analysis. All analyses were performed in r v.3.6.3 (R Core Team, 2020).

2.3.1 Evaluating traits correlated with ecological niche

Our first aim was to test if traits differed significantly between ecological niche binnings and if the differences we observed were due to ecology or shared ancestry. We evaluated our dataset using analysis of variance (ANOVA), assessing variation of morphology across binnings in functional role, nesting niche, foraging niche and ecomorph syndrome separately. We tested all data for normality of residuals and homoscedasticity of variances using Levene's test; if the data were non-normal, we used a Kruskal–Wallis test in place of an ANOVA. If the ANOVA indicated a significant difference between groups, we used a post-hoc Tukey's test for pairwise comparisons to evaluate which groups differed.

Significant differences between groups may reflect trait similarity due to shared ancestry rather than shared ecology (Felsenstein, 1985). We analysed morphometric data under phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) to account for the non-independence of data observations due to phylogenetic history (Martins & Hansen, 1997). We evaluated both Brownian motion (BM) and Ornstein-Ulhenbeck (OU) evolutionary models; for each trait, we chose the best-fitting model based on comparison of Akaike information criterion (AIC) values. Phylogenetic information for our analysis was derived from Blanchard and Moreau's comprehensive ant phylogeny (2017). A total of 90 taxa overlapped between Blanchard and Moreau's phylogeny and our dataset, including only species with known ecological niche binnings. To perform PGLS, we pruned Blanchard and Moreau's phylogenetic tree and our dataset to these applicable matching taxa (see Data Availability Statement). When trimming our morphological trait dataset, we matched species to the tree where possible and matched genera where there were not exact species matches, contingent on if the congeners occupied the same ecological niche; if the congeners did not occupy the same ecological niche, we did not include them. When there were multiple specimens per tree-matched species, we averaged the morphological trait measurements across all specimens to produce a single, averaged specimen.

We tested significant differences in both raw and size-corrected traits between groups using ANOVA and PGLS. In both cases, we used the taxonomically trimmed dataset (90 taxa matching; Blanchard & Moreau, 2017) to allow for more accurate comparisons between the results of the ANOVA and the results of the PGLS. ANOVA and PGLS were implemented in packages ‘ape’ (Paradis & Schliep, 2019), ‘phytools’ (Revell, 2012), ‘nlme’ (Pinheiro et al., 2018) and ‘geiger’ (Harmon et al., 2008).

2.3.2 Evaluating ecomorphospace structure

We used PCA to evaluate ecomorphospaces produced when considering maximum variation within the entire dataset, visualizing the variation amongst all species. However, because some species that lack certain traits (e.g. many doryline ants are eyeless, rendering eye position metrics impossible), we also performed principal coordinate analysis (PCoA), which illustrates maximum disparity within the dataset and can be performed with missing or inapplicable data. Thus, we were able to capture the full range of ecomorphospaces produced by the dataset. We extracted all principal components with associated eigenvalues to determine which traits drove the majority of variation within the dataset.

To evaluate between-group variation rather than total variation, we performed multi-group LDA. This analysis requires that specimens have group assignments, and maximizes variation between groups, rather than variation in the dataset as a whole. To test whether the LDA is successful in separating groups, we split our data into a training (80%) and testing (20%) dataset, randomly assigned. The model is trained using the larger dataset, and with the testing dataset taxa are assigned to their most likely group using posterior probabilities based on the trait value's Mahalanobis distance to the group mean. We performed PCA, PCoA and LDA using binnings from the functional role, foraging niche, nesting niche and ecomorph syndromes using raw measurements, size-corrected measurements and a subset of only measurements shown to be significant under PGLS. All dimension reduction techniques were implemented in r packages ‘corrplot’ (Wei et al., 2017), ‘FactoMineR’ (Lê et al., 2008), ‘vegan’ (Oksanen et al., 2013), ‘labdsv’ (Roberts, 2007), ‘caret’ (Kuhn, 2015), ‘mass’ (Ripley et al., 2019) and ‘ade4’ (Dray & Dufour, 2007).

2.3.3 Quantitatively predicting ecological niche from morphology

To evaluate whether species can be clearly delimited into ecological niche based on morphology, we conducted Random Forest analysis, a supervised machine learning algorithm. Random Forest models are based on a series of decision trees used to build a ‘consensus tree’, which partitions morphospace according to predefined ecological niche binnings. Random Forest was implemented in the r package ‘randomForest’ (Liaw & Wiener, 2018). We constructed RF models for functional role, nesting niche, foraging niche and ecomorph syndrome separately, using the raw, size-corrected and phylogenetically independent datasets. Our parameters were selected based on initial sensitivity tests: mtry = 4 and ntree = 5,000. To visualize posterior probabilities of our Random Forest model classification, we constructed t-SNE plots for each model, based on model votes for each binning or syndrome. We used a perplexity of 30 and a maximum number of iterations of 500. t-SNE plots were constructed using the r package Rtsne (Krijthe, 2015).

To assess consistency and predictability of trait-niche matches, we constrained tree size by limiting the number of terminal nodes to 20, 50, 100 and 500. If predictive accuracy remains high despite limited terminal node number, relationships between traits and niches are less likely to be the result of model overfit. Conversely, if predictive accuracy is only high at larger tree sizes, it may be driven by a highly complicated relationship between trait form and ecological function which is not necessarily consistent or predictive. To evaluate comparative predictive power of traits in our RF models, we tested for mean decrease in accuracy when a trait was omitted. We compiled predictions from our LDA and RF models into sensitivity tables to assess accuracy of predictions by method.


3.1 Assessing measured trait relevance (ANOVAs and PGLS)

While nearly all raw measured traits were found to be significantly different across foraging niche, nesting niche and ecomorph syndrome binnings, few traits appear to be implicated in functional role binnings (Figure 3a–c). When accounting for phylogeny, we find most measured traits remain implicated in niche aspects (Table S4). Comparatively, size-corrected ratios were less variable between binnings. Most ratios were still different between binnings before accounting for phylogeny, but the number of significantly different ratios was reduced afterwards (Table S5). Typically, procoxal-to-body-size proportion, eye-to-head-length proportion, pronotal expansion, pronotal flattening, scape-to-body-size proportion and metafemur-to-body-size proportion were all significantly different between binnings even after accounting for phylogeny, regardless of the niche aspect examined (Figure S9).

Details are in the caption following the image
Significance, relative importance of raw trait measurements sampled by ecological niche aspect and ecomorph syndrome. First row: traits found to be significantly different between binnings using ANOVA/PGLS in functional role (a), nesting and foraging niche, (b) and ecomorph syndrome (c). Second row: trait importance to Random Forest models in classifying functional role (d), foraging niche (e), nesting niche (f) and ecomorph syndrome (g). Head shape traits averaged in d–g. Size-corrected ratio measurement results in Figure S9. ANOVA and PGLS results in Tables S4 and S5, relative importance results in Figures S17 and S18

Considering functional role, specialist predators typically exhibit smaller procoxae and metafemura than omnivores, reflecting overall shorter leg length in comparison with the body (Figures S2a and S6). Predators also tend towards longer and straighter mandibles than phytophagivores and omnivores. Specialist predators typically have shorter antennae in comparison with the rest of the head, while omnivores, fungivores and generalist predators have longer antennae; phytophagivores typically have extremely short antennae. Eye position on the anteroposterior axis of the head capsule is variable, though typically predators have their eyes positioned somewhat more anteriorly than omnivores. Looking at nesting niche, lignicolous and subterranean nesters all have much shorter legs, both procoxa and metafemur, than ground-nesting ants, with leaf litter ants more variable overall (Figures S3 and S7). Arboreal ants, both lignicolous and carton-nesting, have much larger eyes than subterranean, leaf litter and ground-nesting ants. Lignicolous ants are also often distinguished by a flatter, broader mesosoma in comparison with ground-nesting ants, though this is not universal; and lignicolous ants have much shorter scapes than virtually all other groups, although subterranean ants typically possess shorter scapes as well. With respect to foraging niche, epigaeic ants overall have much longer legs, both procoxa and metafemur, than do leaf litter, arboreal or column-raiding ants (Figures S1 and S5). Scape length is also greater on average in epigaeic ants. Eye size is highly variable within groups but is greater among arboreal and epigaeic ants—arboreal ant eyes are the largest on average; column-raiding and leaf litter ants tend towards smaller compound eyes or eyelessness. Illustrating the overlap between lignicolous-nesting and arboreal-foraging species, arboreal-foraging ants are often distinguished by the broader, flatter mesosoma that typifies lignicolous ants.

3.2 Dimension reduction analyses

3.2.1 Agnostic visualization of niche structure

Both PCA and its corollary PCoA produced ecomorphospace with a high degree of overlap, especially when using raw measurements alone (Figure 4; Figures S10 and S11). The typical pattern produced by raw measurements was an area of high density where most of the specimens plotted, with some ecomorphs radiating into their own unique ecomorphospace. When using only raw measurements, no ecomorph was completely distinct, though typically specialist predators and omnivores plotted further away from one another.

Details are in the caption following the image
Ecomorphospace characterizing ecomorph syndromes across dimension reduction spaces. Ecomorphs are labelled by simplified functional role as well as nesting–foraging niches. (a) principal component analysis (PCA); (b) principal coordinate analysis (PCoA); (c) linear discriminant analysis (LDA); (d) t-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding from Random Forest models (t-SNE RF). All taxa represented by raw trait measurements; size-corrected ratio measurement results in Figures S11d, S13d–S15d. Summary statistics in Tables S6, S8 and S13

For our raw measurement dataset, principal component 1 was body size, comprising 87.2% of the variance; principal component 2 was the overall size of the mandibles, comprising 5.2% of the variance. The first five principal components explain over 97% of the variance, each explaining >1% of the variance (Table S6). The pattern was similar with PCoA: the first five principal coordinates explain over 95% of the variance, with the first principal coordinate comprising 83.8% of the variance and the second principal coordinate comprising 5.0% (Table S8).

Using only size-corrected ratio measurements produced a slightly different pattern. There was no central area where most specimens plotted, but a greater degree of disparity throughout the ecomorphospace (Figures S12 and S13). While again, no ecomorphospaces separated clearly and there was a high degree of overlap, specialist predators tended to separate more distinctly from omnivores. Using ratio measurements, individual principal components accounted for much less of the overall variance; principal component 1 comprised only 33% of the variance, while principal component 2 comprised 24.3%. Over 90% of the variance is explained by the first seven principal components (Table S7). Most of the variance is explained by ratios concerning the scape, metafemur and mandibles; principal component 1 was driven mostly by scape and metafemur proportion, while principal component 2 was mostly mandibular proportions. Again, the pattern was similar using PCoA with size-corrected ratio measurements: the first principal coordinate comprised 34.1% of the variance and the second comprised 23.1% (Table S9).

3.2.2 Visualization of discrete niche structure

Our LDA produced ecomorph clusters with a variable degree of overlap, contingent on the ecological niche aspect being plotted and raw versus size-corrected ratio measurements (Figures 4 and 5; Figure S14). When analysing functional role, we found that again specialist predators and omnivores plotted separately, with phytophagivores also plotting out distinctly; while lignicolous and ground-nesting ants were most distinct; and arboreal, epigaeic and leaf litter-foraging ants all partially plotted in distinct ecomorphospaces. Similar to the PCAs and PCoAs, we recover a high-density area of ecomorphospace overlap, with some ecomorphospaces radiating out into unique topography.

Details are in the caption following the image
Ecomorphospace of niche aspects using dimension reduction and machine learning classification methods. Left) t-SNE plots; Right) LDA. (a & b) functional role, (c & d) foraging niche and (e & f) nesting niche. All taxa represented by raw trait measurements; size-corrected ratio measurement results in Figures S14a–c and S15a–c. Summary statistics in Tables S10–S12

Across ecological niche aspects, the most predictive traits for ecological niches are scape, metafemur and mandible proportions, eye position and raw trait measurements. Traits that did not strongly contribute to the major linear discriminants include overall head shape and mesosomal measurements, suggesting that these have a lower predictive value for discerning ecological niche categories. Generally, the first linear discriminant comprised 40%–55% of the total variance, with the second linear discriminant comprising 20%–35% of the variance, regardless of whether raw or size-corrected ratio measurements were considered (Tables S10–S17).

We used the posterior probabilities of the linear discriminant analyses for each ecological niche aspect to evaluate how accurately LDA models separated specimens into their known binnings. The results were variable (Table S18): overall the linear discriminant analyses predicted foraging niche and nesting niche from morphology with moderate accuracy when using the raw and size-corrected ratio measurement datasets. Functional role was poorly predicted, typically with only ~50% accuracy. Ecomorph syndrome predictions were variable depending on whether we used raw or size-corrected measurements: ecomorphs were predicted with moderate accuracy (70.83%) using raw measurements, but poorly (56.25%) using size-corrected ratios. When using datasets comprised of only PGLS-selected traits (traits shown to be significantly different between binnings even after accounting for shared ancestry), accuracy typically decreased, though this was contingent on niche aspect; for example, all traits were PGLS-selected for foraging and nesting niche.

3.3 Quantitatively predicting ecological niche from morphology

Random Forest analyses produced a range of accuracies, though consistently much higher than linear discriminant analyses. Both raw and size-corrected measurements predicted niche aspects and ecomorph syndrome with moderate to good accuracy, with out-of-bag (OOB) accuracy estimates from 77% to 85% (Table 2). Nesting niche and foraging niche were consistently predicted with greater accuracy than functional role or ecomorph syndrome, though these were not poorly predicted as with the LDAs. Again, functional role was most poorly predicted out of all niche aspects. There was no clear difference between the raw and size-corrected measurement datasets in terms of which dataset predicted niche aspects most accurately; this was variable from niche aspect to niche aspect, and differed in only a few percentage points. However, when using the PGLS-selected dataset—our most conservative set of traits—prediction accuracy rates typically decreased slightly (Table S19).

TABLE 2. Classification accuracy of Random Forest based on out-of-bag (OOB) error rates. Models were optimized using both the raw morphological trait measurement dataset and the size-corrected ratio measurement dataset for each niche aspect and ecomorph syndrome. Classification accuracy for Random Forest models using only PGLS-selected traits in Table S19
Functional role Nesting niche Foraging niche Ecomorph
Raw measurements 79.43% 85.27% 82.14% 78.16%
Size-corrected ratios 77.51% 83.48% 84.38% 78.1%

When visualizing the posterior probabilities of model classification using our t-SNE plots, we found that most binnings and ecomorph syndromes were well-separated, indicating that our Random Forest models performed well in discretely separating our binnings (Figures 4 and 5; Figure S15). In general, the greatest degree of overlap was typically seen in ecomorph syndromes, where leaf litter-nesting and foraging omnivores would cluster near ground/leaf litter-nesting epigaeic omnivores, and leaf litter-nesting epigaeic predators would cluster with ground-nesting epigaeic predators. This may reflect similar morphology adapted to overlapping nesting and foraging strata, with similar feeding mechanisms.

When using raw measurements, overall, the niche aspect models most frequently confused carton-nesting species with other binnings, particularly with ground-nesting species; fungivores with other binnings; and arboreal foragers with epigaeic foragers. The ecomorph syndrome model most frequently confused subterranean predators with column-raiding predators, leaf-litter omnivores with epigaeic ground-nesting omnivores; and carton-nesting arboreal omnivores with epigaeic ground-nesting omnivores. When using size-corrected ratio measurements, the niche aspect models most often confused leaf litter-nesters for ground-nesters; leaf litter foragers for epigaeic foragers; and granivores with other binnings. In terms of the ecomorph syndromes, model confusion was similar to models trained on raw measurements. These errors likely reflect similar morphologies for similar life habits, a flexibility in some life habits or minimal data for some groups—in binnings with fewer representative species, it was more difficult for the model to be trained sufficiently.

Restricting the number of terminal nodes indicated that the model was not highly overfitted (Figure S16). We tested this using the raw morphological trait measurement dataset predicting ecomorph syndromes. When restricted to only 20 terminal nodes, the model's accuracy was 64.08%, which is approximately 15% below maximum accuracy. The model approached maximum predictive accuracy extremely rapidly; at 50 terminal nodes it was only slightly below maximum accuracy, and it converged on maximum accuracy around 100 nodes. This prediction accuracy despite a highly constrained number of predictive pathways indicates a strong correlation between our sampled morphological traits and ecomorph syndromes.

Our Random Forest analysis identified several key traits as the strongest predictors of ecological niche; fundamental divisions in the classification system were based on these traits (Figure 3d–g; Figures S17 and S18). For nesting niche, the strongest predictors were eye, scape, procoxa and metafemur morphology both for raw measurements and size-corrected ratio data. Traits that were the strongest predictors of foraging niche were eyes, scapes, metafemura (again raw length and proportionate length) and thoracic shape. The strongest predictors of functional role were eyes, scapes, mandibles and metafemura (again raw length and proportionate length). In congruence with some LDA results, we found that traits such as mesosomal shape, pronotal shape and head shape typically had little contribution to the model for discerning ecological binnings, and other traits, such as eye position and body size had variable contributions depending on the ecological niche aspect being examined.


4.1 Functional morphology and ant ecomorphs

These are, in fact, the most slender of ants and anyone who has seen colonies of them filling narrow twigs and stems like so many sardines packed in a box, will be sure to regard the lengthening of the body as an adaptation to life in small tubular cavities. (Wheeler, 1910)

There are several morphological traits that we find to be indisputably linked to ecology. Many of these have been identified through other comparative approaches, which informed our own sampling (Gibb et al., 2015; Guilherme et al., 2019; Kaspari & Weiser, 1999; Parr et al., 2003; Weiser & Kaspari, 2006; Yates & Andrew, 2011; Yates et al., 2014). We build upon these previous key findings through multivariate analysis, which explicitly incorporates combinations of these traits to provide an integrative view of overall morphology as it relates to ecology. Collectively, these results quantitatively describe patterns in ant evolution that have been described by taxonomists and ecologists for well over a century (e.g. Wheeler, 1910). Our results recover suites of traits that are linked to ecology, define simplified ecomorph syndromes and provide relative assessment of individual trait relevance.

Arboreal ants, particularly lignicolous nesters, are typified by larger eyes, shorter and stubbier appendages (procoxae, scapes, etc.) and flatter, broader mesosomas. This is likely reflective of nesting in small cavities within trees and shrubs, and the advantage of being more appressed to foraging substrate. An exemplar is Melissotarsus, which cannot walk on flat surfaces outside of the wooden tunnels in which it lives (Khalife et al., 2018). Leaf litter ants are similar in these traits—their scapes and legs are shorter and their mesosomas more compact—but their eyes are usually small, given that their habitat is dark interstitial spaces on the forest floor.

Conversely, epigaeic ground-nesting ants tend to be greater in size and longer-legged, with larger eyes. With less complex foraging surfaces (Kaspari & Weiser, 1999), there is likely a selective pressure for faster-moving ants to improve rates of resource acquisition and predator avoidance. Here, Cataglyphis is an archetype with elongated legs and eyes in the context of its niche as an obligate epigaeic forager in the Saharan desert (Wehner, 1983). Some ecomorphs are an amalgamation of conflicting traits: column-raiding predators may occupy both subterranean as well as epigaeic habitats and so can be long-legged and elongated relative to ants that nest in complex interstitial spaces. However, the reduction in eyes and typically shortened scapes are consistent with subterranean nesting. We find that predators trend towards longer and flatter mandibles, and omnivores towards shorter, curved mandibles. Prey capture may be easier with larger stouter mandibles, while shorter curved mandibles may be adapted to the acquisition and manipulation of diverse food items, from seeds to honeydew.

When considering global ant morphology in the context of ecology, we are able to make relative comparisons of ecomorphological proximity. Proximate ecomorphospace indicates similarity in morphology, while overlap reveals trait morphology that is applicable to multiple ecologies. Across our analyses, we find that ecomorphospaces overlap in a core region, where a large proportion of species are clustered. These ants reflect a generalized platonic ant morphology, where they are not strongly morphologically specialized relative to other taxa. The species occupying this common space are often omnivorous, ground-nesting and epigaeic, suggesting that these niche binnings are associated with more generalized morphology.

Some ecologies straddle both this common space as well as unique topography, while others occupy primarily unique morphospace. Species that occupy distinct morphospace display a suite of traits that are strongly correlated with niche binning, such as Pseudomyrmex (lignicolous nesting, arboreal foraging omnivore), Liometopum (carton-nesting arboreal foraging omnivore) and Strumigenys (leaf litter nesting and foraging predator) species.

We find that multidimensionality greatly aids in the characterization of ecomorphs. Species displaying shorter and stubbier appendages could be arboreal, leaf litter or subterranean dwelling. It is only after we incorporate other traits, such as eye size and mesosomal shape, that we can more accurately predict its likely ecological niche. Collapsed or summarized ecomorph syndromes improve prediction by simultaneously considering multiple ecological niche aspects and accommodating some plasticity. Ecomorphs are often defined by integration of traits moreso than individual measurements; for example, when using random forest analysis to predict only nesting niche, carton-nesters are often inaccurately classified as other niche binnings, and in dimension reduction analyses carton-nesters typically plot in a generalized platonic ecomorphospace. However, when the integrated ecomorph of the carton-nesting arboreal foraging omnivore is considered, species are consistently predicted accurately.

Our collapsed ecomorphs are convergently evolved in ants. Each of our 10 sampled ecomorph syndromes span multiple phylogenetic origins (Figure 6). Ecomorphs are typified by whole-body convergent morphology: arboreal dorylines strongly resemble arboreal pseudomyrmicines despite being separated by ~100 million years (Borowiec et al., 2019). Morphological convergence on shared ecomorphs between phylogenetically disparate taxa suggests predictability in the evolution of these ecomorphs and convergent selective pressures (Mahler et al., 2013). This predictability reinforces findings of repeated evolution of ecomorphs across lineages, where taxa evolve a suite of specific traits to occupy available niches (Cooper & Westneat, 2009; Gillespie et al., 2018). Moreover, our analyses and previous assessments of trait variance in a phylogenetic context indicate that morphological similarity within niche binnings is not the result of shared ancestry (Figure 3).

Details are in the caption following the image
Ecological and phylogenetic distribution of ant ecomorphs. (a) Schematic of niche occupation among ant ecomorphs (P: predatory, O: omnivory). Exemplar taxa in counterclockwise order: Simopone (pink); Azteca; Strumigenys; Odontomachus; Camponotus; Leptanilla; Aneuretus; Neivamyrmex; Leptogenys; Pseudomyrmex. Colours correspond with ecomorph syndromes denoted in Figure 4. (b) Phylogenetic distribution of 90 sampled genera and associated ecomorphs, relationships from Blanchard and Moreau (2017); taxa noted in dataset available on Dryad, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.kh1893243

4.2 Predicting ecological niche from morphology

We find that ecological niche aspects or ecomorphs can be predicted from morphology with 77%–85% accuracy, contingent on raw measurement or size-corrected ratio input data. This accuracy is comparable to other studies incorporating RF analysis (Pigot et al., 2020; Rojas et al., 2012; Rossel & Arbizu, 2018). Even as our number of binnings ranges between four (foraging niche) and ten (ecomorph), we recover high predictive accuracy for all our models, which suggests a high degree of trait similarity within ecological binnings. Importantly, RF prediction incorporates nonlinear relationships of traits, which improves accuracy relative to techniques limited to linear relationships such as LDA (Breiman, 2001; Pigot et al., 2020). The predictive power of RF illustrates the strong correlation between organism-wide morphology and ecology.

While there is a core group of morphological traits that our models found were most important in classifying various binnings and syndromes, there were some distinct differences between niche aspects. Consistently, raw eye size and eye size in relation to body size were most important across all niche aspects and ecomorph syndromes: this reflects the extreme consistency of eye size within binnings, with subterranean ants bearing minute eyes or entirely eyeless; leaf litter ants with smaller eyes; epigaeic ants with moderately sized to large eyes, and arboreal ants with extremely large eyes. The importance of eye size is reflected even in functional role classification, perhaps reflecting correlation between certain feeding habits and foraging or nesting microhabitats. Models ranked mandible size in relation to body size and raw mandible size as a highly important variable in functional role binning predictions, possibly reflecting the importance of mandibles in feeding habits. Leg (procoxa and metafemur) length and scape length were consistently important in all niche aspect binning classification, reflecting the importance of appendage size in nesting microhabitat and foraging in interstitial spaces especially.

Model misclassification is also informative; our models typically misclassify niches that exhibit some degree of morphological overlap or ecological plasticity. One of the most frequently misclassified ecomorphs is the subterranean predator ecomorph, often misclassified as a column-raiding predator. Column-raiding predators have a mixed nesting niche where they will occasionally make temporary subterranean nests, in between periods of nomadism where they form bivouacs for nesting (Borowiec, 2016). Morphological adaptations that are implicated in column-raiding could also relate to subterranean-nesting—column-raiders are typically highly dependent on chemical foraging trails and are often eyeless or bear minute eyes, another feature of subterranean dwellers.

Our models also generate misclassifications between species that forage and nest variably in epigaeic surficial and leaf litter habitats. This may be a result of plasticity in nesting strata: some species may nest in leaf litter structures, such as logs, and also construct ground nests. Indeed, these plastic ecologies may reflect the same pattern as overlapping ecomorphospaces plotted by our LDAs. A ‘platonic ecomorph’ will bear more generalized traits, and therefore is less easily classified using machine learning.

4.3 A pipeline for predictive ecomorphological modelling

We include in our Supporting Information both an expandable morphometric dataset and template code to provide a pipeline for future ecomorphological modelling. For any specimen databank, workers can be measured according to traits sampled here. The predictive ecomorphological model is then trained on this expanded dataset, and can be used to evaluate hypotheses related to ecological diversity. We include both LDA model code and Random Forest model code, though Random Forest typically generates a higher predictive accuracy.

Increased taxonomic sampling in future datasets will further illuminate links between form and function in ants. Moreover, future intraspecific sampling of distinct castes may reveal more complex trends related to the capacity for lineages to become ecologically specialized. Here, we provide two options for predicting the ecomorph of a worker: a simplified set of ecomorph syndromes, or for more granular analysis, classification of worker functional role, foraging niche and nesting niche. Additionally, new ecological dimensions may be incorporated including alternative ecomorph syndromes, abiotic features or ethology.


We thank Christine Johnson and Christine Lebeau as well as Morgan Hill and Andrew Smith for facilitating access to specimens and imaging equipment, respectively, at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH); Stefan Cover and David Lubertazzi for specimen access and hospitality at the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ); Eugenia Okonski and Ted Schultz for their hospitality and flexibility in providing specimen access at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (NMNH). We also thank Simon Garnier for thoughtful discussion on statistical approaches and Ian Hays for providing illustrations that contributed to figure preparation. A portion of this work was funded by an Arthur James Boucot Research Grant from the Paleontological Society and startup funds from the New Jersey Institute of Technology.


    C.E.S. and P.B. conceived the ideas and designed methodology, analysed the data, drafted the manuscript; C.E.S. collected the data. Both authors contributed critically to the drafts and gave final approval for publication.


    All data are available on the Dryad Digital Repository https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.kh1893243 (Sosiak & Barden, 2020); and R code necessary for the reproduction of analyses are provided in the Supporting Information accompanying this manuscript.