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Research article
First published online September 1, 2022

Psychological Distress Across Adulthood: Equating Scales in Three British Birth Cohorts


Valid and reliable life-course and cross-cohort comparisons of psychological distress are limited by differences in measures used. We aimed to examine adulthood distribution of symptoms and cross-cohort trends by equating the scales of psychological-distress measures administered in the 1946, 1958, and 1970 British birth cohorts. We used data from these three birth cohorts (N = 32,242) and an independently recruited calibration sample (n = 5,800) to inform the equating of scales. We used two approaches to equating scales (equipercentile linking and multiple imputation) and two index measures (General Health Questionnaire-12 and Malaise-9) to compare means, distributions, and prevalence of distress across adulthood. Although we consistently observed an inverse U shape of distress across adulthood, we also observed measure and method differences in point estimates, particularly for cross-cohort comparisons. Sensitivity analysis suggested that multiple imputation yielded more accurate estimates than equipercentile linking. Although we observed an inverse-U-shaped trajectory of psychological distress across adulthood, differences in point estimates between measures and methods did not allow for clear conclusions regarding between-cohorts trends.
Despite the fact that common mental disorders are a leading cause of disease burden (Whiteford et al., 2013)—one in six adults in England met the threshold for a clinical diagnosis in 2014 (McManus et al., 2016)—the ability to assess psychological distress reliably across time, person, and place is limited. Limitations to comparability result from a lack of “gold standard” measure and the plethora of instruments used and from differences in mode of administration and response options.

A Life-Course Perspective

Psychological distress is a non–disorder-based mental-health outcome that includes symptoms of common mental-health difficulties such as depression and anxiety. Life-course comparisons of psychological distress are crucial to understanding the distribution and determinants of and pathways to distress both within individuals and populations. In particular, the understanding of age-specific changes in the distribution of such distress, risk factors, and etiological mechanisms provides opportunities for targeted clinical and public-health interventions at the appropriate time point in the life course (Gondek et al., 2022).
Despite measurement limitations, there appears to be a degree of consensus on the expected life-course distribution of psychological distress. In adulthood, the distribution of psychological distress is expected to follow an inverse-U shape in which symptoms increase from early adulthood to midlife and then decrease from midlife to old age (Bell, 2014; Gondek et al., 2020; Spiers et al., 2012). Nonetheless, there is some evidence for other life-course distributions, including an increase in distress in people older than 75 (Jokela et al., 2013). The limitations of relying on cross-sectional data across ages to determine the life-course shape of psychological distress are well recognized and consist mainly of conflating of age and cohort effects (Blanchflower & Oswald, 2000; Spiers et al., 2012; Thomson & Katikireddi, 2018). One of the limitations to drawing stronger conclusions about the adulthood trajectory of symptoms in longitudinal data has been the use of different measures across time within the same population-based cohort studies. For example, in the 1946 birth cohort, the Present State Examination (PSE) was used at age 36, the Psychiatric Symptom Frequency (PSF) scale was used at age 43, and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) was used at ages 53, 63, and 69.

Cross-Cohort Comparisons

Another area of great interest to population-mental-health researchers has been generational trends or cohort effects. Mapping such cohort effects aids prediction of population trends in health-care usage and the social and wider burden of disease that results from changes in population prevalence. If cohort differences are observed, it is important to understand the drivers of these to reduce negative impacts or enhance positive impacts.
When one tries to draw cross-cohort comparisons (Do recent generations experience higher or lower levels of psychological distress than older generations?), similar problems around measurement arise—comparisons are limited by different cohorts using disparate measures. On the rare occasion that identical measures have been used to compare cohorts and measurement equivalence has been formally established, there is some evidence that midlife psychological distress is higher in more recent mid-20th-century cohorts (Ploubidis et al., 2017). However, other studies based on creating pseudocohorts from repeated cross-sectional data suggest different distributions, including either more recent cohorts experiencing lower psychological distress (Thomson & Katikireddi, 2018) or U-shaped cohort effects with psychological distress highest in the oldest and most recently born cohorts in the United States (Keyes et al., 2014). To make reasonable comparisons across different life stages in which measures might not be consistent, understanding how scales compare and can be compared is an important prerequisite.
In addition to life-course and cross-cohort comparisons, there are several other uses when scales can be adequately equated. In mental-health science, the use of disparate scales, even to measure the same construct, is widespread (Santor et al., 2006). For instance, around 280 measures have been used over the past century to measure depression (Santor et al., 2006). Attempts to harmonize measures have taken several shapes (Farber et al., 2020), but all these approaches have their limitations, which constrains the widespread use of common measures. Even if prospective harmonization is successful, approaches to increase utility of historical data (retrospective harmonization) are still warranted. Most recently, there have been efforts from funders to mandate certain measures in all studies (Farber et al., 2020) to help create a “common language” across these and any other measure used. The success of this approach to a great extent relies on the possibility of equating the scales at a sufficient quality. In this light, it becomes even more important to examine and test different approaches to equating the scales and the conditions under which it might perform better or worse.

Approaches to Equating Scales

The effects of variations in measurements on resulting estimates of the distribution and above-threshold prevalence of psychological distress as described above remain poorly understood, and the empirical literature on equating scales of mental-health measures remains limited. Methods of equating tests or scales are more commonly used in the educational-measurement literature to allow for various versions of a test to be used interchangeably or permit making valid comparisons between them (Chen et al., 2009; The Council of Chief State School Officers, 2018). Recently, various methods of equating scales have been applied in the mental-health field in recognition of the great variety of instruments, response options, and assessment modes available to capture common psychological symptoms. For example, applying item response theory (IRT), studies have used general partial credit modeling (Fischer et al., 2011) and latent trait values and conversion tables (Fischer et al., 2012). Another study combined IRT-based approaches with equipercentile linking to cross-tabulate three legacy depression scales to a newly developed population-based depression metric (Choi et al., 2014). A further study in which researchers applied an equipercentile-linking approach used data from 14 clinical trials to map the most commonly used observer-rated and the most commonly used self-reported measure of depression onto each other (Furukawa et al., 2019).
To examine adolescent outcomes for children with mental-health problems across three cohorts, Sellers and colleagues (2019) employed a multiple-imputation approach using an externally recruited calibration sample, which involves imputing in the target scale for all participants using information from a sample that has both the target and original measure. A different approach that does not rely on external calibration samples compared subsets of harmonized items between scales, which limits analysis to the items or symptoms that are covered by all the scales being compared (e.g., an item on low mood; Gondek et al., 2020), Despite this recent interest in applying scale-equating methods to mental-health measures, little is known about the effects of using these and other different approaches on resulting population-level estimates of distributions and above-threshold prevalence of psychological distress because no article has previously compared different methods of equating scales.

The Present Study

The availability of three successive national longitudinal cohort studies with mental-health measures through adulthood (the 1946, 1958, and 1970 birth cohorts) makes possible the investigation of both life-course progression in the same individuals longitudinally and cross-cohort comparisons if measures can be successfully equated or harmonized. The aims of the present study were twofold: (a) to use two different scale-equating frameworks (equipercentile linking and multiple imputation) based on an external equating of scales sample (hereafter referred to as calibration) with two index measures (Malaise-9 and General Health Questionnaire [GHQ]–12) to equate all adult psychological distress measures in the three British birth cohorts and (b) to use the results of these different measures and methods to draw inferences on of the distribution and prevalence of psychological distress across adulthood and between cohorts.



We used data from four different data sets: a calibration sample and the 1946, 1958, and 1970 British birth cohorts.

Calibration sample

Our calibration sample (target n = 5,000) was recruited independently from the birth cohorts between June 7, 2019, and July 18, 2019. We used quota sampling to ensure at least 1,000 participants in each of five age groups (23–30, 31–40, 41–50, 51–60, 61–70) and representativeness of the general population in terms of sex, ethnicity, country of residence (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), and highest level of education achieved. No further eligibility criteria were applied, and recruitment was halted when our target sample was reached for every age group. Participants also filled in the following questionnaires pertaining to well-being, which were not used in the present study but were part of a larger harmonization effort (McElroy et al., 2020): the Center for Epidemiological Studies–Depression scale (Radloff, 2016), the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (Kessler et al., 2003), the Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (Angold et al., 1995), the Short Form–36 (Brazier et al., 1992), the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (Tennant et al., 2007), and the Office for National Statistics well-being questions (Office for National Statistics, 2018). Participants were compensated nominally for their time. Partially completed questionnaires were included.


The MRC National Survey of Health and Development (1946 birth cohort) started as a maternity survey of 16,965 children born in one week in March in England, Scotland, and Wales, and then a social-class-stratified sample of 5,362 individuals was selected to follow over the life course (Wadsworth et al., 2006). To date, there have been 39 study sweeps (at birth; at the ages of 1, 2, 4, 6–11, 13, 15–21, 24–26, 31, 36, 43, 47, 48, 50–54, 57, 59, 60–64, and 68–70 years; and a special COVID-19 sweep at age 74; MRC Unit of Lifelong Health and Ageing, 2022).
The National Child Development Study (1958 birth cohort) followed 17,415 children born in England, Scotland, and Wales in a single week in March (Power & Elliott, 2006). There have been 13 sweeps of the full study population (at birth; at the ages of 7, 11, 16, 23, 33, 42, 44, 46, 50, and 55 years; and a special COVID-19 survey) and several sweeps in subsamples of the study (UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies, 2022b).
The 1970 British Cohort Study started following 17,198 children born in England, Scotland, and Wales in a single week in April (Elliott & Shepherd, 2006). To date, there have been 15 study sweeps (at birth; at the ages of 22 months, 42 months; and at the ages of 5, 7, 10, 16, 21, 26, 30, 34, 38, 42, and 46 years), including some sweeps in subsamples of the study (UCL Centre for Longitudinal Studies, 2022a).
The analysis sample for the three birth cohorts was everyone for whom mental-health data were available for at least one survey sweep in adulthood (18+ years).

Main outcomes and measures

Our main outcome was psychological distress. In the calibration sample, we collected data on all measures of psychological distress that were ever used in at least one of the three aforementioned birth cohorts: GHQ-12 and GHQ-28 (Goldberg & Williams, 1988), Malaise-9 (Rutter et al., 1970), PSE (Wing et al., 1967), and PSF scale (Lindelow et al., 1997; see Table S1 in the Supplemental Material available online), and administered them to the calibration sample. Following a counterbalanced design approach (Chen et al., 2009), we randomized the order of questionnaire administration to prevent order effects.
We used the GHQ-12 and Malaise-9 as our index measures for both scale-equating methods. Our choice of index measures was based on their widespread use within the birth cohorts and beyond: the Malaise Inventory was widely used in United Kingdom (UK)-population-based cohorts, and the GHQ-12 is used across a wider range of population-based and clinical studies. In addition, the two measures have different response options (binary yes/no for Malaise and a 4-point Likert scale for the GHQ-12), which results in differing ranges of possible scores and distributions. Using two index measures has the advantage of being able to assess robustness of the modeling procedure (each serves as the other’s sensitivity analysis). We collected and harmonized data on age in years, sex, and highest level of education (none, General Certificate of Secondary Education [GCSE] or equivalent, advanced levels [A-levels] or equivalent, degree or higher) to inform our multiple-imputation models.

Statistical analysis

We first composed descriptive statistics of all mental-health measures collected in the calibration sample and estimated correlations between these measures. In addition to multiple imputation, we used two approaches within an equipercentile-linking framework: equipercentile linking and applying a calibrated cutoff. For our equipercentile-linking approach to equating scales, we cross-tabulated percentile rankings on the GHQ-12 or Malaise-9 with percentile rankings on remaining measures to determine equivalent scores (Furukawa et al., 2019; Kolen & Brennan, 2014). Within the equipercentile-linking framework, we first identified a threshold score on the remaining measures most closely corresponding to that of the Malaise-9 (≥ 4) and the GHQ-12 (≥ 12). We applied this calibrated score back to the existing measures in the birth cohorts at each sweep to estimate the prevalence of mental distress. Throughout the article, these results are described under “calibrated cutoff.” Second, using our equipercentile ranking, we converted scores on other measures in all sweeps of the birth cohorts to GHQ-12 or Malaise-9 and estimated means, variance, and above-threshold prevalence of mental distress. These results are described as “equipercentile linking.” For details on how we met the various assumptions associated with the equipercentile-linking framework (Kolen & Brennan, 2014), see the Supplemental Material.
Separately, we used a multiple-imputation approach to equating scales. Multiple imputation is a more robust extension of linear transformation-based scale-equating approaches (Lamprianou, 2007; Sellers et al., 2019) and can account for stochastic error and uncertainty around single imputation transformed estimates. We coded data on covariates (age group, sex, level of education) and all psychological-distress measures identically across all four data sets; psychological-distress measures were coded at the scale level per age group. We appended the calibration sample to each of the cohort samples separately for GHQ-12 and Malaise-9. Each data set thus consisted of two samples and (at least) two measures per age group. In at least one of these samples (the calibration sample), both measures were complete, and data from this were used to impute values into the cohort sample (see Table S4 in the Supplemental Material). We used multiple imputation by fully conditional specification using chained equations (Little & Rubin, 2002). We used the following generic algorithm: impute measure A on the basis of measures B, C, sex, level of education, by age group. Analyses were conducted after imputation, combining estimates across 50 imputed data sets using Rubin’s rule (White et al., 2011). Given the large percentage of missing data, this larger number was chosen to reduce variability from the imputation procedure and to improve robustness of the imputation procedure. We estimated means, standard deviations, and above-threshold prevalence of mental distress across adulthood in the cohorts.

Sensitivity analysis

In both the 1958 cohort (at age 42) and 1970 cohort (at age 30), the GHQ-12 and Malaise-9 were jointly administered. We used this opportunity to assess comparability of prevalence yielding from the three methods described above to original estimates as an additional sensitivity analysis. For example, for the GHQ-12 calibration at age 30 in the 1970 cohort, we compared the prevalence yielding from the equipercentile-linking, calibrated-cutoff, and multiple-imputation approaches to the prevalence derived from the original GHQ-12 measure.
We present results for the GHQ-12 in the main article; results for the Malaise-9 are available in the Supplemental Material.
We used Stata (Version 16) for all our analyses.

Ethics and consent

We assert that all procedures that contribute to this work comply with the ethical standards of the relevant national and institutional committees on human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008. All procedures that involved human subjects were approved by the University College London Institute of Education Research Ethics Committee (REC1210). Informed consent was obtained from all participants.


We recruited 5,800 participants into the calibration sample, distributed across five age groups (see Table S5 in the Supplemental Material). The analysis sample for the 1946 cohort consisted of 3,689 participants (68.7% of full cohort); for the 1958 cohort, this was 14,814 (85.0% of full cohort); and for the 1970 cohort, this was 13,739 (79.9% of full cohort). Missing data in the calibration sample was low (highest: 5.1% on GHQ-28; see Table S6 in the Supplemental Material). For means and standard deviations per questionnaire, see Table S5 in the Supplemental Material. Correlations between measures varied between .68 (between Malaise-9 and GHQ-12) and .91 (between GHQ-12 and GHQ-28; see Table S7 in the Supplemental Material).

Equipercentile linking

Scores calibrated to the GHQ-12 are detailed in Table 1, and calibrated means and standard deviations across the life course in each of the three birth cohorts are detailed in Table 2 and Figure 1a. Psychological distress peaked in the 1946 birth cohort at age 63 (M = 6.60, SD = 6.87) and declined to 5.19 (SD = 6.66) at age 69. In the 1958 birth cohort, psychological distress peaked at age 42 (M = 7.26, SD = 6.23). In the 1970 birth cohort, it peaked at age 26 (M = 8.40, SD = 4.93). Across the life course and across cohorts, distributions tended to be positively skewed (see Fig. S1 in the Supplemental Material).
Table 1. Measures Calibrated Against the GHQ-12 Across Adulthood
  Mean GHQ-12
Cohort and age Multiple imputation Equipercentile linking Original measure
 36 9.98 (0.38) 2.91 (4.25)
 43 11.41 (0.35) 5.35 (3.89)
 53 11.37 (0.22) 6.56 (7.28)
 63 10.88 (0.19) 6.60 (6.87)
 69 9.66 (0.19) 5.19 (6.66)  
 23 11.37 (0.35) 6.32 (5.97)
 33 11.13 (0.35) 5.15 (5.97) 11.06 (4.79)
 42 11.19 (0.05) 7.26 (6.23)
 50 11.44 (0.20) 6.77 (6.59)
 26 12.57 (0.42) 8.40 (4.93)
 30 10.74 (0.04) 7.48 (6.11) 10.67 (4.52)
 34 11.45 (0.61) 7.79 (6.33)
 42 12.23 (0.42) 8.35 (6.37)
 46 12.30 (0.36) 7.63 (6.86)
Note: Values are means with standard deviations in parentheses. GHQ = General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg & Williams, 1988); — = measure unavailable.
Table 2. Calibrated Scores and Cutoffs Against the GHQ-12
  Calibrated equivalent scores per questionnaire
GHQ-12 score Malaise-9 Malaise-24 GHQ-28 PSE PSF
0–3 0 0 0 0 0
6         1, 2
7   1   1 3–6
8   2   2 7–9
9 1 3   3 10–12
10   4   4 13–16
11 2 5 1 5 17, 18
12   6 2, 3 6 19–24a
13 3 7, 8 4,5 7 25–30
14 4 9 6 8 31–34
15   10 7, 8 9 35–38
16 5 11 9, 10   39–42
17   12 11 10 43, 44
18 6 13 12, 13   45–47
19     14 11 48–50
20 7 14 15   51
21   15 16, 17 12 52–54
22   16 18 13 55–58
23 8 17 19   59–61
24   18 20, 21 14 62–64
25         65, 66
26   19 22, 23 15 67–70
27   20     71, 72
28 9   24 16 73–75
29   21 25   76, 77
30   22, 23 26   78–80
31, 32   24 27   81–85
33–35     28   86–90
Note: Equivalent cutoff scores are in boldface type. GHQ = General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg & Williams, 1988); PSE = Present State Examination (Wing et al., 1967); PSF = Psychiatric Symptom Frequency scale (Lindelow et al., 1997). Malaise-9 info can be found in (Rutter et al., 1970).
Equivalent cutoff score for PSF is 20.
Fig. 1. Mean scores derived for calibration against (a) the Malaise-9 (Rutter et al., 1970) and (b) the General Health Questionnaire–12 (GHQ-12; Goldberg & Williams, 1988). Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Left-hand graphs in each panel refer to the results obtained via multiple imputation, and the right-hand graphs refer to figures obtained via equipercentile linking.

Calibrated cutoff

Calibrated threshold scores corresponding to the original threshold score of the GHQ-12 (12) were 2 for Malaise-9 and GHQ-28, 3 for Malaise-24 and PSE, and 11 for the PSF (Table 1). Distribution of above-threshold prevalence is detailed in Figure 2. For the calibrated-cutoff scores, prevalence followed an inverse U shape in the 1946 birth cohort, peaking at 35.9% at age 63 before declining to 27.3% at age 69. In the 1958 birth cohort, the shape was similar to the 1946 cohort, and the peak was observed at age 42 (39.5%). Prevalence of psychological distress was relatively stable across the 1970 birth cohort, peaking at age 26 at 46.5%. Using the equipercentile-linking method (in which total scores were calibrated before the cutoff was applied), we found that the prevalence of psychological distress peaked in the 1946 birth cohort at age 63 at 35.9% before declining to 27.3% at age 69. In the 1958 birth cohort, prevalence peaked at age 42 at 23.1%, and in the 1970 birth cohort, the peak at age 42 was 28.7%.
Fig. 2. Prevalence of psychological distress as measured by General Health Questionnaire-12 (Goldberg & Williams, 1988) for (a) the 1946 birth cohort, (b) the 1958 birth cohort, and (c) the 1970 birth cohort. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

Multiple imputation

Means and standard deviations of psychological distress across the life course, as derived from multiple imputation, are detailed in Table 1 and Figure 1a. In the 1946 cohort, mean scores peaked at age 43 (M = 11.41, SD = 0.35) before declining to 9.66 (SD = 0.19) at age 69. In the 1958 and 1970 birth cohorts, means were approximately similar across the life course, varying from 11.13 (SD = 0.35) at age 33 to 11.44 (SD = 0.20) at age 50 in the 1958 birth cohort and from 10.74 (SD = 0.04) at age 30 to 12.57 (SD = 0.42) at age 26 in the 1970 birth cohort.
Corresponding above-threshold prevalence estimates of psychological distress are detailed in Figure 2. The peak in the 1946 birth cohort occurred at age 43 at 44.6% before declining to 36.8% at age 69. In the 1958 birth cohort, prevalence declined from a peak at age 23 (45.1%) until age 42 (38.5%) before increasing again at age 50 (44.0%). In the 1970 birth cohort, prevalence was highest at age 26 (52.9%) and lowest at age 30 (34.5%).

Life-course mental health and cross-cohort comparisons

Although broad patterns in distribution and above-threshold prevalence over adulthood appear similar across both index measures and the two scale-equating methods used in this article, point estimates differ substantially. For instance, for the mean scores and standard deviations at age 36 in the 1946 birth cohort, a threefold variance was observed for the GHQ calibration (equipercentile-linking method: M = 2.91, SD = 4.25; imputation approach: M = 9.98, SD = 0.38). Prevalence scores for this sweep varied from 2.7% in the equipercentile-linking and calibrated-threshold approaches using the GHQ-12 to 35.2% using a multiple-imputation approach.
Regarding cross-cohort comparisons of the prevalence of psychological distress calibrated against the GHQ-12, all approaches suggest that prevalence is highest in the 1970 birth cohort, although there is considerable variation in point estimates. Calibration against the Malaise-9 using a multiple-imputation approach suggests that prevalence in the 1946 birth cohort is higher than in the other two cohorts, whereas using both calibrated-cutoff and equipercentile-linking approaches suggests that prevalence is comparable across the three cohorts.

Comparison of the two index measures

Full results for the various methods of calibration against the Malaise-9 can be found in the Supplemental Results in the Supplemental Material. Figure 1 details the mean scores across the adulthood sweeps in all three cohorts for both the equipercentile-linking and multiple-imputation methods for both Malaise-9 (Fig. 1a) and GHQ-12 (Fig. 1b). There appear to be larger differences in means between both methods for the GHQ-12 compared with the Malaise-9, although this was not formally tested. Calibration against the GHQ-12 yielded higher prevalence than calibration against the Malaise-9 (Fig. 2; see Fig. S6 in the Supplemental Material).
Although broad patterns of psychological distress across the life course were similar for GHQ-12 and Malaise-9 (e.g., prevalence was highest in midlife across the three cohorts), the curve was much flatter for the Malaise-9 across all methods (see Fig. S6 in the Supplemental Material). Whereas using the GHQ-12 as an index measure seems to suggest slightly higher psychological distress in the younger cohort, using Malaise-9 suggests that psychological distress is lowest in the 1958 cohort.
Results from additional sensitivity analyses comparing both calibration methods with original prevalence estimates at age 42 in the 1958 cohort and age 30 in the 1970 cohort suggested more accurate estimates using the multiple-imputation method with both measures (see Table S10 in the Supplemental Material). When calibrating against the GHQ-12, we found the equipercentile-linking method underestimated mean scores and prevalence in both cohorts. The multiple-imputation method was close to original estimates in both cohorts (1958 original: M = 11.06, SD = 4.79; multiple imputation: M = 11.19, SD = 0.05; 1970 original: M = 10.67, SD = 4.52; multiple imputation: M = 10.74, SD = 0.04). The calibrated-cutoff methods yielded relatively similar prevalence to the original estimate in the 1958 cohort (original prevalence: 36.1%; calibrated cutoff: 38.5%) but overestimated prevalence in the 1970 cohort (original prevalence: 32.9%; calibrated cutoff: 46.5%).


Although broad patterns of psychological distress were similar across adulthood, the equipercentile-linking scale-equating framework (both equipercentile linking and using a calibrated cutoff) yielded lower means and standard deviations across the life course compared with the multiple-imputation approach. Although this held true across both index measures, differences appeared to be larger for the GHQ-12 than the Malaise-9. Cross-cohort comparisons were more susceptible to methodological effects. In general, using the GHQ-12 as an index measure yielded higher prevalence estimates than the Malaise-9. Sensitivity analyses that used study sweeps with both index measures suggested that a multiple-imputation approach leads to more accurate mean and prevalence estimates, whereas the equipercentile approaches yielded underestimates or overestimates.

Comparison with existing literature

The previously reported (Bell, 2014; Gondek et al., 2020; Spiers et al., 2012) inverse U shape across adulthood was observed in the 1946 birth cohort for calibration against the GHQ-12 and Malaise-9 for the calibrated-cutoff and equipercentile-linking methods, although for both index measures, the multiple-imputation method showed a gradual decline in prevalence of psychological distress across the life course. This pattern was less clearly observed in the 1958 and 1970 cohorts across both index measures and calibration methods used, likely because these cohorts are still in middle age and prevalence of psychological distress has started to decline only marginally.
As in previous research comparing the age of 42 years across the 1958 and 1970 cohorts (Gondek et al., 2020; Ploubidis et al., 2017), we found that according to most methods and measures, the 1970 cohort has a higher prevalence of psychological distress at most ages compared with the 1958 cohort. However, we can draw no clear conclusions about any trends when also we also included the 1946 cohort. In the current study, we see lower prevalence in the 1946 cohort when the GHQ-12 was used as an index measure but higher prevalence of psychological distress in this cohort when the Malaise-9 was used as an index measure. Previous studies in North America have found that some older and more recent cohorts have higher distress—Keyes et al. (2014) demonstrated a U shape in between-cohorts effects—and other UK-based studies have observed lower prevalence in more recent cohorts (Thomson & Katikireddi, 2018). Note that the birth cohorts included in the present study were born across just 24 years in mid-20th-century Britain, and hence we cannot extrapolate findings to recent cohorts in which higher distress is increasingly reported. Our sensitivity analysis that used cohort sweeps in which both GHQ-12 and Malaise-9 were administered could not provide insight into why clear conclusions about cross-cohort trends could not be drawn. Although, it seems to suggest that multiple imputation might be more reliable than equipercentile linking. However, even just focusing on the multiple-imputation findings, we see prevalence of psychological distress increasing in more recent cohorts using the GHQ-12 yet lowest distress in the 1958 cohort using the Malaise-9.

Strengths and limitations

These results should be interpreted in light of the strengths and limitations inherent to this study. We used three nationally representative birth cohorts, and our calibration sample had sufficient coverage across the whole distribution of mental health and was broadly representative of the current general population of the United Kingdom in terms of age, sex, level of education, and country of residence. Our study was methodologically robust and was designed to allow for assessing reliability across methods: We used two different index measures and scale-equating methods, which enabled us to describe differences on the basis of these. This is in contrast to previous literature that applied these methods and used only one method and measure (Choi et al., 2014; Fischer et al., 2011, 2012; Sellers et al., 2019), which resulted in limited evaluation of the reliability of any findings based on these approaches. Using an IRT calibration model as a further methodology was unsuitable because its key assumptions could not be met (Hambleton et al., 1991): The two questionnaires used as index measures do not have a common set of anchor items, and the remaining items do not have identical response options.
However, there are also some limitations inherent to our study design. Because we used data only from the United Kingdom, we are uncertain about the generalizability of our results to an international context. Mode of questionnaire administration differed between our calibration sample (all self-reported online) and the cohort samples (either self-report via a paper questionnaire or interviewer administered), and this might have led to higher reporting of mental-health symptoms in the calibration sample (Epstein et al., 2001). Finally, we used responses today to equate responses given at a previous point in time, as far back as the early 1980s. However, there appears to be no evidence that within-individuals and cross-cohort interpretation of the Malaise-9 changes over time (Ploubidis et al., 2019). In addition, measurement-invariance analyses (see Table S3 in the Supplemental Material) indicate that younger and older respondents today answer the measures used in this study similarly, which increases confidence in the longitudinal comparisons made.


Although life-course patterns of psychological distress were similar across both index measures and scale-equating methods, point estimates were not. Comparing methodologies, we found that the imputation method yielded higher means and standard deviations than the equipercentile-linking method, and sensitivity analyses indicate the former might be the less biased approach in this scenario. Although means are not directly comparable across index measures because of different scale ranges, prevalence estimates were higher using the GHQ-12.
These differences have little bearing on the longitudinal symptom profile (we confirmed an inverted U shape over the life course). There are two hypothetical explanations for this inverted U shape: It might be artifactual because the instruments we used are poor at capturing important aspects of mental health in later life, or it might be a reflection of genuine better mental health in later life (either through a reduced perception of pressure through socioemotional selectivity or through eudaemonic processes) after a period of greater stress in midlife (which potentially reflects the multiple stressors faced by many of child care, career pressures, and caring for elderly parents; Willis et al., 2010). However, these differences do have substantial implications for cross-cohort comparisons. For instance, examining means derived through the equipercentile method calibrated against the Malaise-9 (Fig. 1), we found that means are higher in the 1958 and 1970 cohorts, and any midlife peak is earlier in these cohorts. However, when using the same index measure and applying our multiple-imputation-based approach, the mean is highest in the 1946 birth cohort, and there is no discernible midlife peak in the other two cohorts. This method and measure dependency leaves us unable to make strong conclusions about whether more recent generations experience poorer mental health.
Compared with most of the other measures that we calibrated, the Malaise-9 has less variance (given the range from 0 to 9 compared with, e.g., the GHQ-12’s range of 0–36). We speculate that some of the discrepancies in the results we observe between these different measures might be due to differences in their scales (e.g., a score between 8 and 10 on the GHQ-12 gives a score of 1 on the Malaise-9; see Table S7 in the Supplemental Material). If this is indeed an important part of the consideration, then equating scales between measures with similar ranges and variance is more likely to yield reliable estimates than measures with vastly different variances. This might also explain why the multiple-imputation approach appears to be more reliable than the other two approaches because it does not superimpose substantially larger or smaller variance. An important implication of our findings is the need for formal statistical simulation studies to investigate the conditions in which different calibration and/or harmonization methods return unbiased results, especially if, as we have shown, bias occurs when measures with large discrepancy with respect to their range and standard deviation are calibrated.
This methodological and measure-based heterogeneity in point estimates across the life course and between cohorts calls into question the robustness of articles that used only one index measure to estimate mental-health outcomes, and we would recommend, as possible, for researchers who use scale-equating approaches to use two index measures with similar range. On the basis of our analyses, it would seem that multiple-imputation-based scale-equating methods are better suited to scenarios such as this, in which an external calibration sample is used.
The potential inadequacy of these scale-equating approaches in translating findings from one measure to another has considerable implications regarding recent announcements to mandate the use of certain measures in all research that pertains to certain common mental-health symptoms (Farber et al., 2020). The arguments in support for this include being able to use these measures to act as a common language, via scale-equating approaches, to be able to draw comparable comparisons and conclusions across a range of studies in various settings, including population studies, trials, and routine clinical monitoring. The findings here highlight that these approaches are problematic even for robust population-level inferences, and individual-level inferences (in which a score of X on this measure means a likely score of Y on the other measure for each individual) are likely to be even more error prone (Piantadosi et al., 1988).


We used three different scale-equating methods in two distinct frameworks and two different index measures to calibrate psychological distress measures used in three British birth cohorts against an independently recruited calibration sample. Our subsequently derived mean scores and above-cutoff prevalence showed heterogeneity across both measure and method. Although this had some implications for estimations of psychological distress across the life course, we mainly observed an inverse-U-shaped trajectory across adulthood. However, the method and measure had the most severe consequences for cross-cohort comparisons such that although there are indications that distress is higher in the 1970 compared with 1958 birth cohort, consistent trends across all three cohorts were not observed. We therefore should be cautious in interpreting calibration studies that have relied on only one method and only one index measure. We recommend that future studies that use scale-equating approaches to compare mental health across time points or data sets use more than one measure to increase reliability of findings. We also highlight the need for formal statistical simulation studies to investigate the conditions in which different calibration and or harmonization methods return unbiased results.


We acknowledge the Medical Research Council for ongoing funding of the 1946 birth cohort and the Economic and Social Research Council for ongoing funding of the 1958 and 1970 cohorts. Data from the 1946 birth cohort are available to bona fide researchers upon request to the NSHD Data Sharing Committee via a standard application procedure. Further details can be found at (;; Data from the 1958 birth cohort are publicly available via the UK Data Service via!/abstract. Data from the 1970 birth cohort are publicly available from the UK Data Service via Data from the calibration sample will be made publicly available via the UK Data Service as soon as possible.



Declaration of Conflicting Interests The author(s) declared that there were no conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship or the publication of this article.
Funding This project was funded by Economic and Social Research Council Grant ES/T00116X/1.

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The design and analysis plan for the experiment was preregistered at OSF and can be accessed at This article has received the badge for Preregistration. More information about the Open Practices badges can be found at


Action Editor: Aidan G. C. Wright
Editor: Jennifer L. Tackett
Author Contributions
P. Patalay, G. B. Ploubidis, and V. G. Moulton formulated the research question, all authors were involved in design of the study. E. Gilbert, P. Patalay, and H. E. Jongsma carried out the data collection. H. E. Jongsma analyzed the data, and H. E. Jongsma and P. Patalay prepared the manuscript. M. Richards, E. Gilbert, V. G. Moulton, and G. B. Ploubidis provided important critical revisions to the manuscript. All of the authors approved the final manuscript for submission.


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Issue published: January 2023


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Hannah E. Jongsma
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University College London
Vanessa G. Moulton
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University College London
George B. Ploubidis
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University College London
Emily Gilbert
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University College London
Marcus Richards
MRC Unit of Lifelong Health and Ageing at University College London
Praveetha Patalay
Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University College London
MRC Unit of Lifelong Health and Ageing at University College London


Hannah E. Jongsma, Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Institute of Education, University College London Email: [email protected]

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