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Pepperdine University

COVID-19 Information

Pepperdine University continues to update its pandemic response plan to reflect current COVID‑19 circumstances and prioritize the well-being of the University community. Pepperdine's guidelines align with those of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.


Pepperdine COVID-19 Protocols


  • Report positive COVID-19 cases on the University's START Form, participate in contract tracing, and complete the EXIT Form when leaving isolation.
  • Check your symptoms daily. Do not come to campus when sick.
  • COVID‑19 vaccinations are strongly recommended for all students and employees. International programs may require vaccinations and/or boosters based upon destination countries' unique requirements.
  • Face coverings are optional on all University campuses.
  • Antigen self-tests for Pepperdine community members are available for pickup.
    • Pickup Locations


students walking on campus



What to Do if You:

Test Positive for COVID‑19

  1. Complete the START Form.
  2. Isolate yourself from others to minimize the spread.
  3. Participate in the contact-tracing process. Contract tracers will contact you via phone, text, and email, address your questions, and provide further details on isolation, including where residential students should do so.
  4. Seek medical attention if needed.
  5. Complete the EXIT Form when leaving isolation.

Are a Close Contact

You are a close contact if you shared indoor airspace with an individual infected with COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more in a 24-hour period. University contact tracers will email you with detailed instructions if you have been identified as a close contact.

With Symptoms

  1. Stay home and do not come to campus.
  2. Consider getting tested for COVID-19 three to five days after your exposure.
  3. If you test positive, follow the instructions under What To Do If You Test Positive for COVID-19.
  4. If you test negative, seek medical treatment if needed and return to campus when well.

Without Symptoms

  1. Monitor your health.
  2. Though not required, consider getting tested for COVID-19 three to five days after your exposure.
  3. Though not required, consider wearing a mask indoors when around others for 10 days.



Recent University COVID-19 Cases



Why Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?


Illustrated image of doctor with a stethoscope around his neck

Vaccines have been recommended by California and the nation’s top medical experts.
By getting vaccinated, you can protect yourself and help protect your fellow Waves.

Illustrated heart with pulse indicator running through it

Vaccines are safe and highly effective.
All available vaccines in the US are authorized and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control to prevent COVID-19 illness.

Illustrated dollar sign with slash running through it

Vaccines are available at no cost.
Waves can get the vaccine for free no matter where they receive it.



Higher Education Emergency Relief Funding (HEERF) at Pepperdine

Pepperdine stands ready to support students as they overcome interruptions this pandemic has had on their lives.

Students Walking on Dorm Road - Pepperdine University


University Resources

Pepperdine students, faculty, and staff benefit from a community of care and compassion. During these times, please remember the following resources available to you:


Student Health Center
310.506.4316, option 3

Student Care Team

Counseling Center

Employee Assistance Program

Hub for Spiritual Life/Pastoral Care

Office of Student Accessibility

Office of Emergency Services

Public Safety Dispatch
310.506.4441 (Emergency)
310.506.4442 (Non-emergency)



Additional Public Health Resources


LA County Public Health logo

California Department of Pulic Health logo

CDC logo

World Heath Organization logo