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Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 2023;61(3):19–25
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Previous studies have linked poor family support and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) to increased risk of depression; however, little is known about the interplay between the two when it comes to their effects on depression. Therefore, the current study examined if family support moderated the cumulative effect of ACEs on depression. Based on data from a migrant survey in Shiyan, Hubei Province, in 2019 (N = 1,326), this study used the ordinary least squares method to analyze the effect of ACEs on depression and evaluate whether family support moderated this effect. Higher exposure to ACEs and lower scores of family support were associated with higher depression levels in adulthood. The moderation model indicated that family support significantly moderated the relationship between ACEs and depression. Appropriate interventions to reduce depression should target internal migrants with history of ACEs. Community nurses should consider ACEs as an integral part of psychosocial assessment. Negative effects of ACEs can be reduced through teaching skills that increase effective family interaction and maintain supportive family networks. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 61(3), 19–25.]

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