
Lifestyle blogs, travel, living dreams and finding the purpose of life.

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You are UGLY.

Someone must have stumbled upon this sentence or been told, “You are ugly, you are unattractive.” Some must have judged you for being too fat, too skinny, your nose too big, or your hair too crazy. I can only assume this while I stand naked in front of the mirror looking at my contours and flaws, longing…

Sometimes we just need a break!

Close your eyes, break all the ties, In this depth, take a deep breath, Fill your chest, with all the zest, Just take your time, it ain’t a crime. With all this said are we still alright? Don’t you feel the urge to get out sometimes? Ever felt you’ve thrown all the coins in the…

Thank you to all who left me,

Thank you to all who left me,Your absence has left me no choice but to find my own way to grow as a person, which wouldn’t have been possible if you were there. Thank you for putting me into a situation wherein I thought I would never be able to do a thing alone, but…

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