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      Organizational BehaviorImprovisationEnvironmental EducationOrganizational Change
Fundamental differences in philosophical outlook divide the more conservative and radical branches of the E-family. Yet the emergence of E-approaches to cognition, wherever they sit on the conservative-radical spectrum, represents an... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindEducational Technology
È veramente possibile comprendersi? Siamo in grado di coesistere con gli inviolabili spazi che ci separano? La psicologia cognitiva ha elaborato alcuni modelli che tentano di spiegare la comprensione dell’altro. Ma cosa accade se questo... more
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      Embodied CognitionPhenomenologyPhilosophy of LiteratureFolk Psychology
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyEmbodied Cognition
This paper asks about the ways in which embodimentoriented cognitive science contributes to our understanding of phenomenal consciousness. It is first argued that central work in the field of embodied cognitive science does not solve the... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of PsychologyEmbodied CognitionEmbodiment
Successful athletic performance requires precision in many respects. A batter stands behind home plate awaiting the arrival of a ball that is less than three inches in diameter and moving close to 100 mph. His goal is to hit it with a... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMirror NeuronsEmbodied CognitionEnactivism
Embodied accounts have offered a theoretical framework in which emotions are understood to be patterned embodied responses that are about core relational themes. Some authors argue that this intentionality should be understood in terms of... more
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      EmotionMental RepresentationEmbodied CognitionEnactivism
Despite the popularity that the embodied cognition thesis has gained in recent years, explicit memories of events personally experienced are still conceived as disembodied mental representations. It seems that we can consciously remember... more
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      SemioticsMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Embodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and Cognition
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      Situated CognitionEmbodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and CognitionExtended Mind
This book argues that thinking is bounded by neither the brain nor the skin of an organism. Cognitive systems function through integration of neural and bodily functions with the functions of representational vehicles. The integrationist... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyEvolutionary Psychology
This chapter examines the meaning-making functions of cinematic sound from the perspective of embodied cognition. Using embodied simulation theory (Gallese, 2005) as a unifying framework, and placing particular emphasis upon the affective... more
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      Film Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Sound
Thinking posthumanly – from a post-Enlightenment, critical, new materialist perspective – things, including concepts, become more permeable and topological – they leak and stretch. Freed from limiting notions of agency, things behave.... more
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      Philosophy of AgencySocial SciencesMental HealthPosthumanism
Puts 'Dialectic of Enlightenment' in an historical context and shows hows the concept of 'mimesis' prefigures more recent cognitive interest in the emotional foundations of human knowledge and human interaction. The paper builds bridges... more
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      Frankfurt School (Philosophy)Theodor AdornoEmbodied CognitionMax Horkheimer
In this paper, we compare two main paradigms of the examination of altered states of consciousness, and we propose a new horizon of interpretation. On the one hand, we review the complicated matters of psychedelics in the context of... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyTranspersonal PsychologyEmbodied Cognition
In phenomenology, normality is neither an objectively measurable average nor a mere historical or social construct. Rather than being understood from without, looked at from the outside of lived experiences, normality is approached from... more
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      AestheticsPerceptionNormative EthicsEmbodied Cognition
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)Existential Phenomenological PsychotherapyEmbodied Cognition
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      SociologyPsychologyEmbodied CognitionConstructivist Psychology
O objetivo do artigo é apresentar o conceito de jogo na obra de Hans-Georg Gadamer (2012) e suas relações com novos paradigmas da cognição sobretudo com o enacionismo (Varela, 1991). Procurarei por fim esboçar possíveis desdobramentos que... more
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      Embodied CognitionHans-Georg GadamerPerformance MusicalFilosofia cognitiva
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      ArtEmbodied CognitionDance
Purpose—The paper uses part of the distributed cognition literature to study how employees cope with organizational plasticity, in an attempt to identify the characteristics of cognitive plasticity. Design/methodology/approach—Evidence... more
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      Organizational BehaviorDistributed CognitionEmbodied CognitionManagerial & Organizational Cognition (Moc)
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      MarketingCognitive ScienceDistributed CognitionEmbodied Cognition
Overmann, K. A., & Coolidge, F. L. (2011). Numerosity, abstraction and the evolution of symbolic thinking (poster). In Proceedings of the 119th American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August 4–7, 2011. APA PsycEXTRA.
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      Embodied CognitionAbstractionNumerositySymbolic Thinking
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      CognitionEmbodied CognitionVisual perceptionSpeech perception
The notion of nonconceptual content in Dienes & Perner’s theory is examined. A subject may be in a state with nonconceptual content without having the concepts that would be used to describe the state. Nonconceptual content does not seem... more
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      Implicit learningExpertiseEmbodied CognitionImplicit cognition
According to theories of embodied cognition, language comprehenders simulate sensorimotor experiences to represent the meaning of what they read. Previous studies have shown that picture recognition is better if the object in the picture... more
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      Memory (Cognitive Psychology)Embodied CognitionGrounded Cognition
This article explores the theme of presence of the psychotherapist, a concept that has been of particular interest in humanistic and existential approaches. Presence was first associated with the humanistic attitudes of the practitioner... more
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      Embodied CognitionEmbodimentHumanistic-ExistentialHumanistic psychology
COGS 149: Music, Language, and Cognition (UC Merced, Fall 2021, Syllabus)
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceMusicMusicology
ABSTRACT An increasing understanding from various research fields shows that body-movement affects the way we perceive and evaluate ourselves and the environment, this raises new and challenging questions regarding embodiment in... more
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      Embodied CognitionEmbodied and Enactive CognitionData-Live Environments, Body-Movment Interactive Audio-Visuals
Emergence of a pantheon -- cognitive or otherwise Pantheons as patterns of cognitive N-foldness Pantheon dynamics in a globalized semi-secular civilization? Mathematical theology enabling the quest for a meta-pattern? Complex equations... more
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      Embodied CognitionPattern RecognitionBeliefsIntegral Equations
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      MusicAuditory PerceptionCognitionEmbodied Cognition
The article outlines a thesis that, from the cognitive point of view, natural numbers share common structure with the physical experiences encountered by students during their early childhood years. This common structure displays... more
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      MathematicsEducationPhilosophy Of MathematicsMathematics Education
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      Evolutionary BiologyNeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural Science
While the notion of the brain as a prediction machine has been extremely influential and productive in cognitive science, there are competing accounts of how best to model and understand the predictive capabilities of brains. One... more
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      Dynamical SystemsEmbodied CognitionPattern RecognitionSpeech perception
Les personnes avec un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) présentent plusieurs types de difficultés, notamment cognitives et socio-cognitives, suivant un développement particulier1, qui impactent fortement leurs chances de réussite, de... more
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      Embodied CognitionSocial CognitionExecutive Functions (Cognitive Neuroscience)Remediation
People make social inferences without intentions, awareness, or effort, i.e., spontaneously. We review recent findings on spontaneous social inferences (especially traits, goals, and causes) and closely related phenomena. We then describe... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive ScienceCognition
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      NarrativeEmbodied CognitionLanguage Culture and CommunicationScientific Research
АННОТАЦИЯ После начала активного развития новых технологий, изменяющих взаимодействие человека и медиа, в научной среде возрос интерес к теории воплощенного познания и перспективным возможностям, которые она в себе содержит. Сама природа... more
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      PsychologyMedia StudiesEmbodied Cognition
The future society may be and most likely 1. A society without human labor 2. A society of free activities and free time 3. A company dreamed of by Heinz von Foerster, Henri Atlan and Ilya Prigogine Part 1: Development issues of developed... more
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      GeneticsArtificial IntelligenceEpistemologySpatial cognition
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      DepressionEmbodied CognitionConceptual MetaphorCognitive Neuroscience
Viewpoints are a structural approach to both training and devising. Originating from the innovative, inventive and exploratory approach of Mary Overlie and the self-confessed scavenger approach of Anne Bogart, Viewpoints offers a... more
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      Embodied CognitionActor Training and Working PracticesPhysical TheatreVoice
Where does the self stop and the rest of the world begin? Clark and Chalmers already paved the way for an application of the extended mind theory to the problem of selfhood and identity, when in their seminal paper they asked ‘What,... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindLiteratureEmbodied Cognition
The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor argues that we need metaphors in order to express abstract concepts and complex experiences such as emotions. These metaphors related to emotions are reenactments of sensory-motor experiences. For... more
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      EmotionFilm StudiesEmbodied CognitionConceptual Metaphor Theory
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      Philosophy of MindComplexity TheoryEmbodied CognitionPhilosophy of Cognitive Science
Since the claim of this journal issue points out a potential relationship between the (theatrical) notion of “performance” and the notion of “semiotic practices”, rather than to the semiotic notion of “performance” as such, an intended... more
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      SemioticsCognitive SciencePerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
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      Adult EducationTransformative LearningEmbodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and Cognition
Find Marjorie Levinson's incisive description of the essay in Thinking Through Poetry: Field Reports on Romantic Lyric, Oxford University Press, 2018: 164-5.
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      PoetryEmbodied CognitionPoeticsPedagogy
Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650) is considered the founder of modern philosophy. Profoundly influenced by the new physics and astronomy of Kepler and Galileo, Descartes was a scientist and mathematician whose most long-lasting contributions... more
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      Embodied CognitionEmbodied Mind and CognitionKarl PopperDescartes
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      MusicEmbodied CognitionAugmented RealityFretlight Guitar