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First published online August 11, 2022

Empirically Derived Psychological Profiles of College Students: Differential Associations With COVID-19 Impact and Social Adjustment


Using latent profile analysis, we derived psychological profiles of undergraduates during the pandemic and investigated profiles’ differential associations with COVID-19 impact and social adjustment. Participants (N = 517) completed measures of depression, loneliness, and anxiety, and two indices of social adjustment: friendship support and social connectedness. We identified Severe, Moderate, and Mild symptom profiles. Higher COVID-19 impact was associated with increased odds of belonging to the Severe versus Moderate and Mild profiles, and the Moderate versus Mild profile. On social adjustment, the Mild profile outscored the Moderate profile, which outscored the Severe profile. Overall, findings imply that individuals who perceive high levels of COVID-19 impact are especially likely to belong to a profile characterized by severe psychological symptoms and that membership in this profile is associated with social maladjustment.

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Article first published online: August 11, 2022
Issue published: October 2022


  1. psychological adjustment
  2. social adjustment
  3. college
  4. COVID-19
  5. latent profile analysis

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PubMed: 38603217



Karen P. Kochel
Department of Psychology, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, USA
Catherine L. Bagwell
Department of Psychology, Oxford College of Emory University, Oxford, GA, USA
Ross W. Abrash
Department of Psychology, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA, USA


Karen P. Kochel, Department of Psychology, University of Richmond, 114 UR Drive, Richmond, VA 23173, USA. Email: [email protected]

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