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First published online September 25, 2021

#MeToo on the Canadian Prairies: Raising Awareness of Sexual Assaults and Mental Health in Women Abused by Intimate Partners


Studies of intimate partner sexual assault (IPSA) and its effects on mental health are limited. This secondary data analysis examines IPSA, a history of child sexual abuse, depression, trauma, mental distress and quality of life in 665 Canadian women, 41% of whom had been sexually assaulted by intimate partners; 53% were sexually abused as children. Women who had experienced any IPSA had significantly higher scores on all Composite Abuse subscales (IPV), mental distress (SCL-10), and depression (CES-D-10). PTSD (PCL) was higher for women with both IPSA and CSA histories. Implications for advocates, clinicians, and researchers are presented.

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Leslie M. Tutty, PhD, is professor emerita with the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary where she has taught courses in clinical social work methods and research. Over the past 30 years, her research has focused on policies, prevention programs, and services for intimate partner violence and child abuse including evaluations of shelters and support groups for abused women, treatment for adult and child victims of sexual abuse, and groups for men who abuse their partners.
Kendra L. Nixon, PhD, is an associate professor in the Faculty of Social Work, University of Manitoba. Her research interests include violence against women; mothering in the context of intimate partner violence; children's exposure to intimate partner violence; social and family policy, child protection; and feminist social work. She is currently the Director of the RESOLVE research network across the Canadian prairie provinces.

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Article first published online: September 25, 2021
Issue published: May 2022


  1. intimate partner sexual violence
  2. sexual assault
  3. child sexual abuse
  4. violence against women
  5. mental health

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PubMed: 34565240



Kendra L. Nixon
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Leslie M. Tutty, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, MT 301, 2500 University Drive NW, Calgary, AB T2N1N4, Canada. Email: [email protected]

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