Privacy Policy

Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand how your personal data is collected, processed and stored when you use our website and/or online dashboard (“Greenbids”). 

When you use Greenbids and provide your personal data, the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data is the company Greenbids (“we”, “our”, “us”), a French simplified joint stock company registered with the Trade and Companies Registry of Paris under number 917 425 266 having its registered office at 229 rue Saint Honoré, 75001 Paris, France.

For what purposes and under which legal basis do we process your personal data? 

We process your personal data for the following purposes, and according to the following associated legal basis :  

  • When you contact us via our website to know more about our products and services, or to book a demo, we will process your personal data (including name, last name, email, information about your position and company) in order to contact you, in particular by email and/or by phone, and present Greenbids to you. The purpose for which we process your personal data is also to share to you our commercial offers. The processing of your personal data has here for legal basis our legitimate interest to contact you for commercial prospecting purposes.
  • When you make a request on our website to download available online resources, we will also process your personal data (including name, last name, email, information about your position and company) in order to send you an email to download the requested resource. The purpose for which we process your personal data here is also to share to you our commercial offers. The processing of your personal data has here for legal basis our legitimate interest to contact you for commercial prospecting purposes.
  • When you use our online dashboard, your personal data (username, password) will be processed to allow us to authenticate yourself and let you access to our online services. The processing of your personal data has here for legal basis the performance of the contract executed between your organization and us for the use of our online dashboard.
  • As part of the general administration of our online dashboard, we may also process your personal data order to communicate with you by email and provide you technical support as well as general notifications and updates. The processing of your personal data has also here for legal basis the performance of the contract executed between your organization and us for the use of our online dashboard.
  • Finally, we may collect information on how you navigate and use our online dashboard (analytics data) in order to protect, improve, and enhance our products and services. The processing of your analytics data has for legal basis our legitimate interest in improving our products and services.

Who will have access to your personal data? 

Your personal data will only be accessible by authorized persons within our company and for the purposes strictly necessary for their respective missions (in particular our sales service and technical support teams). 

In addition, we will share your personal information to the following third parties : 

  • Your personal data will be stored by our hosting provider. 
  • When collecting and processing your personal data, we may use various service providers which will have access to your personal data on our behalf to provide their services to us, notably our calendar booking service provider, our customer relationship manager software provider, our email provider and our data analytics provider. 

Some of the above service providers are located in the United States, a third country not recognized by the European Commission as having an adequate level of protection for personal data protection. However, we have taken care to ensure that these providers respect the confidentiality of your personal data and have entered with them with data processing agreements including the European Commission standard contractual clauses in order to frame the transfer of your personal data to these provider in the United States.

We rely on trusted service providers who will always access your personal data in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data. 

How will your data be hosted and for how long ?

Your personal data will be stored in the servers of our hosting provider, located in Europe.

We make sure to secure your personal data in an adequate and appropriate manner and have taken the necessary precautions to preserve and have our hosting provider preserve the security and confidentiality of your personal data and in particular to prevent any data from being compromised or communicated to unauthorized persons.  

Any security breach involving your personal data will be notified to you in strict compliance with applicable laws.  

Any personal data collected via our website will be kept for a maximum period of three years from the last time we had contact with you. 

Any personal data collected via the use of our online dashboard will be deleted within a maximum period of five years following the end of the applicable contractual relationship. 

Exercising your rights 

In accordance with European regulations on protection of personal data, you may exercise the following rights :

  • A right of access allowing you at any time to know whether or not your personal data is or is not processed by our company and when it is indeed processed, to have access to said personal data and to the information required by law concerning the way in which said data is processed, 
  • A right of correction allowing you, to request that any inaccuracies concerning your personal data be corrected as soon as possible, 
  • A right to deletion, allowing you to request as soon as possible that your personal data be deleted when (i) their retention is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected (ii) you have opposed to the processing and consequently wish to have them deleted (iii) the data have been unlawfully processed; (iv) the data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation,  
  • A right to limit the processing of your personal data (i) when you dispute the accuracy of the personal data collected for the time necessary to verify its accuracy, (ii) when following a processing established as non-compliant, you prefer the limitation of processing to the complete deletion of the data (iii) when the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing but is still necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights ; (iv) when you have opposed to the processing of your personal data and you want the processing to be limited for the time needed to verify whether the legitimate reason invoked is justified,
  • A right to portability allowing you to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, or to request that such personal data be transferred to another data controller, provided that this request for portability relates to personal data that you have directly provided and that concerns you and that this request for portability does not infringe the rights and freedoms of third parties,
  • The right to oppose to the processing of your personal data for reasons relating to your particular situation and the processing in question will then be terminated unless there are legitimate and compelling reasons justifying the continuation of the processing in accordance with applicable laws, 
  • The right to provide us instructions on what to do with your personal data after your death, 
  • If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you also have the right to withdraw from this consent at any time. 

These rights may be exercised by contacting us :
Complaints relating to the use of your personal data may, if necessary, also be addressed to any competent data protection supervisory authority.