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Il volume presenta gli eventi più importanti dei primi cinquant’anni della Associazione Pro Loco di Prarolo. Nella pubblicazione, ricca di fotografie, sono ricordati gli aspetti tradizionale e folkloristici del piccolo comune immerso... more
Il volume presenta gli eventi più importanti dei primi cinquant’anni della Associazione Pro Loco di Prarolo. Nella pubblicazione, ricca di fotografie, sono ricordati gli aspetti tradizionale e folkloristici del piccolo comune immerso nelle risaie vercellesi, da cui svettano le torri del castello e i campanili della chiesa parrocchiale (1628) e della confraternita (1763).

The volume presents the most important events of the first fifty years of the Pro Loco Association of Prarolo. The publication, rich of photographs, recalls the traditional and folkloristic aspects of the small community immersed in the Vercelli rice fields, from which the castle towers of the parish church (1628) and of the church dedicated to the Saints Grato and Carlo (1763) stand out.
Abstract - The article illustrates the artistic production of Umberto Cavalli (Vercelli 1883 – Novara 1927) who was an appreciated pupil of Edoardo Sassi (Vercelli 1858 – Villarbasse 1935). For health reasons, Cavalli's artistic activity... more
Abstract - The article illustrates the artistic production of Umberto Cavalli (Vercelli 1883 – Novara 1927) who was an appreciated pupil of Edoardo Sassi (Vercelli 1858 – Villarbasse 1935). For health reasons, Cavalli's artistic activity was interrupted when he was in his early twenties. About forty drawings of his artistic production are kept at the Istituto Belle Arti in Vercelli, where he was a pupil; moreover, a rare album published in Vercelli in 1900 is known which, in addition to the title page in red color, contains 18 lithographs representing views of Vercelli and the surrounding countryside.
Isomorphism (mixed crystals, solid solutions) played an important role in the conception of the periodic table of chemical elements by Dmitri Mendeleev. He has clearly underlined this role in his treatise The Principles of Chemistry and... more
Isomorphism (mixed crystals, solid solutions) played an important role in the conception of the periodic table of chemical elements by Dmitri Mendeleev. He has clearly underlined this role in his treatise The Principles of Chemistry and several other articles. This topic deals with the reasons that led to the rapid forgetting of isomorphism, but also that this forgetting depends mainly on the importance and necessity of atomic weights in the periodic table. The disinterest in morphological crystallography in the physico-chemical fields, although typical of the second half of the 19th century, is not unrelated to the disinterest in the study of isomorphism.
The work of the Jacobin Giovanni Antonio Ranza (Vercelli, 1741 - 1801), publisher at his Tipografia Patria in Vercelli and at other printers and political writer, is analyzed. Various figures reproduce the title pages of Ranza's... more
The work of the Jacobin Giovanni Antonio Ranza (Vercelli, 1741 - 1801), publisher at his Tipografia Patria in Vercelli and at other printers and political writer, is analyzed. Various figures reproduce the title pages of Ranza's publications.
Summary - The volume is a collection of contributions by various authors describing the situation in the Vercelli province on the eve of, during and immediately after the Great War (1915-1918). In particular, the figures of the gold medal... more
Summary - The volume is a collection of contributions by various authors describing the situation in the Vercelli province on the eve of, during and immediately after the Great War (1915-1918). In particular, the figures of the gold medal decorated fighters are illustrated. A large part of the volume is dedicated to the post-war situation and the controversial erection of memorials in honor of the Fallen.
During the small ice age that affected Europe between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries, in the winter of 1739-1740 the Po valley had copious snowfalls and low temperatures that lasted until May. The baptismal register of the parish... more
During the small ice age that affected Europe between the fourteenth and nineteenth centuries, in the winter of 1739-1740 the Po valley had copious snowfalls and low temperatures that lasted until May. The baptismal register of the parish of Prarolo (Vercelli) testifies that the exceptional cold caused a high death rate of newborn babies. The main cause of the deaths was the impossibility of keeping babies in warm places. In fact, at that time the inhabitants of Prarolo were almost all poor peasants at the service of the Abbey of S. Stefano and lived in poor, unheated homes. Even the use of the stables to take advantage of animal heating was impossible as the animals were kept in cramped shelters and not in equipped stables.
The article is published in Bollettino Storico Vercellese, 94, pp. 197-200, (2020)
The article reports the 66 letters that make up the correspondence between A. Daubrée and Q. Sella. The letters written by Daubrée (38) and by Sella (28) are kept at the Fondazione Sella o.n.l.u.s. (Biella) and the library of the Institut... more
The article reports the 66 letters that make up the correspondence between A. Daubrée and Q. Sella. The letters written by Daubrée (38) and by Sella (28) are kept at the Fondazione Sella o.n.l.u.s. (Biella) and the library of the Institut de France (Paris), respectively. The topics are mainly related to positions of president, in the order, of the Institut de France (Daubrée) and of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, which Sella reorganized after Rome became the capital of Italy in 1871. In particular, Sella, to enhance the scientific role of Italy, supports Italian candidates worthy of becoming members of the Institut. At the same time Sella, who had to abandon his promising crystallographic research in favour of politics but aspires to be elected member of the Académie des Sciences himself, highlights his relationship with the international mineralogical community and his promotion of the Italian scientific activity.
The investigation on of the diocese of Vercelli east of the Sesia river highlights the following. On the left bank of the Sesia, alluvial sediments of the Holocene age (< 12,000 years) are present only in a limited area adjacent to the... more
The investigation on of the diocese of Vercelli east of the Sesia river highlights the following. On the left bank of the Sesia, alluvial sediments of the Holocene age (< 12,000 years) are present only in a limited area adjacent to the river south of Vercelli and are almost absent north of the city. Therefore, the hypothesis of an eastern border of the diocese dictated by an ancient course of the Sesia does not find support in the geology of the territory. The road system of the Roman era had in Vercelli an important node for the itineraries connecting Pavia and Milan with the north of the Alps and with Turin. The importance of the Pavia-Vercelli-Ivrea-Alps itinerary is supported by the discovery of the remains of a monumental Roman bridge crossing the Sesia in front of Mantie (Motta de' Conti, Vercelli). Near Vercelli, a route that led from Milan to the north of the Alps used the fords of the Sesia. Archeology shows that the Libyans, founders of Vercelli, were also present between the Sesia and Agogna rivers. It can therefore be hypothesized that the consolidation of the diocese of Vercelli on the territories located east of the Sesia river was favoured by the influence that the city had exerted on them since pre-Roman times.
The article analyzes images of S. Ugolina which in the background show approximate profiles of ancient Vercelli.
The article contains information on the conviction in absentia and on the exile in Paris of Giuseppe Malinverni, political leader of the 1821 riots in Vercelli.
On the basis of archival documents, the series of consuls and mayors of Prarolo has been partially reconstructed. The first known consul was in office in 1460.
In Vercelli the political leader of the Piedmontese Moti of 1821 was Giuseppe Malinverni. Together with his companion Gioacchino Deambrogi, parish priest of Motta de' Conti, and various revolutionaries, they met in the Malinverni house in... more
In Vercelli the political leader of the Piedmontese Moti of 1821 was Giuseppe Malinverni. Together with his companion Gioacchino Deambrogi, parish priest of Motta de' Conti, and various revolutionaries, they met in the Malinverni house in Prarolo on the night of 10-11 March 1821. From there they left for Vercelli where they began the revolution aimed at obtaining the constitution. When the Moti failed, Malinverni and Deambrogi were sentenced to death. Malinverni took refuge at the Cadé Brarola farmhouse in Brarola, then fled abroad: first (1922) he settled in Bellinzona (Switzerland), then (1923) in Bath and London (England), finally (1831) in Paris, where he died around 1850. For the first time details of Malinverni's stay at the Cadé are reported. There he lived in two rooms that he embellished with decorations still existing; they are allegorical to his situation. The few information relating to Malinverni's exile are critically analyzed.
After briefly presenting early hypotheses on the submicroscopic origin of symmetry and polyhedral morphology in the crystals, the structural model proposed by Haüy in 1784, based on the periodic repetition of integrant molecules made up... more
After briefly presenting early hypotheses on the submicroscopic origin of symmetry and polyhedral morphology in the crystals, the structural model proposed by Haüy in 1784, based on the periodic repetition of integrant molecules made up of simple molecules, is discussed. It is then highlighted how-through investigation of crystal hemihedry, isomorphism (mixed crystals) and optical activity-researches aiming at overtaking drawbacks of Haüy&#39;s model brought basic ideas to achieve the modern knowledge of the atomic structure of matter. The atomic-scale interpretation of properties of the crystalline state soundly contributed, among others, to properly define molecules and atoms, determine the atomic weights, hypothesize stereoisomer-ism, build the periodic table of elements and define ionic radii and bond.
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