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Strawberry Pie

Reuben Sandwich

Pineapple Upside-Down Cake

Green Beans With Bacon

Giant Chocolate Filled Cookie

It’s Friday What’s For Dinner 05-31-24

Anyone that makes a homemade dinner is welcome to type the name of one recipe that you prepared, in the comments, then we can all scroll through the comments for recipe ideas. This will be a weekly Friday post and only recipes on the Friday posts will be allowed.  If someone wants your recipe and asks, there will be no pressure to […]

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A House Without A Kitchen

Welcome to my cooking table with a microwave, toaster, cutting board, induction cooktop, slow cooker and air fryer. Our other table has condiments, silverware, plates, bowls, well you get the picture. I will be very happy when my kitchen is finished being remodeled! Where do the cookbooks fit in? Today is my 65th birthday and at my age I buy […]

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It’s Friday What’s For Dinner 05-23-24

Anyone that makes a homemade dinner is welcome to type the name of one recipe that you prepared, in the comments, then we can all scroll through the comments for recipe ideas. This will be a weekly Friday post and only recipes on the Friday posts will be allowed.  If someone wants your recipe and asks, there will be no pressure to […]

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