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Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin genel erteleme, karar vermeyi erteleme, akademik erteleme düzeylerinin sürekli kaygı açısından incelenmesi ve üniversite öğrencilerinin sürekli kaygılarının, genel erteleme, karar vermeyi... more
Bu araştırmanın amacı, üniversite öğrencilerinin genel erteleme, karar vermeyi erteleme, akademik erteleme düzeylerinin sürekli kaygı açısından incelenmesi ve üniversite öğrencilerinin sürekli kaygılarının, genel erteleme, karar vermeyi erteleme, akademik ertelemelerin, cinsiyet, yaş, öğrenim gördüğü bölüm, mezun olduğu lise türü, anne ve babanın eğitim durumu, anne ve babanın mesleğine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını saptamaktır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu 95’i erkek ve 193 kadın olmak üzere toplam 288 üniversite öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma verileri sürekli kaygı envanteri, genel erteleme, karar vermeyi erteleme, akademik erteleme ölçeği ve kişisel bilgi formu kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda sürekli kaygının genel erteleme, karar vermeyi erteleme ve akademik ertelemeyi anlamlı düzeyde yordadığı görülmektedir (p<0,01). Öğrencilerin karar vermeyi erteleme düzeyleri, yaş değişkeni açısından anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmaktadır. Genel ertelem...
Bu araştırmada Almanya'da yaşayan Türk göçmenlerin aile değerleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma tarama modeline uygun bir şekilde yapılandırılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu Almanya'da yaşamını sürdüren 187 kişiden oluşmaktadır.... more
Bu araştırmada Almanya'da yaşayan Türk göçmenlerin aile değerleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma tarama modeline uygun bir şekilde yapılandırılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubu Almanya'da yaşamını sürdüren 187 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Yaşları 18 ile 72 arasında değişen katılımcıların 135'i kadın ve 52'si erkektir. Aile, değerlerin ve kültürel özellikleri öğrenilmesi ve aktarılması konusunda en temel kurumdur. Almanya'da yaşayan Türk ailelerin değer özelliklerinin ve eğilimlerin belirlenmesi ve bu değerlerin hangi şartlardan etkilendiğinin ortaya koyulması kültürel özelliklerin devamlılığı konusunda politikalar geliştirilmesine yardımcı olabilir. Araştırma erken yaşta evlenme ve çocuk sayısının fazla olması gibi özellikler geleneksel aile değerlerinin sürdürülmesine yardımcı olduğu söylenebilir. Almanya'daki Türklerin aile değerlerindeki dönüşümün anlaşılması için daha fazla araştırmaya ihtiyaç vardır.
Bu araştırmada Huzur Ölçeği'nin geliştirilmesi ve ölçeğin psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, yaşları 18 ile 75 arasında değişen, yaş ortalamaları 30.46 (±12.94) olan 548 kadın ve 330 erkek... more
Bu araştırmada Huzur Ölçeği'nin geliştirilmesi ve ölçeğin psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, yaşları 18 ile 75 arasında değişen, yaş ortalamaları 30.46 (±12.94) olan 548 kadın ve 330 erkek olmak üzere toplam 900 katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği için açımlayıcı faktör analizi ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Ölçeğin güvenirliği iç tutarlık ve test-tekrar test yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Ölçeğin ölçüt bağıntılı geçerliği için PERMA Ölçeği ile arasındaki ilişkilere bakılmıştır. Huzur Ölçeği'nin açımlayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları ölçeğin 8 maddeden oluşan tek boyutlu bir yapıya sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Ölçeğin doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçları modelin kabul edilebilir düzeyde uyum gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur. Ölçeğin iç tutarlılık katsayısı .78, test-tekrar test katsayısı .83 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Huzur ile iyi oluş arasındaki pozitif korelasyonların ölçeğin ölçüt bağıntılı geçerliğinin göstergesi o...
Anahtar Kelimeler Türkçe Öğrenme, Ölçek Geliştirme, Bariyer ÖZ Hiç şüphesiz milletleri bir arada tutan en önemli faktörlerden birisi dilin doğru bir şekilde öğrenilmesi ve gelecek nesillere aktarılmasıdır. Bu araştırma, yurtdışında... more
Anahtar Kelimeler Türkçe Öğrenme, Ölçek Geliştirme, Bariyer ÖZ Hiç şüphesiz milletleri bir arada tutan en önemli faktörlerden birisi dilin doğru bir şekilde öğrenilmesi ve gelecek nesillere aktarılmasıdır. Bu araştırma, yurtdışında bulunan Türk kökenli çocukların Türkçe öğrenmelerinin önündeki bariyerleri belirlemek amacıyla bir ölçek geliştirme çalışmasıdır. Bu amaçla Almanya’nın değişik şehirlerinde yaşayan Türk çocuklarından veriler toplayarak ölçme aracı geliştirilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında önce açımlayıcı faktör analizi yapılmış ve ölçme aracının üç faktör ve 21 maddeden meydana geldiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Analizler neticesinde üç faktörlü ölçeğin toplam varyansı %58.814 açıkladığı görülmüştür. Araştırmanın örneklemini Almanya’da bulunan 9-16 yaş aralığında bulunan Türk kökenli çocuklardan oluşmaktadır. Bu ölçeğin geliştirilmesi için 300 kişiden Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi (AFA) için veri toplanmış; 260 kişiden de Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) için veri toplanmıştır. Açımla...
Bu arastirmada pandemiye bagli olarak gelisen kaygiyi olcecek gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme aracinin gelistirilmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada nicel arastirma yontemi kullanilmistir. Veri analizi icin iki asamada Turkiye’nin cesitli... more
Bu arastirmada pandemiye bagli olarak gelisen kaygiyi olcecek gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcme aracinin gelistirilmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada nicel arastirma yontemi kullanilmistir. Veri analizi icin iki asamada Turkiye’nin cesitli bolge ve illerinden 18 yas ve uzeri 627 bireyden veri toplanmistir. Gecerliligin saglanmasinda yapi gecerliligi ile olcut gecerliliginden yararlanilmistir. Yapi gecerliligi icin acimlayici faktor analizi (AFA) ile dogrulayici faktor analizi (DFA) yapilmistir. Guvenilirligin saglanmasina yonelik ise Cronbach alfa ic tutarlik katsayisi ile madde-toplam puan korelasyon katsayilari hesaplanmistir. AFA sonucunda Pandemi Kaygisi Olcegi’nin (PKO) toplam varyansin %56.54’unu acikladigi, olcegin bulasma kaygisi, somatik tepkiler, psikososyal etkiler ve islevsiz inanclar olmak uzere dort faktorde toplanan 26 maddeden olustugu gorulmustur. DFA sonucunda da AFA’da ortaya konulan yapinin dogrulandigi gorulmustur. Olcut gecerligi analizinde PKO’nun Mantar (2008) tara...
Child sexual abuse is a traumatic experience that has a negative impact on mental and physical health. Studies aimed at preventing sexual abuse also involve reporting the abuse; this way the recurrence of abuse may be prevented. Teachers... more
Child sexual abuse is a traumatic experience that has a negative impact on mental and physical health. Studies aimed at preventing sexual abuse also involve reporting the abuse; this way the recurrence of abuse may be prevented. Teachers play a significant role for school-age children and adolescents because they are adults that can be trusted and asked for help. Therefore, important to understand specially teachers' attitudes when teachers reporting sexual abuse case. The aim of this study is to introduce into Turkish the 14-item version of the Teachers' Attitudes toward Reporting Child Sexual Abuse scale that Walsh et al. (2012) had obtained after running a factor analysis and then present it to the field for use in teacher-oriented studies. According to finding results, the scale is a valid and reliable measure for Turkish elementary school teachers.
This study aims to examine whether stress and the dimensions of spirituality (i.e., anomie, transcendence, and harmony) affect teachers’ well-being. A total of 378 teachers working in various cities in Turkey have participated in the... more
This study aims to examine whether stress and the dimensions of
spirituality (i.e., anomie, transcendence, and harmony) affect
teachers’ well-being. A total of 378 teachers working in various
cities in Turkey have participated in the research. The PERMA,
Spiritual Well-Being, and Perceived Stress Scales were used to
collect the data. The structural equation model and correlational
was used to analyse the data. According to the results, stress is a
meaningful predictor of anomie; anomie is a meaningful predictor
of transcendence, harmony with nature, and happiness; and
transcendence is a meaningful predictor of happiness. Stress and
harmony with nature are not meaningful at predicting happiness.
The obtained data were considered to provide psychological
counselors with information on how to use spirituality in the
counseling environment and information on the relationships
between stress and well-being.
The purpose of this research is to examine the mediating role of self-compassion in relation to the fear of happiness and the ability of university students to express their feelings. The sample consisted of 296 students who were selected... more
The purpose of this research is to examine the mediating role of self-compassion in relation to the fear of happiness and the ability of university students to express their feelings. The sample consisted of 296 students who were selected by stratified sampling method among the students attending various undergraduate programs at Marmara University in the academic year of 2017-2018. "Personal Information Form", "Fear of Happiness Scale", "Self-Compassion Scale" and "Emotional Expression Scale" were used as data collection tools. The research was carried out according to the model of structural equality. In addition, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient test was used to examine the relationship between variables, and Independent Samples t Test analysis was performed for gender difference. According to the results of the research, there is a negative relationship between fear of happiness and self-compassion; there is a positive relationship between self-compassion and expressing emotions. As fear of happiness decreases, self-compassion increases and it becomes easier to express feelings as self-compassion increases. According to the results obtained, self-compassion is an mediator variable in relation to expressing fear of happiness and express their feelings. Furthermore, in comparison of the research variables by sex, only the variables expressing emotions were found to be significantly different in favor of female students.
Contemporary research on instructional leadership has largely concerned itself with developing concrete instructional leadership models and investigating the association of such leadership practices with teaching and learning. Yet there... more
Contemporary research on instructional leadership has largely concerned itself with developing concrete
instructional leadership models and investigating the association of such leadership practices with teaching
and learning. Yet there is little research on how the internal school community reacts to the notion of principals
influencing classroom instruction. The purpose of the current research is to provide a comprehensive
understanding of how instructional leadership is perceived in Turkish middle schools. The study draws upon
data collected from a total of 36 personnel, including principals, assistant principals, teachers, and counselors
in six middle schools in the province of Istanbul, Turkey. Interviews and documents were utilized to collect
the data. The results show that participants’ perception of instructional leadership is mostly influenced by the
notion of leaders’ indirect influence on teaching, and principals’ direct involvement in instructional issues is
constrained by problems associated with leadership content knowledge, coherence of leadership practices, and
teachers’ classroom privacy.
School readiness is an important concern for parents and teachers because it is a multifaceted process which encompasses all the developmental areas and various skills of children rather than only focusing on cognitive and literacy... more
School readiness is an important concern for parents and teachers because it is a multifaceted process which encompasses all the developmental areas and various skills of children rather than only focusing on cognitive and literacy skills. In particular, preschool and first grade teachers experience the positive and negative sides of the process of school readiness. In this study, basic qualitative research was used to compare teachers’ views about school readiness. The participants were 35 preschool and 35 first grade teachers and a semi-structured interview protocol developed by the researchers was used to collect data. Qualitative analysis was performed at the end of the study and according to the findings, the following five main themes were determined: definition of school readiness, the effective people and institutions in the school readiness process, preschool education for school readiness, the difficulties encountered in the school readiness process and suggestions for effective school readiness. Also, the findings showed that preschool and first grade teachers tended to have similar views related school readiness.
Research Interests:
The object of this study was to show how prospective elementary mathematics teachers define and classify the quadrilaterals and to find out their images. This research was a qualitative study. It was conducted with 36 prospective... more
The object of this study was to show how prospective elementary mathematics teachers define and classify the
quadrilaterals and to find out their images. This research was a qualitative study. It was conducted with 36 prospective
elementary mathematics teachers studying at 3rd and 4th years in an educational faculty. The data were
collected by semi-structured interview. The collected data were analyzed by inductive content analysis. It was
determined that prospective teachers made personal definitions for quadrilaterals and based on these definitions
it was seen that there were inaccuracies in their perceptions. Some prospective teachers’ images in rhombus
caused problem on indicating the differences between rhombus and square. It was revealed that the prospective
teachers drew defectively, especially rhombus and trapezoid figures. Furthermore, the prospective teachers did
not prefer inclusion relations for the classifying quadrilaterals and made partition classifications, in general.
In this study, it was aimed to develop a short, comprehensible, easy, applicable, and appropriate for cultural characteristics scale that can be evaluated in mental traumas concerning earthquake. The universe of the research consisted... more
In this study, it was aimed to develop a short, comprehensible, easy, applicable, and appropriate for cultural characteristics
scale that can be evaluated in mental traumas concerning earthquake. The universe of the research
consisted of all individuals living under the effects of the earthquakes which occurred in Tabanlı Village on 23.10.2011
and in Van, Edremit on 09.11.2011. The intensity of these earthquakes were 7,2 and 5,6 respectively according to the
Richter scale. The sample of the research was determined according to the simple random and purposeful methods
in this universe. 1505 individuals (401 females, 1104 males) were determined according to this generated the sample
of the research. The age range of these individuals was between 15 and 86. According to Exploratory Factor Analysis,
the scale was constituted of five sub-factors. Thus, the first factor is “Behavior Problems”; the second factor is “Emotive
Limitedness”; the third factor is “Affective”; the fourth factor is “Cognitive Structures” and the fifth factor is “Sleep
Problems”. Also Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirmed the construction of the scale which was constituted by Exploratory
Factor Analysis. The reliability finding showed sufficient and appropriate level that Cronbach Alfa Reliability
Coefficient was used to determine it. After all, it can be said that the Scale That Determines the Level of the Trauma
after the earthquake is a measurement tool which has the validity and reliability values used for the aim of screening
after earthquake, of measuring the level of trauma after earthquake.
The purpose of this study is to determine the challenges school principals facing in the context of technology leadership. This is a qualitative case study guided by the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the challenges school principals facing in the context of technology
leadership. This is a qualitative case study guided by the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators
(NETS*A). Six elementary school principals working in a large city in southeastern Turkey participated
into the study. The data were collected through face-to-face interviews via a semi-structured interview protocol.
The data collection tool was developed through pilot studies based on expert opinions. The data were analyzed
through a thematic approach and validity and reliability were investigated via peer-review, member checking,
and inter-coder reliability processes. The findings show that in assuming their roles as technology leaders
school principals face various challenges, including bureaucracy, lack of resources, resistance to innovation,
lack of in-service training, and poverty. Based on the findings, various measures are recommended to diminish
bureaucratic obstacles and organize sustainable in-service training activities in order to overcome the challenges
that school principals are facing in the context of technology leadership.
This case study aimed to examine early childhood education (ECE) pre-service teachers’ perception on the factors affecting integration of educational computer games to their instruction in two areas: selecting and redesigning.... more
This case study aimed to examine early childhood education (ECE) pre-service teachers’ perception on the factors
affecting integration of educational computer games to their instruction in two areas: selecting and redesigning.
Twenty-six ECE pre-service teachers participated in the study. The data was collected through open-ended questionnaires,
interviews, the ECE pre-service teachers’ lesson plans, and information about educational computer games
they selected and redesigned. Open coding analysis was conducted to analyze open-ended questionnaires and interviews.
Moreover, the ECE pre-service teachers’ lesson plans and information about educational computer games
selected and redesigned were analyzed through the defined categories by experts. The results of the study showed
that there were differences between the ECE pre-service teachers’ educational computer game integration decisions
when they selected and redesigned the games. The ECE pre-service teachers stated that the reasons for these
changes were the effects of course activities and game characteristics.
The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which parents of elementary students (1st to 5th) participate in their children’s education with regard to some variables. The study was designed based on descriptive survey model... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which parents of elementary students (1st to 5th) participate
in their children’s education with regard to some variables. The study was designed based on descriptive
survey model and comparative and correlational associative models. The sample of the research comprised
1252 parents whose children studied at 1st to 5th classes of six primary schools in Malatya province. The Parental
Involvement Scale was used to collect data. As a result of the analysis, it was found out that parents’
level of involvement was high for such tasks as communication with children, creating enabling home settings,
supporting child’s personality development, and helping with homework, but low especially for volunteering.
Also mothers were found to support their children’s homework significantly more than fathers ( 2 = .05 and
d= .48). Finally, families’ monthly income was found to be positively and moderately associated especially with
involvement tasks of supporting child’s socio-cultural development and creating enabling home settings, and
negatively and moderately with volunteering task.
The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate pre-service teachers’ beliefs about classroom discipline interms of different variables. The sample of the study was 731 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year pre-service teachers from seven... more
The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate pre-service teachers’ beliefs about classroom discipline
interms of different variables. The sample of the study was 731 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year pre-service teachers from
seven different programs at Kocaeli University Faculty of Education in the 2010-2011 academic year. The participants
were administered the Beliefs about Discipline Inventory which yields three separate discipline model
scores: relationship-listening, confronting-contracting, and rules and consequences. Scores were compared
based on gender, program, years in the program and having taken Classroom Management and Student Teaching
courses. The findings showed that the most preferred discipline model was the confronting-contracting
with moderate levels of teacher control and the least preferred discipline model was the rules and consequences
with high levels of teacher control. Pre-service teachers who completed the Student Teaching course
had significantly higher scores on the rules and consequences model compared to their counterparts. Similarly,
males received significantly higher rules and consequences scores compared to females. In terms of different
programs, participants from the early childhood education program received significantly higher scores on the
least authoritarian model of relationship-listening compared to the pre-service teachers in the other programs.
The purpose of this study was to explore pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers’ analyses of student learning in a video case of mathematics instruction via an online learning forum. The study was conducted in the context of... more
The purpose of this study was to explore pre-service and in-service mathematics teachers’ analyses of student
learning in a video case of mathematics instruction via an online learning forum. The study was conducted in the
context of three different mathematics methods courses in a 4-year college in the Midwestern United States.
Twenty-six students (19 undergraduate and 7 master’s students) participated in the study. As a course assignment,
the participants were asked to watch and discuss a video case of mathematics instruction. During the
discussions, the instructor and participants posted 57 online messages in total. To analyze the data, the content
analysis technique was employed. As the initial coding framework, National Council of Teacher of Mathematics
[NCTM] Process Standards including problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connections, and
representation were selected. The analysis of the data revealed that effective student participation, the importance
of communication among the students as well as between the students and their teacher, the necessity of
using connections among mathematical ideas, use of manipulative, using what students have already learned
in a new situation, and building knowledge through problem solving were identified as evidence of mathematics
learning by the participants.
The aim of this study is to examine undergraduate students’ satisfaction levels through learning with peers. Specifically, students from two departments were brought into a collective group activity to understand whether they... more
The aim of this study is to examine undergraduate students’ satisfaction levels through learning with peers.
Specifically, students from two departments were brought into a collective group activity to understand whether
they experienced different levels of satisfaction by working with peers from a different department. Data gathered
from a sample of 47 Science Education (SE) and 72 Computer Education and Instructional Technology
(CEIT) students during the fall 2011 semester. Students overall were highly satisfied. Students of the two departments
did not significantly differ from each other in terms of satisfaction. That means they equally enjoyed
the activity. There were six themes that were identified that cause satisfaction in this interprofessional work:
Performing responsibilities, socialization, cohesion, work habits, learning in general, and professional development.
The most prominent theme was cohesion, and it emerged out of mostly positive but also negative student
opinions. The least prominent was professional development and it was mainly expressed as a positive theme.
It is argued that students do not articulate the scope of the study as much as they can. It is also argued that the
nature of the assigned task let them consider the social aspects more than the other aspects.
The purpose of this study was to introduce a project developed to promote interaction of teacher candidates from different areas with individuals with special needs within the scope of a Special Education course and examine the impact... more
The purpose of this study was to introduce a project developed to promote interaction of teacher candidates
from different areas with individuals with special needs within the scope of a Special Education course and
examine the impact of this project on developing positive attitude and awareness on teacher candidates. In
this study, a mixed research design that combines qualitative and quantitative research designs was utilized.
Content analysis was conducted to analyze qualitative data obtained from the reports of teacher candidates
submitted at the end of the project. In addition, descriptive statistical analysis was utilized to analyze quantitative
data derived from the answers of teacher candidates regarding Course and Instructor Evaluation Form. Content
analysis results indicated that in the beginning of the project, teacher candidates possessed negative thoughts
towards students with special needs such as the state of startling, undesirability and complex emotions. At the
end of the project, teacher candidates expressed that their point of view towards students with special needs
changed in positive way, this change positively reflected to their behaviors, and they realized the importance of
special education. Furthermore, teacher candidates stated their satisfaction about the project with expressions
such as enjoying a learning experience, realizing the difference between theory and practice, and enjoying with
participating in the project. According to descriptive statistical analysis, the vast majority of teacher candidates
stated that the information presented in Special Education course attracted their attention, they learned a lot
of new information and were happy to participate in the project. In addition, they stated their satisfaction with
teaching methods and techniques of the course instructor.
Different factors may be influencing the use of information and communication technology (ICT). One of the important factors is age. The society is divided into different groups according to age. A well-known age-based categorization,... more
Different factors may be influencing the use of information and communication technology (ICT). One of the
important factors is age. The society is divided into different groups according to age. A well-known age-based
categorization, commonly used especially in the field of economics,, is based on whether people belong to the
Millennial Generation which are born after 1980. The Millennial generation has some typical behaviors which
are different from those of the older people regarding ICT. In this study Millennial Generation was compared to
other older respondents while also taking into account factors like gender and residence. The sample was composed
of 266 respondents from ages between 18 and 57. The questionnaire was administered on an e-form and
contained 73 items regarding the use of Internet and ICT and attitudes toward these. The items regarding the
attitudes were 5-point Likert type items and the items regarding the use of Internet and ICT had multiple-choice
answers with 2 to 5 options to choose from. The first part of questionnaire included demographic variables like
gender, age, the ownership of PC, etc. The analysis of the data focused on determining the differences in the use
of Internet and ICT. The methods of inductive statistics like Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used. Reliability
was tested by conducting a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient analysis. The construct validity was determined by using
an exploratory factor analysis.
This study introduces a story-based e-learning oriented course tool that was designed and developed for using within “computer programming” courses. With this tool, students can easily adapt themselves to the subjects in the context of... more
This study introduces a story-based e-learning oriented course tool that was designed and developed for using
within “computer programming” courses. With this tool, students can easily adapt themselves to the subjects
in the context of computer programming principles, thanks to the story-based, interactive processes. By using
visually improved elements, it is aimed to ensure a step-by-step learning – teaching session, which allows
students to organize a typical learning process on their own. As a result of using this approach and the storybased
environment, it can be very easy, fast and entertaining for students to learn fundamentals of the computer
programming approach and its related sub-subjects. Furthermore, complex, technical and abstract concepts
of a typical computer programming course can also be taught easily without needing for any extra material to
improve course conditions.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Google SketchUp, which is a computer aided design (CAD) software, on the Mental Rotation Skills of eighth grade students. For this purpose, in the spring semester of the... more
The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of Google SketchUp, which is a computer aided design
(CAD) software, on the Mental Rotation Skills of eighth grade students. For this purpose, in the spring semester
of the 2011-2012 academic year, a treatment was conducted with 62 students comprised of 8A and 8B classes
in the GSD Education Foundation Bahçelievler Primary School during the six weeks. The study was carried out
in accordance with a quasi-experimental research with pretest and posttest design. The “Vandenberg Mental
Rotation Test” was used to determine mental rotation skills of the students, participating the research study, as
a pretest and posttest. When pretest results examined with independent samples t-test, a significant difference
was found in favor of the class 8B (x8A = 5.42 x8B = 8.45 t(60)=3.62, p .01). During the four weeks, the students in
the control group tried to draw the different view of unit cube models developed by researchers on an isometric
paper. In the same duration, the students in the experimental group tried to draw same models with the help
of Google SketchUp software. At the end of the four weeks, the Mental Rotation Test was re-conducted for
participants as a posttest. Although the increase in the mean scores of mental rotation test is higher in the experimental
group, the ANCOVA results revealed that, there is no significant difference between the mean scores
of the Mental Rotation Test of the experimental and control groups (F(1-59)=.309, p .05).
This research has been designed because it has been realized that there is only little research carried out about the student participation in the administration for the structuring of the democratic authority in the higher education... more
This research has been designed because it has been realized that there is only little research carried out about
the student participation in the administration for the structuring of the democratic authority in the higher education
system in Turkey. In the relevant literature, concepts of democratic authority and education have been
approached from two different perspectives. One of these perspectives is the democratic school/education approach
based on the alternative education paradigm, which is not practiced in Turkey. The second perspective is
the democracy approach in school/education. This study seeks an answer to how the process in which students
get involved in the administration of the higher education institutions works. In order to reveal students tendency
between aforementioned paradigms their views and needs about their participation in the decision making process
were analyzed. Within this framework, two focus groups including students at Marmara University in the
2011-2012 academic year who are taking part in the student council and those who are not taking part in the
council have been focused on. The results of the study have been found by means of the content analysis of the
data. The results that can be categorized under three content categories have been compared with the literature
regarding the alternative education and democratic school. According to the results, significant differences
were found between students taking part in the council and those who were not members of the council in terms
of handling some facts and concepts using the terminology in the literature pertaining to democratic education/
school. According to the results, some suggestions have been discussed. The results of the study are also likely
to lead to a set of recommendations on the basis of barriers set in front of students’ participation to shape the
democratic authority at higher education institutions and their suggestions.
Blogs have evolved from simple online diaries to communication tools with the capacity to engage people in collaboration, knowledge sharing, reflection and debate. Blog archives can be a source of information about student learning,... more
Blogs have evolved from simple online diaries to communication tools with the capacity to engage people in
collaboration, knowledge sharing, reflection and debate. Blog archives can be a source of information about student
learning, providing a basis for ongoing feedback and redesign of learning activities. Previous studies show
that blogs can enhance reflective thinking, provide deeper learning and construct the knowledge. The aim of this
study was to analyze the content of the student’s blogs to achieve the reflections and the reflections level of the
students. The study was conducted at a second year undergraduate level course called “Instructional Technologies
and Material Design”. The course was redesigned for blended learning model. The researchers used the
Drupal web development software to create blogs and integrated them to the course website. They used content
analysis method and reflective writing framework to analyze postings in the blogs. The purpose of data analysis
was to explore participants’ reflections and blog entries within the educational settings. Findings suggest that
students mostly wrote descriptive writing at the descriptive reflection level in three main themes, including the
course, learning and personal thoughts. By focusing on this authentic blogging practice, this study contributes
to an understanding of how to harness blogging the in higher education settings.
The importance of ICTs has become the undisputed in the present century. Studies have been conducted to investigate the use of ICTs with the goal of increase in quality of teacher education for a long time. This study is a... more
The importance of ICTs has become the undisputed in the present century. Studies have been conducted to
investigate the use of ICTs with the goal of increase in quality of teacher education for a long time. This study is
a cross-cultural comparison in terms of pre-service teachers’ level of ICT usage, ICT knowledge and attitudes.
The study was conducted in three different universities, two in Turkey and one in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total
of 709 pre-service teacher participated in the study, 385 from Turkey and from 324 Bosnia and Herzegovina. To
this end, three different questionnaires were used: the ICT usage for educational purposes scale (ICT-U), the ICT
knowledge scale (ICT-K), and the Internet attitude scale (IAS). According to the results significant differences
were found between two countries in terms of ICT usage. ICT knowledge was determined as the most explaining
variable for the level of ICT use. Culture is also found to be predictive. The study results revealed the need to take
into consideration cultural differences in ensuring the integration of ICTs.
The purpose of this study was to introduce a project developed to promote interaction of teacher candidates from different areas with individuals with special needs within the scope of a Special Education course and examine the impact... more
The purpose of this study was to introduce a project developed to promote interaction of teacher candidates
from different areas with individuals with special needs within the scope of a Special Education course and
examine the impact of this project on developing positive attitude and awareness on teacher candidates. In
this study, a mixed research design that combines qualitative and quantitative research designs was utilized.
Content analysis was conducted to analyze qualitative data obtained from the reports of teacher candidates
submitted at the end of the project. In addition, descriptive statistical analysis was utilized to analyze quantitative
data derived from the answers of teacher candidates regarding Course and Instructor Evaluation Form. Content
analysis results indicated that in the beginning of the project, teacher candidates possessed negative thoughts
towards students with special needs such as the state of startling, undesirability and complex emotions. At the
end of the project, teacher candidates expressed that their point of view towards students with special needs
changed in positive way, this change positively reflected to their behaviors, and they realized the importance of
special education. Furthermore, teacher candidates stated their satisfaction about the project with expressions
such as enjoying a learning experience, realizing the difference between theory and practice, and enjoying with
participating in the project. According to descriptive statistical analysis, the vast majority of teacher candidates
stated that the information presented in Special Education course attracted their attention, they learned a lot
of new information and were happy to participate in the project. In addition, they stated their satisfaction with
teaching methods and techniques of the course instructor.
Different factors may be influencing the use of information and communication technology (ICT). One of the important factors is age. The society is divided into different groups according to age. A well-known age-based categorization,... more
Different factors may be influencing the use of information and communication technology (ICT). One of the
important factors is age. The society is divided into different groups according to age. A well-known age-based
categorization, commonly used especially in the field of economics,, is based on whether people belong to the
Millennial Generation which are born after 1980. The Millennial generation has some typical behaviors which
are different from those of the older people regarding ICT. In this study Millennial Generation was compared to
other older respondents while also taking into account factors like gender and residence. The sample was composed
of 266 respondents from ages between 18 and 57. The questionnaire was administered on an e-form and
contained 73 items regarding the use of Internet and ICT and attitudes toward these. The items regarding the
attitudes were 5-point Likert type items and the items regarding the use of Internet and ICT had multiple-choice
answers with 2 to 5 options to choose from. The first part of questionnaire included demographic variables like
gender, age, the ownership of PC, etc. The analysis of the data focused on determining the differences in the use
of Internet and ICT. The methods of inductive statistics like Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used. Reliability
was tested by conducting a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient analysis. The construct validity was determined by using
an exploratory factor analysis.
This study introduces a story-based e-learning oriented course tool that was designed and developed for using within “computer programming” courses. With this tool, students can easily adapt themselves to the subjects in the context of... more
This study introduces a story-based e-learning oriented course tool that was designed and developed for using
within “computer programming” courses. With this tool, students can easily adapt themselves to the subjects
in the context of computer programming principles, thanks to the story-based, interactive processes. By using
visually improved elements, it is aimed to ensure a step-by-step learning – teaching session, which allows
students to organize a typical learning process on their own. As a result of using this approach and the storybased
environment, it can be very easy, fast and entertaining for students to learn fundamentals of the computer
programming approach and its related sub-subjects. Furthermore, complex, technical and abstract concepts
of a typical computer programming course can also be taught easily without needing for any extra material to
improve course conditions.
The numbers of project competitions and interest in this kind of competition have been steadily increasing in Turkey. Accordingly, it is important to determine what challenges teachers and students may face while preparing themselves... more
The numbers of project competitions and interest in this kind of competition have been steadily increasing in
Turkey. Accordingly, it is important to determine what challenges teachers and students may face while preparing
themselves for project competitions, so that recommendations may be made to overcome these challenges.
This study investigated challenges faced by secondary school students and their project advisors. The teachers’
own solutions for the difficulties that were encountered are presented at the end. Both quantitative and qualitative
research approaches were used in the data collection and analysis processes. One hundred twenty-one
teachers participated in this study. The identified challenges include the students’ lack of requisite information
and skills, insufficient financial and technical support, the students’ lack of interest, and problems with cooperation
from universities. The recommended solutions include improving financial and technical support, revising
education programs to be more project-based, and strengthening cooperation with universities.
The aim of this study was to examine the modelling skills of prospective elementary mathematics teachers who were studying the mathematical modelling method. The research study group was composed of 35 prospective teachers. The... more
The aim of this study was to examine the modelling skills of prospective elementary mathematics teachers who
were studying the mathematical modelling method. The research study group was composed of 35 prospective
teachers. The exploratory case analysis method was used in the study. The data were obtained via semi-structured
interviews and a mathematical modelling test. The phenomenographic method and descriptive analysis
were used in analysing the data. As a result of the study, it was determined that there was a significant change in
the knowledge, skills, and opinions of prospective teachers on mathematical modelling. Therefore, it was considered
that it would be appropriate to feature mathematical modelling in the teaching curriculum in universities’
faculties of education for prospective teachers to use in their courses.
The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between bullying behaviours towards classroom teachers and paternalistic leadership. The sample of this study included 283 classroom teachers from 20 elementary schools in... more
The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between bullying behaviours towards classroom
teachers and paternalistic leadership. The sample of this study included 283 classroom teachers from 20
elementary schools in the Bolu province. The data in this study were collected using Negative Acts Questionare
and Paternalistic Leadership scale. Mean, correlation, and stepwise regression test were used in data analysis.
The results of Pearson correlation analyses indicated that paternalistic leadership significantly negative correlated
with work-related criticism, social isolation, non-work-related criticism, attacks on attitudes and ethnicity,
whereas there was no significant correlation between paternalistic leadership and task pressures. The regression
analyses revealed that paternalistic leadership was significantly predictors of work-related criticism, social
isolation, non-work-related criticism, attacks on attitudes and ethnicity.
The aim of the study was to determine and compare 7th, 8th, and 9th grades students’ level of use and interpret the literal symbols. In addition, students’ responses to questions that require use of different roles of literal symbol... more
The aim of the study was to determine and compare 7th, 8th, and 9th grades students’ level of use and interpret
the literal symbols. In addition, students’ responses to questions that require use of different roles of literal
symbol were examined to identify the errors. For this purpose, Chelsea Diagnostics Algebra test developed by
The Concepts in Secondary Mathematics and Science (CSMS) research project was applied to total 407 students
from different grade. The results of the study could be summarized in three headings : i) The majority of the 7th
and 8th grade students had difficulty in using and interpreting literal symbols as generalized number, unknown
and variable whereas 9th grade students had some problems particularly in understanding variable role of the
literal symbols; ii) The performance of students’ using and interpreting literal symbols do not increase monotonously
with grade level and age; iii) Although the students’ tendency of assign number value for letters, ignoring
letters or considering letters as abbreviation of objects varies at different grade levels, this inclination decreased
towards upper grades. However, it was revealed that when the complexity level of questions raised, upper grade
level students displayed the mentioned behaviors.
One of the critical contributions of the emerging technologies in computer sciences is the capability of corpus compilation and processing. Corpus resources and approaches are regarded as a potentially valuable areas both in developing... more
One of the critical contributions of the emerging technologies in computer sciences is the capability of corpus
compilation and processing. Corpus resources and approaches are regarded as a potentially valuable areas both
in developing instructional methods and designing pedagogical materials. This study aimed to explore the effect of
exposing language learners to corpus data and guiding them to make deductions on the acquisition of punctuation
marks in comparison to lecture based teaching. The participants were 171 prospective teachers attending a state
university in central Anatolia, Turkey. The data were gathered through an achievement test, a questionnaire, and
semi structured interviews. The results related to the achievement revealed that the learners who exploited corpus
resources performed significantly better compared to those who received lecture based instruction. Besides, the
findings also noted that the collaboration should be an important factor of success in corpus consultation among
language learners. The results obtained via questionnaire and interviews underlined the positive perceptions of the
participants toward corpus assisted language learning activities and materials. Suggestions were made for further
research to have a deeper understanding of corpus utilization in Turkish language education.
The purpose of this study was to explore the values underlying the decision-making processes in group studies for Turkish and German mathematics teachers. This study presented a small part of a wider study investigating German and... more
The purpose of this study was to explore the values underlying the decision-making processes in
group studies for Turkish and German mathematics teachers. This study presented a small part of
a wider study investigating German and Turkish mathematics teachers’ and their students’ values
(Values in Mathematics Teaching in Turkey and Germany [VMTG]). The study was conducted with 9
Turkish and 13 German mathematics teachers who were selected with purposeful and theoretical
sampling. Semi-structured interviews and field notes were used as data collection instrument.
Data were analyzed through constant comparative method. Results revealed four different major
categories: (1) productivity, (2) socialization, (3) flexibility/authority, and (4) gender differences.
Based on the findings, discussion, further recommendations, and implications were given at the
end of the study.
This study aimed at examining the extent to which metacognitive self-regulation and chemistry self-efficacy predicted critical thinking. Three hundred sixty-five university students participated in the study. Data were collected using... more
This study aimed at examining the extent to which metacognitive self-regulation and chemistry
self-efficacy predicted critical thinking. Three hundred sixty-five university students participated
in the study. Data were collected using appropriate dimensions of Motivated Strategies for Learning
Questionnaire and College Chemistry Self-Efficacy Scale. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients
ranged from .77 to .88. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results indicated
that metacognitive self-regulation was found to be positively and significantly related to chemistry
self-efficacy for cognitive skills and chemistry self-efficacy for everyday applications. In addition,
there was a positive and significant relationship between chemistry self-efficacy for everyday applications
and critical thinking, whereas there was no significant relationship between chemistry
self-efficacy for cognitive skills and critical thinking. Overall, the tested model explained 68.5% of
critical thinking. Findings provide suggestions in order to enhance critical thinking in chemistry

And 621 more

Maneviyat, insan deneyiminin önemli unsurlarından biridir. Psikoloji ve başta psikolojik danışma olmak üzere alt alanlarında maneviyat, maneviyat ile ilişkili yapı ve davranışlar iyi oluş açısından yadsınamayacak bir potansiyele sahiptir.... more
Maneviyat, insan deneyiminin önemli unsurlarından biridir. Psikoloji ve başta psikolojik danışma olmak üzere alt alanlarında maneviyat, maneviyat ile ilişkili yapı ve davranışlar iyi oluş açısından yadsınamayacak bir potansiyele sahiptir. Manevî deneyimi, hem olumlu hem de olumsuz yönleriyle, insan işlevselliğinden ayırmak mümkün değildir. Psikoloji alanındaki uygulamalı ve kuramsal birçok çalışmada, alanın oluşumunun ilk yıllarından beri maneviyatın insan bilişi, davranışı ve duygusal süreçlerinde nasıl bir işlev gördüğü merak edilmiş ve incelenmiştir. Özellikle son yıllarda uygulamalı psikoloji araştırmalarında ve psikolojik yardım alanlarında da maneviyat psikolojik iyi oluş ve işlevsellik açısından potansiyel bir kaynak olarak ele alınmaya başlanmış ve psikolojik yardım sürecinde maneviyatı hesaba katan birçok yaklaşım ve yöntem geliştirilmiştir. Kitap, psikolojik danışma kuramlarının manevî boyutlarından çeşitli dini geleneklerin manevî psikolojik danışma ile ilişkilerine danışanların manevî açıdan değerlendirilmesinden kurumlarda manevî danışma hizmetleri oldukça kapsamlı bir içerikle Türkiye'de alanda ilk olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Başta PDR ve Psikoloji olmak üzere tüm ruh sağlığı alanında eğitim gören öğrenciler ve hizmet veren çalışanlar için insanın aşkın boyutuna ışık tutmayı amaçlayan kitap, vaka örnekleri ile zenginleştirilmiştir.
Research Interests: