Volume 99, Issue 3 p. 585-604
Systematics & Phytogeography
Free Access

Origins and close relatives of a semi-domesticated neotropical fruit tree: Chrysophyllum cainito (Sapotaceae)

Jennifer J. Petersen

Corresponding Author

Jennifer J. Petersen

Department of Plant Sciences, Mail Stop 2, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616 USA

Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected])Search for more papers by this author
Ingrid M. Parker

Ingrid M. Parker

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California 95064 USA

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Apartado 2072, Balboa, Republic of Panama

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Daniel Potter

Daniel Potter

Department of Plant Sciences, Mail Stop 2, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616 USA

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First published: 01 March 2012
Citations: 17

The authors thank R. Aguilar, G. Carnevali, T. Clase, T. Commack, A. Estrada, E. Gibley, S. Krosnick, P. Lash, I. Lopez, H. Membache, G. Proctor, and A. Veloz for their assistance during fieldwork; C. Jones, C. Perez, The Fairchild Tropical Garden, Montgomery Botanical Garden, and the Royal Botanical Garden, Kew for providing additional leaf material; A. McNally who made the maps; A. Kleist; the editors of AJB; and two anonymous reviewers for valuable comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. The authors thank the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute for the logistical support and ANAM and ACP for granting us permission to conduct research in the Republic of Panama. Financial awards made to J.J.P. by the Davis Botanical Society, UC Davis Center for Biosystematics, Henry A. Jastro and Peter J. Shields Research Scholarships, and those made to D.P. from the U. C. Davis Academic Senate Committee on Research and University Outreach and International Programs all supported this work. J.J.P. made additional collections while working on a UC MEXUS Dissertation Research Grant and a Fulbright-García Robles Scholarship.


Premise of the study: Understanding patterns and processes associated with domestication has implications for crop development and agricultural biodiversity conservation. Semi-domesticated crops provide excellent opportunities to examine the interplay of natural and anthropogenic influences on plant evolution. The domestication process has not been thoroughly examined in many tropical perennial crop species. Chrysophyllum cainito (Sapotaceae), the star apple or caimito, is a semi-domesticated species widely cultivated for its edible fruits. It is known to be native to the neotropics, but the precise geographic origins of wild and cultivated forms are unresolved.

Methods: We used nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences to infer phylogenetic relationships among C. cainito and close relatives (section Chrysophyllum). We employed phylogeographic approaches using ITS and plastid sequence data to determine geographic origins and center(s) of domestication of caimito.

Key results: ITS data suggest a close relationship between C. cainito and C. argenteum. Plastid haplotype networks reveal several haplotypes unique to individual taxa but fail to resolve distinct lineages for either C. cainito or C. argenteum. Caimito populations from northern Mesoamerica and the Antilles exhibit a subset of the genetic diversity found in southern Mesoamerica. In Panama, cultivated caimito retains high levels of the diversity seen in wild populations.

Conclusions: Chrysophyllum cainito is most closely related to a clade containing Central and South American C. argenteum, including subsp. panamense. We hypothesize that caimito is native to southern Mesoamerica and was domesticated from multiple wild populations in Panama. Subsequent migration into northern Mesoamerica and the Antilles was mediated by human cultivation.

Pinpointing the geographic origin of cultivated plant species enhances our understanding of crop evolution and also provides information critical for conserving germplasm and maintaining levels of crop diversity. With molecular evidence, we can investigate the number and location of events that led to modern cultivated forms, the spread of cultivated genotypes locally and globally, and the status of apparently wild populations as native or escaped from cultivation. As with any evolutionary study, understanding the origins of a crop plant species requires clarification of the species's taxonomy and establishment of a robust hypothesis of its phylogenetic relationships.

The tropical plant family Sapotaceae includes a large number of economically important species prized for their timber, latex, and seed oil, as well as many species esteemed for their edible fruits, particularly in the neotropics where they are cultivated and have been important in local commerce for centuries. In spite of this importance, however, relatively little work has focused on the origins and relationships of cultivated members of this economically and ecologically important family until recently (20; 28; 29; Gonzalez-Soberanis and Casas, 2004; 48).

One of the most widely cultivated species of Sapotaceae is Chrysophyllum cainito L., commonly known as star apple or caimito. Caimito is a tree to 25 m in height and is popular both for its edible fruit and as a shade tree; its ornamental value is enhanced by the golden pubescence of the undersides of the leaves. The breeding system is not known, but it is likely to have an outcrossing sexual system of reproduction similar to many neotropical tree species (60), though the flowers are likely to be self-fertile (24; 36). Small bees such as Tetragonisca spp. pollinate the small cream-colored flowers (36).

Chrysophyllum cainito is the type species of the genus Chrysophyllum L., which in turn is the type genus of the subfamily Chrysophylloideae Luerssen (1882), a well-supported monophyletic group as defined by 55. As circumscribed by 38, 39), Chrysophyllum comprises ca. 70 species classified in six sections. Four of the sections are found only in neotropical regions, while the other two include species native to Africa and Asia. Recent phylogenetic studies of Sapotaceae (3; 55) have shown that the genus as a whole is not monophyletic, but those studies have not included sufficient sampling to thoroughly test the monophyly of any of the sections within the genus.

Pennington defined the type section Chrysophyllum as a neotropical group of 17 species distributed throughout Central and South America and the Caribbean. The native geographic ranges of individual species vary from quite broad to highly restricted. 38 recognized intraspecific taxa in three species of the section: C. oliviforme L., C. marginatum (Hook. & Arn.) Radlk., each with two subspecies, and C. argenteum Jacq., with five subspecies. In the field, it is often difficult to distinguish between individual species, in particular when dealing with sterile specimens, due to the fact that identification requires the examination of a combination of several slightly overlapping differential characters (38).

5 conducted a biogeographic study of Chrysophylloideae. According to their results, the earliest diversification of the subfamily occurred between 73 and 83 Ma in Africa. The ancestor to the neotropical clade that includes C. cainito and C. oliviforme likely arrived from Africa in South America via long-distance dispersal across the Atlantic Ocean ca. 54–64 Ma. The lineages leading to C. cainito and C. oliviforme likely diverged from a common ancestor in the early Oligocene, between 29–19 Ma (5). Although 5 hypothesized a South American origin for section Chrysophyllum, their study included only two species from the section and therefore did not allow for a more detailed examination of its historical biogeography.

Chrysophyllum cainito has a long history of cultivation in the neotropics. Historical records from the 16th and 17th century by European plant explorers document caimito as being widely cultivated in Jamaica (6) and as existing in wild and cultivated forms in the Isthmus of Panama (50). There are additional reports of its occurrence in the Greater and Lesser Antilles and in continental Panama, as well as on the islands in the Bay of Panama (37; 53). In present times, caimito is cultivated throughout the Antilles, Mesoamerica and in parts of South America as well as Southeast Asia (34; 24). It is generally found in small-scale agroecological settings such as home gardens, ranchos, and mixed perennial plantings such as parcelas. In a previous study of fruit and seed traits (36), we considered C. cainito to be a “semi-domesticate”: as defined by 8, i.e., a taxon showing significant modification due to human selection but not dependent on human intervention for survival.

While there is no doubt that C. cainito is native to the neotropics, its precise geographic origin has been debated. It is widely believed to have an Antillean origin. 38 reported that it is probably native only to the Greater Antilles and that it has naturalized in Meso- and South America. 54 suggested that the species is Antillean in origin and cited the lack of a Nahuatl (the lingua franca in Mexico and Mesoamerica prior to the arrival of the Europeans) name for the species as evidence of a noncontinental origin.

Less commonly, C. cainito is cited as being native to the Panamanian Isthmus (e.g., 12). In Panama, apparently wild trees are found at low densities in tropical lowland forests, particularly on the Pacific side of central Panama (36). In these forests, caimito is a canopy emergent; trees have few branches below 10 m and do not bear fruit until they reach the canopy, traits that differ considerably from the cultivated forms that are found in home gardens and small ranchos in Panama and elsewhere. In a previous study, we examined phenotypic, chemical, and ecological differences of fruit and seed traits of wild and cultivated forms, and the results indicated a clear signature of domestication in the fruit and seed traits of cultivated caimito in Panama (36). In contrast, putatively wild caimito trees from the Antilles, Mexico, Guatemala, and Costa Rica have characters that differ considerably from those of the putative wild trees found in Panama. The Antillean and northern Mesoamerican trees are not canopy emergents, even when found in forested areas, and the fruit and seed characters closely resemble the cultivated forms found both locally in those regions and in Panama (J. Petersen and D. Potter, personal observations).

The distinctiveness of the wild trees of caimito in Panama raises the question as to whether they represent the same evolutionary lineage as cultivated C. cainito or whether they perhaps represent variation found within the conspectus of another species, such as sympatric C. argenteum subsp. panamense (Pittier) T. D. Penn. Chrysophyllum argenteum subspecies are largely nonoverlapping in their geographic distributions, and most of the intergradation of variation between the subspecies occurs in areas of sympatry (38). In northern Mesoamerican regions, a third species, C. mexicanum Brandegee, commonly known as caimito del monte (wild caimito) or caimitillo (little caimito), is widely considered by local people to be a wild form of C. cainito (J. Petersen, personal observation), and some field biologists consider it to be the closest relative of caimito (N. Ross, Drake University; N. Zamora, INBio; personal communication) due to the similarity between the two species based on vegetative characters. Like putatively wild C. cainito in Panama, the olive-sized, drupaceous fruits of C. mexicanum are commonly sought after and consumed by local people (I. M. Parker and J. Petersen, personal observation).

To resolve the debate over the origin of caimito requires studies of the distribution of genetic variation within and among C. cainito and related species. We conducted phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses of DNA sequence data in Chrysophyllum sect. Chrysophyllum to infer relationships among C. cainito and its close relatives and to provide an evolutionary context for understanding the origin of this species.

The specific objectives of this study were to (1) examine phylogenetic relationships among species in Chrysophyllum section Chrysophyllum, including testing the monophyly of the section and determining the closest relatives of caimito; (2) investigate patterns of divergence and distribution of caimito and close relatives using phylogenetic and phylogeographic approaches; (3) test the hypothesis that wild populations of C. cainito are native to the Greater Antilles and that caimito was brought into cultivation there and subsequently introduced into Mexico and Mesoamerica; and (4) determine whether there is genetic differentiation of cultivated vs. wild caimito trees and whether putatively wild trees in Panama represent a distinct lineage.


Taxonomic sampling

Fieldwork was conducted from November through May in each of the years 2006–2010, primarily during the fruiting season of C. cainito. We collected fresh leaf material in the Greater (Dominican Republic, Jamaica) and Lesser (the U. S. Virgin Islands) Antilles, northern Mesoamerica, including Mexico (Veracruz and the Yucatan Peninsula) and Guatemala, and southern Mesoamerica, including Costa Rica and Panama. All material was geo-referenced, and identifications based on morphology were made by examining herbarium material and with the help of local experts. We deposited voucher specimens at the following herbaria: JBSD, IJ, CICY, and CR, with duplicates deposited at DAV. Herbarium acronyms follow 58.

For phylogenetic analyses of section Chrysophyllum, we included a total of 20 species and 51 individuals (Appendix 1). For six species of Chrysophyllum section Chrysophyllum, we included multiple individuals collected from a broad part of the geographic range: C. cainito (N = 8), C. argenteum (N = 15) C. mexicanum (N = 3) and C. oliviforme (N = 9). Specimen JP57, labeled as C. bicolor, was collected in the U. S. Virgin Islands. Additional taxa, including South American (Brazil, Ecuador, French Guiana, and Guyana), African, and Asian species, were represented in the phylogenetic reconstruction using sequences obtained from GenBank. To test the monophyly of section Chrysophyllum, we included 10 species from four additional sections of Chrysophyllum, as well as two species of Pouteria section Pouteria, since previous studies have shown that both Chrysophyllum and Pouteria are polyphyletic (see citations in 56). One specimen of Manilkara sideroxylon, subfamily Sapotoideae, was included as an outgroup to root the trees.

For the phylogeographic analyses, we included 81 (51 cultivated and 30 putatively wild) individuals of C. cainito from 58 discrete localities, with 1–4 individuals per locality (Table 1, Appendix 2). We categorized each C. cainito locality according to the cultivation status of the trees collected there. We considered trees to be “wild” if they were collected from natural, undisturbed (including both primary and secondary) forest outside of human settlements, where it was unlikely that the trees had been planted and, to the best of our knowledge, they were from nonanthropogenic sources. In some cases, we considered trees to be “wild” when found in human-managed landscapes if they were obviously remnants from what had been a wild-forested area. Examples include a recently cleared coffee planting in Jamaica and mature cacao groves in the Dominican Republic where, because of the practice of “let stand”, wild trees are spared during forest clearing.

Table 1. Phylogeographic analysis based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid DNA of 81 cultivated and wild individuals of Chrysophyllum cainitofrom 58 collection localities, with 1–4 individuals per locality. Geographic region, including country and locality of sample collection, along with geo-reference information and cultivation status (wild and cultivated (CV)) are included. The number of individuals in each population that carry each ITS genotype and plastid haplotype is indicated.
Country Collection locality Latitude Longitude Cult. status No. indiv ITS-I ITS-II ITS-I/II cpA1 cpA2 cpA3 cpA4 cpA5
 Dom. Republic Camu, Puerto Plata 19°41.643 N 70°37.500 W Wild 2 2 2
 Dom. Republic Consuelo -Algarrobos,  El Seíbo 18°39.630 N 69°15.789 W Wild 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic Cotui-Maimon, Sanchez  Ramirez 19°01.567 N 70°09.023 W Wild 2 2 2
 Dom. Republic Cruce de Cenovi,  La Vega 19°12.478 N 70°20.976 W CV 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic El Caimito, Duarte 19°10.141 N 70°17.474 W CV 2 2 2
 Dom. Republic Gaspar Hernandez,  Espaillat Salcedo 19°37.774 N 70°16.389 W CV 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic La Bandera, Duarte 19°11.505 N 70°19.312 W CV 2 2 2
 Dom. Republic La Colonia, San Cristóbal 18°29.344 N 70°14.795 W Wild 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic Cruce de Cenovi, La Vega 19°12.478 N 70°20.976 W CV 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic El Caimito, Duarte 19°10.141 N 70°17.474 W CV 2 2 2
 Dom. Republic Gaspar Hernandez,  Espaillat Salcedo 19°37.774 N 70°16.389 W CV 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic La Bandera, Duarte 19°11.505 N 70°19.312 W CV 2 2 2
 Dom. Republic La Colonia, San Cristóbal 18°29.344 N 70°14.795 W Wild 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic La Vega, La Vega 19°14.729 N 70°32.287 W CV 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic Moca, Espaillat Salcedo 19°25.122 N 70°30.218 W CV 1 1 1
 Dom. Republic Yamasá, Monte Plata 19°10.531 N 70°17.265 W CV 3 3 3
 Dom. Republic Yásica Abajo, Puerto Plata 19°38.137 N 70°35.788 W CV 2 2 2
 Jamaica Albert Town, Trelawny  Parish 18°17.340 N 77°32.594 W CV 1 1 1
 Jamaica Cave Valley, St. Ann Parish 18°12.869 N 77°22.695 W Wild 1 1 1
 Jamaica Elderski, Elderski District 18°13.776 N 77°48.027 W CV 1 1 1
 Jamaica Ipswich/Red Gate,  St. Elizabeth Parish 18°10.588 N 77°49.963 W Wild 1 1 1
 Jamaica Johnson, St. James Parish 18°15.708 N 77°49.755 W Wild 2 2 2
 Jamaica Kinloss -Clark Town Road,  Trelawny Parish 18°24.157 N 77°33.716 W CV 1 1 1
 Jamaica Marshal's Pen, Manchester  Parish 18°03.608 N 77°31.822 W CV 1 1 1
 Jamaica Mountainside, St. Elizabeth  Parish 17°59.415 N 77°44.760 W CV 2 2 2
 Jamaica Newton, St. Elizabeth Parish 18°07.543 N 77°44.879 W CV 1 1 1
 Jamaica Niagra River, St. Elizabeth Parish 18°14.744 N 77°48.489 W CV 1 1 1
 Jamaica Scott's Pass, Clarendon Parish 18°00.588 N 77°23.000 W Wild 2 2 2
 Jamaica Slipe, St. Elizabeth Parish 18°03.533 N 77°47.133 W Wild 2 2 2
 Jamaica Ulster Springs, Trelawny  Parish 18°19.174 N 77°31.180 W Wild 1 1 1
 Jamaica Windsor Estate, Trelawny  Parish 18°22.125 N 77°38.786 W Wild 1 1 1
Northern Mesoamerica
 Guatemala Puerto Barrios, Izabal 15°32.324 N 88°44.372 W CV 1 1 1
 Guatemala Rio Dulce, Izabal 15°39.253 N 89°00.500 W CV 1 1 1
 Guatemala Salamá, Baja Verapaz 15°05.590 N 90°15.570 W CV 1 1 1
 Guatemala San Felipe, Izabal 15°38.215 N 89°00.030 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Campeche City, Campeche 19°52.927 N 90°28.047 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Caobas, Quintana Roo 18°26.461 N 89°06.301 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Ejido 20 de Noviembre,  Campeche 18°27.183 N 89°18.335 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Jose Maria Morelos,  Quintana Roo 19°44.710 N 88°42.754 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Maní, Yucatán 20°23.242 N 89°23.181 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Martínez de la Torre,  Veracruz 20.03.220 N 97°03.420 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Muna, Yucatán 20°29.800 N 89°42.719 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Narciso Mendoza,  Campeche 18°13.878 N 89°27.330 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico near Valladolid, Yucatán 20°38.032 N 88°20.511 W Wild 1 1 1
 Mexico Santa Elena, Yucatán 20°19.438 N 89°38.643 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Valladolid, Yucatán 20°41.782 N 88°12.253 W CV 1 1 1
 Mexico Yaxcabá, Yucatán 20°36.011 N 88°48.891 W CV 1 1 1
Southern Mesoamerica
 Costa Rica Bahia Drake, Osa  Peninsula 08°41.250 N 83°39.390 W CV 1 1 1
 Costa Rica San Isidro, Perez Zeledon 09°22.320 N 82°32.110 W CV 1 1 1
 Panama Arraijan-Barriada 2000, Panamá 08°58.190 N 79°40.286 W CV 3 1 2 3
 Panama Arraijan-Burunga,  Panamá 08°57.946 N 79°39.432 W CV 1 1 1
 Panama Balboa, Panamá 08°57.272 N 79°33.344 W CV 1 1 1
 Panama Camino de Cruces,  Panamá 09°06.658 N 79°41.512 W Wild 2 1 1 1 1
 Panama Chilibre, Panamá 09°11.107 N 79°36.621 W CV 4 1 3 3 1
 Panama Clayton, Panamá 09°00.441 N 79°34.056 W Wild 2 2 2
 Panama Ella Puru, Panamá 09°07.810 N 79°41.749 W Wild 1 1 1
 Panama Gamboa, Panamá 09°07.890 N 79°42.690 W CV 1 1 1
 Panama Madden, Panamá 09°06.906 N 79°36.945 W Wild 1 1 1
 Panama Old Gamboa Rd,  Panamá 09°06.691 N 79°41.490 W Wild 2 2 2
 Panama Pipeline Road, Panamá 09°09.066 N 79°43.946 W Wild 2 2 1 1
 Panama San Antonio, Panamá 09°07.758 N 79°41.733 W Wild 1 1 1
 Panama Venta de Cruces,  Panamá 09°07.707 N 79°41.081 W Wild 2 1 1 1 1
South America
 Colombia San Pedro de Uraba,  Antiochia 06°27.510 N 75°33.380 W CV 1 1 1
Old World
 Indonesia Manokwari, West Papua 01°19.705 S 134°13.152 E CV 2 2 2

We considered trees to be “cultivated” if we collected them from a setting in which they were clearly tended by people, including backyard gardens, small-scale orchards, or mixed perennial plantings such as parcelas. In each case, we asked local participants for the source of the material and whether the trees had been planted, resulting in two subcategories of “cultivated” trees. Trees that had not been intentionally planted but were nonetheless protected and tended were classified as “spontaneous”, while those that had been intentionally planted were designated as “planted”. Therefore, the material found in cultivated environments may come from a variety of sources and may represent remnant wild populations as well as cultivated gene pools.

DNA extraction, amplification, sequencing, and cloning

We performed DNA extractions of both fresh and silica-dried material using the DNeasy Plant Minikit (Qiagen, Valencia, California, USA). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the nuclear ribosomal ITS region was performed using the ITS6 (5′-tcgtaacaaggtttccgtaggtga-3′) and ITS9 (5′-ccgcttattgatatgcttaaac-3′) primers reported in 43. These primers were used in sequencing reactions along with the internal sequencing primers ITS 2 and ITS 3 (62). For the phylogeographic analysis, we amplified the chloroplast regions, trnS-fM and rps16 intron (51). We performed PCR reactions of a 50 µL volume using: 5 µL 10× buffer, 3.8 µL MgCl2 and 0.5 µL Amplitaq (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California, USA); 1 µL each of the forward and reverse primers (10 µmol/L), and dNTPs (10 mmol/L), 17 µL of 5 mol/L betaine in 18.7 µL H20 and 1 µL genomic DNA (20 ng/µL). PCR amplifications were carried out on an Applied Biosystems 2720 thermal cycler using the following cycling parameters: a 94°C initial denaturing for 2 min; followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 45 s, 56°C for 45 s and 72°C for 2 min; with a final extension of 72°C for 10 min. We used the Qiaquick gel extraction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, California, USA) to purify amplified fragments, and sequenced them directly using ABI BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing chemistry on an ABI 3730 Capillary Electrophoresis Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems).

Although each PCR reaction produced only a single band on agarose gels, some samples of C. cainito exhibited mixed sequences in the ITS region when PCR products were sequenced directly. In those cases, the PCR products were excised from agarose gels and were then cloned using the pCR 2.1 TOPO-TA kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California, USA). Five to eight plasmid colonies per individual were selected and purified using the Qiaprep Spin Miniprep Kit (Qiagen).

We assembled the forward and reverse sequences for each accession using Sequencher 3.1.1 (Gene Codes Corp., Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA) and used the program Clustal X (59) to perform multiple alignments, with subsequent manual refinement carried out in the program Se-Al (44). New DNA sequences generated for this study were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers JF912903–JF913194; Appendices 1 and 2). The DNA sequence alignments can also be found in the Supplemental Data (Appendices S1–S3) with the online version of this article.

Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequence data

For maximum parsimony (MP) analyses, heuristic searches were implemented in the program PAUP* version 4.0b10 (57) using 2000 replicates of random taxon addition sequence with tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch swapping, saving 100 trees/replicate. We treated all characters as unordered and with equal weight. Gaps were coded as missing data for the ITS region. We conducted a bootstrap analysis (15) to test the relative support for clades, using 1000 bootstrap replicates and 10 random taxon addition sequence replicates per bootstrap replicate. To reduce time spent in swapping on large numbers of suboptimal trees, we held no more than 10 trees per random sequence addition replicate. Bootstrap support values of less than 50% at a node are not reported. We consider 75–89% bootstrap support to be moderate support of a clade and 90–100% as strong support.

Model selection for likelihood-based analyses was implemented in the program jModeltest 0.1.1 (41; see 18), which evaluates 88 models, estimating a maximum likelihood (ML) tree under each model. We used the Akaike information criterion (AIC) (2) to choose among models and the generalized time reversible model with rate variation among sites (GTR +G) was selected as the best-fit model.

We conducted Bayesian analyses in the program MrBayes 3.2 (46), with two simultaneous independent runs. In each analysis, we ran four Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) chains (three heated and one cold) for 2 to 10 million generations, starting with a random tree topology. Trees were sampled every 1000th generation. Heated chain temperature was set at the default value. We assessed MCMC chains as having converged when the log-likelihood values of the cold chain fluctuated within a stable range. Within a single analysis, we considered a value of <0.01 for the average standard deviation of split frequencies as evidence that the two runs had converged to a stationary distribution (47). We plotted the log-likelihood values of the generations to determine burn-in, which was roughly 10% of the total number of trees per run. We conducted four to six independent analyses to confirm that the log-likelihood scores had converged around an equilibrium value and that the tree topologies being recovered were consistent. A majority-rule consensus tree was generated using the postburn-in trees. Posterior probability was assessed as the frequency of a node among the sampled trees.

Phylogeographic analysis of Chrysophyllum cainito and congeners based on ITS and plastid sequence data

We further examined the inter- and intraspecific relationships resulting from the phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 1) by constructing haplotype networks of plastid and nuclear DNA sequence data using a statistical parsimony framework implemented in the program TCS ver.1.21 (10). We included 93 individuals, comprising 81 individuals of C. cainito (see above), plus at least one individual for each identified specific and intraspecific taxon from each of the clades within section Chrysophyllum from the phylogenetic analysis of ITS data (clades A1, A2, A3, and clade B from Fig. 1): C. argenteum subsp. panamense (N = 1), C. argenteum subsp. argenteum (N = 2), C. argenteum subsp. auratum (N = 1), C. oliviforme subsp. oliviforme (N = 2), C. oliviforme var. picardae (N = 1), C. mexicanum (N = 2), C. pauciflorum, (N = 1), C. bicolor (N = 1) and Chrysophyllum sp. Costa Rica (N = 1). Each of these individuals is indicated by an asterisk in Fig. 1.

Details are in the caption following the image

Bayesian majority-rule consensus tree of Chrysophyllum species and outgroup taxa based on ITS sequence data. The country of collection and J. Petersen collection numbers follow taxonomic names except for numbers that begin with “0”, which represent sequences obtained from GenBank and “SAP” numbers, which correspond to material obtained from botanical gardens. Further information about the samples is provided in Appendix 1. Cultivation status of C. cainito samples is indicated as wild (w) and cultivated (cv). Asterisks (*) that follow the sample numbers represent individuals that were used to construct haplotype networks based on plastid sequence data shown in Fig. 2. Branch support is indicated along the branches for the maximum parsimony (MP) majority rule tree/Posterior probabilities values. A double asterisk (**) indicates bootstrap values below 50%. Clades A and B represent species sampled from Chrysophyllum section Chrysophyllum. Clade C represents species from Chrysophyllum section Donella (38).

For the ITS data set, we treated gaps as missing data. The plastid data were combined and treated as a single locus. Gaps in the plastid haplotype networks were coded as simple insertion/deletion events (indels) (52).


Phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequence data

General description of the Bayesian and MP trees

The Bayesian majority-rule consensus tree (Fig. 1) contains three major groups, labeled clades A, B, C. Species sampled from Chrysophyllum section Chrysophyllum fall into clades A and B. Clade C represents species placed in section Donella (38, 39), which is sister to a group of species sampled from sections Aneuchrysophyllum, Ragala, and Villocuspis, and two species sampled from the genus Pouteria. The MP analysis included 739 nucleotide characters of ITS data, of which 176 were parsimony-informative. The heuristic searches recovered 5561 most parsimonious topologies with a tree length of 524 steps (CI: 0.700, RI: 0.883). The MP strict consensus tree (not shown) had a very similar topology to the Bayesian majority-rule consensus tree (Fig. 1), the main differences being that in the strict consensus tree, the relationships of C. eximium, C. sanguinolentum, and C. boivinianum were unresolved, with these species forming a basal polytomy, while their relationships were fully resolved in the Bayesian tree. In the MP strict consensus tree, C. bangweolense was sister to clade C, while in the Bayesian tree, C. bangweolense is sister to the entire section Chrysophyllum. All other aspects of the MP and Bayesian topologies were congruent. The posterior probability (PP) support values at the nodes were generally in agreement with the MP bootstrap support values, although the PP values were consistently higher than the bootstrap values for any given clade.

Monophyly of the genus Chrysophyllum and section Chrysophyllum

Chrysophyllum (sensu Pennington) is paraphyletic with respect to the genus Pouteria, with the two Pouteria species being sister to C. sparsiflorum of Chrysophyllum sect. Villocuspis. The monophyly of sect. Donella (clade C) was supported in both the MP strict consensus and Bayesian trees. Section Chrysophyllum (clades A and B) was strongly supported as monophyletic in both the MP and Bayesian topologies (99% bootstrap/1 PP).

Relationships within section Chrysophyllum and close relatives of C. cainito—Section Chrysophyllum is comprised of two major lineages, designated as clade A and clade B (99% bootstrap/1 PP) (Fig. 1). Clade A includes three strongly supported subgroups: samples of C. cainito collected from Mesoamerica and the Greater Antilles (clade A1); C. argenteum from Ecuador and Panama, C. argenteum subsp. panamense from Costa Rica, and C. argenteum subsp. auratum from South America (clade A2); and C. argenteum from South America and the Greater Antilles (Ecuador, French Guiana, and the Dominican Republic) (clade A3), with clade A2 sister to clade A1. These results indicate that C. cainito and C. argenteum share a most recent common ancestor and that C. cainito may in fact be derived from C. argenteum. Chrysophyllum cainito samples form a well-supported clade (94% bootstrap/1 PP) and fall into two groups: a northern Mesoamerican/Antillean group (Guatemala, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic) and a southern Mesoamerican group (Panama) (94% bootstrap/1 PP). Wild and cultivated samples of C. cainito do not form distinct groups.

In the second major lineage (clade B), the position of C. mexicanum as the closest relative of (and possibly derived from) C. oliviforme is well supported (100% bootstrap/1 PP). Within C. oliviforme, var. picardae and subsp. angustifolium form a moderately well-supported group (61% bootstrap/1 PP). Chrysophyllum bicolor does not fall within the same clade as C. cainito samples (clade A1), but instead falls into the second major lineage (clade B), sister to C. pauciflorum.

Phylogeographic analyses

We calculated haplotype networks for ITS and combined plastid DNA sequences based on data from the 81 individuals of C. cainito and 12 additional individuals, representing six congeneric species, for a total of 93 individuals representing seven species (Table 2).

Table 2. Chrysophyllumtaxa used in phylogeographic analyses. The observed plastid haplotypes and nuclear ribosomal ITS genotypes are summarized for each species. The number of individuals (N) per species included in the analyses is indicated.
Taxon N Haplotype (cp) ITS genotype
C. argenteum subsp. argenteum 2 B3 ITS-V, ITS-VI
C. argenteum subsp. auratum 1 B1 ITS-IV
C. argenteum subsp. panamense 1 B2 ITS-III
C. bicolor 1 A1 ITS-XIV
C. cainito 81 A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 ITS-I, ITS-II, ITS-I/II
C. mexicanum 2 A2 ITS-XI, ITS-XII
C. oliviforme 1 C3 ITS-VIII
C. oliviforme subsp. oliviforme 1 C2 ITS-IX
C. oliviforme var. picardae 1 C1 ITS-X
C. pauciforum 1 D ITS-XIII
Chrysophyllum sp. 1 E ITS-VII

Haplotype network of C. cainito and congeners based on ITS sequence data

We analyzed 676 bp of ITS sequence, treating gaps as missing data. Within the C. cainito samples, three sites were polymorphic and parsimony-informative (sites 342, 515, and 545). Several individuals of wild C. cainito trees from Panama were polymorphic at one, two, or three of these sites (a C/T polymorphism at site 342; a G/C polymorphism at site 515; and a T/C polymorphism at site 545), exhibiting a double chromatogram peak on both the forward and reverse strands. In such individuals, the only variable sites were all ambiguous. When inferring haplotypes from sequences where the variable sites are all ambiguous, the program TCS (9) randomly assigns each of these sequences into one of the existing haplotypes that contains the same variable but nonambiguous sites.

We recovered a highly bifurcating network of 14 haplotypes using a 95% connection limit and fixing the connection limit to 100 steps (Fig. 2). This network was highly congruent with the topology of the phylogenetic reconstruction (Fig. 1). The network construction contains three haplotypes that were not sampled in our data set and were inferred as missing intermediates (42) and one closed loop due to a homoplasious nucleotide substitution. Each species sampled had at least one species-unique haplotype (Chrysophyllum sp. ITS-VII, C. pauciflorum ITS-XIII, C. bicolor ITS-XIV) and intraspecific variation was represented by additional unique haplotypes in cases where multiple individuals were included (C. cainito ITS-I, ITS-II; C. argenteum ITS-III, ITS-IV, ITS-V, ITS-VI; C. oliviforme ITS-VIII, ITS-IX, ITS-X; C. mexicanum ITS-XI, ITS-XII).

Details are in the caption following the image

Haplotype network of 11 Chrysophyllum taxa based on ITS sequence data. Haplotypes are indicated by Roman numerals (I–XIV); circle size is proportional to the number of individuals that share a given haplotype; ITS-I (N = 63), ITS-II (N = 18), ITS-III through ITS-XV (N = 1). Lines between haplotypes represent mutational steps between alleles; nucleotide substitutions are indicated as hatch marks along the branches; diamond-tipped hatch mark indicates more than 20 nucleotide substitutions along the branch. Asterisks indicate homoplasious sites. Closed black circles indicate inferred haplotypes that were not sampled in our data set. The geographic origin of taxa is represented by color: Antilles (yellow), northern Mesoamerica (green), southern Mesoamerica (red), South America (dark blue), and Old World (light blue). Taxonomic identifications of Chrysophyllum are indicated by the first three letters of the (sub)specific epithet; arg: C. argenteum subsp. argenteum, aur: C. argenteum subsp. auratum, bic: C. bicolor, cai: C. cainito, mex: C. mexicanum, oli: C. oliviforme subsp. oliviforme, pan: C. argenteum subsp. panamense, pau: C. pauciflorum, pic: C. oliviforme var. picardae, Csp: Chrysophyllum sp. Costa Rica.

As noted already, in the results of direct sequencing of PCR products, some individuals exhibited overlapping peaks at one or more of the polymorphic sites. To determine whether these represented additional unique haplotype variation, we chose three individuals that exhibited the mixed sequence (JP142, JP188, and JP201) and cloned and sequenced five to eight colonies per individual. The cloned sequences were added to an ITS alignment of C. cainito and manually inspected. We did not find any new haplotype variation within the sequenced clones. Rather, all of the cloned sequences corresponded to either the ITS-I or ITS-II haplotype, indicating that each of the individuals (JP142, JP188, and JP201) is effectively heterozygous, carrying both the ITS-I and ITS-II haplotypes. We refer to individuals that carry both the ITS-I and ITS-II haplotypes as carrying the ITS-I/II genotype. In the network construction, each C. cainito sequence with ambiguous sites was assigned randomly into either the ITS-I or the ITS-II haplotype (see above).

The two haplotypes recovered in C. cainito, ITS-I and ITS-II, were separated by three nucleotide substitutions. ITS-I was the more common haplotype and was carried by both wild and cultivated trees collected from throughout the range (N = 60). All of the trees collected in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Guatemala, and all but one tree each from Mexico and Costa Rica carried haplotype ITS-I, as did four trees collected in Panama, one tree from Colombia, and two trees from Papua, Indonesia. Ten individuals (eight from Panama, one from Costa Rica and one from the Yucatan Peninsula) had the ITS-II haplotype. The ITS-II haplotype was recovered in wild trees collected in Panama (N = 5) and five cultivated trees, three from Panama, and one each from Costa Rica and the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico (Table 1).

Haplotype networks of C. cainito and congeners based on plastid sequence data

The combined plastid DNA (rps16 intron and trnS-fM intergenic spacer) sequence alignment was 1893 bp in length and contained seven informative nucleotide substitutions; we added 10 coded indels to the matrix, seven of which were parsimony informative.

We recovered 13 unique haplotypes (Table 2). Four indels and six nucleotide substitutions were homoplasious, which resulted in a network with one closed loop (Fig. 3). Unique haplotypes were recovered for all species and subspecies, with two exceptions: Chrysophyllum bicolor shared the same haplotype (cpA1) as some samples of C. cainito, and the two individuals of C. mexicanum shared the same haplotype (cpA2) as some C. cainito samples from Panama (N = 2) and Jamaica (N = 2). Three haplotypes were recovered for Chrysophyllum argenteum subspecies: subsp. auratum (cpB1), subsp. panamense (cpB2), and subsp. argenteum (cpB3) (Fig. 3, Table 2). Chrysophyllum oliviforme trees carried three haplotypes: C. oliviforme var. picardae carried the cpC1 haplotype and C. oliviforme subsp. oliviforme carried two haploytypes, cpC2 and cpC3. Chrysophyllum pauciflorum and Chrysophyllum sp. from the Osa Peninsula both carried unique haplotypes (cpD and cpE, respectively).

Details are in the caption following the image

Haplotype network of Chrysophyllum cainito individuals and 10 congeneric taxa based on nucleotide substitutions of plastid sequence data. Letters A–E indicate plastid haplotypes recovered in each species. Additional haplotype variation within each species is indicated with a superscripted number. Circle size is proportional to the number of individuals that share a given haplotype (N = 1 to N = 67). Lines between haplotypes represent mutational steps between alleles; single hatch marks represent nucleotide substitutions; dashed hatch marks represent indels. Asterisks indicate homoplasious sites. The geographic origin of taxa is represented by color: Antilles (yellow), northern Mesoamerica (green), southern Mesoamerica (red), South America (dark blue), and Old World (light blue). Taxonomic identifications of Chrysophyllum are indicated by the first three letters of the (sub)specific epithet and are defined in Figure 2.

Haplotypes carried by C. argenteum and C. cainito were distributed throughout the network and did not form distinct, species-unique lineages. In contrast, haplotypes carried by C. oliviforme were connected to each other in the network, indicating that these haplotypes were more closely related to each other than they were to haplotypes carried by other species, though the two haplotypes carried by C. oliviforme subsp. oliviforme were shown to be independently derived from that of C. oliviforme var. picardae. The centermost haplotype in the network was carried by C. argenteum subsp. panamense and had four points of connection.

Chrysophyllum cainito individuals carried five haplotypes (cpA1, cpA2, cpA3, cpA4, and cpA5), three of which (cpA3, cpA4, and cpA5) were unique to the species (Table 2). The cpA1 haplotype, which was the most common haplotype carried by C. cainito (N = 66), had two points of connection. It was carried by C. cainito trees from throughout the range and was shared by both wild and cultivated trees from all geographic areas sampled (Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Jamaica, and the Dominican Republic) (Fig. 3; see Table 1 for a complete list of C. cainito populations included). Haplotype cpA1 was found in all wild and cultivated trees from northern Mesoamerica (N = 15) and the Antilles (N = 36), with the exception of two trees from one wild population in Jamaica, as well as one cultivated tree from Colombia and two from Papua, Indonesia. The southern Mesoamerican trees that carried the cpA1 haplotype were predominantly cultivated trees (N = 10), with two wild trees from Panama also sharing the cpA1 haplotype.

Of the haplotypes recovered in C. cainito trees, cpA4 had the most points of connection (three) and was located in the interior of the network. The cpA4 haplotype was recovered exclusively in wild trees collected in Panama (N = 4). This haplotype was connected to the cpA5 haplotype, which was recovered by wild trees (N = 2) from Panama, the cpA2 haplotype, which was recovered in caimito trees collected in Panama (one wild and one cultivated tree) and Jamaica (two wild), as well as two individuals of C. mexicanum (Table 2), and to the lineage leading to the cpD, cpB3, and cpE haplotypes.

Geographic structure of C. cainito haplotypes and agreement between nuclear and plastid data

There is a strong pattern of geographic structuring of the ITS genotypes, with ITS-I being the only genotype recovered in the single tree that we sampled from South America and in the trees from the Antilles and northern Mesoamerica, with the exception of one tree from Muna, Yucatan, which carried the ITS-II genotype (Fig. 4A). The cultivated trees from Indonesia also carried the ITS-I genotype (Table 3). Twenty percent of the caimito trees from southern Mesoamerica carried the ITS-I genotype, 36% carried ITS-II, and 44% carried the ITS-I/II genotype (Table 3); the latter individuals appeared to carry both the ITS-I and ITS-II haplotypes.

Details are in the caption following the image

Collection localities and geographical distribution of haplotypes sampled from wild and cultivated Chrysophyllum cainito populations collected from the Greater Antilles, Mesoamerica, and South America. Circle size indicates the number of individuals collected at a locality (small circle is 1–2 individuals, larger circle is 3–4 individuals). Collection localities represent trees classified as either cultivated (hatched circles) or wild (no hatch marks). (A) Genotypes based on ITS sequence data. (B) Haplotypes based on plastid sequence data.

Table 3. Frequency (percentage) of plastid haplotypes and ITS genotypes in Chrysophyllum cainitobased on cultivation status (wild vs. cultivated) and geographic region. Empty cells indicate 0%; dashes indicate no samples for a particular cultivation status/geographic region.
Plastid haplotypes ITS genotypes
Samples cpA1 cpA2 cpA3 cpA4 cpA5 ITS-I ITS-II ITS-I/II
  Antilles 100 100
  Northern Mesoamerica 100 93.3 6.7
  Southern Mesoamerica 83.4 8.3 8.3 41.7 33.3 25.0
  South America 100 100
  Old World 100 100
  (All cultivated) 96.0 2.0 2.0 84.3 9.8 5.9
  Antilles 87.5 12.5 100
  Northern Mesoamerica 100 100
  Southern Mesoamerica 15.4 7.7 30.8 30.8 15.4 38.5 61.5
  South America
  Old World
  (All wild) 56.7 10.0 13.3 13.3 6.7 56.6 16.7 26.7
 All samples (cultivated and wild)
 Antilles 94.6 5.4 100
  Northern Mesoamerica 100 93.8 6.2
  Southern Mesoamerica 48.0 8.0 20.0 16.0 8.0 20.0 36.0 44.0
  South America 100
  Old World 100
  (All samples) 81.5 4.9 6.2 4.9 2.5 74.1 12.3 13.6

The plastid haplotypes show similar geographic structuring (Fig. 4B). Almost all individuals in the Antilles and northern Mesoamerica carried haplotype cpA1 (94.6%, 100%, respectively) (Table 3). All of the trees from South America and Indonesia also shared the cpA1 haplotype. The frequency of haplotypes carried by southern Mesoamerican trees was variable. Forty-eight percent of the trees carried the cpA1 haplotype, 8% carried cpA2, 20% carried cpA3, 16% cpA4, and 8% the cpA5 haplotype (Table 3).

We observed a strong level of concordance between the nuclear ribosomal ITS genotypes and the plastid haplotypes within caimito. The vast majority of the individuals from the Antilles and northern Mesoamerica, which carried the cpA1 haplotype, also carried the ITS-I genotype (100% and 93.3%, respectively) (Table 4). One exception was found in the cultivated tree from Muna, Yucatan mentioned above, which carried the cpA1 and ITS-II combination. There was a different pattern in the south, where the plastid haplotypes (cpA1, cpA2, cpA3, cpA4, cpA5) and ITS genotypes were found in various combinations (Table 4). The one Antillean population that carried the cpA2 plastid haplotype (Slipe, Jamaica, represented by individuals JP115 and JP116) carried the ITS-I genotype.

Table 4. Percentage concordance between plastid haplotypes and nuclear ribosomal ITS genotypes within cultivated and wild individuals of Chrysophyllum cainito. Empty cells indicate 0% and dashes indicate no data for a given cultivation status/geographic region.
Samples cpA1- ITSI cpA1- ITSII cpA1- ITSI/II cpA2- ITSI cpA2 - ITSI/II cpA3- ITSI cpA3 - ITSII cpA3- ITSI/II cpA4 - ITSII cpA4- ITSI/II cpA5- ITSI/II
 Antilles 100
 Northern Mesoamerica 93.3 6.7
 Southern Mesoamerica 33.3 33.3 16.7 8.3 8.3
 South America 100
 Old World 100
  (All cultivated) 82.4 9.8 3.9 0 2.0 2.0 0 0 0 0 0
 Antilles 87.5 12.5
 Northern Mesoamerica 100.0
 Southern Mesoamerica 23.1 15.4 15.4 23.1 7.6 15.4
 South America
 Old World
  (All wild) 50.0 0 10.0 6.7 0 0 6.7 6.7 10.0 3.2 6.7
All samples (cultivated and wild)
 Antilles 94.6 5.4
 Northern Mesoamerica 93.8 6.2
 Southern Mesoamerica 16.0 16.0 20.0 4.0 4.0 8.0 8.0 12.0 4.0 8.0
 South America 100.0
 Old World 100.0
  (All samples) 70.3 6.2 6.2 2.5 1.2 1.2 2.5 2.5 3.7 1.2 2.5

Cultivated vs. wild caimito trees

Most of the wild caimito trees that we sampled carried one of the two unique ITS haplotypes in homozygous form, exhibiting either the ITS-I (56.6%) or the ITS-II (16.7%) genotype (Table 3). In addition, 26.7% of all of the wild trees (N = 8 from Panama) carried the ITS-I/II genotype. One hundred percent of the wild trees sampled from the Antilles and northern Mesoamerica carried the ITS-I genotype. Of the wild trees from southern Mesoamerica, 38.5% carried the ITS-II genotype and 61.5% carried ITS-I/II. The ITS-I genotype was absent in wild trees in southern Mesoamerica (Table 3).

The wild trees that we sampled carried five plastid haplotypes, with 56.7% of wild trees sharing the cpA1 allele and the remaining 43.3% carrying the cpA2, cpA3, cpA4, or cpA5 haplotypes (Table 3). All of the wild trees from northern Mesoamerica and nearly all of the wild trees from the Antilles (87.5%) carried the cpA1 haplotype. The exceptions were two wild trees collected in secondary forest from Slipe, Jamaica, which carried the cpA2 haplotype. The greatest diversity of plastid haplotypes was recovered in wild trees collected in southern Mesoamerica, where all five of the plastid alleles that we recovered were present; 15.4% carried the cpA1 haplotype, 7.7% carried cpA2, 30.8% carried cpA3, 30.8% the cpA4, and 15.4% carried the cpA5 haplotype (Table 3).

The majority of cultivated trees carried the cpA1 haplotype (96%) with the remaining 4%, all of which were from southern Mesoamerica, carrying either the cpA2 (2%) or the cpA3 (2%) haplotype (Table 3). ITS-I was the most common nuclear ribosomal genotype, carried by 84.3% of cultivated trees. The ITS-II genotype was recovered in 9.8% of cultivated trees (one from Muna, Yucatan; one from Costa Rica and three from Panama) and the ITS-I/II genotype was recovered in 5.9% of cultivated trees, all from Panama (N = 3) (Table 3). There was strong correspondence between plastid and nuclear data in that the majority of the cultivated trees that carried the cpA1 haplotype also carried the ITS-I genotype with the exception of one tree from Muna, Yucatan, which carried the cpA1 and ITS-II combination (Table 4).


Phylogenetic relationships in Chrysophyllum and close relatives of C. cainito

Our results provide insights into the taxonomy of Chrysophyllum and the origins of C. cainito, an important Mesoamerican fruit tree. Several inferences can be drawn from our analysis of phylogenetic relationships in Chrysophyllum based on ITS sequence data (Fig. 1). (1) The genus Chrysophyllum is paraphyletic with respect to Pouteria, as found in previous studies (56). (2) The monophyly of sect. Chrysophyllum is supported in both the MP and the Bayesian analyses and, with the increased taxonomic sampling compared to previous studies (e.g., 56), is strongly supported as a clade. (3) The probable sister group to sect. Chrysophyllum is a clade of Old World origin (Africa–Australia), a result consistent with the finding that Chrysophyllum originated in the Old World and was subsequently dispersed to South America (5).

Our results indicate that there are two main lineages within sect. Chrysophyllum and that three subgroups can be identified among accessions of C. cainito and C. argenteum. Chrysophyllum cainito, the type species of the genus, forms a clade (clade A1 in Fig. 1), but is nested within C. argenteum, suggesting that the former species is derived from the latter. Our results indicate that C. argenteum represents several lineages, which is reflected in observed morphological variation and the recognition of five subspecies.

Several morphological characteristics support the distinction between C. argenteum and C. cainito. In C. cainito, the length of the corolla lobes are equal to or exceed the length of the corolla tube, while in C. argenteum they are shorter than the tube (38). The combination of vegetative characters and number of seeds per fruit also differ between the two species. In C. cainito, the abaxial leaf surface is golden or golden-reddish brown (ferruginous) sericeous, and the fruit contains 3–10 seeds (38; 36). In C. argenteum, several combinations exist (38). Fruits of subsp. panamense have several seeds, but the leaves are subglabrous with whitish hairs, whereas in subspecies nitidum, whose fruits are unknown, the leaves are glabrous. In the other three subspecies, the fruits are single-seeded, and the abaxial leaf surface may be sericeous to sparsely appressed-puberulous or subglabrous with whitish hairs (subsp. argenteum), sericeous with golden hairs (subsp. auratum), or densely sericeous-tomentose with golden or ferruginous hairs (subps. ferrugineum). These distinctions hold for both cultivated and wild caimito trees compared to C. argenteum trees. Thus, we believe that the distinction between C. cainito and C. argenteum is warranted, but further investigation of the taxonomy of these species is needed; it appears that recognition of multiple species within C. argenteum may be most appropriate.

We were not able to identify all of our C. argenteum samples to the subspecific level. In some cases, there were no reproductive characters present at the time of collection, and not all of the sequences that we obtained from GenBank included subspecific identifications. Sample numbers JP724 and JP725, which fall into clade A3 in these analyses (Fig. 1), were collected in the Dominican Republic; they most likely represent C. argenteum subsp. argenteum and were labeled as such in this study. These trees had similar vegetative characters to those reported for subsp. argenteum, although the fruits from our collections were round, while subsp. argenteum fruits are typically ellipsoid (38). These trees therefore appear to represent additional morphological variation to what has been published previously for this taxon.

Chrysophyllum mexicanum is not supported as being the progenitor to C. cainito, but rather is closely allied with, and may even be derived from, C. oliviforme, a result consistent with 38 treatment. This result is notable because C. mexicanum is commonly considered by both local people and field biologists to be the wild form of C. cainito due to the similarity between the two species based on vegetative characters. Chrysophyllum mexicanum also has edible fruits, which are locally consumed (J. Petersen, personal observation).

Chrysophyllum bicolor appears to represent a unique lineage rather than part of the variation found within C. cainito as indicated by 38 listing of the former species as a synonym of the latter. Chrysophyllum bicolor is considered, along with C. pauciflorum, to be endemic to the Greater Puerto Rico Basin (1). The few individuals of C. bicolor that are known occur primarily in moist secondary forest on the islands of Puerto Rico and Hispaniola (1). JP57, a 10-m tall heritage tree, was collected on the Island of St. John, U. S. Virgin Islands and identified with the help of Eleanor Gibley, a local expert on the flora of St. John. It is interesting to note that in the original description by Poiret published in 1811, Chrysophyllum bicolor is described as an “arbrisseau,” meaning a woody plant that branches from the base, i.e., a shrub (25). Pedro 1 in the Flora of St. John, U. S. Virgin Islands states that C. bicolor is a tree, 6–15 m in height. In other aspects, the original description by Poiret and that found in the Flora of St. John appear to correspond with our collection (JP57), fitting the species description of 1. The fruit of C. bicolor is a 1-cm diameter, asymmetrically ellipsoid berry with a single seed (1), quite different from the 4- to 6-cm diameter, depressed-globose, multi-seeded berry of C. cainito (38). Acevedo considers these differences in fruit type between C. cainito and C. bicolor to be sufficient to warrant recognition of the two as separate species (Flora of St. John, p. 401). These observations, combined with the unique ITS sequence reported here, support recognition of C. bicolor as a distinct species, a decision that may have consequences for conservation of this taxon with an extremely restricted present-day distribution.

Patterns of divergence and distribution of caimito and close relatives using phylogenetic and phylogeographic approaches

Evolutionary relationships at the interspecific level are assumed to be hierarchical and are generally understood using tree-based phylogenetic approaches. Long divergence times are expected to lead to distinct gene pools between species due to the long-time accumulation of mutations and the subsequent fixation of unique alleles in the different lineages. These relationships can be depicted in bifurcating tree topologies (42). Using tree-based approaches to infer evolutionary relationships is considered appropriate when the following conditions are met: ancestral and descendent alleles do not occur simultaneously, there is no gene flow between the species, and there is no genomic recombination (42). However, these assumptions are sometimes violated, and evolutionary relationships can be obscured, particularly in studies involving plants, because of processes such as interspecific hybridization and the presence of ancestral and descendent alleles within a data set (49).

In contrast, relationships at the intraspecific level are considered nonhierarchical due to population-level forces such as gene flow and its associated possibility for recombination, as well as fewer and more recent mutation events. Multifurcating networks constructed using sequence variation (haplotypes) are therefore often better suited for inferring relationships below the species level (42). Phylogeographic approaches that examine haplotype diversity over a geographic landscape (4) have become increasingly useful for understanding past events that have shaped a species's current distribution pattern, particularly when the close relatives of the species under study are included (40).

We constructed haplotype networks to understand the patterns of divergence and distribution of caimito and its close relatives. We constructed separate haplotype networks of nuclear ribosomal ITS sequence data, which is biparentally inherited, and plastid sequence data, which is most commonly maternally inherited in angiosperms (19). The haplotype network based on ITS sequence (Fig. 2) has a highly bifurcating topology and reveals relationships very similar to those recovered in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1), with all species having at least one species-unique haplotype.

Although the species sampled appear to be well diverged based on the ITS data, there is minimal geographic structuring of C. cainito and congeners as inferred from either the haplotype network or the phylogenetic relationships of clades A and B (Fig. 1). Clade A contains species that are distributed in the Antilles, northern and southern Mesoamerica, and South America, while clade B contains species from the Antilles and northern and southern Mesoamerica. We undertook biogeographic analyses in DIVA (45) using a fully resolved topology from the phylogenetic reconstruction (Fig. 1), but we were unable to resolve the ancestral areas of the clades (data not shown). This is in part due to our sampling; to derive a robust hypothesis of the biogeographic history of sect. Chrysophyllum, we would need to sample all the species in the section including the nine species from South America, the putative ancestral area of the clade, and we did not have access to material of those species.

Nonetheless, using a network approach, our current sampling does allow insights into the historical biogeography within sect. Chrysophyllum. In the network constructed using ITS data, we see a lack of geographic structure among haplotypes of C. cainito and C. argenteum, reflecting the close relationship between these lineages and suggesting that coalescence of the haplotypes likely preceded the diversification of these species. We do, however, observe that the Antillean taxa, C. oliviforme subsp. oliviforme, C. oliviforme var. picardae, C. pauciflorum, and C. bicolor, share a close genealogical relationship with the northern Mesoamerican species, C. mexicanum. The haplotype of C. mexicanum appears to be derived from C. oliviforme (Fig. 2), which would suggest an Antilles to northern Mesoamerica dispersal event.

Similar to the relationships based on the ITS network, there is little geographic structuring in the haplotype network constructed using plastid data. Based on coalescent theory, we expect that ancestral haplotypes will have a high number of descending lineages as evidenced by the number of points of connection to other haplotypes (42). In our network based on plastid data, the cpB2 haplotype has four points of connection and appears to be the oldest allele, ancestral to the others (Fig. 3). The cpB2 haplotype is carried by C. argenteum subsp. panamense, which has a southern Mesoamerican and northern South American distribution, and is connected to haplotypes that are carried by four taxa (Fig. 3). The cpB2 haplotype is connected to cpA1, which is carried by cultivated and wild trees of C. cainito collected from throughout the present-day range and by the narrow endemic species, C. bicolor. In addition, cpB2 is connected to cpC1, carried by C. oliviforme var. picardae, cpA2, carried by individuals of C. cainito and C. mexicanum, and cpA3, carried by individuals of C. cainito. The species that carry these haplotypes are distributed over a large geographic area that includes the Antilles as well as northern and southern Mesoamerica.

The plastid haplotypes are mostly species-unique, but in the case of C. cainito and C. argenteum, each haplotype is not most closely related to other haplotypes carried by the same species. This pattern suggests that the most recent coalescent event may have preceded the divergence of these two species, the same conclusion we reached based on ITS data. Incomplete lineage sorting and/or hybridization have likely played important roles in establishing this pattern, although the relative roles of these various processes are notoriously difficult to ascertain.

We also observe that the only two caimito trees from northern Mesoamerica and the Antilles that carry the cpA2 haplotype were two putative wild caimito trees from Slipe, Jamaica. Neither fruits nor flowers were present on the trees at the time of collection. However, these trees appear to exhibit a fruit morphology that is intermediate between C. cainito and C. oliviforme, and local participants refer to these trees as “pencil star apples”. The fruits are said to be longer and more slender than typical C. cainito fruits (“star apple” is the common name of the species in Jamaica). These trees carry the ITS-I genotype, which was recovered in C. cainito trees and which predominates in northern Mesoamerican and Antillean caimito populations, and the cpA2 haplotype, which was recovered in southern Mesoamerican caimito populations and in C. mexicanum. The combination of the C. cainito “northern” ITS genotype with the “southern” cpA2 haplotype found in these trees may be due to incomplete lineage sorting within the plastid genome or local introgression from sympatric populations of C. oliviforme. Chrysophyllum cainito and C. oliviforme have not been reported to hybridize, although some other possibly intermediate forms have been observed on Jamaica (J. Petersen and D. Potter, personal observation). 31 reported a similar situation where the limits of species boundaries were obscured between a neotropical domesticate, Spondias purpurea L., and its wild relatives. Further detailed studies are required to parse out the relative extent to which these observed patterns in C. cainito haplotype diversity are due to incomplete lineage sorting, hybridization, and/or lack of resolving power of the DNA markers used in the study.

5 reported that the lineages leading to the clades containing C. cainito and C. oliviforme likely diverged from a common ancestor in the early Oligocene, between 29–19 Ma. This result would suggest a particularly long coalescence time for a group of plants, and it may be partly due to limited sampling of species in sect. Chrysophyllum in the 5 study. However, the occurrence of ancient polymorphisms being maintained in plastid regions has also been observed at the intraspecific level in cases such as Coreopsis L. (Asteraceae) (30), at both the intra- and interspecific levels in Senecio L. (Asteraceae) (11), and at the interspecific level in Hordeum L. (Poaceae) (23).

Our data suggest that there was a large ancestral effective population size of the species representing clades A and B (Fig. 1) as indicated by the fact that some plastid haplotypes are shared by more than one species (C. cainito and C. bicolor; C. cainito and C. mexicanum) and that the plastid haplotypes carried by a given species are not all more closely related to one another than they are to haplotypes carried by other species, with the exception of the haplotypes recovered in C. oliviforme. This observed pattern suggests that haplotype divergence evolved before species divergence and may also be due in part to interspecific hybridization. The tree and network based on nuclear ribosomal ITS haplotypes (Figs. 1, 2) reveal greater divergence among recognized taxa in sect. Chrysophyllum and each haplotype is species-unique; nonetheless, the ITS haplotypes of some species (C. oliviforme, C. argenteum) do not form exclusive lineages. The nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS) is likely tracking more contemporary diversification patterns due to the process of concerted evolution of the ribosomal DNA (21; 61). We hypothesize that this process has partially erased patterns indicating gene flow and incomplete lineage sorting that occurred earlier in the evolution of these taxa, but these patterns are evident in the network based on plastid DNA sequence data, which tracks more ancient events.

Based on these observations, we hypothesize that the putative migration out of South America of the common ancestor of clades A and B (Fig. 1) happened early in the neotropical diversification of the group. The putative large ancestral effective population size may also explain the relatively high levels of lineage diversification (speciation) in both the Antilles and Mesoamerica. The distribution of several species occurring either on the Antillean chain or in Mesoamerica, but not both, suggests that there were possibly two migration routes out of South America; one via the Antillean Chain and the second up through Mesoamerica. In this scenario, repeated uni- or bidirectional dispersal between the Antilles and continental America would explain the lack of exclusivity of the relatedness among plastid haplotypes that we observed for many of the species. These emerging hypotheses regarding the history of lineage diversification and expansion of neotropical Chrysophyllum will benefit from further taxonomic and genomic sampling.

Geographic origins of wild caimito populations

In C. cainito populations, we see strong geographic structuring along a north–south gradient based on the nuclear genotype and plastid haplotype diversity (Fig. 4), similar to genetic structuring of Mesoamerican populations reported for other neotropical species such as Cedrela odorata L. (7 and references therein) and mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King) (35, but see also 27). Our data support a southern Mesoamerican origin for wild caimito populations. We did not recover any nuclear or plastid haplotypes unique to northern Mesoamerica or the Antilles. Rather, all were a subset of haplotypes present in populations from the south. In northern Mesoamerica and the Antilles, we observe a partial reduction in overall diversity compared to southern Mesoamerica; 40% of the plastid diversity and 100% of the ITS diversity were recovered there. In addition, we see a strong skew toward particular haplotypes, as 94.3% of all northern Mesoamerican and Antillean populations carry the cpA1 and ITS-I combination. Of the remaining trees from that region, 1.9% carry the cpA1 ITS-II combination and 3.8% carry the cpA2 ITS-I combination.

As all of the genetic diversity of C. cainito is present on the Isthmus of Panama, we hypothesize this to be the origin or center of diversity of the species. We cannot, however, definitively rule out a northern South American origin of the species, where wild trees possibly occur (C. Baraloto, UMR EcoFoG, personal communication), but we did not have access to any samples of such trees. We hypothesize a migration of the ITS-I genotype and the cpA1 haplotype from more southern areas, including the Isthmus of Panama, into northern Mesoamerica and the Greater Antilles. This migration may have been due to natural causes such as adaptation to environmental factors associated with historic climate change, with a concomitant reduction in frequency of the cpA1 haplotype in the more mesic environment within Panama. A similar situation has been hypothesized for the central and southern plastid haplotype lineages of Cedrela odorota, a common timber tree in Central America (7).

Coupled with the strong geographic structuring of plastid haplotypes, we observe a shallow phylogeographic signal as indicated by the relatively few nucleotide substitutions that differentiate the haplotypes (Fig. 3). This shallow signal may in part reflect slow rates of molecular evolution, particularly with regard to the plastid genome, which have also been observed in studies done at the subfamilial level where seven plastid regions were necessary to resolve higher-level relationships within the Chrysophylloideae (56). The shallow phylogeographic signal may also reflect a fairly recent northward geographic expansion of the species into a newer range. Recent expansions into new geographic ranges have been observed in Gliricidia sepium (Jacquin) Steudel, where founder and source populations differed by only a few molecular changes (26).

Genetic differentiation of wild and cultivated trees and the origins of cultivated material

The cultivated caimito trees that we sampled retain high levels of the total diversity sampled in wild caimito trees. In addition to finding the highest overall diversity in southern Mesoamerica, we observe that the cultivated trees that we sampled from that region are also highly diverse and retain 60% of the plastid diversity present in local wild populations and 100% of the nuclear ribosomal diversity sampled.

The wild and cultivated trees sampled from southern Mesoamerica have higher levels of diversity than the wild and cultivated trees in northern Mesoamerica and the Antilles. The frequencies of the cpA2, cpA3, cpA4, and cpA5 haplotypes are much higher in southern Mesoamerica where the cpA1 haplotype is found in roughly the same frequency (48%) as the remaining plastid haplotypes (cpA2, cpA3, cpA4, and cpA5) combined (52%), as compared to all of the trees (100%) carrying the cpA1 haplotype in northern Mesoamerica and the vast majority (94.6%) carrying the cpA1 haplotype in the Antilles. The majority of southern wild trees carry the cpA2, cpA3, cpA4, or cpA5 haplotype, with cpA3 and cpA4 being the most common. In southern Mesoamerica, the cpA1 haplotype greatly increases in frequency in cultivated populations (83.4% vs. 15.4% in wild populations sampled). In addition, some southern Mesoamerican cultivated populations, such as Arraijan Barriada 2000 and Chilibre, are polymorphic and trees there carry either the cpA1 or the southern Mesoamerica-specific haplotype cpA3. These patterns suggest that cultivated material in Panama may have been derived from multiple local wild populations.

A similar pattern is observed in the nuclear ribosomal genotypes. In the trees that we sampled from southern Mesoamerica, the ITS-I/II genotype was most common (44%). This genotype predominates in the southern Mesoamerican wild trees (61.5%) but is only carried by 25% of the southern Mesoamerican cultivated trees. Cultivated trees in southern Mesoamerica predominantly carry the ITS-I genotype (41.7%). We also see an increase in the association of particular plastid haplotypes and nuclear genotypes under cultivation, with one third of the cultivated trees in southern Mesoamerica carrying the cpA1 ITS-I combination and one-third carrying the cpA1 ITS-II combination, both of which are absent in the local wild populations that we sampled. The patterns observed in the haplotype frequencies and distributions suggest that the commonly cultivated form of caimito may have been brought into cultivation in Panama from wild populations such as Clayton, where the trees carry the cpA1 and ITS-I/II combination. Subsequently, due to population genetic forces such as local drift or selection (natural or anthropogenic), the cpA1 ITS-I and cpA1 ITS-II combinations both increased in frequency under cultivation.

Within Panama, the cultivated trees retain high levels of diversity. For example, trees collected in the community of Chilibre retain high levels of local haplotype diversity with trees there carrying the cpA1 and cpA3 haplotypes as well as ITS-I and ITS-II (including the less common combinations, cpA1 ITS-II and cpA3 ITS-I). These may represent selections made from local surrounding forests such as Madden, Venta de Cruces, and Pipeline, where trees carry the cpA3 and ITS-I/II combination, and Clayton, where trees carry the cpA1 ITS-I/II combination.

It is interesting to note that we did not sample any of the ITS-I genotype (ITS-I in homozygous form) in wild populations from southern Mesoamerica, yet 41.7% of the cultivated trees in the area carry this genotype. The ITS-I haplotype is found in heterozygous form (ITS-I/ITS-II genotype) in wild trees in this area. There are three possible, and not mutually exclusive, hypotheses that may explain these observations: (1) The ITS-I genotype is in fact present in some wild trees in southern Mesoamerica, but we did not sample them in our study. (2) Many wild trees in southern Mesoamerica retain ancestral polymorphisms in ITS. (3) The ITS-I genotype, which has increased in frequency under cultivation, is at least partly maintained in heterozygous form in southern Mesoamerican populations due to historic and/or ongoing gene flow between cultivated and wild trees.

A distinct cultivated gene pool, represented by the cpA1 ITS-I combination, is being maintained under cultivation. We hypothesize that the cpA1 ITS-I combination was selected from several local wild populations in Panama. Cultivated material outside of Panama, which almost exclusively bears that combination, appears to be derived from a subset of the locally cultivated material found within Panama. This combination was found in the material we sampled from South America and Indonesia, as well as the Antilles and northern Mesoamerica. The collection from Muna, Yucatan, which was the only cultivated tree from outside of Panama that did not carry the cpA1 ITS-I combination, may represent diversity that is retained in very low frequency outside the putative area of domestication.

In addition, some of the observed ITS-I in southern Mesoamerican cultivated trees may be the result of a secondary recolonization of caimito from the north to the south by human-mediated dispersal. Several of these ITS-I trees were collected from communities such as Chilibre that are heavily dominated by people of Afro-Antillean extraction whose ancestors may have brought caimito selections with them when they arrived in Panama to build the railroad and canal.

Based on our data, we hypothesize that after trees were brought into cultivation in Panama, a genetic bottleneck occurred due to either anthropogenic or natural causes (such as those discussed above), and the material that migrated to northern Mesoamerica and the Antilles was primarily the cpA1 ITS-I combination. It is possible that there are some traits associated with cultivation or domestication that are carried by individuals that have the cpA1 ITS-I combination.

We observe strong phenotypic, chemical, and ecological differences between wild and cultivated caimito populations sampled in Panama, which we documented in an earlier study (36). However, these differences do not have a corresponding genetic component based on the nuclear and plastid markers used in these analyses. It appears that the markers that we used, which are designed to track neutral variation, are not tracking genomic regions associated with the observed differences between wild and cultivated fruit and seed traits.

Previous studies that used molecular markers to evaluate domestication processes of neotropical fruit trees found that cultivated populations retain significant levels of the genetic diversity present in wild populations (i.e., 22) but that there is not always a clear demarcation between cultivated and wild populations when using neutral genetic markers, particularly in areas where wild and cultivated trees are sympatric, as in the case of peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) (13). Similar to the pattern that we observe in caimito, other instances have been reported where cultivated or domesticated neotropical fruit trees appear to be derived from multiple wild populations, such as the cases of jocote (Spondias purpurea L.) (32, 33) and Inga edulis Mart. (14).

Conclusions and future directions

In our phylogenetic analysis of ITS data, we see a well-supported set of relationships, which support the monophyly of Chrysophyllum sect. Chrysophyllum as well as the evolutionary distinctiveness of most of the species that we sampled within the section. The notable exceptions are that C. cainito is nested within C. argenteum and C. argenteum, as currently circumscribed, represents multiple lineages. We observe similar relationships between C. cainito and C. argenteum based on the network constructed using plastid sequence data. Both results from the phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses suggest that factors such as incomplete lineage sorting and/or hybridization may be at play. The lack of concordance in the inferred relationships based on ITS and plastid data of C. mexicanum and C. bicolor also appears to best be explained by incomplete lineage sorting. Based on our current sampling, it is unclear whether the taxonomic delineation of C. oliviforme subspecies adopted by 38 reflects evolutionary history, and additional studies will help elucidate whether the variation within C. oliviforme warrants recognition of intraspecific taxa.

Clades A and B based on ITS data (Fig. 1), which represent clades containing C. cainito and C. oliviforme, respectively, are estimated to have diverged 29–19 Ma. It is possible that repeated migration and dispersal events within the neotropical range may in part be responsible for the maintenance of ancestral alleles along with descendent alleles in the different species. The ancestral and descendent alleles also occur at the intraspecific level in C. cainito populations in southern Mesoamerica. These observed patterns may also be caused by hybridization, as evidenced by both the sharing of alleles between sympatric congeners and also by the nonconcordance between nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid alleles. The importance of using multiple individuals per species to infer evolutionary relationships in phylogeny reconstruction is elucidated, as is the benefit of using both network and tree-based approaches, both of which have been useful approaches in previous studies.

Understanding the biogeographic history of sect. Chrysophyllum will not only help in understanding how the aforementioned factors shape present-day diversity and distribution patterns; it is also essential for developing a robust hypothesis of the origin and history of evolution and domestication of C. cainito. To further unravel the evolutionary history of this group, we recommend including multiple individuals for each species and subspecies of sect. Chrysophyllum collected from throughout the neotropical range, particularly from South America and the to-date unsampled areas in Mesoamerica and the Antilles.

Within C. cainito, we see a strong level of geographic structuring on a north–south gradient, a result that is consistent between both plastid and nuclear ribosomal ITS data. In both data sets, there are higher levels of diversity in southern Mesoamerica in comparison to the Greater Antilles, the presumed origin of the species. Our data suggest a possible southern Mesoamerican origin of the species and also point to southern Mesoamerica as the likely center of domestication of caimito. Using these neutral plastid and nuclear ribosomal ITS markers, we do not detect any specific haplotypes associated with a tree's cultivation status, but rather we see an increase in frequency of the cpA1 ITS-I combination. While our results do not preclude a historic distribution range that may include both the Antilles and southern Mesoamerica, it appears that an expansion into the northern distribution range of caimito may have occurred via human-mediated migration through cultivation. We plan to use highly variable microsatellite markers developed for C. cainito to test our “Out of Panama” hypothesis. Additional evolutionary and biogeographic studies within sect. Chrysophyllum will also provide context in our efforts to shed light on the present and historical processes that have thus far shaped the distribution patterns of an important neotropical tree species.

Appendix 1

Section, name, and authority; country of collection, sample numbers, specific locality, and GenBank accession numbers for the 51 specimens used in the phylogenetic analysis of Chrysophyllum (Fig. 1). Sample numbers beginning with JP indicate collections made by Jennifer Petersen; those beginning with SAP indicate material obtained from botanical gardens. DNA for C. oliviforme (SAP1) was obtained from the DNA Bank from the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew and the voucher specimen (Chase 127) is held at the University of North Carolina (NCU). All other voucher specimens were deposited at the U.C. Davis Center for Plant Diversity (DAV). Duplicate specimens were donated to herbaria within each country where the specimen was collected: CICY (Mexico), CR (Costa Rica), IJ (Jamaica), JBSD (Dominican Republic). Herbarium acronyms follow 58. Taxonomic nomenclature is taken from 17; taxonomic ranks of Chrysophyllum and Pouteria follow 38, 39). ITS sequences obtained from GenBank are in italics. Asterisks indicate specimens that were included in the phylogeographic analyses. GenBank accession numbers for ITS, rps16 and trnS-fM sequences generated for phylogenetic studies are included.

Taxon Country Sample number Source or collection locality ITS rps16 trnS-trnfM
Section Aneuchrysophyllum
Chrysophyllum bangweolense R.E.Fr. Zaire AY552152
Chrysophyllum boivinianum (Pierre) Baehni Madagascar DQ246667
Chrysophyllum eximium Ducke French Guiana FJ037866
Chrysophyllum imperiale (Linden ex K.Koch & Fintelm.) Brazil EF558615
Chrysophyllum venezuelanense (Pierre) T. D. Penn. Ecuador DQ246673
Section Chrysophyllum
Chrysophyllum argenteum subsp. auratum (Miq.) T.D.Penn. Unknown SAP39* Fairchild Tropical Garden  951326A JF913001 JF913185 JF913092
Chrysophyllum argenteum Jacq. subsp. panamense (Pittier) T.D. Penn. Costa Rica JP70* Osa Peninsula JF913003 JF913184 JF913091
Costa Rica JP71* Osa Peninsula JF913002
Chrysophyllum argenteum Jacq. Dominican Republic JP758* La Colonia, San Cristóbal JF913006
Dominican Republic JP795* Mina, El Seibo JF913004
Dominican Republic JP820* Mount Isabel de Torres,  Puerto Plata JF913005 JF913187 JF913094
Ecuador Ecuador01 AY635512
Ecuador Ecuador02 AY635511
Ecuador Ecuador03 AY635516
Ecuador Ecuador04 AY635515
French Guiana French Guiana01 FJ037865
French Guiana French Guiana02 FJ037864
Panama Panama01 AY635514
Panama Panama02 AY635513
Chrysophyllum bicolor Poir. in J.B.A.M. de Lamarck USVI, St. John JP57* Centerline Road JF912987 JF913188 JF913095
Chrysophyllum cainito L. Dominican Republic JP760* Cambita Garabitos,  San Cristóbal JF912984
Guatemala Gua08-1 La Ribosa, Izabal JF912978
Jamaica JP95* Cave Valley, St. Ann JF912983 JF913168 JF913075
Jamaica JP126* Mountainside, St. Elizabeth JF912985 JF913178 JF913085
Panama JP172* Chilibre, Panamá JF912979 JF913182 JF913089
Panama JP176* Madden, Panamá JF912980 JF913112 JF913019
Panama JP203* Venta de Cruces, Panamá JF912981 JF913102 JF913009
Panama JP216* Old Gamboa Road, Panamá JF912982 JF913103 JF913010
Chrysophyllum mexicanum Brandegee Mexico JP256* Bacalar, Quintana Roo JF912991 JF913193 JF913100
Mexico JP341* Tres Garantías, Quintana Roo JF912989 JF913194 JF913101
Mexico JP398* José María Morelos, Yucatán JF912990
Chrysophyllum oliviforme L. subsp. oliviforme Dominican Republic JP763* Parque Nacional Sierra de  Bahoruco, Pedernales JF912996 JF913191 JF913098
Chrysophyllum oliviforme L. var. picardae (Urb.) Cronquist Dominican Republic JP764* Parque Nacional Sierra de  Bahoruco, Pedernales JF912992 JF913192 JF913099
Chrysophyllum oliviforme L. subsp. angustifolium (Lam.) T.D.Penn. Dominican Republic JP765* Lower International Highway,  Aguas Negras, Pedernales JF912993
Chrysophyllum oliviforme L. Jamaica JP120* Lincoln-Mt. Prospect,  Manchester Parish JF912994 JF913190 JF913097
Jamaica JP122* Shorehampton-Maidstone,  Manchester Parish JF912995
Jamaica JP130* Windsor, Trelawny Parish JF912998
Unknown SAP1 DNA from Royal Botanical  Garden, Kew DNA  Bank (#127) JF913000
Unknown SAP32 Montgomery Botanical  Garden 20011223A JF912999
Unknown SAP34 Montgomery Botanical  Center 20011224A JF912997
Chrysophyllum pauciforum Lam. USVI, St. John JP56* John Head Road JF912986 JF913189 JF913096
Chrysophyllum sp. Costa Rica JP69** Osa Peninsula JF912988 JF913183 JF913090
Section Donella
Chrysophyllum fenerivense (Aubev.) G.E.Schatz & L. Gaut. Madagascar DQ246669
Chrysophyllum pruniforme Engl. Ghana DQ246671
Chrysophyllum roxburghii G.Don Australia DQ154051
Section Ragala
Chrysophyllum sanguinolentum (Pierre) Baehni French Guiana FJ037869
Section Villocuspis
Chrysophyllum sparsiflorum Klotzsch ex Miq. in C.F.P. von Martius Guyana DQ021882
Section Pouteria
Pouteria guianensis Aubl. French Guiana FJ037893
Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk. French Guiana FJ037896
Subfamily Sapotoideae
Manilkara sideroxylon (Griseb.) Dubard Jamaica JP114 Slipe, St. Elizabeth JF913008

Appendix 2

Country of collection, population, and collection numbers for each individual along with cultivation status of Chrysophyllum cainito individuals used in phylogeographic analyses. Voucher specimens for each population were deposited at the U.C. Davis Center for Plant Diversity (DAV). Duplicate specimens for each population were donated to herbaria within each country where the populations were collected: BO (Indonesia), CICY (Mexico), CR (Costa Rica), IJ (Jamaica), JBSD (Dominican Republic). GenBank accession numbers for ITS, rps16, and trnS-fM sequences generated for phylogeographic studies are included.

Country Population Collection no. Cultivation status ITS rps16 trnS-fM
 Dominican Republic Camu, Puerto Plata JP821 Cultivated JF912955 JF913157 JF913064
 Dominican Republic Camu, Puerto Plata JP822 Cultivated JF912966 JF913169 JF913076
 Dominican Republic Consuelo-Algarrobos, El Seíbo JP783 Wild JF912945 JF913147 JF913054
 Dominican Republic Cotui-Maimon, Sanchez Ramirez JP813 Cultivated JF912936 JF913138 JF913045
 Dominican Republic Cotui-Maimon, Sanchez Ramirez JP815 Cultivated JF912938 JF913140 JF913047
 Dominican Republic Cruce de Cenovi, La Vega JP798 Wild JF912937 JF913139 JF913046
 Dominican Republic El Caimito, Duarte JP804 Cultivated JF912967 JF913170 JF913077
 Dominican Republic El Caimito, Duarte JP805 Cultivated JF912932 JF913134 JF913041
 Dominican Republic Gaspar Hernandez, Espaillat Salcedo JP827 Cultivated JF912934 JF913136 JF913043
 Dominican Republic La Bandera, Duarte JP800 Cultivated JF912939 JF913141 JF913048
 Dominican Republic La Bandera, Duarte JP801 Cultivated JF912927 JF913129 JF913036
 Dominican Republic La Colonia, San Cristóbal JP759 Wild JF912921 JF913123 JF913030
 Dominican Republic La Vega, La Vega JP829 Cultivated JF912943 JF913145 JF913052
 Dominican Republic Moca, Espaillat Salcedo JP828 Cultivated JF912954 JF913156 JF913063
 Dominican Republic Yamasá, Monte Plata JP777 Cultivated JF912956 JF913158 JF913065
 Dominican Republic Yamasá, Monte Plata JP776 Cultivated JF912940 JF913142 JF913049
 Dominican Republic Yamasá, Monte Plata JP779 Cultivated JF912968 JF913171 JF913078
 Dominican Republic Yásica Abajo, Puerto Plata JP823 Cultivated JF912944 JF913146 JF913053
 Dominican Republic Yásica Abajo, Puerto Plata JP826 Cultivated JF912935 JF913137 JF913044
 Jamaica Albert Town, on road to Stenson,  Trelawny Parish JP135 Cultivated JF912974 JF913177 JF913084
 Jamaica Cave Valley, St. Ann Parish JP95 Wild JF912983 JF913168 JF913075
 Jamaica Elderski, Elderski District JP106 Cultivated JF912929 JF913131 JF913038
 Jamaica Ipswich/Red Gate, St. Elizabeth JP110 Wild JF912962 JF913164 JF913071
 Jamaica Johnson, St. James Parish JP101 Wild JF912973 JF913176 JF913083
 Jamaica Johnson, St. James Parish JP102 Wild JF912947 JF913149 JF913056
 Jamaica Kinloss -Clark Town Road, Trelawny Parish JP128 Cultivated JF912948 JF913150 JF913057
 Jamaica Marshal's Pen, Manchester Parish JP119 Cultivated JF912964 JF913166 JF913073
 Jamaica Mountainside, St. Elizabeth Parish JP124 Cultivated JF912950 JF913152 JF913059
 Jamaica Mountainside, St. Elizabeth Parish JP126 Cultivated JF912985 JF913178 JF913085
 Jamaica Newton, St. Elizabeth Parish JP100 Cultivated JF912960 JF913162 JF913069
 Jamaica Niagra River, St. Elizabeth Parish JP103 Cultivated JF912917 JF913119 JF913026
 Jamaica Scott's Pass, Clarendon Parish JP98 Wild JF912965 JF913167 JF913074
 Jamaica Scott's Pass, Clarendon Parish JP99 Wild JF912915 JF913117 JF913024
 Jamaica Slipe, St. Elizabeth Parish JP115 Wild JF912907 JF913108 JF913015
 Jamaica Slipe, St. Elizabeth Parish JP116 Wild JF912908 JF913109 JF913016
 Jamaica Ulster Springs, Trelawny Parish JP134 Wild JF912961 JF913163 JF913070
 Jamaica Windsor Estate, Trelawny Parish JP129 Wild JF912952 JF913154 JF913061
Northern Mesoamerica
 Guatemala Puerto Barrios, Izabal GUA08-8 Cultivated JF912957 JF913159 JF913066
 Guatemala Rio Dulce, Izabal GUA08-2 Cultivated JF912951 JF913153 JF913060
 Guatemala Salamá, Baja Verapaz GUA07-1 Cultivated JF912931 JF913133 JF913040
 Guatemala San Felipe, Izabal GUA08-6 Cultivated JF912975 JF913179 JF913086
 Mexico Campeche City, Campeche JP271 Cultivated JF912942 JF913144 JF913051
 Mexico Caobas, Quintana Roo JP384 Cultivated JF912959 JF913161 JF913068
 Mexico Ejido 20 de Noviembre, Campeche JP618 Cultivated JF912918 JF913120 JF913027
 Mexico Jose Maria Morelos, Quintana Roo JP397 Cultivated JF912972 JF913175 JF913082
 Mexico Maní, Yucatán JP93 Cultivated JF912953 JF913155 JF913062
 Mexico Martínez de la Torre, Veracruz JP830 Cultivated JF912958 JF913160 JF913067
 Mexico Muna, Yucatán JP84 Cultivated JF912926 JF913128 JF913035
 Mexico Narciso Mendoza, Campeche JP675 Cultivated JF912941 JF913143 JF913050
 Mexico near Valladolid, Yucatán JP462 Wild JF912930 JF913132 JF913039
 Mexico Santa Elena, Yucatán JP89 Cultivated JF912923 JF913125 JF913032
 Mexico Valladolid, Yucatán JP78 Cultivated JF912920 JF913122 JF913029
 Mexico Yaxcabá, Yucatán JP81 Cultivated JF912976 JF913180 JF913087
Old World
 Indonesia Manokwari, West Papua Potter081101 Cultivated JF912924 JF913126 JF913033
 Indonesia Manokwari, West Papua Potter081102 Cultivated JF912970 JF913173 JF913080
South America
 Colombia San Pedro de Uraba, Antiochia COL10-1 Cultivated JF912916 JF913118 JF913025
Southern Mesoamerica
 Costa Rica Bahia Drake, Osa Peninsula JP68 Cultivated JF912925 JF913127 JF913034
 Costa Rica San Isidro, Perez Zeledon CR07-1 Cultivated JF912949 JF913151 JF913058
 Panama Arraijan-Barriada 2000, Panamá JP227 Cultivated JF912919 JF913121 JF913028
 Panama Arraijan-Barriada 2000, Panamá JP228 Cultivated JF912933 JF913135 JF913042
 Panama Arraijan-Barriada 2000, Panamá JP230 Cultivated JF912963 JF913165 JF913072
 Panama Arraijan-Burunga, Panamá JP222 Cultivated JF912910 JF913111 JF913018
 Panama Balboa, Panamá JP155 Cultivated JF912969 JF913172 JF913079
 Panama Camino de Cruces (Madden) Panamá JP182 Wild JF912909 JF913110 JF913017
 Panama Camino de Cruces (Madden) Panamá JP184 Wild JF912913 JF913115 JF913022
 Panama Chilibre, Panamá JP165 Cultivated JF912914 JF913116 JF913023
 Panama Chilibre, Panamá JP172 Cultivated JF912979 JF913182 JF913089
 Panama Chilibre, Panamá JP173 Cultivated JF912928 JF913130 JF913037
 Panama Chilibre, Panamá JP175 Cultivated JF912977 JF913181 JF913088
 Panama Clayton, Panamá JP188 Wild JF912922 JF913124 JF913031
 Panama Clayton, Panamá JP191 Wild JF912945 JF913148 JF913055
 Panama Ella Puru, Panamá JP145 Wild JF912903 JF913104 JF913011
 Panama Gamboa, Panamá JP177 Cultivated JF912971 JF913174 JF913081
 Panama Madden, Panamá JP176 Wild JF912980 JF913112 JF913019
 Panama Old Gamboa Rd, Panamá JP216 Wild JF912982 JF913103 JF913010
 Panama Old Gamboa Rd, Panamá JP220 Wild JF912906 JF913107 JF913014
 Panama Pipeline Road, Panamá JP209 Wild JF912911 JF913113 JF913020
 Panama Pipeline Road, Panamá JP210 Wild JF912905 JF913106 JF913013
 Panama San Antonio, Panamá JP150 Wild JF912904 JF913105 JF913012
 Panama Venta de Cruces, Panamá JP201 Wild JF912912 JF913114 JF913021
 Panama Venta de Cruces, Panamá JP203 Wild JF912981 JF913102 JF913009