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"A headless reconstruction ". In an article published on Il Manifesto newspaper, some GSSI researchers denounced among other things the lack of a plan, of a clear model and ideas for L’Aquila’s reconstruction process ten years after the 6... more
"A headless reconstruction ". In an article published on Il Manifesto newspaper, some GSSI researchers denounced among other things the lack of a plan, of a clear model and ideas for L’Aquila’s reconstruction process ten years after the 6 April 2009 earthquake of. This position is predominant in post-catastrophe analysis in social sciences and urban planning with respect to L’Aquila’s reconstruction governance. This contribution aims at drawing attention to another project a much clearer one in this case, that was announced since 2012 in the OECD report on the future of L’Aquila: the smart city. "Una ricostruzione senza testa" cosi' in un articolo apparso per il Manifesto alcuni ricercatori del GSSI denunciano tra le altre cose la mancanza di un piano, di un modello chiaro, di un'idea di città per la... more "Una ricostruzione senza testa" cosi' in un articolo apparso per il Manifesto alcuni ricercatori del GSSI denunciano tra le altre cose la mancanza di un piano, di un modello chiaro, di un'idea di città per la ricostruzione dell'Aquila dopo il terremoto del 6 aprile 2009. Questa posizione è quella predominante nelle analisi della post catastrofe in scienze sociali e urbanistica rispetto alla governance della ricostruzione. L'intervento si prefigge di portare l'attenzione su un progetto di città, invece, molto chiaro e dichiarato sin dal 2012 nel rapporto OCSE sul futuro dell'Aquila: la smart city. La descrizione del sistema socio tecnico dell'infrastruttura smart di fatto esistente-smart grid, smart meter, 5g-e delle sue applicazioni (Falco et alii, 2018) ci permetterà di compredere la portata di una ricostruzione che va al di là del builduing by building seguito finora. Se l'urbanistica a tentato negli ultimi anni una via oltre quella di facilitatore di investimenti privati tendendo verso un coivolgimento dei saperi "vernacolari" degli abitanti, l'urbanismo algoritmico (Douay, 2018) ci riporta ad un'approccio razionalista relegato all'exspertise di pochi ingegneri geek. L'ambiguità che circonda la definizione di smart city non lascia dubbi sulla natura cibernetica di questo modo di intendere e di praticare la pianificazione e la politica pubblica in termini di decisioni e strategie. Cio' che appare meno chiaro è se la smart city sia un ascelta necessaria in un contesto di post catastrofe e per quali fini. Nel caso di Christchurch (Bui et alii, 2019) i progetti captazione di Big Data sono falliti a causa del poco coinvolgimento degli abitanti non-esperti dalla comprensione della posta in gioco economico sociale di questa scelta. Per questa ragione l'intervento porterà sullo story telling della smart city nel post sisma aquilano, i suoi attori principali (Università, GSSI, Comune, imprese internazionali) e il loro argomentario di accettabilità (città creativa, città della conoscenza, città laboratorio, città sostenibile, etc...). I dati della ricerca sono stati raccolti attraverso 25 interviste a persone chiave che sono direttamente o indirettamente coinvolte in un ruolo decisionale o nella posizione di influenzare il processo. I partecipanti hanno profili diversi e provengono da vari settori, ricoprendo vari ruoli come ad esempio l'ex Assessore alla Ricostruzione, l'ex Assessore alla Partecipazione, alcuni rappresentanti di categoria, esperti di comunicazione, urbanisti, professori universitari. Le prime conclusioni ci permettono di avanzare l'ipotesi che la smart city, marcata dal termine "innovazione", non sia altro che il ritorno con altri mezzi del vecchio sogno urbanistico della città razionale controllata da una "cabina di regia" totale. La logica top dow del progetto di smart city nel contesto aquilano della recovery, favorita dallo svilippo delle possibilità tecniche e da una visione manageriale dell'organizzazione sociale, poco a che vedere con la necessaria presenza attiva dei cittadini per una ricostruzione equa ce non riproduca le vulnerabilità creatrici di catastrofe e la cura del territorio.
La catastrophe s'impose de nos jours comme catégorie de portée heuristique et épistémologique puissante, non reconductible au thème du risque. Or, cette unité de pensée, multi-échelle et multifactorielle, est souvent détournée par ce que... more
La catastrophe s'impose de nos jours comme catégorie de portée heuristique et épistémologique puissante, non reconductible au thème du risque. Or, cette unité de pensée, multi-échelle et multifactorielle, est souvent détournée par ce que Soubeyran (2000, pp. 117-133) appelle une « rhétorique de la rupture ». Dans le cas d'étude du tremblement de terre de L'Aquila de 2009, problématiser la devise politique « dalle tende alle case ! » (Des tentes au maison !) équivaut à mettre en question le projet épistémologique moderne qui s'impose par le biais de modélisations « prêt à l'emploi » des laboratoires de recherche en aménagement des universités. Ceux-ci ont fournis les plans de modules du Projet C.A.S.E. (ensemble de maison antisismiques, soutenables et éco-compatibles), conçues pour tous types de désastres et qui se sont avérés hostiles (Marcorè, 2016). La dichotomie classique entre « refondation », qui fait appel à l'ensemble de l'imaginaire de l'utopie et de l'uchronie (M. Lussault, 2014, p. 11) et « reconstruction », discours technique qui mets en avant la nécessité rationnelle d'une adaptation aux aléas environnementaux par la délégation aux savoirs experts, paralyse le retour à la dimension urbaine de l'habiter, autrefois majoritairement concentré dans l'espace publique. Souvent, l'étude anthropologique italienne des séismes a interprété ce dualisme en termes gramsciens : fruit d'un conflit social qui oppose la culture hégémonique des classes dominantes au silence des classes subalternes ; ou la « culture de la construction » domine la « culture de l'habiter », capacité d'adaptation propre aux classes populaires (S. Pitzalis, 2015, p.112-113). Pour ce qui nous concerne, on utilise la référence à cette dernière notion en relation avec celle de « catégorie de bien commun » (Giardini, 2015, p.16) concernant la ville entière, qui croise les dualisme habituels en donnant la parole à d'autres savoirs du territoire et en faisant place au instances environnementales, participatives et de justice.
Research Interests:
Depuis l'Antiquité, les sociétés urbaines ont dû affronter des catastrophes : incendies, tremblements de terre, inondations, épidémies dramatiques. La part de la nature et celle de l'Homme sont variables dans ces événements, qui mettent à... more
Depuis l'Antiquité, les sociétés urbaines ont dû affronter des catastrophes : incendies, tremblements de terre, inondations, épidémies dramatiques. La part de la nature et celle de l'Homme sont variables dans ces événements, qui mettent à l'épreuve la capacité des dirigeants politiques et des sociétés urbaines à se relever pour reconstruire le tissu urbain, matériel et immatériel. Dans une situation de crise aigüe se pose souvent la question des arbitrages entre les réponses à l'urgence et des projets de reconstruction qui intègrent des améliorations préventives (build back better, Moatty, 2015). En pratique, la construction d'abris provisoires peut se révéler définitive sans que la décision n'ait fait l'objet d'un débat démocratique. Est-ce c'est possible de dépasser la tension dialectique, parfois la dichotomie, entre l'aménagement du territoire vu comme un champ dans lequel le pouvoir impose ses réponses techniques, et le geste du quotidien, la prise de parole de la collectivité des acteurs non étatiques, qui se présentent comme les porteurs valeurs et intérêts socio-écologiques ? Que se passe-t-il quand une partie de ces acteurs sont à la fois des habitants et des « experts » ? La littérature internationale (Oliver-Smith 1991 ; Fiorino, Fois 2014 ; Calandra 2012 ; Eriksen 2017 ; Pitzalis 2017) montre le manque d'implication de la population par les pouvoirs publics en charge de la reconstruction, et ce, dans toutes les phases de l'après catastrophe. Elle pont aussi le désengagement communicationnel des Institutions, qui ne garantit pas la pérennité des politiques de reconstruction et qui crée un surplus d'aléa pour les décideurs. Dans le cas de la gestion de l'après catastrophe de 2009 à L'Aquila en Italie, il semble que le fait d'avoir confié à des « experts » sauveurs la planification de la reconstruction ait génèré une crise territoriale et démocratique encore plus aigüe que celle provoquée par le séisme lui-même. La catastrophe demande du sens avant toute gestion. Celle-ci empêcherais, dans mon hypothèse, la compréhension de l'événement et ce que j'appelle le flux épistémologique, c'est-à-dire l'ensemble de connaissances, pratiques, savoir-faire, discours, qui proviens de la composition multiple des acteurs en jeux et qui, considéré dans son ensemble, est porteuse de sens. Deux jours après le séisme, le président du Conseil italien, chef du gouvernement, annonçait sa décision de vouloir construire une « New town ». Suite aux nombreuses protestations locales et aux critiques des urbanistes italiens, le projet est éclaté plusieurs
La représentation de l'essence de l'homme, en particulier de la nature humaine ou de sa position dans le cosmos, sont privilégie dans la tradition idéaliste occidentale : le rôle de la pensée et de la connaissance dans cette même... more
La représentation de l'essence de l'homme, en particulier de la nature humaine ou de sa position dans le cosmos, sont privilégie dans la tradition idéaliste occidentale : le rôle de la pensée et de la connaissance dans cette même représentation, sont prééminents. Dans la tradition classique la pensée est posée au rang plus haut de la hiérarchie dont dépends l'image même de l'homme. Plusieurs penseurs contemporains ont dénoncé la hybris philosophique de cette construction : Karl Marx, Hanna Arendt, si bien que Michel Foucault, Bruno Latour. Le thème de la naturalité humaine et le rapport homme-nature, est posé par exemple par des penseurs comme Karl Marx, qui avais comme projet de subvertir l'idéalisme et la hiérarchie de l'auto conscience, dans ces termes dans les « Manuscrits économique-philosophiques du 1844 » 1 : « du caractère de ce rapport (homme-nature) on en retient jusqu'à quel point l'homme en tant qu'être appartenant à une espèce soit de fait un homme, et il comprend soi-même entant qu'homme ». De cette conception juvénile l'idée d'homme en tant qu'être sociale on peut déduire sa nature à la fois, animale ou dérivé de classes sociales, comme s'il s'agissais d'essences connaissables scientifiquement. Cette suprématie de la connaissance, profonde, issue d'une analyse qui va bien au-delà des expressions culturelles ou des apparences, de la véritable nature de l'homme a été bien mise en évidence par Paul Ricouer par son expression « l'école du suspect », qui en définitive se pose en tant que connaissance de rang Superior. Les sciences humaines de la modernité ont suivi la même route que la philosophie, en recherchant les structures sous-1 K. Marx, Manuscrits économique-philosophiques du 1844, page 110, (édition italienne, 1968)
Research Interests:
Les communs territoriaux : biorégion urbaine vs métropolisation La construction démocratique des savoirs
Research Interests:
Disasters present opportunities for change, but also highlight tension between those advocating for social transformation and those protecting the interests of the powerful and wealthy. This group studies COVIDcapitalism around the world... more
Disasters present opportunities for change, but also highlight tension between those advocating for social
transformation and those protecting the interests of the powerful and wealthy. This group studies COVIDcapitalism around the world to understand whether social and economic justice are being served, or whether state and non-state actors are using the pandemic to consolidate control, to financially profit, and to protect systems of oppression. This Working Group has come together to study the phenomena of disaster capitalism (DC) in the context of
the COVID-19 pandemic—in essence an evolved phenomenon, COVID-capitalism. The priority research
topics below at times also connect to classic concerns of disaster capitalism outside of the pandemic window.
This is because we believe that many of the solutions to the ills of COVID-capitalism are structural, and require long-term, radical adjustments to all facets of society.
Estimado.a.s colegas, Encontraron adjunta una convocatoria de ponencias para la 2da CIGAL, Conferencia Internacional de Geografía Anarquista y Libertaria, que tendrá lugar del 12 al 16 de junio de 2019 en Rabastens (Tarn-Francia) sobre... more
Estimado.a.s colegas,

Encontraron adjunta una convocatoria de ponencias para la 2da CIGAL, Conferencia Internacional de Geografía Anarquista y Libertaria, que tendrá lugar del 12 al 16 de junio de 2019 en Rabastens (Tarn-Francia) sobre el tema "Reapropriarse el territorio, lucha contra dominaciones". Le invitamos a difundir la información muy ampliamente.

Las propuestas estan esperadas hasta el 21 de diciembre de 2018.

Esperando sus propuestas, les deseamos un buen día.

El comité cientifico

Barrera Gerónimo, Baudoin Julien, Bénos Rémi, Blot Frédérique, Cantagrel Cécile, Cecillon Martine, Courcelle
Thibault, Diegx, Dietrich Judicaelle, Ferretti Federico, Fossier Gilles, Ince Anthony, Lamarche Karine, Berdjouh
Majid, Maestripieri Nicolas, Malaterre Nathalie, Maraud Simon, Massé Pauline, Matuzesky Guillaume, Minder
Patrick, Palome Manue, Pélenc Jérôme, Pelletier Philippe, Springer Simon, Poirrier Suzie, Tillous Marion,
Tomassi Isabella, White Richard, Zanetti Thomas.
Research Interests:
Dear colleagues, You will find attached a call for papers for the 2nd ICALG, International Conference of Anarchist and Libertarian Geography, which will take place from June 12th to 16th, 2019 in Rabastens (Tarn-France) on the theme of... more
Dear colleagues,

You will find attached a call for papers for the 2nd ICALG, International Conference of Anarchist and Libertarian Geography, which will take place from June 12th to 16th, 2019 in Rabastens (Tarn-France) on the theme of "Reclaiming the territory, fight against dominations ". We invite you to spread the information very widely.

The proposals are expected until the 21 December 2018.

Looking forward to your proposals, we wish you a nice day.

The scientific committee
Barrera Gerónimo, Baudoin Julien, Bénos Rémi, Blot Frédérique, Cantagrel Cécile, Cecillon Martine, Courcelle
Thibault, Diegx, Dietrich Judicaelle, Ferretti Federico, Fossier Gilles, Ince Anthony, Lamarche Karine, Berdjouh
Majid, Maestripieri Nicolas, Malaterre Nathalie, Maraud Simon, Massé Pauline, Matuzesky Guillaume, Minder
Patrick, Palome Manue, Pélenc Jérôme, Pelletier Philippe, Springer Simon, Poirrier Suzie, Tillous Marion,
Tomassi Isabella, White Richard, Zanetti Thomas.
Research Interests:
Cher.e.s collègues, Vous trouverez ci-joint un appel à communication pour la 2ème CIGAL, Conférence Internationale de Géographie Anarchiste et Libertaire qui aura lieu du 12 au 16 juin 2019 à Rabastens dans le Tarn (France) sur le thème... more
Cher.e.s collègues,

Vous trouverez ci-joint un appel à communication pour la 2ème CIGAL, Conférence Internationale de Géographie Anarchiste et Libertaire qui aura lieu du 12 au 16 juin 2019 à Rabastens dans le Tarn (France) sur le thème de le thème "Se réapproprier le territoire, lutter contre les dominations". Nous vous invitons à diffuser l'information très largement.

Les propositions sont attendues pour le 21 décembre 2018.

Dans l'attente de vos propositions, nous vous souhaitons une belle journée à toutes et à tous.
Le comité scientifique

Barrera Gerónimo, Baudoin Julien, Bénos Rémi, Blot Frédérique, Cantagrel Cécile, Cecillon Martine, Courcelle
Thibault, Diegx, Dietrich Judicaelle, Ferretti Federico, Fossier Gilles, Ince Anthony, Lamarche Karine, Berdjouh
Majid, Maestripieri Nicolas, Malaterre Nathalie, Maraud Simon, Massé Pauline, Matuzesky Guillaume, Minder
Patrick, Palome Manue, Pélenc Jérôme, Pelletier Philippe, Springer Simon, Poirrier Suzie, Tillous Marion,
Tomassi Isabella, White Richard, Zanetti Thomas.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
International audienc
Post-earthquake cordons have been used after seismic events around the world. However, there is limited understanding of cordons and how contextual information such as geography, sociocultural characteristics, economy, and institutional... more
Post-earthquake cordons have been used after seismic events around the world. However, there is limited understanding of cordons and how contextual information such as geography, sociocultural characteristics, economy, and institutional and governance structures affects decisions and operational procedures, including aspects related to spatial and temporal attributes of cordon establishment. This research aims to fill the gap in cordon knowledge through a qualitative comparative case study of two cities: Christchurch, New Zealand (Mw 6.2 earthquake, February 2011) and L’Aquila, Italy (Mw 6.3 earthquake, 2009). Both cities suffered comprehensive damage to their city centers and had cordons established for extended periods of time. Data collection was done through purposive and snowball sampling whereby 23 key informants were interviewed in total. Research participants held expert knowledge in their roles and responsibilities, that is, council members, emergency managers, politicians,...
Post-earthquake cordons have been used after seismic events around the world. However, there is limited understanding of cordons and how contextual information such as geography, sociocultural characteristics, economy, institutional and... more
Post-earthquake cordons have been used after seismic events around the world. However, there is limited understanding of cordons and how contextual information such as geography, sociocultural characteristics, economy, institutional and governance structures affect decisions and operational procedures, including aspects related to spatial and temporal attributes of cordon establishment. This research aims to fill the gap in cordon knowledge through a qualitative comparative case study of two cities: Christchurch, New Zealand (Mw 6.2 earthquake, February 2011) and L'Aquila, Italy (Mw 6.3 earthquake, 2009). Both cities suffered comprehensive damage to their city centres and had cordons established for extended periods of time. Data collection was done through purposive and snowball sampling whereby 23 key informants were interviewed in total. Research participants held expert knowledge in their roles and responsibilities i.e., council members, emergency managers, politicians, business/insurance representatives, academics, and police. Results illustrate that, cordons were primarily established to ensure safety of people and to maintain security. The extent and duration of the cordons were affected by the recovery approaches taken in respective cities i.e., in Christchurch demolition was widely undertaken which supported recovery and allowed for faster removal of cordons. In contrast, authorities in L'Aquila placed high value on heritage buildings which led to recovery strategy based on preserving and restoring most of the buildings which extended the duration of cordon. Extended cordons have many similarities but evolve overtime. This evolution of cordons is affected by site specific needs, thus, cordons should be understood and planned based on contextual realities.
Au tournant des annees 2000, apres avoir mis en avant le concept de vulnerabilite, issue de la politisation des etudes sur les risques et les catastrophes pendant les annees 1970, la gestion des risques s’est enrichie d’une nouvelle... more
Au tournant des annees 2000, apres avoir mis en avant le concept de vulnerabilite, issue de la politisation des etudes sur les risques et les catastrophes pendant les annees 1970, la gestion des risques s’est enrichie d’une nouvelle notion, celle de resilience. Celle-ci a permis de renouveler la maniere de concevoir la relation entre la societe urbaine et les risques (naturels ou technologiques) dans un contexte de changement climatique, de forte incertitude et de multiplication des catastrop...
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015−2030’s (SFDRR) framing moved away from disaster risk as a natural phenomenon to the examination of the inequality and injustice at the root of human vulnerability to hazards and... more
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015−2030’s (SFDRR) framing moved away from disaster risk as a natural phenomenon to the examination of the inequality and injustice at the root of human vulnerability to hazards and disasters. Yet, its achievements have not seriously challenged the long-established capitalist systems of oppression that hinder the development leading to disaster risk creation. This article is an exploratory mapping exercise of and a collective reflection on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and SFDRR indicators—and their use in measuring progress towards disaster risk reduction (DRR). We highlight that despite the rhetoric of vulnerability, the measurement of progress towards DRR remains event/hazard-centric. We argue that the measurement of disaster risk could be greatly enhanced by the integration of development data in future iterations of global DRR frameworks for action.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to aim at exploring the relationship between community building and the changes occurred in the context of a post-disaster self-built ecovillage (EcoVillaggio Autocostruito (EVA)), spontaneously born... more
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to aim at exploring the relationship between community building and the changes occurred in the context of a post-disaster self-built ecovillage (EcoVillaggio Autocostruito (EVA)), spontaneously born after the L’Aquila earthquake in 2009. The community eventually dissolved in 2014, following a series of changes in the organization, that resulted in an increasingly centralized decision-making process, and in individual and community relationships, that were fueled by conflicts and contrasts. Design/methodology/approach Through a self-ethnography method, the paper provides the insider perspective of the lead author who was a part of EVA since the beginning. Self-ethnography allowed developing a narrative of EVA across its life course. Findings Findings reveal that the community into EVA was initially pursuing community-building goals through self-construction, sustainability, mutuality and reciprocity relationships out of market. However, several e...
La lutte environnementale consiste en un mouvement de la part d'un groupe de personnes, constituées ou non en collectif, associations, ONG ou autres, qui se mobilisent à travers divers répertoires d'action afin de défendre la manière dont... more
La lutte environnementale consiste en un mouvement de la part d'un groupe de personnes, constituées ou non en collectif, associations, ONG ou autres, qui se mobilisent à travers divers répertoires d'action afin de défendre la manière dont ils valorisent les milieux et/ou en réaction à des aménagements qui les modifient. L'environnement constitue la pierre angulaire de ces luttes, son horizon et/ou une ressource pour l'action.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to aim at exploring the relationship between community building and the changes occurred in the context of a post-disaster self-built ecovillage (EcoVillaggio Autocostruito (EVA)),... more

    The purpose of this paper is to aim at exploring the relationship between community building and the changes occurred in the context of a post-disaster self-built ecovillage (EcoVillaggio Autocostruito (EVA)), spontaneously born after the L’Aquila earthquake in 2009. The community eventually dissolved in 2014, following a series of changes in the organization, that resulted in an increasingly centralized decision-making process, and in individual and community relationships, that were fueled by conflicts and contrasts.

    Through a self-ethnography method, the paper provides the insider perspective of the lead author who was a part of EVA since the beginning. Self-ethnography allowed developing a narrative of EVA across its life course.

    Findings reveal that the community into EVA was initially pursuing community-building goals through self-construction, sustainability, mutuality and reciprocity relationships out of market. However, several events occurred and changed community goals, organization and decision making. Eventually, individual goals and vertical decision making emerged among the community members, leading to the death of EVA.
    Research limitations/implications

    The paper just considered those main events that marked the collective and individual life of the lead author since the beginning until the end of the ecovillage. Others events, equally important, were not considered due to word length. In addition, self-ethnography is still considered by some authors as a subjective method.

    The paper is one of the few exploring community experiences into post-disaster ecovillages. Moreover, there are no papers investigating post-disaster ecovillages through a self-ethnography approach. Therefore, the paper offers an innovative and original perspective on the under-investigated topic of post-disaster ecovillages and employs a promising research method in disaster studies.
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit for more information. About Emerald Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The company manages a portfolio of more than 290 journals and over 2,350 books and book series volumes, as well as providing an extensive range of online products and additional customer resources and services. Emerald is both COUNTER 4 and TRANSFER compliant. The organization is a partner of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also works with Portico and the LOCKSS initiative for digital archive preservation.
Il 6 aprile 2019 è stato il decimo anniversario del terremoto dell’Aquila, punto di partenza di una rete formale e informale di pratiche e riflessioni che ha portato alla nascita del nostro spazio Sismografie e ad un rinnovato interesse... more
Il 6 aprile 2019 è stato il decimo anniversario del terremoto dell’Aquila, punto di partenza di una rete formale e informale di pratiche e riflessioni che ha portato alla nascita del nostro spazio Sismografie e ad un rinnovato interesse delle scienze sociali italiane ai Risk e Disaster Studies. Come curatori di questo spazio di dialogo all’interno del Lavoro Culturale, abbiamo scelto di intervistare chi, da vari punti di vista, ha analizzato il post-disastro all’Aquila (che continua). Non abbiamo chiesto di proporre soluzioni, ma riflessioni da angolature probabilmente poco battute nell’inevitabile flusso mediatico di queste settimane, persistenze della messa in scena di una Via Crucis emergenziale ormai assurta a caso studio internazionale. Ridare voce a ricercatori e ricercatrici e ad aquilane ed aquilani ci sembra possa continuare il lavoro di straforo che da otto anni e quasi 90 articoli intessiamo per proporre una visione differenziale sullo studio e la gestione del rischio e dei disastri nel nostro Paese. Dopo la prima intervista a Lina Maria Calandra e la seconda a David Alexander intervistiamo Isabella Tomassi, dottoranda in geografia, urbanistica e pianificazione all’Université de Lyon 2 (UMR Triangle, ENS/Lyon), a lungo occupatasi delle questione aquilana dapprima come attivista nel Comitato 3e32, poi come abitante dell’esperienza autonoma di EVA, l’EcoVillaggio Autocostruito di Pescomaggiore (di cui parleremo in questa intervista), e ora come studiosa.
Research Interests:
QUESTO NON è UN FORMAT prologo La diversità del territorio aquilano è subito impressionante. Chiunque prenda il tempo di viaggiare attraverso le numerosissime stradine tortuose che costeggiano i pendii, che s’inerpicano sugli altipiani... more


La diversità del territorio aquilano è subito impressionante. Chiunque prenda il tempo di viaggiare attraverso le numerosissime stradine tortuose che costeggiano i pendii, che s’inerpicano sugli altipiani e che poi scendono a picco lungo le vallate si accorge della complessità dei climi e delle terre che gli uomini hanno imparato ad abitare nei secoli e delle altrettanto complessa rete di relazioni che, a causa e di conseguenza, si è intrecciata con il susseguirsi delle generazioni che si sono passate il testimone, attraverso la memoria, delle regole necessarie per sopravvivere su queste terre.
Peter Sloterdijk è uno degli intellettuali di massimo spicco del panorama tedesco contemporaneo che si è distinto anche a livello internazionale per aver portato il dibattito filosofico alla ribalta dell’attenzione mediatica a causa... more
Peter Sloterdijk è uno degli intellettuali di massimo spicco del panorama tedesco contemporaneo che si è distinto anche a livello internazionale per aver portato il dibattito filosofico alla ribalta dell’attenzione mediatica a causa dell’estremismo delle sue posizioni anti accademiche e polemiche rispetto al diffuso conformismo del pensiero critico degli ultimi anni. Le sue forti dichiarazioni lo ha portato al centro di una visibilità che spesso fornisce argomentazioni a autorevoli detrattori.  Oltre a essere ordinario d’estetica alla Wiener Akademie der Bildenden Künste e rettore alla Karlsruher Hochschule für Gestaltung, oltre ad essere un autore molto prolifico che da almeno due decadi fa uscire qualcosa come due libri all’anno, Sloterdijk è onnipresente sulla scena mediatica tedesca come ospite di programmi televisivi e radiofonici.
Research Interests:
This chapter is published within the "Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics", Edited by Luigi Pellizzoni, Full Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University of Pisa, Emanuele Leonardi, Assistant Professor, Department of... more
This chapter is published within the "Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics", Edited by Luigi Pellizzoni, Full Professor, Department of Political Sciences, University of Pisa, Emanuele Leonardi, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna and Viviana Asara, Assistant Professor, Department of Human Studies, University of Ferrara, Italy
La gente non sapeva neppure dove fosse L’Aquila. Da lì è
iniziato il racconto che ancora non si arresta.
Come non occuparsi della questione dei beni comuni? Del bene comune? Siamo obbligati a farlo, è diventata una questione reale di sopravvivenza materiale e sociale del genere umano. Per occuparsene è necessario restituire la complessità... more
Come non occuparsi della questione dei beni comuni? Del bene comune? Siamo obbligati a farlo, è diventata una questione reale di sopravvivenza materiale e sociale del genere umano.

Per occuparsene è necessario restituire la complessità alla realtà e riuscire, quindi, a vedere insieme il datum ambientale, formato da ecosistemi, sistemi idrogeologici, climi, geologia, botanica, zoologia, ecc… e gli aspetti sociali, come l’ecologia umana, il paesaggio agricolo, i costrutti culturali, che permettono un’autoriproduzione simbolica infinita di immagini, memorie, archivi, letture e riletture di testi di ogni genere e poi ancora icone, norme, logiche, giochi; si può dire con Donolo che “i beni comuni «naturali» si sono iperbolicamente moltiplicati nella dimensione dell’artificiale e del virtuale tramite innovazione, ibridazione, contagio, accumulazione, dispersione” [1].
Au tournant des années 2000, après avoir mis en avant le concept de vulnérabilité, issue de la politisation des études sur les risques et les catastrophes pendant les années 1970, la gestion des risques s’est enrichie d’une nouvelle... more
Au tournant des années 2000, après avoir mis en avant le concept de vulnérabilité, issue de la politisation des études sur les risques et les catastrophes pendant les années 1970, la gestion des risques s’est enrichie d’une nouvelle notion, celle de résilience. Celle-ci a permis de renouveler la manière de concevoir la relation entre la société urbaine et les risques (naturels ou technologiques) dans un contexte de changement climatique, de forte incertitude et de multiplication des catastrophes. Au moment où l’on croyait avoir maîtrisé les aléas naturels grâce à la technique, celle-ci révélait ses impensés et la fragilisation qui l’accompagne. Parfois vue comme le versant positif de la vulnérabilité, la
résilience est une notion intégratrice et d’acception assez large qui concerne non seulement les capacités d’un groupe social ou/et d’un territoire (ou, plus largement, d’un système socio-technique, écologique, etc.) à faire face à une catastrophe, mais aussi ses facultés à se relever de cette perturbation pour en faire une « opportunité ». Le traitement extensif de la résilience quant à sa portée dans les sciences humaines, comme dans les sciences cognitives et biologiques et l’ingénierie, et l’abondance de définitions et d’usages dans la littérature internationale ne laissent pas la notion à l’abri de la confusion quant à son origine et à ce qu’elle transmet véritablement (Kelman, 2018).
Today we bring you a very special episode that we recorded with the editors and some authors of a special issue of Disaster Prevention and Management Journal. The collection of papers commemorates the 10th anniversary of the l'Aquilla... more
Today we bring you a very special episode that we recorded with the editors and some authors of a special issue of Disaster Prevention and Management Journal. The collection of papers commemorates the 10th anniversary of the l'Aquilla earthquake, and drew a range of critical scholarly contributions. We are so pleased to bring you this discussion with 5 wonderful Italian disaster researchers about the work - Giuseppe Forino, Fabio Carnelli, Isabella Tomassi, Angelo Imperiale and Gianmaria Valent.
The ambitions of control, planning and predictability of urbanism would be questioned by the complexification of the urban and the fragmentation of its lifestyles, the weakening of the political speech and its expert justification, the... more
The ambitions of control, planning and predictability of urbanism would be questioned by the complexification of the urban and the fragmentation of its lifestyles, the weakening of the political speech and its expert justification, the ecological crises and their uncertainties.
Radix (Radical interpretation of disaster) Panel Discussion: Understanding Disaster Risk Creation, Facilitated by Terry Cannon, Featuring: Ksenia Chmutina, Anthony Oliver-Smith, Isabella Tomassi
This paper aims to propose a first analysis of the “smart key” reconstruction strategy affecting the city of L'Aquila after the 6 April 2009 earthquake. A series of not explicit key words are at the core of this project: opportunity,... more
This paper aims to propose a first analysis of the “smart key” reconstruction strategy affecting the city of L'Aquila after the 6 April 2009 earthquake. A series of not explicit key words are at the core of this project: opportunity, laboratory city, smartness, knowledge economy, participation. My discourse will start from the assumption that the new socio-professional category of "technicians", set up after the earthquake in key places of the reconstruction and public debate, is the bearer of the idea of "modernization as you wish”.