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La agresión es una conducta heredada y aprendida a través de siglos, ha sido necesaria para enfrentar determinadas situaciones; sin embargo, hay otros tipos de agresividad que son destructivos. En el presente se revisa desde la postura de... more
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      Albert BanduraPsicologíaImitación
As a significant stratum of film audiences, adolescents are often more susceptible to influence by film characters. Motivated by the question of what types of role models are presented to Iranian adolescents via the medium of cinema, we... more
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      Albert BanduraCinema StudiesCinema and Media Studies
Conceitos básicos sobre a teoria social cognitiva de Albert Bandura
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    • Albert Bandura
distopya klasiği olarak Otomatik Portakal, tecavüzün, hırsızlığın her çeşidiyle insanlara eziyet eden daha henüz 15 yaşında, küçük bir çetesi olan Alex ismindeki çocuğu anlatmaktadır. Kitapta yazar sırasıyla Alex'in yaptıklarından,... more
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      Anthony BurgessAlbert BanduraKitapotomatik portakal
The purpose of the research is to scrutinize learning opportunities, that is, preschool children’s opportunities of participation and possibilities of impacting the preschool activities within one Icelandic preschool whose practice is... more
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      Gender StudiesEarly Childhood EducationJurgen HabermasSelf-Efficacy
Bandura’s social cognitive theory is one of the most highly influential and widely celebrated theories in the field of social psychology. Thus, it is no surprise that its influence has extended into multiple fields, including... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaTelevision StudiesSelf-Efficacy
When the suicide of Kate Spade was followed by Anthony Bourdain in the same week, a radio show I listened to a while back popped into my head. The discussion surrounded “copycat” suicides and the manner in which the media reports suicide... more
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      HistoryPathologyPsychologySocial Psychology
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologyBehavioural Science
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      Social Learning TheorySocial CognitionAlbert Bandura
Se trata de un sencillo material en que se explica de forma didáctica los aspectos más resaltantes de las teorías de Jean Piaget y Albert Bandura.
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      Jean PiagetAlbert BanduraEducaciónPsicología
Al realizar este ensayo se busca explicar las ideas de Albert Bandura acerca de su teoría del Aprendizaje Social, la vigencia e impacto que esta teoría tiene en la educación de hoy en día. Asimismo, se señalará por qué es uno de los... more
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      PsychologyEducationAlbert Bandura
The Traits of Reciprocal Determinism in Helen Macdonald’s H Is for Hawk Justy Joseph* and B Padmanabhan** © 2019 IUP. All Rights Reserved. * Research Scholar, Department of English and Foreign Languages, Bharathiar University,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceBehavioral SciencesAnimal BehaviorAlbert Bandura
This book has been designed with up-to-date facts, tables, figures and charts for use by students of B.Ed., M.Ed. and M.A. (Education) of various Indian universities. The distinguishing features of this book are lucidity of language,... more
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      Educational PsychologyChild DevelopmentPersonality AssessmentAdolescent Development
Abstract Modeling, a learning approach that focuses on the observation of others, is not an approach exclusive to musical education. Since the beginning, instrument-playing skills have traditionally been acquired by observing and... more
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      MusicModelingAlbert BanduraInstrumental Learning
Bandura’s social cognitive theory is one of the most highly influential and widely celebrated theories in the field of social psychology. Thus, it is no surprise that its influence has extended into multiple fields, including... more
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      Media effectsSelf-EfficacySocial Cognitive TheoryAlbert Bandura
One of the most important developmental stages children progress through and one of which we sometimes take for granted, is learning to speak language. Children begin to speak not long after they are born and continue to develop this... more
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      PsychologyApplied PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive Science
This essay which is a requirement of PSYC 340 (Theories of Personality) course contains a comic character’s analysis of the personality considering Big Five and Social Cognitive Theory. The character is from Marvel animations that is Iron... more
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      Personality PsychologyThe big fiveTheories Of PersonalitySocial Cognitive Theory
A Teoria Social Cognitiva (TSC) é uma teoria da personalidade de grande importância na pesquisa e prática em psicologia ao redor do mundo. Devido à potencial utilidade de suas aplicações na resolução de problemas do país, o presente... more
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      Albert BanduraTeoría Social Cognitiva
Makalah teori perkembangan psikologi
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      PsychologyHuman Development TheoryAlbert BanduraB.F. Skinner
Los fenómenos de la comunicación invaden todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana, el acontecer contemporáneo es imposible de comprender sin la perspectiva de la comunicación, desde su más diversos ámbitos. En esta colección se reúnen... more
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      ICT in EducationICT for DevelopmentAlbert BanduraSmartphones
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      Jon ElsterTerror Management TheoryAlbert BanduraSocial identity theory
The aim of the present study was to investigate how basic moral sensitivity in bullying, moral disengagement in bullying and defender self-efficacy were related to different bystander behaviors in bullying. Therefore, we examined pathways... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyBehavioural ScienceCognitive Psychology
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    • Albert Bandura
pada 20 Maret 1904 di Susquehanna, Pennsylvania. Ia merefleksikan tahun-tahun awal kehidupannya sebagai suatu masa dalam lingkungan yang stabil, dimana belajar sangat dihargai dan disiplin sangat kuat. Skinner mendapat gelar BA-nya dalam... more
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      Albert BanduraPsikologi
Freud has always used his growing psychoanalytic understanding to address world events such as World War I as well as human psychology. The unbelievable death toll between 1914 to 1918 led Freud to attempt for the explanation and... more
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      Aggression (Psychology)Social Learning TheoryErich FrommAlbert Bandura
Durante 30 años, se ha estado enseñando inglés en las escuelas y los intitutos españoles; no obstante, nadie a conseguido aprender nada. Para aprender inglés el alumno de Primaria o de Secundaria debe acudir a una academia de idiomas o a... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesAlbert BanduraAusubel's Meaningful Reception Learning TheoryMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
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      Behavioral SciencesAlbert BanduraCarl Rogers
In questo lavoro di tesi è stata realizzata una ricerca empirica di tipo esplorativo avente l’obiettivo generale di indagare la presenza di determinanti individuali che possono promuovere, nelle persone che sono spettatrici di situazioni... more
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      ValuesMorality (Social Psychology)Prosocial BehaviorAlbert Bandura
Cognitive processes control one's behaviors through self-reinforcement or self-punishment and self-evaluation. The present study is designed to provide a deeper understanding on how one's self-formulated strategy for adapting in diverse... more
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      Social Learning TheorySelf-EfficacyTheories Of PersonalitySelf Regulation
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      Special EducationEducational ResearchSelf-EfficacyTeaching Self-Efficacy
In the field of learning and development, Bandura's name is prominent due to his Social Cognitive Theory. He states that there are four kinds of cognitive processes that enable learning to take place: attentional, retention,... more
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      Social PsychologySocial Learning TheorySocial Developmental PsychologySocial Cognitive Theory
The paper is the first presentation of A. Bandura’s concept of moral disengagement and its eight mechanisms made in the Russian language. Various examples of empirical research of this construct conducted in different countries for... more
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      Albert BanduraScale AdaptationMoral AgencyMoral Disengagement
Resumo: O presente artigo aborda conceitos da autorregulação da aprendizagem e levanta algumas pesquisas sobre aprendizagem musical elaboradas a partir desse construto teórico. Este trabalho é fruto de nossa pesquisa de mestrado em... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic PsychologyAlbert Bandura
The present study aimed to develop effective moral educational interventions based on social psychology by using stories of moral exemplars. We tested whether motivation to engage in voluntary service as a form of moral behavior was... more
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologyPositive PsychologySocial Psychology
Article from the paper given at the Birgitta Conference in Dartington 2015. It outlines ways in which devotional practices are transmitted from one charismatic figure like Birgitta of Sweden, first to her order, then to other mystics like... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistorySpiritualityMonastic Studies
O desenvolvimento da expertise instrumental demanda a mobilização de competências comportamentais, motivacionais, emocionais e cognitivas. Nessa direção, o constructo da autorregulação apresenta-se como uma alternativa às iniciativas... more
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      Music EducationPsychology of MusicMusic PsychologyMetacognition
La teoría de demandas y recursos laborales (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007) constituye en la actualidad un paradigma de gran importancia para explicar los procesos de motivación y salud ocupacional. En el presente estudio instrumental, se... more
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      Reliability (Measurement and Evaluation)Job SatisfactionSocial SupportWork and Organizational Psychology
In recent years there has been an increased interest in understanding the cultivation of effective pastoral ministry. While much has been written on the dynamics of short-tenure, less attention has been devoted to the dynamics of... more
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      TheologyTransformational LeadershipPastoral TheologyCommunity
School bullying is a complex social and relational phenomenon with severe consequences for those involved. Most children view bullying as wrong and recognize its harmful consequences; nevertheless, it continues to be a persistent problem... more
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      Social PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyMoral PsychologyAggression (Psychology)
This research had as a general goal to understand how musical learning occurs in a school band based on the musical learning strategies found in such a context. This study sought to broaden perspectives on music band beyond what happens... more
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic PsychologyAlbert Bandura
Saldaña, M. R. R., Del Prette, A., & Del Prette, Z. A. P. (2002). A importância da teoria da aprendizagem social na constituição da área do treinamento de habilidades sociais. In: Guilhardi, H. J., Madi, M. B. B., Queiroz, P. P., & Scoz,... more
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      Model-Driven DevelopmentModelingModeling and SimulationAlbert Bandura
A motivação do estudante é uma variável escolar sempre suscitada quando levamos em consideração o problema do sub-rendimento ou fracasso escolar. Diante do problema da desmotivação dos estudantes propusemos esta pesquisa que objetivou... more
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      Albert BanduraAprendizagemAutoeficáciaMotivação E Aprendizagem Escolar
Este estudo propõe um olhar diferenciado para a inserção das tecnologias digitais no campo educacional, afastando-se da perspectiva técnica e aproximando-se da percepção de artefatos culturais imersos nos hábitos, nos costumes e nas... more
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      Albert BanduraTICs aplicadas a la EducacionAutoeficáciaTecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC) na Educação
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    • Albert Bandura
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      LiteratureProblem solving (Education)PedagogyAlbert Bandura
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      PsychologyMusicMusic EducationMusicology
Observasi mengenai kegiatan pembelajaran pada TK UMP. Observasi dilakukan untuk melihat metode pembelajaran apa saja yang digunakan guru dalam TK UMP saat mengajar dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan teori belajar yang dikemukakan oleh para... more
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      Abraham MaslowAlbert BanduraB.F. SkinnerPsikologi