Volume 21, Issue 1 p. 41-49
Free Access

Differences in the dry-mass cost of sapling vertical growth among 56 woody species co-occurring in a Bornean tropical rain forest



Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Hirano 509-3, Otsu, 520-2113, Japan; Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Aoba 6-3, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8578, Japan

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Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Hirano 509-3, Otsu, 520-2113, Japan; Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Aoba 6-3, Aramaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8578, Japan

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First published: 27 November 2006
Citations: 12
Masahiro Aiba, Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, Hirano 509-3, Otsu, 520-2113, Japan. E-mail: [email protected]


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    Above-ground structure was analysed in saplings of 56 sympatric species in a Bornean rain forest with consideration of the phylogenetic background to elucidate interspecific variation in the dry-mass cost and its ecological consequences.

  • 2

    The extension cost (total above-ground mass) in 1·5-m tall saplings varied eightfold among the 56 species. However, no significant differences in extension cost were observed among saplings of three crown types (branched, monoaxial simple-leaved, and monoaxial compound-leaved), although the monoaxial crown type has been considered an adaptation for achieving rapid height growth. The lack of differences arose because the advantages of monoaxial saplings in structural cost for displaying a given leaf area were unexpectedly small.

  • 3

    Understory species had a significantly higher extension cost than canopy species because of their thicker, and consequently, heavier trunks. This trend was common to the three crown types; thus, the higher extension cost was not caused by the prevalence of a specific crown type in understory species.

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    For all 56 species combined, the trade-off between height growth efficiency and light-interception-enhancing morphology was prominent. This structural trade-off, which makes efficient vertical growth incompatible with survival in the understory, potentially enables the stable coexistence of these species in a temporally heterogeneous light environment.


Height growth rate, which is determined by plant architecture and net production rate, is a critical determinant of competitive success in young forest trees because of the steep vertical gradient in light with canopy depth (Yoda 1974) and asymmetric competition for light (tall plants shade short plants, but not vice versa; Givnish 1982; Falster & Westoby 2003). Thus, to gain an advantage in the competition for light, saplings growing in shade should be shaped to achieve a maximum vertical growth rate per unit dry mass. However, sapling extension costs (dry mass per unit height) vary considerably, even among shade-tolerant species (Poorter & Werger 1999). This may be explained as follows; structural traits that promote height growth, such as thinner stems, lower wood density, lower leaf area/mass, lower allocation to lateral growth, and the resultant smaller crowns, all have disadvantages for performance and/or survival under shaded conditions. Accordingly, if selection pressures for survival counteract those for vertical growth, evolutionary pressures will promote high costs of extension growth in some species (Kohyama 1987; King 1990).

Based on this general principle, two ecological processes have been considered responsible for the variability in extension costs among species. One process is the adaptation to temporal heterogeneity in the light environment (Kohyama 1987). The improvement of light availability after gap formation provides a valuable opportunity for establishment (e.g. Clark & Clark 1992), especially for taller species. However, gap formation is highly unpredictable, and saplings are faced with a choice: to be ‘optimistic’, i.e. to grow faster (with a concomitant higher risk of mortality) and outcompete other individuals following gap creation, or to be ‘pessimistic’, i.e. to grow slower (with a higher survival rate at the cost of height growth), operating on the premise that shaded conditions will persist for long periods or permanently (Kohyama 1987). This strategic trade-off has mainly been considered in the context of contrasting crown types among plants on the shaded forest floor, i.e. monoaxial vs. branched crowns (Coomes & Grubb 1998; Yamada, Yamakura & Lee 2000; Yamada, Ngakan & Suzuki 2005). Monoaxial saplings generally bear large, and often compound leaves (King 1998) that may function as ‘expendable branches’, whose construction cost is lower than that of genuine branches (Givnish 1978). Thus, monoaxial saplings can have a light-weight crown with low extension cost, concordant with the optimistic strategy. In contrast, branched saplings may be able to intercept light effectively using a crown that is less self-shaded and/or leafier (Horn 1971; Kohyama 1991; cf. Valladares, Skillman & Pearcy 2002), concordant with the pessimistic strategy. In a temporally unpredictable light environment, sapling structural variation among species may contribute to their stable coexistence. Indeed, in some cases, such differences in crown architecture are essential for stable coexistence (Yamada et al. 2000, 2005; Mori & Takeda 2004).

The other process related to the variability in extension cost among species is the adaptation to different vertical strata within the forest, with consequent life-history differences (King 1990, 1996; Aiba & Kohyama 1997; Kohyama et al. 2003; Poorter et al. 2003). Whereas understory species are capable of reproduction on the shaded forest floor, canopy species initiate reproduction only after they reach the subcanopy or canopy layer (Thomas 1996b). As a result, the traits essential for successful regeneration are efficient height growth in overstory species, but high current assimilation and survival in understory species (Kohyama et al. 2003). Understory species have larger crown area/mass (King 1990, 1996; Aiba & Kohyama 1997), leaf area (King 1990) and thicker trunks (King 1990; Aiba & Kohyama 1997; Kohyama et al. 2003; Poorter et al. 2003) than taller species, in general accordance with this hypothesis.

However, such considerations relating architectural diversity to species richness in the forest lack generality because relatively few species have been compared (although intensive studies of tree form in larger juveniles have been reported; Thomas 1996a; Kohyama et al. 2003; Poorter et al. 2003) and phylogenetic constraints in the relationship have rarely been considered (cf. Ackerly & Donoghue 1998). Small data sets also prevent quantitative analysis. For example, no studies have quantitatively evaluated the advantageous use of biomass in the presentation of a given leaf area in monoaxial saplings.

Therefore, we compared sapling structure among 56 woody species occurring sympatrically in a Bornean rain forest, with reference to molecular phylogeny, in order to address the following three questions: (1) does monoaxial construction decrease extension costs and to what extent? (2) do saplings with greater maximum height have consistently lower extension costs than shorter species? and (3) can interspecific variation in sapling extension cost offer a functional trade-off, potentially allowing the stable coexistence of tree species?

Materials and methods

study site and species

The study was conducted at Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia (4°2′ N, 113°50′ E; 150 m a.s.l). Consistently high temperatures, with no distinct dry season, characterize the climate of this region. The mean annual temperature and annual precipitation were 26 °C and 2700 mm, respectively. The 6949-ha park was covered by primary lowland mixed dipterocarp forest on nutrient-poor sandy clay or clay-rich soils. Dipterocarpaceae dominated the canopy and emergent layers; Euphorbiaceae, Burseraceae and Myristicaceae dominated the lower layers.

Over a 2-week census period in December 2005, we collected three saplings (1·5 ± 0·2 m tall) of as many species as possible growing under closed canopy. In this site, the light environment is relatively homogeneous as far as the canopy is closed (c. 6% of the light in open sites; Aiba & Nakashizuka 2005; also see Delissio & Primack 2003). Individuals suffering severe herbivory or with evidence of regrowth after stem breakage were rejected. Species with arching or multiple stems were excluded because they would have severely complicated the analysis. Thus, we collected specimens of 16 branched overstory species, 13 monoaxial simple-leaved overstory species, 15 monoaxial compound-leaved overstory species, three branched understory species, six monoaxial simple-leaved understory species and three monoaxial compound-leaved understory species. All of the branched saplings were simple-leaved because we found none with compound leaves within the specified size range.

We defined understory species as those < 15 m in maximum height, whereas overstory species were ≥ 15 m in height at maturity. Maximum heights were obtained from published records (Whitmore 1972; Soepadmo & Wong 1995). For a few species with no published information on maximum height, we used the typical adult height at the study site. For details of the species, see supplementary data.

measurement of sapling structural traits

After measuring the height, crown width in two directions at 90° to one another (including the greatest width), and diameter at ground height in two directions at 90° to one another, we harvested the above-ground plant material. The saplings were then divided into leaves, support tissues (branches, petioles and rachises) and trunk. All plant material were weighed (after being oven-dried at 60 °C for at least 7 days) to obtain trunk dry mass (MT), leaf dry mass (ML) and support tissue dry mass (MS). The total above-ground dry mass (MW) was the sum of MT, ML and MS, and crown mass (MC) was the sum of ML and MS. Some typical sized and fully expanded, but not senescent, leaves (2–26, depending on the leaf size) were dried separately after digitally scanned to calculate individual leaf area (AIL) and specific leaf area (SLA). Scanned images were processed using the software package LIA32 (ver. 0·376β1, K. Yamamoto), and SLA was calculated from the area and mass. We estimated the total leaf area (AL) of each sapling by multiplying ML by SLA. The projected crown area (AC) was approximated as an ellipse. The trunk diameters measured from two angles at ground level were geometrically averaged (D). Leaf area index (LAI) and wood density index (WDI) were defined as AL/AC and ML/trunk volume approximated as a cone, respectively. All parameters, definitions and units are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. List of abbreviations, definitions and units of all traits analysed
Abbreviation Definition Unit
MW Whole above-ground dry mass. ML + MT + MS g
ML Leaf dry mass g
MT Trunk dry mass g
MS Support tissue dry mass. Support tissue includes branches, petioles and rachises g
MC Crown dry mass. ML + MS g
AL Total leaf area calculated as ML × SLA m2
AC Crown projection area approximated as an ellipse m2
AIL Individual leaf area cm2
D Diameter at ground height mm
SLA Specific leaf area. The leaf area divided by the dry mass for some typical leaves. cm2 g−1
LAI Leaf area index. AL divided by AC
WDI Wood density index. MT divided by the trunk volume approximated as a corn g cm−3

We considered MW, the total current above-ground dry mass of 1·5-m tall saplings, the extension cost. A limitation of this definition was that biomass lost with leaf and branch turnover, was not included. For the saplings of 31 dipterocarp species analysed in a separate study, the lost biomass of saplings 1·3–1·5 m tall was estimated as up to 62% of the current biomass and < 20% for most species (Aiba, unpublished data). This value is relatively small compared with the eightfold variation in the MW of the 56 species (supplementary data). The potential effects of lost biomass on our results will be discussed below in more detail.

data analysis

Because of the careful selection process, plant heights were quite similar among species (1·51 ± 0·06 m, mean ± SD; cf. supplementary data). Therefore, it was not necessary to control for differences in the mean height of samples in the following analyses. Data were log10-transformed to normalize positively skewed distributions. The MS of the only unbranched sessile-leaved species, Agrostistachys longifolia (Euphorbiaceae), was assigned a value of 0·01, although it was actually 0.

We examined the relationship between structural traits and adult stature or crown type using two-way anova of both raw data (i.e. a cross-species analysis) and phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs; Felsenstein 1985) of the 12 structural traits. The two factors were adult stature (understory or overstory) and crown type (branched, monoaxial simple-leaved or monoaxial compound-leaved), and 12 dependent variables, i.e. structural traits, were described above. For the cross-species analysis, we calculated R2 values after separating the effect of species from the residuals to evaluate the extent of intraspecific variation.

anova of PICs was performed to examine the effects of phylogenetic constraints on the relationship between sapling structure and adult stature or crown type. We constructed a phylogeny for the 56 species (supplementary data) using the Web application Phylomatic (Webb & Donoghue 2005), and calculated PICs using the Web application COMPARE (Martins 2004). To assure the bifurcation of the phylogeny at all nodes, which is required for calculation of PICs, we arbitrarily resolved polytomies by the insertion of very short branches (Martins 2004). Categorical variables, i.e. adult stature and crown type, were transformed to dummy variables before the calculation of PICs.

Type II regression (using the standardized major axis method because variables X and Y in our analyses were subject to error; Sokal & Rohlf 1995) was used to examine interspecific relationships between AL and MS or MC in a comparison of dry-mass cost required to display a given leaf area for each of the three crown types. In this analysis, we did not separate understory from overstory species because no significant interactions were observed between adult stature and crown type for any of the structural traits (two-way anova; P > 0·05). Agrostistachys longifolia was excluded from this analysis because it lacked support tissue entirely and its inclusion produced highly skewed results. To compare relationships among the three crown types, we performed ancova-like analyses, followed by post hoc multiple comparisons of standardized major axis regressions. We used the (s)matr software package (version 1; Falster, Warton & Wright 2003).

Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to determine the dominant axes of structural trade-off among the 56 species. SLA, LAI and WDI were omitted from this analysis because they were secondary parameters calculated as ratios of other traits. All statistical analyses without standardized major axis regression and the calculation of PICs were performed using the software package R (version 2·01).


intergroup differences in extension cost and other structural traits

The MW of 1·5-m tall saplings, i.e. the extension cost, varied considerably among the 56 species (77 ± 40 g; cf. supplementary data). Swintonia acuta had the lowest extension cost and weighed 34 g at 1·5 m height. In contrast, Barringtonia dolicophylla had the most costly structure and weighed 274 g at 1·5 m height.

The amount of variance explained by our model, which included the effect of adult stature, crown type and species, was > 70% of the total variance for most structural traits, showing that intraspecific structural variation is relatively small compared with interspecific variation. No significant interactions were observed between adult stature and sapling crown type in cross-species comparisons (two-way anova; Table 2). In comparisons of the three crown types, no significant differences in extension cost were detected. Monoaxial simple-leaved saplings had significantly smaller MS than other saplings, but the difference did not result in a smaller MC. The ML of monoaxial simple-leaved saplings was significantly greater than that of monoaxial compound-leaved saplings. The AIL of monoaxial saplings was significantly greater than that of branched saplings. SLA and WDI were relatively small, and LAI and D tended to be large in monoaxial simple-leaved saplings compared with at least one other crown type.

Table 2. Summary of two-way anova, followed by multiple comparisons [Tukey honestly significant difference for the cross-species analysis and Bonferroni for the analysis of phylogenetically independent contrasts (PICs)] to test the effects of adult stature and crown type on sapling structural traits. F-values are provided for the main effects and interaction. The degrees of freedom for adult stature, crown type, and their interaction were 1, 2 and 2. The degrees of freedom for residuals was 50 for the cross-species analysis and 49 for the analysis of PICs. R2 values were calculated for the model in which the effect of species was nested. Bold values are significance at P < 0·05; *P < 0·05, **P < 0·01, ***P < 0·001. When significant differences were found among crown types, the results of multiple comparisons are also shown. B, S and C indicate branched, monoaxial simple-leaved, and monoaxial compound-leaved saplings, respectively. Effects sharing the same letter were not significantly different at P < 0·05. See Fig. 1 for the magnitude of each structural trait
Cross-species analysis Phylogenetically independent contrast
R 2 Adult stature Crown type Interaction Multiple comparison Adult stature Crown type Interaction Multiple comparison
MW 0·80 5·26 * 1·12 0·55 3·87 1·08 0·92
MT 0·80 8·56 ** 2·27 0·62 5·36 * 3·65 0·91
ML 0·76 0·96 3·69 * 0·94 ab a b 0·00 19·3 *** 0·39 a b ab
MS 0·87 1·67 10·8 *** 0·25 a b a 0·65 0·95 1·05
MC 0·74 0·63 1·54 0·71 0·74 0·58 1·23
AL 0·71 1·74 1·18 0·58 2·49 0·31 0·54
AC 0·71 0·25 1·08 0·49 2·11 4·49 * 5·96 ** a b ab
AIL 0·94 0·03 30·3 *** 0·70 a b b 0·49 39·6 *** 2·76 a b b
SLA 0·89 0·08 5·15 ** 1·44 ab a b 1·37 1·97 2·85
LAI 0·62 1·77 10·4 *** 0·53 a b a 0·10 16·4 *** 10·6 *** a b b
D 0·86 8·59 ** 3·63* 0·78 a b a 8·28 ** 3·13 4·85*
WDI 0·67 0·37 5·54 ** 0·33 ab a b 3·24 4·57 * 10·4 *** a ab b

Compared with overstory species, understory species had a significantly larger MW, MT and D (Table 2, Fig. 1). In contrast, no significant differences in other traits were observed, including all crown characteristics.

Details are in the caption following the image

Comparison of 12 structural traits between understory and overstory species and among three crown types. Box and whisker plots indicate the interquartile range and maximum and minimum values within 1·5 times the interquartile range, respectively. Outliers were plotted separately. Small diagrams and arrows indicate the means and standard deviations. anova was performed on log-transformed data, although raw data are shown.

The analysis of PICs generally agreed with the results from the cross-species analysis, although some effects that were significant in the cross-species analysis were not significant and some interactions became significant. Lineages that contained many understory species tended to have larger MT and D through evolutionary processes. Such lineages also had larger MW, but the effect was not significant. Lineages that contained many branched species had smaller ML, AIL, LAI and WDI, and larger AC than monoaxial lineages.

effects of crown type on dry-mass cost to display leaves

No significant differences were found among the regression slopes of the relationships between log AL and log MS calculated using the standardized major axis method (Table 3, Fig. 2a). The intercepts (after accepting the common slope) differed significantly among the three crown types, with the largest for branched saplings and the smallest for monoaxial simple-leaved saplings. When we evaluated the display cost by MC relationships, we found a significant difference among the slopes (Table 3). The slope for monoaxial simple-leaved saplings was significantly greater than that for branched saplings. As the order of the intercepts was opposite to that of the slopes, the three regression lines crossed, resulting in relatively small differences among the three regressions (Fig. 2b).

Table 3. Among-crown-type differences in the relationship between total leaf area AL and dry-mass cost as MS or MC, examined using standardized major axis regression followed by ancova-like tests. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were found among bold values. Post hoc multiple comparisons were performed for slopes and intercepts using the Bonferroni and Games–Howell methods, respectively. Values sharing the same letter were not significantly different at P < 0·05. Tests for differences in intercepts are not valid if the assumption of a common slope is rejected
Y–X Crown type n R 2 Slope Intercept Common slope Intercept for common slope
logMS–logAL Branched 19 0·628 1·14 1·468 1·647 a
Simple 18 0·621 1·92 1·357 1·423 1·079 b
Compound 18 0·789 1·39 1·497 1·517 c
logMC–logAL Branched 19 0·834 0·956 a 1·95
Simple 18 0·854 1·394 b 2·159
Compound 18 0·837 1·159 ab 2·015
Details are in the caption following the image

Dry-mass cost of displaying leaves (MS and MC) in relation to total leaf area AL (log scale). Relationship between (a) AL and MS, and (b) AL and MC. Regressions were calculated using the standardized major axis method.

ordination of the 56 species using their structural traits

The structural variation of the 56 species was determined using PCA. The first principal component explained 62% of the total variance and summarized a trade-off between vertical extension cost and light interception and/or mechanical resistance, showing strong negative correlations with MW, D, AL, MT, ML and AC (Fig. 3a). The second principal component explained 14% of the total variance and was positively correlated with MS, indicating that MS is independent of MW, unlike other traits. Sapling groups differing in adult stature or crown type were not separated along the first principal component (Fig. 3b). All groups showed similar variation along this axis, indicating that extension cost is independent of crown type. In contrast, the second principal component separated saplings into different crown types, indicating that the only structural difference among the crown types was MS.

Details are in the caption following the image

Summary of principal components analysis of the structural characteristics in saplings of 56 species. (a) Factor loadings for two major components. (b) Principal component scores of the 56 species for two major components.


sapling crown type and extension cost

Monoaxial saplings have been considered adapted to rapid height growth at the expense of lateral expansion, which enhances the survival capability under shaded conditions (Givnish 1978; Coomes & Grubb 1998; Yamada et al. 2005). Monoaxial saplings could undoubtedly achieve low extension costs if the dry-mass cost of leaf display using petioles or rachises was considerably smaller than that of leaf display using branches, and if the monoaxial characteristic was independent of other structural traits. However, our results indicate that these requirements are not satisfied, and consequently, no significant difference was detected in extension cost between monoaxial and branched saplings (Table 2, Fig. 1). Monoaxial simple-leaved saplings met neither requirement. Although these saplings required an MS smaller than that of branched saplings (by 4·5 g) to display an AL of 0·269 m2 (the grand mean AL for all 56 species), this advantage diminished to 1·9 g for MC (Type I regression, data not shown; cf. Fig. 2). This structural advantage is trivial compared with a mean MW of 77 g, and was likely not responsible for ecologically important differences in height growth rates. This was mainly attributable to the considerable leaf thickness in monoaxial simple-leaved saplings (Table 2, Fig. 1), which may be essential for the mechanical support of large leaves (Shipley 1995; Niinemets, Portsmuth & Tobias 2006). Thus, the thickening of leaves functions as a substitute for branches in monoaxial simple-leaved species, and the two methods of support do not differ significantly in dry-mass cost. In a comparative analysis of 44 herbs and woody seedlings in an Estonian deciduous forest, Niinemets et al. (2006) also reported a convergence of the leaf-display cost as a result of a trade-off between support tissue within leaves and branches. Furthermore, the monoaxial simple-leaved saplings had larger MT, ML and D, all of which increased the extension cost, compared with other types of saplings, although the reason for this is not clear. Altogether, the disadvantages of a heavier trunk and thicker leaves completely outweighed the limited advantage of leaf display, making the monoaxial simple-leaved sapling structure relatively inefficient for vertical growth compared with the other sapling types (Fig. 1).

The dry-mass cost of displaying a given leaf area in monoaxial compound-leaved saplings was not significantly different from that in branched saplings (Fig. 2), and the advantage in MS in displaying a leaf area of 0·269 m2 was only 1·4 g. Thus, rachises of compound leaves do not appear to be economically ‘expendable branches’, as predicted by Givnish (1978), and they have virtually no advantage over genuine branches in displaying leaves, at least for young individuals in shade.

Therefore, at least among juveniles of the size examined here and under shaded conditions, unbranched species are not economically advantageous in extension cost compared with branched species, and not necessarily inferior in their ability to intercept light. However, it could be that monoaxial species are superior to branched species in extension cost under sunny conditions as a result of structural plasticity. Monoaxial saplings may be opportunists, simply awaiting gap formation while growing slowly, as found by Coomes & Grubb (1998) for Amazonian tree species, rather than ‘optimists’ (sensu Kohyama 1987) that grow faster, even in shade, to gain a competitive advantage following gap formation in the near future.

adult stature and sapling extension cost

The MW, MT and D of 1·5 m tall understory trees were significantly greater than those of taller species (Table 2, Fig. 1), supporting previous reports. All of these trends were common to the three crown types, indicating that these differences are not related to the predominance of a certain crown type in understory species (Table 2). Thicker stems can provide mechanical resistance against disturbance caused by falling debris, which often causes heavy damage to small woody plants in the forest understory (King 1990; Poorter & Werger 1999). This would be especially advantageous for understory species, which complete their life cycle beneath the canopy.

However, we failed to find any significant differences between understory and overstory species in crown architecture characteristics related to light interception. This is a consistent observation in comparisons of young saplings (Kohyama & Hotta 1990; King 1996; Poorter & Werger 1999), although understory species often have a wider crown than overstory species in larger juveniles (Aiba & Kohyama 1997; Kohyama et al. 2003; Poorter et al. 2003). Therefore, at least for young saplings, resistance against physical disturbance, rather than the ability to intercept light, seems a likely explanation for the higher extension cost of shorter species.

The omission of lost biomass from the data is a limitation of this study. In young saplings whose branch systems are simple, the ratio of lost biomass to current biomass is largely determined by the ratio of the length of naked trunk (i.e. trunk without leaves and branches) to plant height. The length of naked trunk was significantly large in understory saplings compared with overstory saplings, and in monoaxial species compared with branched species (anova, P < 0·05; data not shown). Therefore, the inclusion of lost biomass is assumed to disproportionately increase the extension cost of understory saplings and monoaxial saplings. These conditions suggest that the major findings, i.e. no advantage of monoaxial saplings in extension cost and higher extension cost of understory species, are robust to the omission of lost biomass.

trade-off between vertical growth efficiency and ability to survive under shaded conditions

We did not find a trade-off between extension cost (MW) and crown characteristics that promote light interception (MC, AL and AC) among any of the pre-assigned categories, but the trade-off was evident when all species were considered together (Fig. 3). Species of the three crown types were equally variable in this trade-off (Fig. 3), indicating that the trade-off occurs within each crown type. This supports our basic finding that the regeneration strategy is independent of crown type.

Although previous studies have emphasized the importance of the distribution of biomass as a mechanism underpinning the functional trade-off between height growth and light interception (Kohyama 1987; King 1990), it was not extensive allocation to ML or MB, but rather, proportional increases in ML and MT, that were essential for the trade-off. Extension cost (MW) was virtually independent of the leaf mass ratio, trunk mass ratio, and support mass ratio (Pearson's correlation; R2 < 0·03). Although it has not been explicitly discussed (Kohyama 1987; King 1990; Kohyama & Hotta 1990), the previously noted interspecific variation in crown size and trunk thickness may also result from interspecific variation in total dry mass, rather than variation in biomass distribution.

What are the ecological consequences of this considerable variation in total dry mass among co-occurring tree species? We can suggest two contrasting predictions. If the variation in net production per individual or its allocation to aerial parts is much smaller than that in total above-ground mass, the height growth rate will generally follow the dry-mass cost. In this case, variation in above-ground mass must be a reflection of a strategic trade-off between future competition and current survival, as previous studies have postulated. With spatiotemporal heterogeneity in light availability, such differentiation in regeneration strategy would lead to the stable coexistence of these species. Otherwise, larger net production based on the larger leaf area/mass may completely compensate for the disadvantage in high extension cost, and therefore, height growth rate may be independent of sapling structure (Cho et al. 2005). In this case, the reason for variation in extension cost could be much simpler: the variation is functionally neutral with respect to height growth rate. Further studies involving comparative analyses of both net production rate and height growth rate are necessary to test these alternatives and to fully understand the relationship between variation in extension cost and species coexistence.


We thank two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. This study was partly supported by a Research Institute for Humanity and Nature project (P2-2) and a grant for Biodiversity Research from the 21st Century COE (A14).