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    Jelle Jolles

    Children with a rich home literacy environment generally show better reading comprehension. For children in the higher grades of primary school, this relation is thought to be indirect. We propose a model in which this relation ran via... more
    Children with a rich home literacy environment generally show better reading comprehension. For children in the higher grades of primary school, this relation is thought to be indirect. We propose a model in which this relation ran via children’s higher order language and cognitive skills (i.e., expressive verbal ability and mentalizing ability) and via print exposure. In our correlational study with 117 children ages 8–11, we found both a direct relation between children’s home literacy environment and reading comprehension and 2 indirect relations: via children’s print exposure and via mentalizing abilities. There was no significant indirect relation via expressive verbal abilities. Our findings imply that enhancing children’s mentalizing abilities and encouraging them to read books might contribute to their reading comprehension. In addition, parental involvement in children’s reading activities can contribute to their reading performance, both directly and indirectly, even in this age group.
    We examined the role of mental imagery skills on story comprehension in 150 fifth graders (10-to 12-year-olds), when reading a narrative book chapter with alternating words and pictures (i.e., text blocks were alternated by one-or... more
    We examined the role of mental imagery skills on story comprehension in 150 fifth graders (10-to 12-year-olds), when reading a narrative book chapter with alternating words and pictures (i.e., text blocks were alternated by one-or two-page picture spreads). A parallel group design was used, in which we compared our experimental book version, in which pictures were used to replace parts of the corresponding text, to two control versions, i.e., a text-only version and a version with the full story text and all pictures. Analyses showed an interaction between mental imagery and book version: children with higher mental imagery skills outperformed children with lower mental imagery skills on story comprehension after reading the experimental narrative. This was not the case for both control conditions. This suggests that children's mental imagery skills significantly contributed to the mental representation of the story that they created, by successfully integrating information from both words and pictures. The results emphasize the importance of mental imagery skills for explaining individual variability in reading development. Implications for educational practice are that we should find effective ways to instruct children how to " read " pictures and how to develop and use their mental imagery skills. This will probably contribute to their mental models and therefore their story comprehension.
    Research Interests:
    We investigated the relationship between individual differences in acute fatigue and endogenous cortisol changes elicited by the sustained performance of cognitively demanding tasks (fatigue condition). Healthy males provided salivary... more
    We investigated the relationship between individual differences in acute fatigue and endogenous cortisol changes elicited by the sustained performance of cognitively demanding tasks (fatigue condition). Healthy males provided salivary cortisol measurements and subjective fatigue ratings, and were scanned (functional magnetic resonance imaging) during memory encoding and recognition tasks in fatigue and control conditions. A group of 15 'responders' showed significantly higher cortisol levels in the fatigue condition than 12 'non-responders'. Responders showed higher subjective fatigue and reduced encoding and recognition activation than non-responders in the fatigue condition. An interaction in activation changes in the right hippocampus during encoding reflected decreased activation in responders, but somewhat increased activation in non-responders in the fatigue compared to control condition. Moreover , decreased hippocampal activation in responders was associated with increased subjective fatigue. Findings are consistent with a central role for the hippocampus in differences between responders and non-responders and also implicate the right hippocampus in individual differences in induced cognitive fatigue effects.
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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between teacher perceptions and children's reading motivation, with specific attention to gender differences. The reading self-concept, task value, and attitude of 160 fifth and sixth... more
    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between teacher perceptions and children's reading motivation, with specific attention to gender differences. The reading self-concept, task value, and attitude of 160 fifth and sixth graders were measured. Teachers rated each student's reading comprehension. Results showed that for boys, teacher expectations had no influence on the three constructs of reading motivation measured, whereas for girls, teacher expectations did predict reading self-concept and value of reading. The results provide evidence that the relationship between motivational factors and teacher perceptions is different for boys and girls. The implications for educational practice are addressed.
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    In het praktijkonderzoek werd in kaart gebracht welke ervaringen leerkrachten hebben met nieuwsgierigheid in de klas. De leerkracht is immers de motor van de talentontwikkeling van het kind. Hoe belangrijk vinden leerkrachten... more
    In het praktijkonderzoek werd in kaart gebracht welke
    ervaringen leerkrachten hebben met nieuwsgierigheid in de
    klas. De leerkracht is immers de motor van de talentontwikkeling van het kind. Hoe belangrijk vinden leerkrachten
    nieuwsgierigheid? Is hun mening misschien afhankelijk van
    de leeftijd van het kind? En welke factoren bepalen of het lukt
    om de nieuwsgierigheid van kinderen aan te wakkeren en
    te stimuleren in de klas? Om deze vragen te beantwoorden
    hebben wij een gestructureerd interview en een korte vragenlijst afgenomen bij leerkrachten in het primair onderwijs.
    Hoe stimuleer je het verhalen vertellen, verwonderen en verbeelden bij kinderen? En waarom is dat nodig? Het Centrum Brein & Leren (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) evalueerde het traject De Schoolschrijver, waarin kinderboekenschrijvers in... more
    Hoe stimuleer je het verhalen vertellen, verwonderen en verbeelden bij kinderen? En waarom is dat nodig? Het Centrum Brein & Leren (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) evalueerde het traject De Schoolschrijver, waarin kinderboekenschrijvers in het hart van het primair onderwijs staan om kinderen enthousiast te maken voor verhalen, lezen en schrijven. In deze publicatie leest u over de ervaringen van leerlingen, leerkrachten en schrijvers met dit traject.
    Research Interests:
    Hoe stimuleer je het verhalen vertellen, verwonderen en verbeelden bij kinderen? En waarom is dat nodig? Het Centrum Brein & Leren (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) evalueerde het traject De Schoolschrijver, waarin kinderboekenschrijvers in... more
    Hoe stimuleer je het verhalen vertellen, verwonderen en verbeelden bij kinderen? En waarom is dat nodig? Het Centrum Brein & Leren (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) evalueerde het traject De Schoolschrijver, waarin kinderboekenschrijvers in het hart van het primair onderwijs staan om kinderen enthousiast te maken voor verhalen, lezen en schrijven. In het voorjaar van 2014 deden vijf basisscholen in Amsterdam mee aan deze evaluatie. Dit onderzoeksrapport geeft een uitgebreide analyse  van de ervaringen van leerlingen, leerkrachten en schrijvers met dit traject. Op grond hiervan zijn aanbevelingen geformuleerd. Daarin gaat het over creatief denken en schrijven, over voorlezen en over wat school, leerkrachten en ouders kunnen doen om de taal- en schrijfvaardigheden en de fantasie te stimuleren. Er is een verkorte versie van de resultaten en aanbevelingen beschikbaar in de vorm van een publieksfolder.
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    Probleemoplossend en creatief, grensverleggend denken zijn nieuwe vaardigheden waaraan gewerkt wordt op de basisschool. Hoe kun je het creatief denken en de nieuwsgierigheid van je leerlingen stimuleren?
    Research Interests:
    This study aimed to evaluate determinants of differences in leisure reading behavior and school achievement. We specifically examined reading enjoyment, mental imagery, and sex as predictors in a large, age-homogeneous sample of Dutch... more
    This study aimed to evaluate determinants of differences in leisure reading behavior and school achievement. We specifically examined reading enjoyment, mental imagery, and sex as predictors in a large, age-homogeneous sample of Dutch secondary school students (N = 1,071). Results showed that the prevalence of leisure reading was low in both the lower, pre-vocational track (19.5%) and the higher, pre-academic track (32.5%). Boys read even less than girls. Almost all leisure readers enjoyed reading and engaged in mental imagery, i.e., the propensity ‘to see images’ of a written story in the mind’s eye. Overall, boys who did not like to read for leisure had the poorest school performance. Non-leisure readers who reported that they enjoyed reading got higher school grades in the higher educational track. In the lower track, this was the case for girls. Our study findings imply that reading promotion programs should take into account individual differences in sex, achievement level, and reading enjoyment when aiming to decrease the academic achievement gap.
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    In the rat, intracerebroventricular injection of synthetic ACTH (ACTH1–24, ACTH1–16) elevated plasma corticosterone levels and induced the display of excessive grooming behavior. The grooming response could be elicited in... more
    In the rat, intracerebroventricular injection of synthetic ACTH (ACTH1–24, ACTH1–16) elevated plasma corticosterone levels and induced the display of excessive grooming behavior. The grooming response could be elicited in hypophysectomized rats without concommittant elevation of plasma corticosterone. In intact rats subcutaneous injection of ACTH1–24 and not of ACTH1–16-NH2 stimulated the release of adrenal corticosteroids, whereas no excessive grooming was observed. In contrast to the reduced effectiveness of a second icv injection of ACTH in inducing the behavioral response, no single-dose tolerance was observed for the effect of icv ACTH on the pituitary-adrenal system. Therefore it was concluded that two different central mechanisms underly the observed responses to the icv applied ACTH.
    Healthy cognitive aging is thought to impact most heavily on episodic memory [1]. However, changes in episodic memory prior to the age of 60 are more controversial than changes in older adults [2]. Furthermore, cognitive decline already... more
    Healthy cognitive aging is thought to impact most heavily on episodic memory [1]. However, changes in episodic memory prior to the age of 60 are more controversial than changes in older adults [2]. Furthermore, cognitive decline already present in middle age may not yet manifest in behavior due to the action of neural compensation processes that preserve performance at the
    According to the skill transfer concept, people may use general technological skills to solve new problems. To test this concept, a technological transfer test was included in a randomized controlled-intervention study aimed at the causal... more
    According to the skill transfer concept, people may use general technological skills to solve new problems. To test this concept, a technological transfer test was included in a randomized controlled-intervention study aimed at the causal relationship between computer use and autonomy of older adults. Older adults with and without exposure to computer training and Internet use and participants without interest in computers were administered this test. On two occasions, participants performed four daily tasks with everyday technological devices. Exposure to a novel technological challenge did not affect the efficiency of, and involvement in, other technological activities.
    Page 1. The Neurtihypí:>ph;i5is : Siruriure. Function and Cimtnri. Prn^rean in firam Research, Vn! ftfl, edittd In li.A Ci and G. Lem; (Г) /WW Eheúir Science Pubhihers BV Vasopressin-like Peptides and the Treatment of Memory Disorders... more
    Page 1. The Neurtihypí:>ph;i5is : Siruriure. Function and Cimtnri. Prn^rean in firam Research, Vn! ftfl, edittd In li.A Ci and G. Lem; (Г) /WW Eheúir Science Pubhihers BV Vasopressin-like Peptides and the Treatment of Memory Disorders in Man .!. ...
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    Public education about memory was evaluated with a controlled intervention trial. Participants in group 1 (n = 273) attended a symposium covering memory-related topics and received a magazine with identical information. Group 2 (n = 141)... more
    Public education about memory was evaluated with a controlled intervention trial. Participants in group 1 (n = 273) attended a symposium covering memory-related topics and received a magazine with identical information. Group 2 (n = 141) only received the magazine. Participants were nonprofessionals and professionals aged between 29 and 88. Outcome measures were knowledge about memory and subjective experience. For nonprofessionals, knowledge increment was higher in group 1 than in group 2, indicating that an objective increment in knowledge is present in nonprofessionals after attending the symposium. No knowledge change occurred in professionals. Furthermore, participants were very satisfied after both interventions, even when knowledge transfer was limited.
    ... reading or memorizing information. In particular, irrelevant speech is one of the most common sources of complaint by people in a broad age range (Kjellberg, Landstrom, Tesarz, Soderberg, & Akerlund, 1996). From a theoretical ...
    This paper presents a comprehensive group intervention for older adults with cognitive complaints. It offers psychoeducation about cognitive aging and contextual factors, focuses on skills and compensatory behavior, and incorporates group... more
    This paper presents a comprehensive group intervention for older adults with cognitive complaints. It offers psychoeducation about cognitive aging and contextual factors, focuses on skills and compensatory behavior, and incorporates group discussion. The intervention reduced negative emotional reactions towards cognitive functioning in a controlled study in healthy women aged 60 to 75 years. Its background and content are described in detail to enable replication and large-scale implementation. Therefore, a process evaluation was carried out. The results support participants' appreciation and point to better self-evaluations after intervention. This intervention may offer a valuable contribution to public health care for older adults.
    Low folate and raised homocysteine concentrations in blood are associated with poor cognitive performance in the general population. As part of the FACIT trial to assess the effect of folic acid on markers of atherosclerosis in men and... more
    Low folate and raised homocysteine concentrations in blood are associated with poor cognitive performance in the general population. As part of the FACIT trial to assess the effect of folic acid on markers of atherosclerosis in men and women aged 50–70 years with raised plasma total homocysteine and normal serum vitamin B12 at screening, we report here the findings for the secondary endpoint: the effect of folic acid supplementation on cognitive performance.Our randomised, double blind, placebo controlled study took place between November, 1999, and December, 2004, in the Netherlands. We randomly assigned 818 participants 800 μg daily oral folic acid or placebo for 3 years. The effect on cognitive performance was measured as the difference between the two groups in the 3-year change in performance for memory, sensorimotor speed, complex speed, information processing speed, and word fluency. Analysis was by intention-to-treat. This trial is registered with with trial number NCT00110604.Serum folate concentrations increased by 576% (95% CI 539 to 614) and plasma total homocysteine concentrations decreased by 26% (24 to 28) in participants taking folic acid compared with those taking placebo. The 3-year change in memory (difference in Z scores 0·132, 95% CI 0·032 to 0·233), information processing speed (0·087, 0·016 to 0·158) and sensorimotor speed (0·064, −0·001 to 0·129) were significantly better in the folic acid group than in the placebo group.Folic acid supplementation for 3 years significantly improved domains of cognitive function that tend to decline with age.
    The aim of this prospective study was to examine whether neurocognitive performance of children aged 5–6 years distinguished children who were later diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or “borderline ADHD” from... more
    The aim of this prospective study was to examine whether neurocognitive performance of children aged 5–6 years distinguished children who were later diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or “borderline ADHD” from children without ADHD after adjustment for behavioral measures and to examine the influence of comorbid psychopathology. Out of a general population of 1,317 children, 366 children were selected on the basis of their scores on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Eighteen months later, the parents were interviewed using a standardized child psychiatric interview: 33 children were classified as ADHD and 75 children as borderline ADHD, and there were 258 children without ADHD. Children with rated ADHD were significantly impaired on measures of visuomotor ability and working memory compared to children without ADHD after adjustment for CBCL results. The performance of borderline ADHD children was in between that of children with and without ADHD. In addition, 4 groups of children were analyzed: 9 ADHD, 24 ADHD with comorbid oppositional defiant disorder/conduct disorder (ODD/CD), 59 ODD/CD, and 274 controls. Children with rated comorbid ADHD and ODD/CD performed significantly worse on these tasks compared to children with rated ODD/CD and control children while they did not differ from ADHD children. Our results imply that neurocognitive measures can contribute to the early identification of ADHD with and without comorbid ODD/CD.
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    And 193 more