The Wayback Machine -

The OpenCycleMap global cycling map is based on data from the OpenStreetMap project. At low zoom levels it is intended for overviews of national cycling networks; at higher zoom levels it should help with planning which streets to cycle on, where you can park your bike and so on.

The map is updated every few days with the latest data from OpenStreetMap. News about OpenCycleMap can be found in the OpenStreetMap archives on my blog.


National Cycle Route
Regional Cycle Route
Local Cycle Network
Cycle Parking
Toucan Crossings
Other Crossings

Tagging Guide (for OSM Contributors)

The main guide for cycle routes lives at Cycle Routes on the OSM wiki. The following is a summary:

Concept Tags UK notes
National cycle network ncn_ref = "XX" or ncn = "yes" Sustrans' National Cycle Routes
Regional cycle network rcn_ref = "YY" or rcn = "yes" Sustrans' Regional cycle routes
Local cycle network lcn_ref = "ZZ" or lcn = "yes" Various, including London Cycle Network
Dedicated Cycleways highway = "cycleway"
Cycle Crossings crossing = "toucan" Toucan crossings
Other crossings crossing = "anything"

The tagging guide here is biased towards the UK definitions, but the map is fully international. Other countries have their own national, regional and local networks which use the same tags, but are decided on a country-by-country basis.




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