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RESUMO – Este artigo pretende discorrer acerca da importância não só de se conhecer a questão etimológica do termo imagem – de modo especial a partir da comparação tanto com os termos gregos correspondentes, eikón e eidolon, quanto do... more
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      Ancient HistoryWar StudiesImage AnalysisAlgerian war
This article aims to discuss the combination between word and image in the composition of sequential narratives; therefore, its theme is related to the reading and interdisciplinary concepts applied to comics. Comics language, which is... more
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      English LiteratureInterdisciplinarityShakespeareComics Studies
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– The imagery avalanche to which we are exposed daily renders us submissive to the power of the image, without the full awareness of such submission. The media takes advantage of this phenomenon to launch an infinity of information,... more
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      CommunicationTheodor AdornoMax HorkheimerTruth
This article proposes a new approach to reading texts from extemporaneous periods and, for this, it was necessary to create new terms that corresponded to this expectation: iconophotology and photographic poems. For contemporary readers... more
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      IconographyArt TheoryPhotographyLiterature