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The proposed essays describe some aspects of the ancient Slavs’ spiritual life. This book contains ten stories: from the analysis of solar symbolism in the life of ancient Slavs to trying to find the location of the Volos heathen temple... more
The proposed essays describe some aspects of the ancient Slavs’ spiritual life. This book contains ten stories: from the analysis of solar symbolism in the life of ancient Slavs to trying to find the location of the Volos heathen temple in the Kyiv Podil. These essays will help the reader to feel the “laboratory” of studies on archeology at all stages: identification of archeological materials, use of natural sciences methods, and involvement of written and ethnographic sources. And as a consequence get the synthesis of new ideas and interesting well-grounded conclusions.
For those who are interested in our history, archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, local history experts, lecturers, and students of universities.
У монографії розглянуто матеріали з тваринництва і мисливства у слов’ян передодня утворення Давньої Русі — волинцевсько-роменських і райковецьких пам’яток, останньої чверті І тис. н. е. Проаналізовано близько 40 археозоологічних... more
У монографії розглянуто матеріали з тваринництва і мисливства у слов’ян передодня утворення Давньої Русі — волинцевсько-роменських і райковецьких пам’яток, останньої чверті І тис. н. е.
Проаналізовано близько 40 археозоологічних комплексів та знаряддя, що характеризують обидві галузі. Встановлено суттєву подіб­ність тваринництва, відмінності у значенні мисливства. Проаналізовано ймовірні впливи на тваринництво з боку сусідів.
Для археологів, істориків, етнографів, краєзнавців, викладачів і студентів вищих закладів освіти, а також усіх, хто цікавиться історією.
Gorbanenko, S. A. (ed.). 2020. Household Magic of the Eastern Slavs According to Archaeological Data: Essays. We offer the reader a selection of essays representing some aspects of the spiritual life of the Eastern Slavs. The processes... more
Gorbanenko, S. A. (ed.). 2020. Household Magic of the Eastern Slavs According to Archaeological Data: Essays.
We offer the reader a selection of essays representing some aspects of the spiritual life of the Eastern Slavs. The processes and phenomena described here are archeologically recorded. The compilation includes reviews of materials on house building and foundation sacrifice, the furnace as an altar (two aspects are considered: rye as an enhancer of furnace magic and the furnace as a habitation of the house spirit), the first archeologically recorded didukh (a kind of Guard Spirit), and “magic” utensils. Essays testify mainly to the agricultural nature of the activities of our ancestors.
For archaeologists, historians, ethnographers, local historians, teachers and students of universities, as well as anyone interested in the past of our country.
In this book, Volodymyr Koloda and Serhiy Gorbanenko discuss the important role of agriculture in the socio-economic development of the Khazar Khaganate and its influence on neighboring peoples. Drawing on the methods of the natural... more
In this book, Volodymyr Koloda and Serhiy Gorbanenko discuss the important role of agriculture in the socio-economic development of the Khazar Khaganate and its influence on neighboring peoples. Drawing on the methods of the natural sciences (such as palaeobotany, archeozoology, soil science, palaeoclimatology), the volume focuses on how agriculture became the basis of the economy of the Khazarian populace. Comparative analysis suggests a significant influence of the agricultural traditions of the Saltiv population on the neighboring tribes of the Eastern Slavs, such as Severians mentioned in the annals (the Romny culture of Left-Bank Ukraine) and Slavs on the Don (the Borshevo culture).
This is the second edition of the monograph that is devoted to the agriculture (a farming sector) of the tribes from northern-western territories of Khazaria. In comparison with the first edition (2010) the amount of archaeological... more
This is the second edition of the monograph that is devoted to the agriculture (a farming sector) of the tribes from northern-western territories of Khazaria. In comparison with the first edition (2010) the amount of archaeological resources has been enlarged twice that size, palaeoethnobotanic data have been expanded, archaeozoological materials have been examines and analyzed, there has been deepened the comparative analysis of the agriculture of forest-steppe people of the Khazar khaganate and neighbor Slavonic tribes. All of these things help us propel the conception of Khazar agriculture to the next proficient level.
The paper deals with material of excavations in Uch-Bash and Saharnaya Golovka settlements as well as survey in Inkerman valley. Archaeological sources pointed out according to the environment condition and paleoeconomy of ancient... more
The paper deals with material of excavations in Uch-Bash and Saharnaya Golovka settlements as well as survey in Inkerman valley. Archaeological sources pointed out according to the environment condition and paleoeconomy of ancient habitants of Inkerman valley
Research Interests:
Introduction. Chapter 1: The History of archaeological sites studies. Chapter 2: Interpretative methods for agriculture materials. Chapter 3: Natural environment and settled zones. Chapter 4: Farming of Saltov culture bearers. Chapter 5:... more
Introduction. Chapter 1: The History of archaeological sites studies. Chapter 2: Interpretative methods for agriculture materials. Chapter 3: Natural environment and settled zones. Chapter 4: Farming of Saltov culture bearers. Chapter 5: Farming of Volyntsevo-Romny tradition bearers. Chapter 6: Comparative analysis (instead of conclusions)
Research Interests:
Монографія присвячена вивченню господарства населення юхнівської культури раннього залізного віку лісової смуги Східної Європи. На підставі наявних матеріалів максимально повно проаналізовані землеробство, тваринництво, мисливство і... more
Монографія присвячена вивченню господарства населення юхнівської культури раннього залізного віку лісової смуги Східної Європи. На підставі наявних матеріалів максимально повно проаналізовані землеробство, тваринництво, мисливство і рибальство цієї спільноти. Подано загальну характеристику культури і докази тваринницько-землеробського характеру господарства з доволі розвиненим рибальством.
Для археологів, істориків, музейних працівників, краєзнавців та всіх, хто цікавиться минулим стародавніх народів.
Research Interests:
У монографії систематизовано матеріали досліджень і узагальнено дані стосовно розвитку та змін землеробства слов’ян упродовж ІІІ ст. до н. е. — X ст. н. е. на основі археологічних джерел із залученням великого обсягу етнографічних і... more
У монографії систематизовано матеріали досліджень і узагальнено дані стосовно розвитку та змін землеробства слов’ян упродовж
ІІІ ст. до н. е. — X ст. н. е. на основі археологічних джерел із залученням великого обсягу етнографічних і природничих матеріалів.
Для археологів, істориків, етнографів, краєзнавців, викладачів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів.
Research Interests:
Монография посвящена сельскому хозяйству населения, проживавшего в лесостепной зоне на северо-западных территориях Хазарского каганата. В ней вводятся новые данные, полученные во время стационарных и лабораторных исследований наиболее... more
Монография посвящена сельскому хозяйству населения, проживавшего в лесостепной зоне на северо-западных территориях Хазарского каганата. В ней вводятся новые данные, полученные во время стационарных и лабораторных исследований наиболее изученных к настоящему времени поселений салтовской археологической культуры (середина VІІІ — середина Х в. н. э.) на Северском Донце. Учет природно-климатических, привлечение палеоэтноботанических и археозоологических данных позволяет значительно дополнить, а в некоторых случаях скорректировать современные представления об уровне развития сельского хозяйства, как основы экономики носителей культуры салтовской лесостепи. Сравнительный анализ позволяет сделать вывод об определенном влиянии земледельческих традиций салтовского населения на соседних с ними славян: северян (роменская культура Днепровского Левобережья) и донских славян (боршевская археологическая культура).
Для археологов, историков, этнографов, краеведов, преподавателей и студентов ВУ Зов, а также для всех, кто интересуется древней историей.
Вміщено наукові публікації за результатами археологічних досліджень, здійснених на Більському городищі та в його окрузі в 2016 році. Для археологів, істориків, краєзнавців, фахівців пам’яткоохоронної справи, працівників музеїв, широкого... more
Вміщено наукові публікації за результатами археологічних досліджень, здійснених на Більському городищі та в його окрузі в 2016 році.
Для археологів, істориків, краєзнавців, фахівців пам’яткоохоронної справи, працівників музеїв, широкого загалу шанувальників стародавньої історії.
Research Interests:
У статті введено до наукового обігу матеріали археологічних досліджень 2022 р., здобуті під час розкопок у м. Черкаси по вул. Гагаріна, 60. Це територія черкаського Подолу (Нижнього міста) за 200 м від замку литовського часу на... more
У статті введено до наукового обігу матеріали археологічних досліджень 2022 р., здобуті під час розкопок у м. Черкаси по вул. Гагаріна, 60. Це територія черкаського Подолу (Нижнього міста) за 200 м від замку литовського часу на Дзеленьгорі. З-поміж виявлених об’єктів особливий інтерес представляє напівземлянка-комора (споруда 2), датована початком XV ст. — часом, коли Черкаси з невеликого прикордонного форпосту васального Литві Подільського князівства перетворювалося на важливий адміністративний центр Великого князівства Литовського.
Будівля загинула під час пожежі, завдяки чому збереглися її дерев’яні конструкції, зокрема, дощата обшивка стін. На долівці та в заповненні котловану споруди знайдено комплекс знахідок: дерев’яний та керамічний посуд, чинбарський (?) струг, дужку від великого цебра або бадді, косу-горбушу, голку, ніж, бронзову підвіску-іконку. На підлозі зафіксовано скупчення обгорілих зерен злаків. Встановлено, що зерна представлені житом (Secale cereale). Інших зернівок культурних рослин виявлено не було. Незначну домішку становили зернівки бур’янів, подібні до березки польової (Convolvulus arvensis) — усього 1,5 %. Себто, збіжжя було дуже чистим. Це доволі поширена злакова культура, а його значення набуло символічного значення, оспіване в піснях та згадане в українських прислів’ях. Жито саме по собі є символом родючості й багатства.
Загибель споруди від вогню можна пояснити і випадковою пожежею, і спаленням внаслідок ворожого нападу. Про останнє опосередковано свідчить вістря стріли, виявлене в заповненні об’єкту. Досліджений об’єкт є надзвичайно важливим для вивчення господарства та матеріальної культури «литовського» періоду в регіоні.

This paper introduces the materials from archaeological explorations in 2022 coming from the excavations at Gagarina str. 60 in Cherkasy. This area belongs to Cherkasy Podil (Lower Town) located in 200 m from the Lithuanian time castle at Dzelegora. Semi-pit-house or pit-storage (Dwelling 2) dated to the beginning of 15th century is one of the most interesting features revealed by the excavations. The Feature is dated to the time when Cherkasy was shifted from a small border town of Podil kingdom (Lithuanian vassal) to an important administrative center of the Great Lithuanian Kingdom. 
The dwelling was destroyed in fire which caused the preservation of its wooden construction including the wall coverage. Complex of finds composed of wooden and ceramic vessels, tannery’s threshing machine, handle of a huge bucket, scythe, needle, knife and bronze icon-amulet comes from the feature’s floor and infilling. Charcoaled seeds were found at the floor of this dwelling. These are represented by rye (Secale cereale). The other domesticated plants were not found. We may note an admixture of weed looking similar to Convolvulus arvensis which is counted at 1.5%. The latter estimate indicates the net cereal yield. Rye is a widely spread cereal. Its significance is underlined by the symbolic meaning in folk songs and expressions. Rye is a symbol of a good harvest and richness.
Burning of the dwelling may be explained by either the unintentional burning, or the military aggression. The latter may be indirectly confirmed by the arrowhead found in the infilling of the dwelling. The analyzed feature is important in the investigation of subsistence and material culture of the “Lithuanian” period in the region.
Antes at Kyiv Podil: first complex botanic research of Penkivka culture materials The article is devoted to the publication of the results of paleobotanical and anthracological studies of biological materials from the structure of the... more
Antes at Kyiv Podil: first complex botanic research of Penkivka culture materials
The article is devoted to the publication of the results of paleobotanical and anthracological studies of biological materials from the structure of the Penkivka culture, discovered in Kyiv during scientific and rescue archaeological research in the Nizhnyoyurkivska str., 2 in Podil. In the course of research, sporadic soil filtration was carried out in order to obtain additional information about small biological remains. The samples come mainly from the filling of the oven. Also, a small number of the samples were collected at the level of the lower part of the building. Material was sent for a manual sorting for the further analysis. The rinsing has helped to obtain the small quantity of ichtyologic materials; using the flotation method, the remnants of botanic descent were picked and they are the object of this publication. 43 charcoal samples were analyzed. The result of the research is obtaining the first anthracological materials from the Penkivka culture object and the addition of the paleoethnobotany database. According to anthracology, the use of two types of trees is determined: common pine and oak. Both of these breeds are native to Polissia, where they are widely used in the economy (for construction, as fuel, etc.). The paleobotanic indexes are quantitatively equal enough to the ones, already defined for Penkivka culture, with the total advantage of millet (over the half) and a sufficient fraction of barley. These indexes are also quite equal to the Prague culture. However, these indexes, if mass-calculated, slightly differ from the Prague culture objects. The nearest object of Prague culture in terms of chronology and territory (Kyrylivska str., 37, 2016) demonstrates an extraordinary similarity of indications. According to the results of statistical and comparative analyzes of paleoethnobotanical materials, it should be stated that, perhaps, among the bearers of the Penkivka culture, farming was more extensive than that of the Prague culture.
Keywords: Ancient Kyiv, Kyiv Podil, Penkivka culture, anthracology, paleoethnobotany.
This paper considers the findings from the Second Parkhomivka Hoard, which belongs to the assemblages of the Martynivka circle. These hoards are located in the Middle Dnieper and the Dnieper Left Bank (fig. 1). A significant number of... more
This paper considers the findings from the Second Parkhomivka Hoard, which belongs to the assemblages of the Martynivka circle. These hoards are located in the Middle Dnieper and the Dnieper Left Bank (fig. 1). A significant number of such finds have been discovered in the modern Sumy region in recent times (fig. 2). Some of these hoards were given to the storages of the museums of Sumy region.

Currently we have the information about two hoards found in one micro-region, near the former Parkhomivka village (fig. 3; 4: A). The second hoard and part of the first one were given to the Trostyanets Museum and Exhibition Center.

The first hoard, found in 2013, included details of women’s and men’s clothing. The second one, found in the spring of 2018, contained two spearheads, the sickle, adze-hoe, the torque, three iron buckles, two lead-tin cones (lost), two bronze belt tips, and temple rings (?).

The first surveys of the hoard sites were conducted in the fall of 2018. The prospect holes were made at the sites of the finds and in 2020 the additional holes near them were dug. In 2018, further along the forested bottom of the ravine, several iron objects which can be dated to the 1 st —2 nd millennium BC were discovered, among them the adze-hoe, loop from a bucket / cauldron, and chisel. All finds from the surveys of 2018 and 2020 are stored in the Sumy Regional Museum of Local Lore.

Finds from the Second Parkhomivka Hoard according to the concentration of finds allow two groups to be distinguished. Together in one hole lay the torque, spearhead, large iron buckle (fig. 13; 14). We conditionally include these things in the first group. Other finds were found at the same time within a radius of 2 m from the place of concentration of the first group (fig. 15; 16). These are two other iron buckles, two belt tips, temple rings, fragments of bracelets, the adze-hoe and a sickle. We classified them in the second group. In general, all finds are divided into clothing ornaments,
weapons and agricultural equipment.

It is difficult to clearly determine the cultural affiliation of the hoard — Penkivka or Kolochyn — because in this micro-region on the Early Medieval Slavic sites no archeological excavations have been carried out. This is the matter of subsequent archaeological research.

Second Parkhomivka Hoard was apparently discovered outside the archeological sites of the third quarter of the 1 st millennium BC. The number of assemblages of this circle were discovered in similar topographic conditions. Therefore, it is possible that this hoard confirms the «household» version of the «storage» of hoards proposed by one of the authors (Derevyanko, Volodarets-Urbanovich 2017, p. 46).
S. A. Gorbanenko COCKLEBUR IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL CHRONICLE OF UKRAINE In the article, data on common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) finds from the archaeological sites of modern Ukraine is collected and organized. Three of them come... more
S. A. Gorbanenko
In the article, data on common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) finds from the archaeological sites of modern Ukraine is collected and organized. Three of them come from the Scythian period sites. The first find (Bilsk, Poltava Oblast) comes from random sample. Two more finds (Tsyrkuny and Novoselivka, Kharkiv Oblast) are represented by prints on clay objects. They were discovered as a result of a purposeful inspection of ceramics in order to search for palaeoethnobotanical materials. Two other items were found on ancient Rus sites, where burnt material was collected. In the first case (Manzheliia, Poltava Oblast) the material was examined during the classical excavations. Palaeoethnobotanical remains were in clearly visible accumulations. In the second case (Peresopnytsia, Rivne Oblast) the material was obtained by soil flotation.
The territory of modern Ukraine is located at the crossroads of land routes and waterways of Eurasia. It is a part of the path of constant migration from Asia to Europe. We can assume that at least in the early Iron Age, due to the nomads, the common cocklebur had already reached the territory of modern Ukraine. The earlier appearance of this plant in the area can be considered purely hypothetically, only on the grounds that in the western territories it was discovered at the sites of the end of the Bronze Age / beginning of the Early Iron Age. According to isolated materials from the Scythian period sites and from ancient Rus dwellings in Peresopnytsia, it is difficult to assume something about the use of common cocklebur.
According to the materials from Manzhelia (several dozens of fruits), it is possible to presume purposeful collecting of cocklebur, probably as a medicinal plant.
The presented findings are important for the restoration of the penetration history of common cocklebur into Europe.
Keywords: archaeology, palaeoethnobotany, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, common cocklebur, Xanthium strumarium L., the Scythians, the Slavs.
M. V. Ilkiv, B. T. Ridush, S. A. Gorbanenko Hoard of the instruments for soil cultivation from the Chornivka archaeological complex On the territory of the Chornivka archaeological complex the Bukovynian expedition of the State Enterprise... more
M. V. Ilkiv, B. T. Ridush, S. A. Gorbanenko
Hoard of the instruments for soil cultivation from the Chornivka archaeological complex
On the territory of the Chornivka archaeological complex the Bukovynian expedition of the State Enterprise «Science Research Centre “Protective Archaeology Service of Ukraine”» of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine monitors the condition of the monument sites. Thanks to this, in 2022, a deposit of parts for the instruments for soil cultivation was discovered outside the boundaries of known settlements. Two gouters, two tusks and a bushing hoe were found. The publication is dedicated to introducing this hoard into scientific circulation. The find of a deposit of agricultural tools outside the archaeological sites confirms the importance of constant monitoring of both the sites and the areas around them. A comparative analysis of these details with materials of the Raykovetska monuments also confirms the chronology of the hoard’s laying — VIII— X centuries.
The find of both sets in pairs (2 gouters and 2 tusks) proves that they were intended for use on ploughable tools / ploughs. The comparative analysis against the background of similar findings of the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD on the territory of the south of Eastern Europe in various archaeological cultures proves the highest level of development of these tools for primary soil tillage for its time.
Today, out of five locations of such foundations, three were discovered in a small part of the area of the Raykovetska culture in the northern part of Bukovyna. Do these finds testify to the better study of the Raykovetska sites in the Chernivtsi region compared to others or are a feature of this micro-region of settlement of the chronicled Slavs — time will tell.
The deposition of the material was probably of a purely domestic nature — short-term storage of property; the contents of the deposit emphasize the importance of agriculture for ancient people. Detailing the interpretation of such material (not precious) deposits requires the creation of a catalog for Eastern Europe as complete as possible.
Keywords: Early Slavs, Raykovetska culture, deposit, agricultural tools, gouter, tusk, hoe.
V. I. Kvitkovski, L. V. Horobets, S. A. Gorbanenko The rooster in the Saltiv culture In 2016, the Slobozhanska Early Medieval Archaeological Expedition has excavated the complex 16 — a pit-cellar, quite typical for sites of the... more
V. I. Kvitkovski, L. V. Horobets, S. A. Gorbanenko
The rooster in the Saltiv culture
In 2016, the Slobozhanska Early Medieval Archaeological Expedition has excavated the complex 16 — a pit-cellar, quite typical for sites of the forest-steppe variant of the Saltiv culture in the Siverskyi Dinets basin. The small material is also quite typical for the Saltiv population. The pottery is represented by two fragments of pithos and a fragment of an amphora handle with a neck. The kitchenware from the assemblage was a hand-made: touched up on a potter’s wheel and shaped by hand. The handle and walls of the jars of good quality were also found.
The compact find of five bones of roosters tarsometatarsus from the filling of the assemblage attracts attention. This paper attempts to analyze this unique find. The role and significance of the bird in the Saltiv culture is also analyzed.
The birds were of normal size, the length of the bones differs from the roosters from earlier sites as well as from some modern outbred roosters by less than 1 cm. Signs that they were fighting roosters (as a result of fights, the birds get leg injuries which remain the marks on the bones) are visible. The small number of finds of chickens in general at the sites of the Saltiv culture does not allow us to claim that they were used in the economy.
Currently, this is only the second find of tarsometatarsi of roosters at the sites of the Saltiv culture (the first one comes from the so-called ritual assemblage from Mayaki). In the scientific literature, accordingly, there have been no attempts to interpret such cases. Taking into account the historiographic review of the problems of interpretation of roosters in general from archaeological sites, we come to the conclusion that the tarsometatarsus of roosters could be a symbol (amulets) of bravery and militancy, respectively, most likely, of warriors. And the act of burying this symbol (amulets) can be an act of taking away the powers of a warrior.
Keywords: Saltiv cultural-historical community, tarsometatarsus, rooster, ritual, amulet.
I. V. Pogorzhelska, S. A. Gorbanenko Imprints of fabrics on materials from Slavic sites of the last quarter of the first millennium AD The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of research and the introduction into scientific... more
I. V. Pogorzhelska, S. A. Gorbanenko
Imprints of fabrics on materials from Slavic sites of the last quarter of the first millennium AD
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of research and the introduction into scientific circulation of data on Slavic fabrics of the last quarter of the first millennium AD. In order to establish potential research opportunities, the general state of the study of fabrics in Ukraine according to archeological remains is examined.
Until now, the fabrics of the Slavs of the last quarter of the first millennium AD on the territory of modern Ukraine did not become the subject of research. Their study is now available on the basis of fabric prints on clay products (13), as well as on the iron plate (1); the findings of actual fabrics of this period are currently unknown to us. Such prints should be considered accidental, and their findings are extremely rare. It is hardly possible to count on further fast filling of this database.
Local fabrication is not in doubt. Potentially, the existence of raw materials is evidenced by biological definitions (plants — flax and hemp; animals — sheep / goats) and the existence of the possibility of getting wool (spring scissors). The findings of spindle whorls directly certify the manufacture of threads.
According to the imprints of the fibers, the existence of threads of both plant and animal origin was established. In four cases from Radychivske 3, the use of a stronger thread of vegetable origin for the warp and of animal thread for wefting was witnessed. In this way a better wear resistance of the fabric was achieved.
The fabrics were plain weave, mostly the simplest, but from Radychivskе 3 comes its more complex type — mat R 4/4. The prevalence of this type should be left in question.
A wide range of thread compressibility is indicated. It is from 0.03 to 2.5 mm. However, the thinnest of them probably indicate the wear of the fabric. Accordingly, the tissue density also differed significantly. The imprint with the densest weave — 23 × 23 n./cm2 , comes from an iron plate. Probably, accidental prints on ceramics indicate that the potter may have had a rag of coarse cloth under his hands.
Twist types (S and Z) are unlikely to reflect technological processes; instead, they may indicate the protective nature of the manufacture of threads. The twist angle (giving strength to the thread), which indicates the use of stronger threads for the warp is more important.
Thus, the production of fabrics by the Slavs of the last quarter of the first mille­nnium AD on the territory of modern Ukraine should be considered predominantly simple (though not primitive). Craftsmen used different raw materials, knew their benefits and could combine threads in the manufacture of fabric to improve its durability. The same is evidenced by the use of threads with different twisting angles.
Keywords: The Slavs, the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD., weaving, fabric imprints, warp, weft, twist.
I. V. Pohorzhelska, S. A. Gorbanenko Slavic Textiles of the Last Quarter of the 1st Millennium AD: Study Results The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of research and the introduction into scientific circulation of data on... more
I. V. Pohorzhelska, S. A. Gorbanenko
Slavic Textiles of the Last Quarter of the 1st Millennium AD: Study Results
The article is devoted to the analysis of the state of research and the introduction into scientific circulation of data on Slavic fabrics of the last quarter of the first millennium AD. In order to establish potential research opportunities, the general state of the study of fabrics in Ukraine according to archaeological remains is examined.
Until now, the fabrics of the Slavs of the first quarter of the 1st millennium AD on the territory of modern Ukraine have not been studied. Their study is now available on the basis of fabric prints on clay products (13), as well as on the iron plate (1); the findings of actual fabrics of this period are currently unknown to the researchers. Such prints should be considered accidental, and their findings are extremely rare. It is hardly possible to count on further fast filling of this database.
Local fabrication is not in doubt. Potentially, the existence of raw materials is evidenced by biological definitions (plants — flax and hemp; animals — sheep / goats) and the existence of the possibility of getting wool (spring scissors). The findings of spindle whorls directly certify the manufacture of threads.
According to the imprints of the fibers, the existence of threads of both plant and animal origin was established. In four cases from Radychivske 3, the use of a stronger thread of vegetable origin for the warp and of animal thread for wefting was witnessed. In this way a better wear resistance of the fabric was achieved.
The fabrics were plain weave, mostly the simplest, but from Radychivskе 3 comes their more complex type — mat R 4/4. The prevalence of this type should be left in question.
A wide range of thread compressibility is indicated. It is from 0.03 to 2.5 mm. However, the thinnest of them probably indicate the wear of the fabric. Accordingly, the tissue density also differed significantly. The imprint with the densest weave — 23 × 23 n./cm2, comes from an iron plate. Probably, accidental prints on ceramics indicate that the potter may have had a rag of coarse cloth under his hands.
Twist types (S and Z) are unlikely to reflect technological processes; instead, they may indicate the protective nature of the manufacture of threads. The twist angle (giving strength to the thread), which indicates the use of stronger threads for the warp is more important.
Thus, the production of fabrics by the Slavs of the first quarter of the 1st millennium AD on the territory of modern Ukraine should be considered predominantly simple (though not primitive). Craftsmen used different raw materials, knew their benefits and could combine threads in the manufacture of fabric to improve its durability. The same is evidenced by the use of threads with different twisting angles.
Keywords: the Slavs, the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD, weaving, fabric imprints, warp, weft, twist.
A. V. Stupak, S. A. Gorbanenko The main milestones of the arhaeozoological studies in Ukraine The primary focus of this research is the history of archaeozoological studies in Ukraine. Like every scientific branch, the development of... more
A. V. Stupak, S. A. Gorbanenko
The main milestones of the arhaeozoological studies in Ukraine
The primary focus of this research is the history of archaeozoological studies in Ukraine. Like every scientific branch, the development of archaeozoology has the stages of its beginning, generation, and separation of individual scientific discipline. The rise of scientific interest in the evolutionary process and fossil fauna at the end of the 19th century promote the investigation of the faunal remains of the relative modern geological period — Quaternary. The large number of ungulates faunal remains of this period was found on archaeological sites.
Olexandr Brauner, was the first zoologist who worked with the faunal remains from archeological sites of Kherson region. As an archaeozoologist, V. Gromova actively participated in the research of faunal collections from the different archaeological sites of Ukraine. She compiled the almost first atlases of mammals anatomy for archaeozoologists.
Ivan Pidoplichko is the founder of the archaeozoological school in Ukraine. His professional career began from organization of the working group of archaeozoologists to the head of the Paleozoological department of the Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR (now Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology). Ivan Pidoplichko also is the founder of the National Museum of Natural history which is one of the centers of archaeozoological studies. Well known archaeozoologists such as V. Bibikva, N. Bilan (Tymchenko), N. Kornijetz, V. Topachevski, P. Puchkov, and O. Zhuravliov worked under the lead of Ivan Pidoplichko. In the 1970s O. Zhuravliov started to work in the Institute of Archaeology Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR. During the last two decadesYe. Yanish, M. Kublij, T. Bitkovska, A. Stupak and O. Seniuk joined archaeozoological studies. The current archaeozoology studies in Ukraine are still developing.
Keywords: archaeozoology, history of science, teriology, biography.
S. A. Gorbanenko NOTES IN THE MARGINS Professional activity of B. A. Shramko left behind a large layer of scientific research (in the form of scientific literature), correspondence with other scientists and museum storage units. The value... more
S. A. Gorbanenko
Professional activity of B. A. Shramko left behind a large layer of scientific research (in the form of scientific literature), correspondence with other scientists and museum storage units. The value of the former is still difficult to overestimate, the latter is still waiting for its researcher, and the third is still a source for analysis and publication. We pay attention to a small part of the activity that links all these categories, but remains widely invisible. The article discusses the establishment of cooperation between B. A. Shramko and palaeoethnobotanists.
Key words: B. A. Shramko, palaeoethnobotany, charred remains, imprints on ceramics.
Нещодавно вийшло наше дослідження про окремі прояви культових дій слов’ян, що залишили слід на побутових повсякденних речах (Горбаненко (ред.) 2020; відгук на працю див. у цьому збірнику). Доки воно готувалось до друку, завдяки... more
Нещодавно вийшло наше дослідження про окремі прояви культових дій слов’ян, що залишили слід на побутових повсякденних речах (Горбаненко (ред.) 2020; відгук на працю див. у цьому збірнику). Доки воно готувалось до друку, завдяки надходженню нових матеріалів стало можливим чіткіше окреслити роль і місце окремих наведених в ньому положень. Ця замітка присвячена встановленню значення жаровні як предмету побутового культу у східних слов’ян кінця І — початку ІІ тис. н. е.
Serhiy Gorbanenko Agriculture, Hardened in Clay The author has accumulated and organized clay finds that have agricultural symbols in the article. The material is represented by products from the Neolithic period, when pottery was... more
Serhiy Gorbanenko
Agriculture, Hardened in Clay
The author has accumulated and organized clay finds that have agricultural symbols in the article. The material is represented by products from the Neolithic period, when pottery was originated and, accordingly, ornamentation and technologies began to develop.
There are two categories of artefacts: objects with agricultural images; products with added grains of cultivated plants. Products with images are represented by household items: utensils and spindles. There are both primitive realistic images and abstract symbols that are interpreted as agricultural. Primitive realistic images include drawings that schematically like to spikelets (dishes of the Trypillia culture, spindles of the Early Iron Age) and ploughing tools (ware of the Eneolithic period, Lengyel culture, spindles of the Early Iron Age). The calendar with agricultural signs from Lepesivka site of Chernyakhiv culture can be included to the conditionally abstract symbolism.
The other type of agriculture tradition is the deliberate process of admixture of the grain to the clay products. It includes the most popular items: cult figurines, "small loafs", commonware and parts of stoves. There is a set of clay models, which included a plow, a yoke, as well as bull figurines (Early Iron Age, Bilsk settlement). This set also brightly illustrates the farming traditions of the ancient population. All these examples emphasize the importance of agriculture in the different peoples, who lived mainly on the reproduction of the economy. The purpose of my essay is only to pay attention to this interesting phenomenon of perception of the world through the prism of a combination of two traditional industries: agriculture and pottery.
Keywords: Ukrainian ceramology, archaeological ceramology, pottery, clay items, images, paleoethnobotany, agriculture, ancient beliefs.
S. A. Gorbanenko, M. V. Ilkiv, L. P. Mykhailyna, B. T. Ridush Millstones from Revne at Bukovyna In the article stones from light hand millstones from Revne group of settlements of the 8th — 10th centuries left by the Slavs — bearers of... more
S. A. Gorbanenko, M. V. Ilkiv, L. P. Mykhailyna, B. T. Ridush
Millstones from Revne at Bukovyna
In the article stones from light hand millstones from Revne group of settlements of the 8th — 10th centuries left by the Slavs — bearers of the Raiky archaeological culture are published (fig. 1; 2). The lithological composition of rocks was determined. The millstones were made of two types of rocks: 1 — organogenic-detrital limestone, layered, cavernous, grayish-yellow (fig. 3: 1, 2); 2 —organogenic detrital limestone, massive, finely cavernous, yellowish-gray (fig. 3: 3). Such rocks are typical for the area of Revne agglomeration. This confirms the local origin of the raw materials (fig. 4). The rocks can be easily processed with iron tools. At the same time, they are strong enough and not prone to fracture and small fracturing. An average density of limestone is 2.7 g/cm3.
Millstones are widely known from the materials of the Raiky culture sites (fig. 5). Probably, in all cases, local raw materials were used. On this background mention of the finds of grain graters occurs in scientific literature less often. In the materials of Revne agglomeration of the 8th — 10th centuries grain graters are unknown.
Discovered millstones are divided into «spoilage» or blank (fig. 3: 1), bed stone (fig. 3: 2) and runner stone (fig. 3: 3). There is a sufficient basis for the general reconstruction of a light hand millstone. It consists of archaeological finds (stones and occasionally other parts made of iron and wood), ethnographic and iconographic data (fig. 6). All these sources were qualitatively analysed by R. S. Minasyan and he proposed his own classification. Today, we consider his work to be the most generalizing and reliable basis for descriptive reconstruction of the millstone. However, the classification itself is not quite user-friendly. Therefore, we offer systematization as a combination of main features. It is presented in a tabular form (fig. 7). According to the proposed systematization, the millstones from Revne can be characterized as ІІ.2.A—B — bed stone with a hole and a wooden pin (not preserved), with runner stone and rind (not preserved), with a hole for a handle of indeterminate length (not preserved).
Gorbanenko, S. A., Koloda, V. V. Cereal grain production of the Early Medieval Mokhnach: a sacrificial altar or a hearth? One of the grain pits with an attached anteroom, complex 114 (fig. 2), was researched during the investigations of... more
Gorbanenko, S. A., Koloda, V. V. Cereal grain production of the Early Medieval Mokhnach: a sacrificial altar or a hearth?
One of the grain pits with an attached anteroom, complex 114 (fig. 2), was researched during the investigations of the hillfort in Mokhnach village located in Zmiiv region of Kharkiv oblast (fig. 1). Among the discovered artefacts (fig. 3), which allow to date the complex to the end of VIII — beginning of IX centuries, the remnants of a thick-walled clay object with low uneven firing (fig. 4) attract attention. The clay color on the profile points to the fact that the temperature was higher on top (fig. 4: 2). Its molding composition consisted of clay and a great amount of herbal supplements of different origins. Imprints of threshing waste are well traced on both surfaces and breaks: glumas, fragments of forks, spikelets, and also leaves, etc. (fig. 4; 5). Parallel (ordered?) imprints from scapes of herb plants (straw?), which were laid under the bottom of this clay product, are clearly visible on the lower surface (fig. 4: 3; 5: I).
Apart from threshing and harvest dressing waste, some imprints from caryopsides of cultivated plants are also identified on the surface of a functional part (fig. 5: II, III). Identified glumas originate from rye (Secale cereale) and glumaceous barley (Hordeum vulgare). Most of caryopsides (fig. 5: III) also included rye, glumaceous barley, and panic grass as well (Panicum miliaceum); there are separate imprints from caryopsides of emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccon). A total amount of the imprints is about two tens. The discovered artefact may have one of three definitions: 1) a typical hearth of the Slavic origin; 2) the first known hearth of the Saltov culture; 3) a sacrificial alter of the Saltov culture. Despite a definition, a sacral meaning of adding grains to the top surface does not raise any doubts.
Keywords: Kharkiv oblast, Mokhnach hillfort, Early Medieval, Saltov culture, hearth, sacrificial altar, agriculture, cult.
Горбаненко, С. А., Колода, В. В. Хліборобські традиції ранньосередньовічного Мохнача: жертовник чи жаровня?
Під час досліджень городища в с. Мохнач, що в Зміївському районі Харківської області (рис. 1), було вивчено одну із зернових ям з прибудованим тамбуром — комплекс 114 (рис. 2). Серед виявлених артефактів (рис. 3), що дають можливість зарахувати його до кінця VІІІ — початку ІХ ст., привертають увагу рештки товстостінного глиняного виробу зі слабким нерівномірним випалом (рис. 4). Колір глини на перетині свідчить про те, що зверху температура була вищою (рис. 4: 2). Його формувальна маса складалась із глини й великої кількості рослинних домішок різного походження. На обох поверхнях та у зломах добре простежені відбитки відходів від обмолоту: плівки, фрагменти вилочок, колосків, а також листя тощо (рис. 4; 5). На нижній поверхні чітко помітні паралельні (упорядковані?) відбитки стебел трав’янистих рослин (соломи?), що підкладали під низ цього виробу (рис. 4: 3; 5: І). На поверхні «робочої» частини, крім відходів від обмолоту й просівання врожаю, також помічено відбитки зернівок культурних рослин (рис. 5: ІІ, ІІІ). Ідентифіковані плівки походять від жита (Secale cereale) і ячменю плівчастого (Hordeum vulgare). Переважну кількість зернівок (рис. 5: III) також становили жито, ячмінь плівчастий, а також просо (Panicum miliaceum); є одиничні відбитки зернівок пшениці двозернянки (Triticum dicoccon). Загальна кількість відбитків близька до двох десятків. Виявлений артефакт може мати одне з трьох визначень: 1)типова жаровня слов’янського походження; 2) перша відома жаровня салтівської культури; 3) жертовник салтівської культури. Незважаючи на саме визначення, сакральний зміст додавання збіжжя до верхньої поверхні не викликає сумнівів.
Ключові слова: Харківська область, городище Мохнач, раннє середньовіччя, салтівська культура, жаровня, жертовник, землеробство, культ.
Горбаненко, С. А., Колода, В. В. Хлеборобские традиции раннесредневекового Мохнача: жертвенник или жаровня?
Во время исследований городища в с. Мохнач, что в Змиевском районе Харьковской области (рис. 1), была изучена одна из зерновых ям з пристроенным тамбуром — комплекс 114 (рис. 2). Среди выявленных артефактов (рис. 3), которые дают возможность причислить его к концу VІІІ — началу ІХ в., привлекают внимание остатки толстостенного глиняного изделия со слабым неравномерным обжигом (рис. 4). Цвет глины на профиле свидетельствует о том, что сверху температура была выше (рис. 4: 2). Его формовочная масса состояла из глины и большого количества растительных добавок разного происхождения. На обеих поверхностях и изломах хорошо прослеживаются отпечатки отходов от обмолота: пленки, фрагменты вилочек, колосков, а также листья и т. д. (рис. 4; 5). На нижней поверхности четко заметны параллельные (упорядоченные?) отпечатки стеблей травянистых растений (соломы?), которые подкладывали под низ этого изделия (рис. 4: 3; 5: І). На поверхности «рабочей» части, кроме отходов от обмолота и просеивания урожая, также отмечены отпечатки зерновок культурных растений (рис. 5: ІІ, ІІІ). Идентифицированные пленки происходят от ржи (Secale cereale) и ячменя пленчатого (Hordeum vulgare). Большинство зерновок (рис. 5: III) также составляли рожь, ячмень пленчатый, а также просо (Panicum miliaceum); есть одиночные отпечатки зерновок пшеницы двузернянки (Triticum dicoccon). Общее количество отпечатков — около двух десятков. Выявленный артефакт может иметь одно из трех определений: 1) типичная жаровня славянского происхождения; 2) первая известная жаровня салтовской культуры; 3) жертвенник салтовской культуры. Несмотря на само определение, сакральный смысл добавления зерна к верхней поверхности не вызывает сомнений.
Ключевые слова: Харьковская область, городище Мохнач, раннее средневековье, салтовская культура, жаровня, жертвенник, земледелие, культ.
S. A. Gorbanenko, L. P. Mykhailyna Iron agricultural tools from Rene Iron agricultural tools from the Revne agglomeration of Slavs of the 8th—10th centuries is analyzed in the paper. The complex is one of the outstanding sites of the... more
S. A. Gorbanenko, L. P. Mykhailyna
Iron agricultural tools from Rene
Iron agricultural tools from the Revne agglomeration of Slavs of the 8th—10th centuries is analyzed in the paper. The complex is one of the outstanding sites of the Eastern croats Slavic tribal group in the Ukrainian carpathian region (fig. 1). During ca. 50 years of stationary and supervisory explorations almost complete set of agricultural tools for primary and secondary till-age and for harvesting has been accumulated.
The paper provides detailed description of the tools. comparative analysis of the materials in geographical environment was carried out both in the area of Raiky culture and synchronous and chronologically close cultures and sites. Iron parts of plow-type tools certify a high level of technical equipment for tillage. Asymmetrical heads are inherent in bow ard. This plow-type tool had the head with iron wide-bladed tip posed horizon-tally to the ground and also knife coulter and mould-board. Arable tools of this type cutted and turned the soil. Their use indicates the highest level of development of technical capabilities of tillage in the area of Raiky culture and synchronous archaeological cultures (fig. 2—4, 9). Hoes of two types are presented: the socketed items with a vertical open socket and those with a horizontal solid socket. Both types are well-known (the first type is much more common) but functionally there is no difference between them. Their analogies are common in the area of Raiky culture and synchro-nous surrounding (fig. 5, 6, 9).
The harvesting process can be considered traditional for the people of Raiky culture. However there are insignificant differences comparing to the aggregate data. Thus, scythes with a curved handle (mainly used for haymaking and possibly for harvesting cereals with a tight ear) have not yet been occurred in Revne. How-ever, such findings are generally much less common than sickles (fig. 7—9).
The complex of iron agricultural tools shows the highest level of development of agriculture in the people of Raiky culture. comparative analysis with other cultural and ethnic groups of the late 1st millennium AD in central and Eastern Europe also shows that the level of agriculture is close to the achievements of the Saltiv culture.
Keywords: Revne, Raiky culture, agriculture, tools, tillage, harvesting.
M. O. Yahodynska, S. A. Gorbanenko Agriculture in the interfluve of Dniester and Ikva at Old Russian period according to archaeological findings The article sums up the results of archaeological investigations of the settlements of South... more
M. O. Yahodynska, S. A. Gorbanenko Agriculture in the interfluve of Dniester and Ikva at Old Russian period according to archaeological findings
The article sums up the results of archaeological investigations of the settlements of South Volyn (the territory around annalistic Danyliv town) and Western Podillia (the territory of sites complex of Zbruch cultural center, annalistic Terebovlia). Authors conducted generalization of findings of agriculture implements, white straw crops remains and supplemented source base. During archaeological investigations of the settlements and fortified settlements of Western Podillia and South Volyn at the end of 20th — beginning of 21th centuries scientists discovered 64 metal objects connected with agriculture found at 14 sites and palaeoethnobotanical materials at 11 sites (table 1; fig. 1). Functionally metal objects divide into tools connected with land cultivating: tips on plowing tools (4), coulter (2) (fig. 2), hoes (3) and shovels ironing (4) (fig. 3); and the tools for harvesting: sickles (33; fig. 6) and scythes (18; fig. 7). Only one palaeoethnobotanical complex from 11 sites is of interest to statistics (table 2; fig. 5).
Agriculture analysis is conducted according to the process: from land cultivating to preservation and harvest processing. Plowing tools are represented by developed tips types maximally similar to tusks. Findings of coulters prove existence of the most efficient tools of plough type for plowing. Set of ironings for shovels and hoes represents kitchen gardening and horticulture.
One full paleoethnobotanical spectrum connected with the region is derived which helps to characterize grain farming and spectrum indicators resemble early Slavic. At the same time indicators of efficient capricious white straw crops are rather substantial and that proves high level of tillage.
Presence of sickles and scythes is an undoubted proof of local agriculture. For harvest preserving some special grain pits were used.
The survey of materials concerned with agriculture proves its high level. Further thorough and combined investigations will give an opportunity to refine these conclusions and place and role of agriculture in life of ancient communities in the interfluve of Dniester and Ikva at Old Russian period.
Keywords: agriculture, palaeoethnobotany, white straw crops, kitchen gardening, horticulture.
This article presents the analysis of paleoethnobotanical and anthracological materials from the Slavic Sverdlovske 1 Hillfort (9th—10th cent.). The materials of botanical origin were obtained by flotation during archaeological... more
This article presents the analysis of paleoethnobotanical and anthracological materials from the Slavic Sverdlovske 1 Hillfort (9th—10th cent.). The materials of botanical origin were obtained by flotation during archaeological excavations in 2016–2017. The material comes from dwellings, ovens and utility pits of the Romny Culture. In addition, ceramics of the Romny Culture were examined for grain imprints. The material under study included residues of cultivated plants (proso millet, barley, emmer wheat, soft wheat, rye, peas and lentil), weeds (field bindweed and bristle grasses) and charcoal (pine, oak, birch and poplar or aspen). The high rates of rye, together with almost complete absence of weeds, most likely indicate a slash-and-burn farming. The fuel wood from the site is traditional for forest zone; it is oak, pine, birch and aspen. Construction timber is represented by oak and pine. These types of wood are typical for construction purposes in the region in question. The importance of the obtained data is due to a scanty amount of materials from the Romny Culture sites in the Desna River area. The flotation method allows us to replenish substantially the existing database on paleoethnobotany and wood resourses.
Keywords: Desna River area Middle Ages Early Slavs Volyntseve Culture Romny Culture Paleoethnobotany Charcoal Wood resources.
The article compiles and analyzes the definitions of palaeoethnobotanical materials from the excavations of the Bilsk hillfort for half a century. The analysis of grain farming is given. Options for the penetration of palaeoethnobotanical... more
The article compiles and analyzes the definitions of palaeoethnobotanical materials from the excavations of the Bilsk hillfort for half a century. The analysis of grain farming is given. Options for the penetration of palaeoethnobotanical materials into pottery are considered. The thesis was put forward that various bedding under bottoms could mark a certain seasonality of pottery production. The clay bread-like products from the settlement of Polе Drugoi Brigady was considered as a kind of cult complex aimed at fertility improvement.
Keywords: Bilsk, the Scythians, palaeoethnobotany, PBS, grain farming
S. A. Gorbanenko. Early Slavs: Housebuilding and foundation sacrifice Several types of foundation sacrifice were recorded. They are corn, remains of animals, remnants of structures, heating device and certain items (astragals, key,... more
S. A. Gorbanenko. Early Slavs: Housebuilding and foundation sacrifice
Several types of foundation sacrifice were recorded. They are corn, remains of animals, remnants of structures, heating device and certain items (astragals, key, jewelry, which were objects of material or sacral value). All these cases are quite understandable and can easily be explained from the perspective of extrapolating their values to the welfare and protection of housing and its owner. Obviously, each owner chose a foundation sacrifice according to his own preferences and in accordance with his «field of activity».
During the construction of the house, the future owners put things that they could extrapolate directly or indirectly to welfare and on their hundredfold return. A foundation sacrifice was more diverse than the examples described in ethnography. Although partially data are quite comparable. Conditionally we can divide all the sacrifices into two options:
1) direct extrapolation of values to a symbol (grain, pots and food, wildlife remains, ornaments);
2) two-stage extrapolation: symbolism of the object – its symbolism for housing (astragals, keys).
Aurochs horns should be counted in both options.
The cases of «burial» of old furnaces during the reconstruction of dwellings we consider as an exception, which, however, is also quite similar in content to the «classic» foundation sacrifices. The difference is that not only the sacrifices but also the moment of their laying are not the same: at the beginning of construction of dwelling, when it does not yet have its own «character», or during the reconstruction of existing structure that has already acquired its own sacred value.
Translated by M. Sergeyeva
Keywords: Slavs, housing, mortgage sacrifice, sacred content, archeology, Ethnography.
S. A. Gorbanenko Collections of clay products from a palaeoethnobotanical point of view The basis of the study is the work of N. M. Kravchenko and G. O. Pashkevych in 1985 with the addition of the author’s observations. The author... more
S. A. Gorbanenko
Collections of clay products from a palaeoethnobotanical point of view
The basis of the study is the work of N. M. Kravchenko and G. O. Pashkevych in 1985 with the addition of the author’s observations. The author analyzed options for the penetration of palaeoethnobotanical materials into the moulding compound as well as their value for interpreting these findings.
The reasons for penetration of materials to molding compound, groups of clay products and their informative value, advantages and disadvantages of this method of information gathering and further perspectives of research and interpretation were reviewed.
Plant impurities were found in most categories of clay products. Conventionally they include utensils, probable architectural details and / or «stationary» utensils, tools as well as figurines, and other products that have no practical application. According to the scheme proposed by N. M. Kravchenko and G. O. Pashkevych four factors of the penetration of plant residues into the molding compound were identified. Factor 4 «The use of vegetable impurities as a backing between the stand and the crude billet of clay product (pot, vessel)» is of the less informative value. Its value could lie in the possibility to establish the season of manufacturing of pottery due to the backing. Factor 2 «Adding grain to a molding compound for ritual purpose» now can be significantly expanded due to ordinary household items, such as large pots for grain storage, firepans / pans and even furnaces. Factor 1 «Technological technique, in which crushed plant mass was added to reduce shrinkage of products during their drying and firing» also usually does not add information about palaeoethnobotanical materials. The only factor important for statistical surveys and the establishment of the grain economy is factor 3 «Accidental ingress of grains or seeds into the molding compound during the manufacture of pottery».
Keywords: clay products, palaeoethnobotany, grain, factors of penetration, palaeoethnobotanical spectrum (PBS), grain economy.
S. A. Gorbanenko, A. O. Kharlamova «Lost» Grains: Palaeoethnobotanical Materials from the Donets Site of Ancient Settlement A revision of data concerning findings of palaeoethnobotanical remains from the Donets site of ancient settlement... more
S. A. Gorbanenko, A. O. Kharlamova
«Lost» Grains: Palaeoethnobotanical Materials from the Donets Site of Ancient Settlement
A revision of data concerning findings of palaeoethnobotanical remains from the Donets site of ancient settlement is conducted. All the data available from previous publications is collected and sorted. The palaeoethnobotanical materials from the Donets site of ancient settlement, which are now kept in the funds of the Museum of Archeology of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, have been identified. We tried to compare the available materials with the reporting documentation and publications.
Keywords: Donets site of ancient settlement, paleoethnic botany, grains, the Museum of Archeology, Kharkiv National University, funds.
O. P. Zhuravlyov, S. A. Gorbanenko Raiky culture: animal husbandry vs hunting The article refers to two important branches of providing the early Slavs with meat products that are animal husbandry and hunting. The analysis was performed... more
O. P. Zhuravlyov, S. A. Gorbanenko
Raiky culture: animal husbandry vs hunting
The article refers to two important branches of providing the early Slavs with meat products that are animal husbandry and hunting. The analysis was performed on mammalian osteological materials. Relevant tools and objects are additional data for evaluation. First of all, they are implements of animal husbandry and hunting, as well as data on objects characterizing animal husbandry.
The source database now consists of materials from 22 sites (appendix 1; fig. 1). Archaeozoological determinations were carried out in 18 settlements (tables 1—6). One of the co-authors of the article conducted nine of them (O. P. Zhuravlyov; appendix 2). All the archaeozoological identifications form a database for general statistical analysis of animal husbandry and hunting and for determining their role in life support (fig. 2; 6; 10). The definitions made by O. P. Zhuravlev also add to the understanding of age gradation of domestic animals (table 2) and of the evaluation of domestic animal breeds.
Separate studies of objects (from settlements to homesteads and specific barns) supplement a knowledge about keeping domestic animals (fig. 3). According to archeological data, the relevant hunting objects of the early Slavs are currently unavailable for analysis.
Implements of animal husbandry (fig. 4) and hunting (fig. 7; 8) complement the understanding of the essence of these industries, although they do not add significant information. It is possible to characterize small plastics (figures of animals from clay (fig. 5) and small plastics (fig. 9), made as amulets of hunters and / or «in honor» of cult of a certain wild animal) in a similar way.
According to the correlation between animal husbandry (reproductive industry) and hunting (appropriative industry), we can highlight two management options:
1) due to animal husbandry (due to anthropogenic load, or social stratification of society and specialization);
2) due to the optimal use of wildlife resources and agricultural work, with the predominance of the latter.
The first variant is closer to indicators of the Saltiv culture. It is mainly characteristic of «internal» monuments. The second variant is closer to indicators of the Romny culture. It is located geographically on the periphery of the Raiky culture area.
Keywords: the Slavs, the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD, Raiky culture, archaeozoology, mammals, animal husbandry, hunting, reproductive economy, appropriative economy.
This article collects and organizes data on common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) finds from archaeological sites in modern Ukraine. The first find comes from charred macro-residues discovered in the middle of the 20th century in the... more
This article collects and organizes data on common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium L.) finds from archaeological sites in modern Ukraine. The first find comes from charred macro-residues discovered in the middle of the 20th century in the hillfort of Bilsk. Two more finds are represented by imprints on clay products. They were discovered as a result of a purposeful inspection of ceramics; these finds come from Scythian sites. The last find comes from an Ancient Rus site: a significant amount of charred material was found there.
The territory of modern Ukraine is situated at the crossroads of Eurasian land routes and waterways. The findings presented are important for restoring the history of the appearance of the cocklebur in Europe.
Keywords: archaeology, palaeoethnobotany, Ukraine, Eastern Europe, common cocklebur, Xanthium strumarium L., Scythians, Slavs.
S. A. Gorbanenko Paleoethnobotanic identification of prints on clay products from the excavations at Kyiv Arsenalin 2005—2010 architectural and archaeological expedition of the IA NASU headed by H.Yu. Ivakin carried out archaeological... more
S. A. Gorbanenko
Paleoethnobotanic identification of prints on clay products from the excavations at Kyiv Arsenalin
2005—2010 architectural and archaeological expedition of the IA NASU headed by H.Yu. Ivakin carried out archaeological excavations on the territory of the Kyiv Arsenal. This note is the publication of paleoethnobotanical find from the 2005 excavations. Among the products of clay, which were found in the pit 19a (fig. 1) there was a bottom of a pot with imprints of cultivated plants seeds (fig. 2). This vessel is a work of a professional potter on a potter's wheel. According to definition of O.V. Onohda, ceramic complex from the pit 19a can be dated by the sixteenth century. the identification of grain prints is 1 grain of proso millet (Panicum miliaceum) and the rest as barley (Hordeum vulgare) (fig. 3). Mostly they were on the bottom; there were also three imprints of barley on the outer wall of the bottom part. a spike also imprinted on the bottom. For the control verification, synchronous ceramics has also been viewed. The comparison of the bottoms shows that only one of them, with imprints, had no traces of cutting from the stand, which ensured the preservation of clear imprints. Despite the fact that almost certainly the potter was not a farmer, presumably, he was close enough to such a random symbolism, in which one can see the remnants of agricultural beliefs. The find is unique for this period.
Keywords: Kyiv Arsenal, sixteenth century, paleoethnobotany, hulled barley.
S. A. Gorbanenko, Yu. I. Tolkachov Grain from Medjybizh During the archaeological research of the Medjybizh fortress (fig. 1), palaeoethnobotanical materials were found three times in its yard: in 1991, 2013 and 2015. The first definition... more
S. A. Gorbanenko, Yu. I. Tolkachov
Grain from Medjybizh
During the archaeological research of the Medjybizh fortress (fig. 1), palaeoethnobotanical materials were found three times in its yard: in 1991, 2013 and 2015. The first definition was made by G. O. Pashkevich. Mostly rye was identified as well as bromus, sorrel and an ergot fungus claviceps purpurea. From materials ща 2015 about 30 ml of grain were provided, mostly rye, which is approximately 1800—2000 grains. This is a sample of the harvest of one year. Single kernels of hulled barley (5); emmer (2) and soft wheat (1) were identified. Weeds are represented by 3 species, they are convolvulus (19), brome grasses (11) and cleavers (7) (figs. 2—4).
Identified weeds are concomitant for cultivated cereals and real anthropochores; they may be useful for therapeutic purposes. Brome grass is a winter plant that pollutes crops of winter rye and wheat. Fields pollution indicates a use of old arable fields: the population lived in this place continuously from the eleventh century. Consequently, the fields exploded about 2—3 centuries. Winter crops also show the use of old arable fields. According to the aggregate of weeds, these fields were located on high places with droughty soils. According to the analysis of topography and soil, these fields were in the western sector on the elevated plateau (supposedly the places of Dolzhok and Pereimska Dacha).
Find of the rye also indirectly indicates a high level of development of agriculture. While plowing tools from Medzhybizh are unknown, we should assume the use of plow, which is the most progressive form of them.
Keywords: Medjybizh, Ancient Rus period, Lithuanian and Polish period, rye.
S. A. Gorbanenko. The use of cannabis in the early Iron Age n the article data on cannabis findings in the early Scythian sites are collected and ordered. Currently, there are several mutually complementary sources for studying the use... more
S. A. Gorbanenko. The use of cannabis in the early Iron Age
n the article data on cannabis findings in the early Scythian sites are collected and ordered. Currently, there are several mutually complementary sources for studying the use of cannabis by the Scythians, These are written sources (Herodotus), as well as artifacts (incense burners) and paleoethnobotanical materials (cannabis seeds findings (Cannabis sativa L)). In recent years, archaeologists have new data obtained from chemical analyzes.
The findings of cannabis are few. Now we know only eight sites where they were found (fig. 1). Written sources indicate the use of hemp for making clothes. The finds of spindle-whorls as well as still single prints of fabrics on clay products confirm the existence of weaving (fig. 2). Hygienic use of cannabis is confirmed by written sources and casually by archeological ones. The use of cannabis for fumigation is confirmed by the findings of incense burners, as well as by chemical analyzes.
We believe that this does not exhaust the use of cannabis in the life of the Scythians. Archaeological and iconographic findings indicate a high level of medicine development including surgery among the Scythians. Taking this into account, we consider it possible to suggest that the Scythians also knew various methods of natural origin for the relief of pain. We do not exclude that they could also use cannabis for this purpose.
Keywords: Scythians, cannabis, textile, medicine.
S. A. Gorbanenko The soil filtration from the object in Tsaryna Mohyla tract and palaeoethnobotanical analysis The article published the results of soil filtration from the object which was found under the rampart in Tsaryna Mohyla tract... more
S. A. Gorbanenko
The soil filtration from the object in Tsaryna Mohyla tract and palaeoethnobotanical analysis
The article published the results of soil filtration from the object which was found under the rampart in Tsaryna Mohyla tract of the Bilsk hillfort. At the first time in the history of research palaeoethnobotanical materials were obtained in the course of targeted searches by the flotation method. The paleoethnobotanical mass spectrum is represented by approximately 2/5 of Hordeum vulgare and Panicum miliaceum, as well as 1/10 parts of Secale cereale and Triticum dicoccon. The high indicators of the first two cultures are typical to the early Iron Age. Secale cereale is much rarer. Minor weeds can indicate that the surrounding fields were fairly clean. It is not excluded that this indicates an initial period of development of the potential resource zone around the settlement.
The results of soil washing are also briefly described.
Keywords: Bilsk hillfort, Scythian time, filtering the soil, palaeoethnobotany, grain farming.
V. A. Nesterovsky, O. S. Dzneladze, S. A. Gorbanenko, O. V. Andrieiev «Blusher» for the Dead (the Results of Research of Mineral Artefacts from Zolota Balka Graves) The results of the studies of mineral artefacts from the graves of the... more
V. A. Nesterovsky, O. S. Dzneladze, S. A. Gorbanenko, O. V. Andrieiev
«Blusher» for the Dead (the Results of Research of Mineral Artefacts from Zolota Balka Graves)
The results of the studies of mineral artefacts from the graves of the Late Scythian burial ground of Zolota Balka were introduced into scientific circulation. At this site, 87 graves were excavated; in 10 of them mineral artefacts were identified. The latter one is the object of this study, while their significance and role in the funeral rite is the subject.
Analytical studies revealed that the vast majority of the mineral substances of red-orange colour is realgar (arsenic sulfide). It is a toxic substance with a detrimental effect on the organisms. Its deposits in Ukraine are unknown. There is an opinion in the archaeological literature that realgar was placed in burials because of the colour of this mineral. However, a similar colour is inherent in ochre, which is much easier to find in the surroundings. Taking into account the properties of realgar and given the need to deliver it from afar, we consider that it was used as a preservative for better storage of organic remains in the graves and for less reproduction of pathogenic flora within the family crypts, where later the dead would be buried again.
Keywords: Zolota Balka, Late Scythians, mineral substance, realgar.
Зроблено огляд джерел, що свідчать про використання скіфами конопель. На основі поєднання писемних джерел (згадок у IV книзі Геродота «Мельпомена»), а також археологічних матеріалів (артефактів — курильниць і палеоетноботанічних знахідок... more
Зроблено огляд джерел, що свідчать про використання скіфами конопель. На основі поєднання писемних джерел (згадок у IV книзі Геродота «Мельпомена»), а також археологічних матеріалів (артефактів — курильниць і палеоетноботанічних знахідок — насіння конопель та їхніх відбитків) зроблено висновки про використання конопель не лише для виготовлення тканин, але й для гігієнічних і, можливо, анестезіологічних цілей.
A. M. Olenych, M. S. Serhieieva, Yu. K. Kutsokon, S. A. Gorbanenko Early Slavic dwelling of a fisher in the territory of Kyiv Podil: comprehensive research In 2016, the Architectural and archaeological expedition of the IA NAS of Ukraine... more
A. M. Olenych, M. S. Serhieieva, Yu. K. Kutsokon, S. A. Gorbanenko
Early Slavic dwelling of a fisher in the territory of Kyiv Podil: comprehensive research
In 2016, the Architectural and archaeological expedition of the IA NAS of Ukraine under the guidance of G. Yu. Iwakin conducted scientific and rescue excavations at the foot of the Yurkovitsa Hill on the Kyiv Podil. During this work, the dwelling of the Prague culture was discovered (fig. 1; 2).
Only a part of semi-dugout dwelling was found within the dig. Its shape was probably close to square. It was oriented northwest — southeast. In the northern corner, a furnace of clay and stone on sandy bedding was found. Two broken hand-made pots and separate fragments of ceramics were in its filling. (fig. 3; 4). Impurities of burnt organic matter were clearly visible in the clay solution. According to microsection of the ceramic fragment, a red clay with a high content of ore minerals fragments was used for the manufacture of vessels. A furnace has similar mineral characteristics. Such clays are common on the for the right-bank part of the Kyiv region. The most likely dating of this type of vessels is from the end of the sixth to the beginning of the seventh century AD.
A selective soil filtering from filling the object was conducted. As a result, paleobotanical and ichthyological materials were obtained. A wood is represented by pine-tree (Pinus sylvestris) and oak (Quercus sp.). These species were generally preferred in the Middle Dnipro region both as a working wood and as a fuel. (table 1). Paleoethnobotanical samples (table 2) are represented by one grain of yellow foxtail (Setaria glauca). Given the safety of other small biological residues, the absence of agricultural products is not accidental.
Ichthyological materials (fig. 5; table 3) are represented by the remains of a common roach (Rutilus rutilus), wels catfish (Silurus glanis), northern pike (Esox lucius) and common perch (Perca fluviatilis). These species are known from previous ichthyological studies of the Slavic sites in this part of the Dnipro River basin. They are still typical representatives of the local ichthyofauna always actively used for fishing.
According to the relief analysis (fig. 6), we can conclude that there were no plots attractive for farming near the place where the object of the Prague culture was discovered. Around predominantly uneven terrain lay, unsuitable for plowing. The largest part was the floodplain of the Dnieper, which was flooded. The absence of birch, as a typical representative of anthropochores, can serve as a «proof of the opposite», that in the immediate environment of the object there were no such sites. The absence of finds of grains of cultivated plants is also indirect evidence that a resident of this dwelling was not engaged in farming.
The remains of fish belong to species common for this region both in archaeological materials of earlier and later times and in the modern ichthyofauna of the Dnipro. Four identified species; such as roach, wels catfish, pike and perch are typical fishing objects, so we can assume that the remains found in the dwelling belonged to fish caught nearby.
Thus, based on a set of obvious and indirect evidence, we can reconstruct occupation of the ancient inhabitant of a semi-dugout dwelling as a fisher, who lived mainly due to fishing.
Keywords: Kyiv Podil, early Slavs, Prague culture, dwelling, natural definitions, paleobotany, ichthyology.
The article contains a selection of molded by hand ordinary household utensils of the ancient Slavs with a great number of prints of grains of cultivated plants. Because of a number of attributes, we should recognize such inclusion of... more
The article contains a selection of molded by hand ordinary household utensils of the ancient Slavs with a great number of prints of grains of cultivated plants. Because of a number of attributes, we should recognize such inclusion of botanical residues to the molding mass as nonrandom. However, they cannot be included in the technological techniques of making vessels.
The main forms of vessels are pots of large sizes and frying pans or braziers. Both forms constantly contacted with corn (storage, drying of the grain, cooking). Their interpretation as common daily things endowed with «household magic» is suggested. We assume that this combination should «harmonize» the vessel with the product of its permanent contact (corn). Probably, such an act of adding grain was associated with the agricultural world outlook of people who made and used such vessels.
Keywords: ancient Slavs, vessels, prints of cereals, household magic.
S. A. Gorbanenko The first focused palaeoethnobotanical searches in the Bil’s’k hill-fort The article published the results of soil filtration from the object found under the embankment of the shaft in urochyshche Tsaryna Mohyla of the... more
S. A. Gorbanenko
The first focused palaeoethnobotanical searches in the Bil’s’k hill-fort
The article published the results of soil filtration from the object found under the embankment of the shaft in urochyshche Tsaryna Mohyla of the Bil’s’k hill-fort. At the first time in the history of research palaeoethnobotanical materials were obtained in the course of targeted searches by the flotation method. The paleoethnobotanical mass spectrum is represented by approximately 2/5 of Hordeum vulgare and Panicum miliaceum, as well as 1/10 parts of Secale cereale and Triticum dicoccon. The high indicators of the first two cultures are typical to the early Iron Age. Secale cereale is much rarer. Minor weeds can indicate that the surrounding fields were fairly clean. It is not excluded that this indicates an initial period of development of the potential resource zone around the settlement.
Keywords: Bil’s’k hill-fort, Scythian time, flotation, palaeoethnobotany, grain farming.
S. A. Gorbanenko Comparative Analysis of Agriculture on the Eve of the Formation of Old Rus’ The article is a definite result of the study of agriculture of archeological cultures of the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD in the south... more
S. A. Gorbanenko Comparative Analysis of Agriculture on the Eve of the Formation of Old Rus’
The article is a definite result of the study of agriculture of archeological cultures of the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD in the south of Eastern Europe, which became the basis for the formation of Old Rus’ material culture. The object of the study are archeological cultures, which were the basis and / or the place for the emergence of the Old Rus’ culture. They are the Borshevo culture on the Don, the Saltiv culture (mainly based on the materials of the Siversky-Donetsk region), the Volintseve and Romny sites (the left bank of the Dnieper), as well as the Raiky culture (the territory between the Dnieper and the Carpathians) (Fig. 1). The subject of the study are the components of agriculture (farming and livestock breeding) in these cultures.
Nowadays the degree of research of these sectors allows us to conduct their comparative analysis and to determine the vectors of influences. The analysis of potential resource zones shows that ancient settlers at the time of settlement probably did not attach much importance to the surrounding lands, and gradually adapted them to their needs. According to the results of the analysis of the location of the Saltiv and Romny sites in the Siverskyi-Donetsk region contact area, we can say that the bearers of the Romny culture came to the resource zones already absorbed by the Saltiv people. Above all, this concerns the use of the land for agricultural purposes. We can offer a similar situation for bearers of the Raiky culture, which often continued to use the resource areas assimilated by their predecessors — the Prague culture bearers.
Comparative analysis of agricultural implements (Fig. 2; 3) shows that the Saltiv culture bearers had a negligible positive influence on the spread of certain forms of tools of agricultural labor. Biological definitions and palaeoethnobotanical and archaeozoological analyzes (Fig. 4—6) are more likely to show insignificant differences in environmental conditions, as well as, possibly, in the ethnicity of ancient farmers. No influences of one culture on another were found on these materials. Probably, meat production among the population of the Saltiv culture has acquired certain forms of specialization because only in this culture such specific tools as cutting knives are known now (Fig. 7).
The overall result may be the following. Among the comparable cultures, both branches of agriculture were the most developed among the bearers of the Saltiv culture. They had some influence on the development of agriculture among their neighbors — the Siverians and the Slavs on the Don. However, in all these cultures, the level of development of agriculture was approximately the same. It is not possible to take certain differences in livestock production for criteria of greater or lesser degree of development, since livestock production reflects most likely the ecological differences of settlements and the ethnic difference of settlers.
Keywords: last quarter of 1st thousand AD, agriculture, paleoecology, farming, livestock breeding, palaeothnobotany, archaeozoology, tools of agriculture, tools of animal husbandry.
Research Interests:
In 2016, a research of Khrinnyky 1 site in Rivne region was continued (fig. 1; 9). In particular, an object 27, determined as a dwelling of Wielbark culture (fig. 2), was investigated. The dwelling was dated by stages С2—С3 (230—330... more
In 2016, a research of Khrinnyky 1 site in Rivne region was continued (fig.  1;  9). In particular, an object 27, determined as
a dwelling of Wielbark culture (fig. 2), was investigated. The dwelling was dated by stages С2—С3 (230—330 CE) according
to data of its ceramic complex (fig. 3, tab.  1).
An interesting set of finds, carried out due to water flotation of the bottom filling of the object, was obtained. It could be a
part of bead stringing or of another similar adornment. It includes a glass bead, three fish centra with through-holes and two
small pieces of amber (fig. 4). A glass bead is close to type Alekseeva 137 and is dated back to the 2nd—3rd centuries CE. By its
chemical composition (fig. 5, tab. 2) it can be characterized as low-quality product of local origin with the probable color of
dark brown hues. Dating of the bead corresponds with the dating of the object’s ceramic complex (fig. 8).
Fish vertebrae (fig. 6, tab.  3) belonged to the front tail part of the spine (vertebraeprecaudales) of pike (Esox lucius) not
less than 25 cm in length and with weight from 0.4 kg. The perforations could have been made with a thin point (an awl or a
needle). The traces of polishing by soft abrasive were also traced on the surface that could also remain as a result of constant
friction of beads on cloth. Probably the vertebrae played a role of seed beads.
According to the results of IR-spectrometric and optical analyses, the amber could be of a local origin (fig. 7). The data
of complex and context of the finds allow assuming the belonging of the amber fragments formerly to some product (fig.  10).
On the basis  of data set it was suggested the local origin of the decoration (fig.  11)  and the possibility of its manufacture
directly at the settlement of Khrinnyky 1.
Research Interests:
Materials of complex studies of Wielbark culture dwelling (object 3/2015, Khrinnyky-1 settlement) are introduced in a scientific turn. The settlement is located on the terrace of the tract of Shankiv Yar, on the left bank of the Styr... more
Materials of complex studies of Wielbark culture dwelling (object 3/2015, Khrinnyky-1
settlement) are introduced in a scientific turn. The settlement is located on the terrace of the
tract of Shankiv Yar, on the left bank of the Styr river (Khrinnyky village, Demydivka district
of Rivne region). A structure of dwelling is described; a complex of items from its filling is
analyzed.  The  results  of  natural  science  research  methods  in  archeology  are
palaeoethnobotanical and archaeozoological definitions.
A chronology of functioning of dwelling is determined within the period of С 2  (270–
330 AD).  The  basis  is  a  comprehensive  analysis  of  such  chronological  indicators  as  antler
comb, fragments of the narrow-necked light-clay amphorae of Shelov D, and Shelov F types,
and quantitative and typical ratio of Cherniakhiv culture pottery. Among the unique individual
finds from dwelling are spindle-whorl with runic signs, and bone tip of dart, which are similar
to materials of Late Roman Time from Scandinavia. Reproducing  (agriculture  and  animal  husbandry)  and  food-gathering  (hunting  and
fishing)  forms  of  economy  are  also  analyzed.  Analysis  of  farming  indicates  a  high  level
complementarity  of  its  two  branches.  However  it  was  it  was  less  developed  than  that  of
Cherniakhiv culture. Hunting obviously had no importance for providing with meat products,
but  it  was  important  as  a  kind  of  training.  It  also  supplied  raw  materials  for  bone  carving
workshops.  The  role  of  fishery  is  not  clear,  although  it  should  be  stated  the  prevalence  of
fisheries as a whole.
Now  the  object 3/2015  is  one  of  the  most  fully  studied  and  richest  dwellings  of
Wielbark culture existed in its most flourishing the period.
Research Interests:
The article deals with the analysis of environment of archaeological complex of Radychivske-3 (fig. 1) and of paleoethnobotanical material obtained by prints on ceramics (fig. 2—4). According to analysis of relief and soils within a... more
The article deals with the analysis of environment of archaeological complex of Radychivske-3 (fig. 1) and of paleoethnobotanical material obtained by prints on ceramics (fig. 2—4). According to analysis of relief and soils within a 5-kilometer resource area of the site, plains of plateau with soils formed under forest vegetation could be the most probable to be used for crops. Analyzing a grain farming it was concluded a specificity of farming of ancient inhabitants of the hillfort. A probable system of farming here was slash and burn clearing.
Research Interests:

And 124 more

Місто — одна із найважливіших структурних складових розвитку нашої держави. Із самого початку своєї появи міста були центрами економічного, культурного, суспільного та політичного життя і саме через них відбувалась інтеграція... more
Місто — одна із найважливіших структурних складових розвитку нашої держави. Із самого початку своєї появи міста були центрами економічного, культурного, суспільного та політичного життя і саме через них відбувалась інтеграція східнослов’янського суспільства до загальноєвропейського простору. Саме тому проблема генезису, особливостей формування та раннього розвитку міст є й будуть завжди однією із найактуальніших задач вітчизняної історичної науки.
Археологічні матеріали, представлені в запропонованому науковому збірнику, дозволяють суттєво доповнити наші уявлення про ранню історію міста Звягеля—Новограда-Волинського, а також поточнити низку важливих питань ранньої історії нашої країни та її інтеграції з найперших кроків не тільки до загальноєвропейських процесів, але й установлення тісних контактів із світом країн Азії й Далекого Сходу.
Краєзнавчі студії, представлені у збірнику, вносять новий пласт важливої джерелознавчої інформації про епоху середньовіччя, новітнього часу а також сучасну історію стародавнього міста Новограда-Волинського. Вони висвітлюють різноманітні сторони життя міста та його великої округи. Цікаві дослідження проведені щодо екномічного розвитку середньовічного міста. Окремий блок становлять роботи, пов’язані з висвітленням стародавніх народних звичаїв та обрядів, які збереглись до сьогодення і яких з кожним днем стає все менше. Окремо слід згадати ряд робіт, що торкаються новітнього часу — трагічних періодів історії нашої країни, які вона перенесла у ХХ столітті.
Research Interests:
Статті, що увійшли до збірника, висвітлюють питання етнокультурного та соціального розвитку слов’ян від середини І тисячолітті н. е., тобто в період їх «виходу» на історичну арену. Запропоновані статті різноманітні за змістом: від... more
Статті, що увійшли до збірника, висвітлюють питання етнокультурного та соціального розвитку слов’ян від середини І тисячолітті н. е., тобто в період їх «виходу» на історичну арену. Запропоновані статті різноманітні за змістом: від джерелознавчих публікацій до інтерпретації археологічних комплексів, аналізу окремих категорій матеріалів і висвітлення дискусійних проблем походження та історичного розвитку слов’ян.
Для археологів, істориків, етнологів, викладачів і студентів, а та- кож всіх, хто цікавиться стародавньою історією.
Research Interests:
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам’яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та раннього нового часу, а також... more
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам’яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та раннього нового часу, а також історії вивчення, охорони та використання об’єктів археологічної спадщини, музеєфікації старожитностей краю. Результати досліджень представили науковці та краєзнавці з Чернівецької, Львівської, Івано-Франківської, Тернопільської областей, Києва, Вінниці, Чернігова, Ужгорода, Кам’янця-Подільського (Україна), Сянока (Польща), Сучави (Румунія), Стамбула (Туреччина), Будапешта (Угорщина).
Research Interests:
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам’яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та раннього нового часу, а також... more
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням
археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика
кам’яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та
раннього нового часу, а також охорони об’єктів археологічної спадщини,
історичних реконструкцій і музеєфікації старожитностей краю.
Результати досліджень представили науковці та краєзнавці з Чернівецької,
Тернопільської, Івано-Франківської областей, Києва, Львова, Ужгорода,
Луцька, Кам’янця-Подільського, Будапешта.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
У Збірнику вміщено статті з проблем археології та історії від первісності до нового часу, публікації нових матеріалів i результатів досліджень.
Для археологів, істориків, краєзнавців та всіх шанувальників давньої історії України.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
У збірнику, присвяченому 60-літтю відомого вітчизняного археолога Любомира Павловича Михайлини, вміщено статті з актуальних питань археології, стародавньої та середньовічної історії. Більшість публікацій містять нові матеріали, які... more
У збірнику, присвяченому 60-літтю відомого вітчизняного археолога Любомира Павловича Михайлини, вміщено статті з актуальних питань археології, стародавньої та середньовічної історії. Більшість публікацій містять нові матеріали, які вводяться у науковий обіг вперше. Розглядаються проблеми історії матеріальної та духовної культури населення Східної Європи з найдавніших часів до епохи середньовіччя.
Research Interests:
У збірнику надруковано статті дослідників пізньоримських старожитностей на території Південно-Східної Європи з України, Німеччини, Польщі та Росії. В основу статей покладено доповіді учасників міжнародної конференції, проведення якої... more
У збірнику надруковано статті дослідників пізньоримських старожитностей на території Південно-Східної Європи з України, Німеччини, Польщі та Росії. В основу статей покладено доповіді учасників міжнародної конференції, проведення якої заплановано у жовтні 2014 р. Чергова конференція має відбутись у Києві й буде присвячена вивченню актуальних проблем черняхівської культури. Більшість статей присвячені публікації нових матеріалів, аналізу та історичним реконструкціям черняхівської культури.
Research Interests:
Eastern European Studies, Archaeology, Archaeological Method & Theory, Early Medieval Archaeology, Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology), and 23 more
У збірнику надруковано статті, присвячені проблемам археологічних старожитностей доби римських впливів на території Південної, Східної та Центральної Європи. В основу статей покладено доповіді учасників секції історії та археології... more
У збірнику надруковано статті, присвячені проблемам археологічних старожитностей доби римських впливів на території Південної, Східної та Центральної Європи. В основу статей покладено доповіді учасників секції історії та археології римського часу Європи міжнародної конференції, що відбулася в жовтні 2015 р. в місті Меджибіж. Конференція була присвячена пам’яті І.С. Винокура і об’єднана під назвою «Етнокультурні процеси на півдні Східної Європи у І тис. н. е.». У статтях опубліковано нові матеріали, дано аналітичні дослідження окремих категорій матеріальної культури та висновки історичного характеру.
Research Interests:
Eastern European Studies, Archaeology, Archaeological Method & Theory, Early Medieval Archaeology, Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology), and 23 more
Горбаненко, С. А.(відп. секретар); Гречко, Д. С., Корохіна, А. В. (ред.-упоряд.). 2017. Інтерпретація археологічних джерел: здобутки та виклики. Матеріали наукової конференції молодих вчених. Київ: Стародавній світ. Збірник є... more
Горбаненко, С. А.(відп. секретар); Гречко, Д. С., Корохіна, А. В. (ред.-упоряд.). 2017. Інтерпретація археологічних джерел: здобутки та виклики. Матеріали наукової конференції молодих вчених. Київ: Стародавній світ.

Збірник є матеріалами конференції, організованої й про-
веденої Радою молодих вчених Інституту археології НАН
України. до нього увійшли статті, що фактично охоплюють
всі археологічні періоди, а також сучасні напрями й підхо-
ди з залученням методів природничих наук. У статтях пе-
реважно підняті актуальні питання археології України, а
також визначені перспективні напрями досліджень.
для  студентів  та  викладачів  ВУЗів  гуманітарного
профілю, а також усіх тих, хто цікавиться стародавньою
історією України.
Research Interests:
БОНЧКОВСЬКИЙ О. Палеопедологічні та літолого-стратиграфічні дослідження археологічних пам’яток Волинської височини у 2018 році (275—278) НЕСТЕРОВСЬКИЙ В. Геолого-мінералогічні дослідження (278) ГРИЦЕНКО В. Аналіз зразка вапняку з... more
БОНЧКОВСЬКИЙ О. Палеопедологічні та літолого-стратиграфічні дослідження археологічних пам’яток Волинської височини у 2018 році (275—278)
НЕСТЕРОВСЬКИЙ В. Геолого-мінералогічні дослідження (278)
ГРИЦЕНКО В. Аналіз зразка вапняку з археологічної пам’ятки Гончарівка (279)
КОРОХІНА А. Петрографічні дослідження археологічної кераміки у 2018 р. (279—283)
ГОШКО Т. Дослідження розпису на кераміці з поселення Трипілля (283—284)
ТКАЧУК Л. Відбиток тканини на горщику з Гончарівки (284)
СЕРГЄЄВА М. Дослідження археологічної деревини у 2016—2018 рр. (284—291)
ЯНІШ Є. Короткі відомості щодо археозоологічних досліджень остеологічних матеріалів, проведених у 2015—2018 рр. (291—294)
КУЦОКОНЬ Ю. Археоіхтіологічні визначення 2018 р. (294—299)
КОВАЛЬЧУК О. Археоіхтіологічні визначення 2017—2018 рр. (299—301)
ГОРОБЕЦЬ Л. Визначення решток птахів у знахідках 2018 р. (301—302)
УШКОВА Ю. Аналіз одонтологічних матеріалів ямного часу з могильника Виноградне (302—303)
РУДИЧ Т. Палеоантропологічний матеріал з розкопок могильників черняхівської культури (303—305)
ДОЛЖЕНКО Ю., ПОТЄХІНА І. Аналіз краніологічної серії з поховань XVIIІ—ХІХ ст. у Вінниці (305—310)
КУШНІР А. Палеоґрунтознавчі дослідження 2017 р. (355—357) НЕСТЕРОВСЬКИЙ В., АНДРЕЄВ О. Аналітичні дослідження артефактів у 2017 р. (357—361) ГОШКО Т., АНІСТРАТЕНКО В., ГОТУН І. Дослідження перламутрового хрестика з Ходосівки (361—362)... more
КУШНІР А. Палеоґрунтознавчі дослідження 2017 р. (355—357)
НЕСТЕРОВСЬКИЙ В., АНДРЕЄВ О. Аналітичні дослідження артефактів у 2017 р. (357—361)
ГОШКО Т., АНІСТРАТЕНКО В., ГОТУН І. Дослідження перламутрового хрестика з Ходосівки (361—362)
ГОРБАНЕНКО С. Палеоетноботанічні визначення 2017 р. (362—371)
ГОРОБЕЦЬ Л. Орнітологічні визначення 2017 р. (371—372)
БІТКОВСЬКА Т. Визначення ссавців (373—374)
КОЗАК О. Антропологічні та палеопатологічні експертизи 2017 р. (375—377)
КОЗАК О., НАЗАРОВА Т., РУДИЧ Т. Дослідження антропологічного матеріалу з розкопок могильника у с. Червоний Маяк у 2016 р. (377—383)
ПОТЄХІНА І. Перші результати вивчення МтДНК і повного геному трипільців (383—384)
ПОТЄХІНА І., ДОЛЖЕНКО Ю. Антропологічні матеріали з розкопок у старому місті, Вінниця (384—387)
СЛОБОДЯН Т. Дослідження тілопальних поховань у 2017 році (387—388)
Зібрано й упорядковано частину досліджень методами природничих наук, виконаних фахівцями різних напрямів.
Переважна більшість матеріалів презентує біологічний напрям досліджень
МЕТОДИ ПРИРОДНИЧИХ НАУК В АРХЕОЛОГІЇ Вступне слово (Ю.В. Болтрик, С.А. Горбаненко, І.Д. Потєхіна) (240—246) Корінний В.І., Рудь В.С., Косаківський В.А. Петрографічні визначення знарядь праці з трипільських поселень Буго-Дністровського... more
Вступне слово (Ю.В. Болтрик, С.А. Горбаненко, І.Д. Потєхіна) (240—246)
Корінний В.І., Рудь В.С., Косаківський В.А. Петрографічні визначення знарядь праці з трипільських поселень Буго-Дністровського межиріччя (246—247)
Горбаненко С.А. Палеоетноботанічні визначення (248—252)
Сергєєва М.С. Палеодендрологічні та антракологічні дослідження (253—255)
Горобець Л.В. Дослідження решток птахів (256—257)
Яніш Є.Ю. Археозоологічні дослідження (258—261)
Потєхіна І.Д. Дослідження геному, дієти та резервуарного ефекту на матеріалах епох епіпалеоліту ― енеоліту Середнього і Нижнього Подніпров’я (261—262)
Потєхіна І.Д. Антропологічна експертиза нових матеріалів із поховальних пам’яток епох неоліту, енеоліту та ранньої бронзи (262—263)
Козак О.Д. Палеопатологічні дослідження антропологічних матеріалів з поховань доби бронзи — середньовіччя у 2014—2015 рр. (264—265)
Слободян Т.І. Антропологічний аналіз кремацій (дослідження 2014—2015 рр.) (265)
Рудич Т.О. Антропологічна експертиза (266—267)
Литвинова Л.В. Антропологічний матеріал із ґрунтового могильника Торговиця (268—269)
Вікторова П.Є. Палеопатологічні дослідження антропологічних матеріалів з поховань доби Київської Русі — середньовіччя у 2014—2015 рр. (269—270)
Мінейко О.В. Палеопатологічні та антропологічні дослідження матеріалів з поховань княжої — ранньомодерної доби, а також масових поховань ХХ ст. у Західній Україні (270—272)
Research Interests: