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Edición, traducción e introducción de JAMES O. YOUNG. Filosofía de la Música. Respuestas a Peter Kivy. Calanda, Logroño, 2017, 197 pp.
ISBN 9788494356865
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      Philosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)EstheticsEstética
Un’ intervista in sette domande ai musicologi Paolo Emilio Carapezza, Amalia Collisani e Heinz-Klaus Metzger; ai compositori Giovanni Damiani e Federico Incardona; all’organizzatore dei “Quaderni perugini di musica contemporanea” “,... more
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      Musical CompositionPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Contemporary Art MusicMusical time
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      MusicMusicologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
U radu se razmatraju stavovi koje američki estetičar Teodor Grejsik (Theodore Gracyk) izlaže u knjizi 'Listening to Popular Music' o načinu na koji popularna muzika može predstavljati simbol za određeni odnos čoveka prema društvu. U radu... more
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      AestheticsPopular Music StudiesPopular MusicPhilosophy of Music
The article presents the ideas of Pierre Schaeffer (1910–1995), especially the idea of sonic object, and discusses them in the context of philosophical and literary inspirations. The argument is based on Treatise on musical objects (1966)... more
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      Listening (Music)Philosophy of music (Philosophy)Pierre SchaefferMusique Concrète
In her article "Technology and music: ethical and moral issues", Fol focuses on three technological innovations that present moral-vs. ethical value conflicts causing massive changes to the music profession: 1) the ability to send money... more
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      MusicEthicsMusic TechnologyMusic Ethics
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      Cultural StudiesPolitical EconomyPhilosophySociology of Education
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic EducationMusic History
This is a collection of twenty-seven of Theodor Adorno's essays on music, some newly translated for this volume (twelve translated into English for the first time by Susan Gillespie). The essays are grouped into four sections, each... more
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      MusicTheodor AdornoCulturePhilosophy of Culture
Nasuprot aktuelnim studijama iz filozofije muzike, prema kojima je elektronska muzika izvršila potpunu reviziju tradicionalnih muzičkih pojmova, među kojima su i pojmovi kompozitora i interpretarora, u ovom radu izložiću tezu prema kojoj... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of MusicMusic AestheticsElectronic Music
Abstract In many traditional cultures there are sophisticated rituals which make possible the expression of the sacred through music and sound. These traditional rituals and sacred ceremonies have their own discipline, local control and... more
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      MythologyFriedrich NietzschePhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Richard Wagner
Review of Albrecht Wellmer, Versuch über Musik und Sprache, München 2009
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      Philosophy of MusicAdorno's Philosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
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      Philosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
Schumann's Kinderszenen are studied within the context of his pianistic output, of the culture of his time, of his literary inspirations and human relationships. The echo of Jean Paul's perspective on childhood is often found, together... more
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      MusicPhilosophySchumannPhilosophy of Music
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      PhilosophyPlatoTheodor AdornoPhilosophy of Music
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      Philosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Philosophy of Music, Music Aesthetics
The author proposes and defends the following five provisi that help define beauty in art: 1) Beauty is not essential for an artwork to be an artwork; 2) Beauty and aesthetics are not identical notions; 3) Taste does not define beauty; 4)... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPhilosophy of ArtPhilosophy of Music
Bob Dylan has spent a lifetime despising the nineteen-sixties - all the while being held up everywhere as its avatar. This comic tale of mistaken identity is the the story of his life. No matter what he says - let alone what he sings - it... more
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      Cultural StudiesAmerican StudiesMusicMusic Theory
In this article I argue that alternative music can change the world when it migrates from the realm of music to that of ideas. I take the example of My Chemical Romance, and I break down the claim that it changed the world of their fans... more
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      Philosophy of music (Philosophy)Popular Culture and PhilosophyPhilosophy and popular culture
I dive into Nietzsche's first book and try to understand his view on Greek dramatic tragedy and the role of music in the ancient art form. I also contrast his view with a Hegelian view of music. The role of the ancient Chorus is also... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheGreek Lyric PoetryPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)German Philosophy
Introductory paper in: Enzyklopädie Philosophie, ed. by Hans Jörg Sandkühler, Hamburg 2010
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      Philosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of MusicMusic AestheticsPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
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      OntologyAestheticsNew MediaDigital Media
This article deals with the philosophical idea of worldmaking pursued through techné, meaning the fusion of the technical means of artistic creation, theorizing, and analysis, but specifically occurring in a feedback loop involving... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionMusicMusical Composition
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      Vladimir JankélévitchPhilosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
Due to the 20th century mathematical and scientific developments of Georg Cantor, Max Karl Planck, Albert Einstein, and Werner Heisenberg, concepts once relegated to obscurity, such as irrationality, infinity, insolvability, and chaos,... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics
This paper reflects on various editions of Giuseppe Mazzini's Filosofia della Musica. It was read at the Conference The Renaissance of the Passions organized by the UCLA Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies - Friday, November 18, 2011
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      Modern Italian HistoryPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Giuseppe Mazzini
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Electroacoustic music occupies a curious position within the arts. On the one hand, it appears to be aligned with the plastic arts, such as painting and sculpture; composers often refer to the haptic, kinaesthetic and even proprioceptive... more
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      OntologySonic ArtPhilosophy of MusicOntology of Music
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      Philosophy of music (Philosophy)MusikwissenschaftPhilosophy of Music, Epistemology
Nel presente saggio, dedicato al fenomeno dell’improvvisazione, confluiscono alcuni motivi chiave della filosofia di Vladimir Jankélévitch, dal presque rien allo stato di verve al tema della morte. Il testo si concentra sugli esempi di... more
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      ImprovisationMusic AestheticsFranz LisztPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
The text presents three related claims. (1) Music as a topic of philosophy alters key philosophical concepts; (2) In spite of their vast cultural, historical and contextual differences, all forms of music share the effect of a... more
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      PhilosophyPsychology of MusicPhilosophies of Human NaturePhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
phenomenon and experience of listening, philosophical hermeneutics, the hermeneutics of education/transformative relationships, philosophy-music-education, philosophy of music, the hermeneutics of philosophy, education as a form of... more
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      PsychologyTeacher EducationTherapeutic RelationshipMindfulness
This article explores the ideological content of (political) folk songs in apartheid South Africa. The FAK Sangbundel (songbook) found its way into countless Afrikaner homes, churches, organisations and schools, and became unanimous with... more
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      Philosophy of MusicApartheidPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Folk songs
Phänomenologie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins, die von Edmund Husserl verarbeitet wurde, nimmt eine ehrenvolle Stelle in der philosophischen Literatur ein. Sie versucht die grosse Veränderlichkeit der Erlebnisse, die die Umwelt in uns... more
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      Music TheoryMusicologyPhilosophyAesthetics
Frédéric Bisson, Comment bâtir un monde. Le Gai Savoir de Gustav Mahler, Louvain-la-Neuve, Les Éditions Chromatika, 2011. (978-2-930517-32-2 ; 196 p. ; 17 €) Exercice spontané de métaphysique, la Troisième Symphonie de Gustav Mahler... more
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      MusicPhilosophyTheodor AdornoContemporary French Philosophy
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      SemioticsMusicMusical CompositionMusic Theory
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Alexander systematises the physiology of auditory perception by exploiting the concept of a change that takes no time at all to occur, thus avoiding a potential incoherence in Aristotle's own account which had identified the activity of... more
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      PhysiologyPsychologyMusicMusic Theory
The field of interactive music systems (IMSs), beginning in the 1980s, is still relatively young and fast moving. The field of music theory-analysis, during the same period (since 1980), has undergone a major transformation in terms of... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic TheoryMusicology
In the emergence of the practices of so-called 'experimental music' we will list some topoi that are central to understanding the evolution of these actions in the 20th and early 21st centuries: discursive language and its relationship... more
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      Experimental MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Philosophy of New Music20th and 21st-Century Music
Die Hauptfrage, die ich in diesem Aufsatz diskutieren will, lautet: Welcher ist der ästhetische Rahmen bzw. welche sind die ästhetisch-normativen Voraussetzungen für das richtige Verständnis und die richtige Evaluation von Jazz? Oder,... more
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      Nelson GoodmanPhilosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Musikwissenschaft
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      EducationPhilosophy of Mathematics EducationPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)H9story of music theory
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      AestheticsMusic AestheticsArtistic ResearchPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)
Musik mit Worten beschreiben heisst immer, so etwas wie eine Wunde schlagen, eine Kluft bilden. Dies rührt her aus einem Verlust, einem Verletzen: aus jenem Riss, der mit dem Über-Setzen zwischen einem vorweisenden und einem verweisenden... more
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      Nelson GoodmanPhilosophy of MusicPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)Philosophy of Musicology
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      OntologyPhilosophy of MusicElectroacoustic MusicElectronic Music
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      MusicMusical CompositionEthicsComposition (Music)
Denis Diderot’s Le Neveu de Rameau contains many intriguing passages that reference music and musical matters—from mimed performances and popular folk tunes to musical theories and broader aesthetic debates on the imitative functions of... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesMusic and LanguageEighteenth-Century literature
Tribute to Dr. José Vicente González Valle, Scientific Researcher, who was director of the Department of Musicology (Milá y Fontanals Institution) of the CSIC in Barcelona (1988-1998), as well as director of the editorial collection... more
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      MusicMusicologyBiographyPhilosophy of music (Philosophy)