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First published online May 12, 2015

The Incremental Validity of Narrative Identity in Predicting Well-Being: A Review of the Field and Recommendations for the Future


Grounded in four theoretical positions—structural, cognitive, phenomenological, and ethical—the present review demonstrates the empirical evidence for the incremental validity of narrative identity as a cross-sectional indicator and prospective predictor of well-being, compared with other individual difference and situational variables. In doing so, we develop an organizational framework of four categories of narrative variables: (a) motivational themes, (b) affective themes, (c) themes of integrative meaning, and (d) structural elements. Using this framework, we detail empirical evidence supporting the incremental association between narrative identity and well-being, a case that is strongest for motivational, affective, and integrative meaning themes. These categories of themes serve as vital complimentary correlates and predictors of well-being, alongside commonly assessed variables such as dispositional personality traits. We then use the theoretically grounded review of the empirical literature to develop concrete areas of future research for the field.

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Article first published online: May 12, 2015
Issue published: May 2016


  1. narrative identity
  2. well-being
  3. personality structure
  4. incremental validity

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PubMed: 25968138



Jonathan M. Adler
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, Needham, MA, USA
Jennifer Lodi-Smith
Canisius College, Buffalo, NY, USA
Frederick L. Philippe
University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
Iliane Houle
University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada


Jonathan M. Adler, Olin College of Engineering, Olin Way, MH 368, Needham, MA 02492, USA. Email: [email protected]

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