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An Evolutionary Analysis of Antigen Processing and Presentation across Different Timescales Reveals Pervasive Selection

Figure 5

Analysis of selective pressure in the human lineage for APP genes.

(A) Violin plot of selection coefficients for APP genes (median, white dot; interquartile range, black bar). Selection coefficients (γ) are classified as strongly beneficial (100, 50), moderately beneficial (10, 5), weakly beneficial (1), neutral (0), weakly deleterious (−1), moderately deleterious (−5, −10), strongly deleterious (−50, −100), and inviable (−500). (B) Ribbon diagram of CD1D; the α1/α2 and α3 domains are depicted in dark and light grey, respectively. Positively selected sites in humans are in green; in red sites selected in the whole phylogeny. (C) Ribbon diagram of LGMN with the activation peptide in dark grey. Human positively selected sites are in green.

Figure 5
