
In the ashes of defeat

We may never understand what happened

But a spark of life remains.

A flicker of resilience

In the midst of pain.

From the depths of broken dreams

A stronger self will rise

We need to simply Trust His Will.

With wings of newfound courage

Reaching for the deep blue skies.

For in the heart of every trial

A lesson is always to be learned

For each and everyone in their life

For allowing things to happen.

In the journey of Recovery

Our strength and perseverance are truly earned

Happiness and Joy are found in everything We see.………

Emotional Intelligence……….

A car ahead was moving like a turtle and not giving Adam way inspite of his continuous honking.  Adam was on the brink of losing his cool when he noticed the small sticker on the car’s rear.  It was written “Physically Challenged, please be patient.” And that changed everything for Adam.

He immediately went calm and slowed down.  In fact, he got a little protective of the car and the driver.  Adam reached home a few minutes late, but it was okay for him and then it struck him, “would he have been patient if there was no sticker? Why do we need stickers to be patient with people?” He again pondered and said to himself, “will we be more patient and kinder with others if people had labels pasted on their foreheads.  Labels like, “lost my job,” “Fighting cancer,” “Going thru a bad divorce”, “Suffering emotional abuse”, “Lost a loved one”, “feeling worthless”, “Financially broken”, and many more like these”.

Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.  The least we can do is to be patient, kind and compassionate.  Let us respect the Invisible Labels knowing that each is carrying multiples ones with them.

That is why they say “Walk gently into others lives, care and give love to whomsoever you meet in your life because all wounds are not always visible.”  Life is an Endless Process of Self Discovery. A person who’s happy will always make others happy too.

Profound Proverbs:

Sharing top 10 profound proverbs from around the world to make you smarter while you relax and read them:

A Swedish Proverb:

“The pillow is the best advisor”

Meaning:  Sleep over a problem and see how you feel in the morning.

A Kenyan Proverb:

“when elephants fight, it is the grass that gets hurt.”

Meaning:  Fights of the powerful hurt only the little and innocent guys.

An ancient Roman proverb:

“Hunger is the best sauce.”

Meaning: Everything tastes better when you are hungry.

A Japanese Proverb:

“A frog in a well does not know the great sea.”

Meaning: There is more going on than you know. Try and see the big picture.

A Turkish Proverb:

“If the world flooded, it would not matter to the duck.”

Meaning: Things that are bad for you, aren’t always bad for others.

A Filipino Proverb:

“Leave it to the batman.”

Meaning: Some problems require superheroes to solve.

A Russian Proverb:

“To live with the wolves, you have to howl like a wolf.”

Meaning: In dangerous situations try and learn to blend in.

A French Proverb:

“A hungry stomach has no ears.”

Meaning: You can’t concentrate without food in your tummy.

A Kenyan Proverb:

“Slippery ground does not recognize a King.”

Meaning:  Even the most powerful people are just humans deep down.

A Gaelic Proverb:

“A cat in gloves catches no mice.”

Meaning: Being careful and polite does not always get things done.

Motivational Life……………

  • Listen to silence.  Sit in silence. Silent is He who speaks few words in his silence.  It has so much to say.  Silence is golden.
  • A finger that wipes away your tears during hard times is greater than the thousand hands that clapped for your success. Trust the process, knowing that every challenge you face is shaping you into the person you are meant to become.
  • A negative mind will find fault in everything and a positive mind will find opportunity in everything. Every positive thought is a silent prayer that will change your life.
  • Someone asked me, “Who hurt you the most?” I replied, “My own Expectations”.  Learn to accept things the way they are.
  • Ego is not important in life but self-respect is the most important in life. Spend more time with Yourself, you will love who you are.
  • When you get what you want, that’s God’s direction, when you do not get what you want, that is God’s protection. Trust and have utmost faith in Him who is by your side.
  • You always get what you believe in, so never stop believing in good things. Let your Faith be bigger than your fears.
  • Life is a beautiful gift, never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in.  Live your life in a pleasant and cheerful way and forget your age.
  • Happiness comes from What we do. Fulfillment comes from Why we do it. Feel free and do what makes your Soul Shine.……..

Be Wise……….

You are wise if you learn

From your past mistakes

And see that you do not do it again

You are wise if you know

Your own weaknesses

You are wise to always know

You have got faithful friends

Who will be there in your good as well bad days

You are wisest if you do not waste

Your happiness on things you can’t control

At the end of the day, accept

The blessings that come your way

Be wise and make proper decisions in life

As Life will always be filled with challenges

Make a deliberate effort to find good opportunities

Let your positive mindset propel you to Be Wise

Be Grateful for what you have in your life

You are wise when you

Count your blessings and say thanks………….


These beautiful lines are by Robert Drake.


I wish I was a Baby for a while…..

Not to be walked in the pram

But to see my Mother’s smile


I wish I could go back to school…..

Not to become a child but to spend more time

With those friends, I never met after school


I wish my kids were younger….

Not because they grew fast

But to play with them a bit more


I feel I still had some more time to live…..

Not to have a longer life but to know

What I could have given to others


I wish I was a fresher at my work….

Not to do less work but to recall

The joy of the first pay cheque

Since the times that are gone can never come back,

Let’s enjoy the moments as we live them from now on,

To the fullest.

Let’s celebrate our remaining life- Every moment & Every day.

Poem of Life…………..

Life is but a stopping place

A beautiful pause in what’s to be

A resting place along the road

To sweet eternity evermore

We all have different journeys

Different paths along the way

We all were meant to learn somethings

That this poem of life offered to us

But never meant to stay here permanently

Our destination is a place

Far greater than we know

For some the journey is quicker

For some the journey is slow

And when the journey finally ends

We all will claim a great reward

And find an everlasting peace

Together with our Beloved………………………

Life is short………..

  • Life is short. Make it sweet and beautiful. Spend it with people who make you laugh and feel loved.  Happiness is only real when shared with others.
  • Health and good friends are two things that becomes more valuable the older we get.
  • Friendship needs no promises, no demands and no expectations it just needs sincerity and trust.
  • For one-minute walk outside, stand in silence, look up at the blue sky and contemplate how amazing life is. Take chances and believe in yourself.
  • Sometimes talking with a friend is the only therapy you need. An honest friend is a precious gift.
  • Every smile, every loving word, every kind act, every sweet hug is a reflection of the beauty of your Soul. Be with someone who always wants to know how your day was, how loved you are.
  • Happy is that person who knows what to remember of the past, what to enjoy in the present and what to plan for the future as life is too short to worry over anything.
  • Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present moment.  Let’s make the most of every moment and spread joy wherever we go.

The Mystical Lover……….

My love for you

Has driven me insane

I wander aimlessly

From flower to flower

Roaming the forests green

Running alone on the beach

My old self a stranger to me

Because of your mystical love

I have broken with my past

My longing is only for you

Keeps me in this beautiful moment

My inner most passion gives me courage

To move forward, searching for you

I look for you in my deepest being

I used to read the myths of love

They tore me in pieces

Oh! My beloved where are you

Now I have become the mystical lover……………

No Matter How…………..

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  • No matter how beautiful and handsome you are, just remember that even Baboons and Gorillas also attract tourists: Stop boasting.
  • No matter how tall or short you are, you can never see tomorrow. You have to wait and watch: Be patient.
  • No matter what I do, I still end up falling head over heels in love with you: Be Loving.
  • No matter how much emptiness is there in your life, happiness will always follow like a fountain of bliss: Be Happy
  • No matter how light skinned you are, you will always need light in darkness. Light is like a beacon of hope: Take Caution
  • No matter what people think of you, always keep singing your own beautiful song and be like a ruby shining bright: Be Cheerful
  • No matter how many mistakes in life we make, you will always need a Teacher who gives all his wisdom and never questions: Be Giving
  • No matter how much richness you have and own many cars of different makes, you will always walk to bed. Be contented, take life as tranquil and calm: Life is too short.

What a life we live.  If you think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it besides a dead body and you will realize that it is the grace of God that woke u up. If you are grateful to God, thank him at all times. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it to its fullest.