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Sohn Conference

About Sohn Conference

  • The Sohn Investment Conference, presented by CNBC, in New York on May 8, 2017, brings together the world’s savviest investors to share fresh insights and money-making ideas to benefit the Sohn Conference Foundation’s work to cure and treat pediatric cancer.

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  • Tweet: #sohn2017 or @SohnConf

Latest Special Reports

  • Unlock the keys to building a successful long-term financial plan: manage your money, grow your money, and protect it.

  • Watch investments

    Covering the full set of tools and strategies for long-term investors: How to take everyday market fluctuations in stride, and when to know it’s time to take action or protect against a major economic shifts.

  • Getting in the trenches, deconstructing portfolio options. Finding the best fit for client retirement plans and goals.