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Assessment of the Antiviral Properties of Recombinant Porcine SP-D against Various Influenza A Viruses In Vitro

Figure 7

RpSP-D prevents binding of human seasonal H1N and H3N2 viruses to epithelial cells of ferret and human trachea.

Attachment of virus in absence or presence of RpSP-D was studied by virushistochemistry. Sections of ferret trachea (A) or human trachea (B) were incubated with FITC-labeled IAV A/Netherlands/35/05 (H1N1) and A/Netherlands/231/03 (H3N2) in the absence or presence of various doses of RpSP-D as indicated. Binding of virus is visible as dark-red staining. As a negative control, the highest dose of RpSP-D (10 µg) was also measured in absence of calcium ions. The tissues were counterstained with hematoxylin (magnification x100).

Figure 7
