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  • Autism Expert who helps nonverbal autistic children SPEAK in 10 sessions or less, Author- How To Heal Autism And ADHD... more edit
EBM and Testimonials of Autism Cure. Autism Success Stories worldwide from Authentic Autism Solutions:
In recent times breathing exercises and modalities such as delivering hyperbaric oxygen are being promoted as a way of easing some of the symptoms in autism. Are these methods REALLY working? Can breathing be applied as an epigenetic tool... more
In recent times breathing exercises and modalities such as delivering hyperbaric oxygen are being promoted as a way of easing some of the symptoms in autism. Are these methods REALLY working? Can breathing be applied as an epigenetic tool in the treatment of autism? This article presents the mechanics underlying the art of breathing in the context of autism and explores the myths and the benefits of the same. Read More ...
Research Interests:
Although “mainstream” medicine continues to turn a blind eye to the presence of autism treatments and therapies that are showing results in autism , in the spirit of practising “good science” , this article seeks to present the SCIENCE... more
Although “mainstream” medicine continues to turn a blind eye to the presence of autism treatments and therapies that are showing results in autism , in the spirit of practising “good science” , this article seeks to present the SCIENCE behind HOW these Therapies “work” and WHY they seem to work only in some cases of autism and not on ALL the cases on the ASD Spectrum. Today we stand at the threshold of a new revolution in science where the “common man” is not only a participant but also the harbinger (in many cases) and the “discoverer” and also the “inventor” of SOLUTIONS for problems and issues and challenges that especially mainstream “Professionals” with their degrees and qualifications are unable to understand or “accept” . Read More ...
A 9 year old child diagnosed as a case of Nonverbal Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at 2 years of age started speaking normally and coherently for the first time in his life with 20 Remote Healing sessions using... more
A 9 year old child diagnosed as a case of Nonverbal Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at 2 years of age started speaking normally and coherently for the first time in his life with 20 Remote Healing sessions using the method of Applied Energy Medicine with Intent Healing(TM).
A 17 year old boy diagnosed as a case of Autism became completely independent and free from all the limiting symptoms of autism that he had been suffering from since the age of 2 years and started earning on his own for the first time in... more
A 17 year old boy diagnosed as a case of Autism became completely independent and free from all the limiting symptoms of autism that he had been suffering from since the age of 2 years and started earning on his own for the first time in his life after undergoing 20 Remote Healing sessions using the cutting-edge science of Applied Intentional Epigenetics with Intent Healing (TM).
Applied Intentional Epigenetics is transforming the way children who present with epilepsy coexisting with autism are being treated today. This article explores the option of applying Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool in curing the... more
Applied Intentional Epigenetics is transforming the way children who present with epilepsy coexisting with autism are being treated today. This article explores the option of applying Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool in curing the limiting symptoms of autism and curing seizure disorders when present along with autism, thus helping the child to be free from both without taking any conventional antiepileptic medications.
In other words, repeating more and more of the same repetitive and often strictly enforced regimented and routine “therapy” that is either not showing any results or causing worsening of the symptoms is a clear indicator that it is... more
In other words, repeating more and more of the same repetitive and often strictly enforced regimented and routine “therapy” that is either not showing any results or causing worsening of the symptoms is a clear indicator that it is causing more harm than good. And this damage is caused as a result of "hard wiring" of those erroneous pathways in the brain formed due to the repetitive behaviors as administered by the therapy under rigorous conditions, often with an uninterested and "uncooperative" child. This causes stress and leads to stunting the growth and creative abilities of the autistic child.
What is Surrogate healing in Autism? Surrogate healing in autism is the healing of the limiting symptoms in a child with autism by channeling Intent Healing™ energies with the parents of the child acting as surrogates. All the limiting... more
What is Surrogate healing in Autism? Surrogate healing in autism is the healing of the limiting symptoms in a child with autism by channeling Intent Healing™ energies with the parents of the child acting as surrogates. All the limiting symptoms in autism, including a child being non-verbal are due to the energy disturbances in the energy fields of the child with autism. Once these energy disturbances are corrected, all these limiting symptoms disappear and in non-verbal autism the child gains the faculty of speech
To understand relationships in autism better and to know the answers to the questions such as “Why is my autistic child not talking and how can I make him speak?” and to help your child with autism thrive in life independently and in... more
To understand relationships in autism better and to know the answers to the questions such as “Why is my autistic child not talking and how can I make him speak?” and to help your child with autism thrive in life independently and in relationships harmoniously and joyously, it is recommended to peruse "The Energy Basis Of Autism And the Solution” more :
Research Interests:
The recent introduction of the technique of Gene Editing in autism research has opened up the debate as to whether this approach is a stop forward in the right direction or is an example of a regressive approach in the field of autism... more
The recent introduction of the technique of Gene Editing in autism research has opened up the debate as to whether this approach is a stop forward in the right direction or is an example of a regressive approach in the field of autism diagnosis and treatment, filled with ethical issues of potential for misuse and abuse in human embryos. This article establishes the advantages of Autism Brain Theranostics over Gene Editing in Autism.
Research Interests:
Keywords: Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD); Heightened Sensory Intelligence (HSI); Intent Healing(™); Autism; ADHD; Autism and SPD; ADHD and SPD; SPD Cure; Sensory Processing Disorder Cure, Sensory Integration
Research Interests:
As humanity is rapidly moving towards gearing up to “ welcome “ the next stage in Human Evolution as represented by autistic beings, especially children with autism, an Emerging field of science namely Brain Theranostics is being enriched... more
As humanity is rapidly moving towards gearing up to “ welcome “ the next stage in Human Evolution as represented by autistic beings, especially children with autism, an Emerging field of science namely Brain Theranostics is being enriched by Paradigm-Shifting Autism Treatment Techniques. This article introduces the Emerging Science of Theranostics in Autism and presents the Overview of this leading-edge application that is Transforming the Autism Diagnosis and Treatment Landscape today.
Before we proceed further in our understanding ..Read More
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Neurology, Special Education, Learning and the Brain, and 71 more
Conventional medicine has long since conditioned the human mind into swallowing pills with the thumb rule " A pill for every ill ". Over time however, people from all over the world have come to realize that this is not true. This, after... more
Conventional medicine has long since conditioned the human mind into swallowing pills with the thumb rule " A pill for every ill ". Over time however, people from all over the world have come to realize that this is not true. This, after suffering from the stated and unstated side-effects of the very drugs/medicines that are supposed to cure them from diseases and conditions. Read more ..
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, and 73 more
Although “mainstream” medicine continues to turn a blind eye to the presence of autism treatments and therapies that are showing results in autism , in the spirit of practising “good science” , this article seeks to present the SCIENCE... more
Although “mainstream” medicine continues to turn a blind eye to the presence of autism treatments and therapies that are showing results in autism , in the spirit of practising “good science” , this article seeks to present the SCIENCE behind HOW these Therapies “work” and WHY they seem to work only in some cases of autism and not on ALL the cases on the ASD Spectrum. Today we stand at the threshold of a new revolution in science where the “common man” is not only a participant but also the harbinger (in many cases) and the “discoverer” and also the “inventor” of SOLUTIONS for problems and issues and challenges that especially mainstream “Professionals” with their degrees and qualifications are unable to  understand or “accept” . Read More ...
Research Interests:
Pediatrics, Special Education, Autism, Energy medicine, Speech-Language Pathology/ Communication Disorders, and 64 more
This article presents the understanding of the Solution in Autism from the (W) holistic Perspective of approaching autism acknowledging the Indispensable role that CONSCIOUSNESS plays in Autism. For the first time, this paradigm-shifting... more
This article presents the understanding of the Solution in Autism from the (W) holistic Perspective of approaching autism acknowledging the Indispensable role that CONSCIOUSNESS plays in Autism. For the first time, this paradigm-shifting knowledge establishes the neurological connection between the Brain-Gut-Energy Fields-Consciousness quartet in autism. It also presents the Practical Relevance of Applying this perspective and understanding in order to see the Actual RESULTS of CURING the limiting symptoms of autism permanently.
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Neuropsychology, Neurology, Pediatrics, and 64 more
Applied Intentional Epigenetics is transforming the way children who present with epilepsy coexisting with autism are being treated today. This article explores the option of applying Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool in curing the... more
Applied Intentional Epigenetics is transforming the way children who present with epilepsy coexisting with autism are being treated today. This article explores the option of applying Epigenetics as a Biotechnological Tool in curing the limiting symptoms of autism and curing seizure disorders when present along with autism, thus helping the child to be free from both without taking any conventional antiepileptic medications. Read More ...
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Neurology, Pediatrics, Sociology of Children and Childhood, Autism, and 51 more
In recent times breathing exercises and modalities such as delivering hyperbaric oxygen are being promoted as a way of easing some of the symptoms in autism. Are these methods REALLY working? Can breathing be applied as an epigenetic tool... more
In recent times breathing exercises and modalities such as delivering hyperbaric oxygen are being promoted as a way of easing some of the symptoms in autism. Are these methods REALLY working? Can breathing be applied as an epigenetic tool in the treatment of autism? This article presents the mechanics underlying the art of breathing in the context of autism and explores the myths and the benefits of the same.
Read More ...
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Neurology, Pediatrics, Respiratory Medicine, and 37 more
Above and beyond even Nonverbal communication (including body language), is a form of communication that is Fundamental to ALL forms of communications between ALL Beings not just on this planet, but in the entire Universe. And that... more
Above and beyond even Nonverbal communication (including
body language), is a form of communication that is Fundamental
to ALL forms of communications between ALL Beings not just on
this planet, but in the entire Universe. And that is-Communication
through energy Frequencies and Vibrations. Recent experiments
done by Russian scientists have confirmed this. The facts revealed
by this experiment and specifically its implications in healing the
limiting symptoms of autism using the human voice and Energy in
the form of sound frequencies and vibrations (both audible and
inaudible to the human ear) as an epigenetic tool, is explained
further down in this article.
Communication through Energy Frequencies is not rocket science
and can be Re-Learned by one and all. This can be done with the
help of cutting-edge Epigenetic Tools such as Intent Healing™ and
Applied Energy Medicine, which are available today. Read More ...
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Psychology, Neurology, and 63 more
Current neurobiological understanding of Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) in Autism reveals a non-invasive, permanent cure for this condition based on the cutting-edge sciences of Applied Intentional Epigenetics and Applied Energy Medicine. Read... more
Current neurobiological understanding of Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) in Autism reveals a non-invasive, permanent cure for this condition based on the cutting-edge sciences of Applied Intentional Epigenetics and Applied Energy Medicine. Read More ...
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Remote Sensing, and 36 more
The recent studies and a document publication by the NHF (Neurological Health Foundation) has revealed that the health condition of the Mother of a child with Autism DIRECTLY affects the ability of the autistic child to recover fully from... more
The recent studies and a document publication by the NHF (Neurological Health Foundation) has revealed that the health condition of the Mother of a child with Autism DIRECTLY affects the ability of the autistic child to recover fully from the limiting symptoms of autism and other co-morbid conditions. Today, cutting-edge treatment modalities in autism based on the emerging science of Epigenetics and Applied Intentional Epigenetics are helping the autistic child to thrive free from the limiting symptoms of autism. This healing in the child is greatly accelerated once the mother’s health challenges, including and especially the psychological challenges are addressed and healed. This article draws attention to the largely
ignored connection between the health - spiritual, mental and emotional well being of women and mothers dealing with children with autism and their direct impact on the thriving or the absence of thriving of the autistic child under their care.
Research Interests:
If there is one thing that every parent with a child with Autism grapples with on a daily basis, it is dealing with expectations or the lack of it and the fear of disappointment, where it concerns their autistic child. The understanding... more
If there is one thing that every parent with a child with Autism grapples with on a daily basis, it is dealing with expectations or the lack of it and the fear of disappointment, where it concerns their autistic child. The understanding of Epigenetics and the latest discoveries in Psychology and Energy Medicine has now revealed that it is the Environment of negative and lowered expectations set up collectively and individually by the professionals, parents and care-givers of children with autism that is directly affecting the ability of the autistic child to Thrive.
The important point to note here is that almost all the research that is being done in the area of Epigenetics in autism is focused upon finding the cause or the causes for autism. There have been numerous studies and articles written about the epigenetics of the environmental pollutants, the mother’s state of health and stressors during pregnancy, assisted reproduction technology and so on that most people may be aware of. This article however, chooses to focus upon the Epigenetic aspect of the solution in autism that can be applied right away to see the autistic child thrive. It also explores the new scientific understanding of epigenetic factors in autism and the practical application of Positive Expectation from the state of Energy Alignment as an Epigenetic tool that helps children with autism Thrive with their Unique gifts and talents.
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology, Developmental Psychology, and 47 more
The prevalence of Autism is on the rise worldwide with studies presenting the worldwide prevalence rates as 1 in 68 children. This is rising alarmingly every year and the combined presentation of Autism with ADHD in the same child is also... more
The prevalence of Autism is on the rise worldwide with studies presenting the worldwide prevalence rates as 1 in 68 children. This is rising alarmingly every year and the combined presentation of Autism with ADHD in the same child is also increasing. In this scenario it is shocking to note that many medical professionals in general and paediatricians in particular are unaware of the availability of an Autism Cure that is already being accessed by parents with children with autism from all over the world and these children are thriving completely free from their limiting symptoms. This article seeks to enlighten medical professionals about this Autism Cure and emphasizes the urgent necessity for them to update themselves about the same so that more children with Autism and ADHD (and their parents) need not suffer unnecessarily due to this " autism cure awareness gap " that is currently prevailing among medical professionals and paediatricians worldwide. Read More ... #Autism #AutismCure #AutismTreatment
Research Interests:
Medical Sciences, Neurology, Pediatrics, Special Education, Autism, and 38 more
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” - Albert Einstein This article highlights how repetitive behavior modification based therapies in autism such as ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is... more
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” - Albert Einstein

This article highlights how repetitive behavior modification based therapies in autism such as ABA (Applied Behavior
Analysis) is causing damage to the brain and stunting the growth and creativity of the autistic child and how “Early Intervention” in autism with these kinds of “Intensive” therapies is actually delaying the recovery of the autistic child from the limiting symptoms of Autism.Read More ...
Research Interests:
Developmental Psychology, Special Education, Occupational Therapy, Autism, Children and Families, and 27 more
With more and more families presenting with two or more children with autism, this revolutionary treatment method in autism is transforming the lives of these autistic children and their families. Not only that, this approach is healing... more
With more and more families presenting with two or more children with autism, this revolutionary treatment method in autism is transforming the lives of these autistic children and their families. Not only that, this approach is healing the lives of the entire family, thus being the FIRST, scientifically proven healing approach in autism that is truly (W) Holistic in every sense of the term. This is a win-win situation for all, as one can see the RESULTS of this path-breaking treatment in autism, right from Day ONE. The Problem While it is known that there is a " risk " of another child with autism being born in a family where the parents already have one child with autism, the actual statistics for the same is lacking. This article is inspired by my experience in healing children with autism in families with more than one child with autism. Autism Treatment Approach The healing method that was applied was Intent Healing™ that is based on Applied Energy Medicine and Applied Intentional Epigenetics. One can know more details about the same by perusing these articles on the scientific basis of the same and the case reports of successfully healed cases here: and in this online course on 'The Energy Basis of Autism and the Solution' , where the Testimonials and the Evidence of successfully healed cases of Autism, in line with EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) applying Intent Healing™ is available here: The treatment method applied was as follows: 1. Energy assessments of both parents and the autistic children: The energy patterns of the parents and the children were assessed over two days and two nights and the reports shared with the parents. This helps in understanding the underlying specific causes for the symptoms of autism seen in each child with autism, which was unique to each child. 2. Individual healing sessions with each parent: These sessions were done over skype and as Remote Healing sessions timed according to the time zones where the parents lived. Intent Healing™ energies were channeled in the sessions and the individual parents' energies were realigned first. 3. Individual sessions for each child: These sessions were done as Remote Healing sessions while each child was sleeping in bed at different times of the night. In some cases the sessions were done for one child and once the symptoms disappeared in that child the ISSN 2379-7150 sessions were done for the other child who had autism and then the third child after that. In some cases with two children with autism the sessions were done on the same day at different timings and improvements in the symptoms in both the children with each session were noted and documented till complete disappearance of all the symptoms was achieved. Results 1. In all the cases improvements of the symptoms in the children were seen right from the very FIRST session. 2. With consecutive sessions, PROGRESSIVE improvements in the symptoms were seen and documented in both the children with autism in the cases where the families had two children with autism and those families with more than two children with autism, the improvements were seen in ALL the autistic children. 3. In ALL the cases of families with two or more than two children with autism, 70-80% of the limiting symptoms of autism in each child disappeared over a span of 20-30 days were the sessions were done on consecutive days with no break in between. In families where the sessions were done for each child one after the other (doing the sessions for one child only first till the symptoms disappeared and then moving on to the next child and so on), the time period for recovery was correspondingly longer due to the logistics involved. 4. The ENTIRE FAMILY including the parents got healed in the process. By this I mean the physical well-being of the parents improved and they had more energy to devote to their individual creative pursuits and careers and were able to see progress in ALL aspects of their lives individually, as well as collectively, as a family.
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, Pediatrics, Special Education, Autism, and 27 more
#Autism #AutismTreatment #AutismSurrogateHealing #IntentHealing #NonVerbalAutism What is Surrogate healing in Autism ? Surrogate healing in Autism is the healing of the limiting symptoms in a child with Autism by channeling Intent... more
#Autism #AutismTreatment #AutismSurrogateHealing #IntentHealing #NonVerbalAutism
What is Surrogate healing in Autism ?
Surrogate healing in Autism is the healing of the limiting
symptoms in a child with Autism by channeling Intent Healing™
energies with the parents of the child Autism as surrogates.
Read More ....
Research Interests:
Developmental Psychology, Special Education, Occupational Therapy, Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and 27 more
In recent times, there have been reports of the use of “Medical Marijuana” and Cannabis in helping to gain relief from the symptoms in autism .Нis editorial seeks to present the facts about the underlying mechanism of what brings about... more
In recent times, there have been reports of the use of “Medical
Marijuana” and Cannabis in helping to gain relief from the symptoms in autism .Нis editorial seeks to present the facts about the underlying mechanism of what brings about the eوٴect of the “improvements”,although temporary in most cases, that have been reported where either the parents of a child with autism or the child / person with autism has used or has been administered cannabis in one form or the other. Read More ...
Research Interests:
Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and 27 more
Is it really possible for the person with autism to have long-lasting relationships that helps them flourish with joy and in freedom? The answer is YES. This can happen ONLY when one understands the term - Energetic Family. Energetic... more
Is it really possible for the person with autism to have long-lasting relationships that helps them flourish with joy and in freedom? The answer is YES. This can happen ONLY when one understands the term - Energetic Family.
Energetic family consists of all those people engaging in a
relationship with the autistic person who are matching the energy frequency of the autistic person in various stages of that being’s life and who are simultaneously expanding and evolving in an authentic manner, being in alignment with their “true self ”.
Consciously Recognized Energetic Families are the next stage in the evolution of the “Family” structure on this planet and autistic beings are paving the way for the same today. Read More...
Research Interests:
Neuroscience, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Special Education, Autism, and 27 more

And 7 more

Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.
Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm-shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and thought-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what was considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramayana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.
Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm-shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and thought-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what was considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramayana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and though-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what were considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramyana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and though-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what were considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramyana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and though-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what were considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramyana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and though-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what were considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramyana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and though-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what were considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramyana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and though-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what were considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramyana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and though-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what were considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramyana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW:
Research Interests:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm-shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and thought-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what was considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramayana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW.
Research Interests:
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide. Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products... more
Authentic Autism Solutions has been providing ground-breaking Autism Solutions that have positively impacted the lives of autistic children and their families worldwide.

Continuing to address this “Autism Challenge” through our products and services, we now present our latest paradigm-shifting resource through our vibrantly illustrated and thought-provoking and inspiring book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well” as a part of the NEW ‘Autism Transformational Stories’ category.

STORIES. Nothing connects the human species faster and causes monumental shifts in Energies with seemingly logic-defying speed than Stories! And retelling these stories. Shared through generations, we are now living in a Timeline where what was considered by most as “myths/stories” are now being acknowledged as “History” disguised as myths! The Ramayana and the Mahabharata being a few examples.

Using this very same glue that binds the whole humanity as One in spite of the incredible diversity in human thought/behavior/conditioning/color/race and so on, Autism Transformational Stories highlights the POWER in Remembering and Integrating the Timeless wisdom of survival, thriving and transcending beyond labels and jargons.

Autism being one such “label/diagnosis/jargon.

Are you ready to take this “brilliant opportunity disguised as a challenge” and allow yourself to be transformed as you read the book ‘The Frog in the Autism Well’?

Enjoy this transformational journey as you turn the pages of this vibrantly illustrated book NOW.
Research Interests:
EBM and Testimonials of Autism Cure. Autism Success Stories worldwide from Authentic Autism Solutions: