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119 result(s) for 'author#Patricia Monteiro' within BMC

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  1. S1 Health literacy and health education in adolescence

    Authors: Catarina Cardoso Tomás, Emanuel Oliveira, D. Sousa, M. Uba-Chupel, G. Furtado, C. Rocha, A. Teixeira, P. Ferreira, Celeste Alves, Stefan Gisin, Elisabete Catarino, Nelma Carvalho, Tiago Coucelo, Luís Bonfim, Carina Silva, Débora Franco…
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2016 16(Suppl 3):200

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 16 Supplement 3

  2. WORKSHOP 4: Challenging clinical scenarios (CS01–CS06)

    Authors: S. Tolga Yavuz, Ozan Koc, Ali Gungor, Faysal Gok, Jessica Hawley, Christopher O’Brien, Matthew Thomas, Malcolm Brodlie, Louise Michaelis, Inês Mota, Ângela Gaspar, Susana Piedade, Graça Sampaio, José Geraldo Dias, Miguel Paiva, Mário Morais-Almeida…
    Citation: Clinical and Translational Allergy 2016 6(Suppl 1):42

    This article is part of a Supplement: Volume 6 Supplement 1

  3. Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide, is caused by loss of neurons and synapses in central nervous system. Several causes for neuronal death in AD have been introduced,...

    Authors: Mohammad Rafi Khezri, Mehdi Mohebalizadeh and Morteza Ghasemnejad-Berenji
    Citation: Cell Communication and Signaling 2023 21:60
  4. To evaluate the impact of type 1 diabetes (T1D) on family functioning and child-rearing practices from parents’ point of view, to assess parents’ health-related quality of life and to explore the relations bet...

    Authors: Fani Eta Korn Malerbi, Carlos Antonio Negrato and Marilia B Gomes
    Citation: Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2012 4:48